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    (英语)中考英语试卷分类汇编英语动词的时态( 及答案 ) 及解析一、初中英语动词的时态1The dog _ several days ago. I felt very sorry for its _.A died; death【答案】 AB died; diedC death; diedD death ; death【解析】【详解】句意:这只狗几年前就死了,我为它的死感到难受。根据句意及根据可知第一个空出缺少谓语动词,又因为时间是过去,共过去时态。根据句意及结构可知第二个空是名词。die,动词, death, 名词,故选A。2Hong Kong _to China for 20 years. I _there for 2 weeks next year.A has returned; will stayC has been back; have stayed【答案】 BBhas been back; will stayD has returned; have stayed【解析】【详解】句意:香港回归中国已有20 年。明年我将在那里呆两周。考查动词时态辨析。for 20 years是一段时间,需和持续性动词连用;return返回,终止性动词,可排除AD 两项。next year明年,用于一般将来时,可排除C 项。根据句意结构和语境,可知选B。3- Will you go to America next month?-Yes. But I promise I will call you as soon as I _there.A get toBwill get toC will getD get【答案】 D【解析】【详解】句意: 下个月你将要去美国吗?是的。但是我保证我一到达那里,就给你打电话。 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。 there 是副词,前面不加介词, get there 到达那里。故选 D。4(题文) If you try hard, your dream will_.Yes, I_A come true; will C come true; do 【答案】 AB be truly; willD be true; do【解析】句意:-如果你努力,你的梦想将实现。-是的,我会的。根据题干-If you tryhard, your dream will_ Yes,l_可知从句是一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,所以 will 后面接动词原形 come true ,意为 " 实现 ";所以回答用 will 即如果你努力,你的梦想将实现。 -是的,我会的。故选 A5-Today s young people can t live without smart phones.-Their eyes are glued to the screen wherever they go, even while they_ meals.A haveBare havingC were havingDwill have【答案】 B【解析】【详解】句意: 今天的年轻人离不开智能手机。无论走到哪里,他们的眼睛都盯着屏幕,即使是在吃饭的时候。考查现在进行时。while 引导时间状语从句时,强调主句和从句的动作同时发生,从句中常用进行时态;根据Their eyes are glued to the screen wherever they go,even while 可知从句强调的动作是现在进行时态,即“他们在吃饭的时候,同时也在玩手机”;现在进行时的构成为:主语+be 动词( am/is/are ) +动词现在分词;本句主语是they ,所以 be 动词用 are, have meals 吃饭, have 的现在分词是having;故答案选B。6I saw Mr. While in his office just now.No, it _be him. He has _Beijing and will come back next Friday.A mustn t; gone toBmustn t; been toC can t ; been toD can t ; gone to【答案】 D【解析】句意:-我刚才在办公室看到了While先生。-不,不可能是他。他已经去了北京,并将于下周五回来。表达“不可能 ”的推测,用cant,不能与mustnt(禁止), have/has gone to为“到某地去 ”,说话时该人不在现场,have/has been to 意为 “曾经去过某地”,这里是说While 先生已经去北京了,还没回来,故选D。意7 Do you know _ a wonderful match and two basketball matches on July 15 th ? Yeah . I am going to watch them on that day.A there will beB there is going to havebeD is there going to beC there are going to【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意: 你知道7 月15 日会有一场精彩的比赛和两场篮球赛吗?是的。那天我要去看它们。考查there be结构。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,D 是疑问句语序,可排除。根据句意语境,本句用一般将来时。there be结构的一般将来时用there will be和there is goingto be ,表示最近要做的事,可排除B。根据就近原则,a wonderful match赛,需用there is going to be ,可排除C 项。综合以上,可知选A。一场精彩的比8Mum, where is my dictionary?Oh, I didn t see it, either. I m afraid you _ it.Aare losingB will loseC have lostD were losing【答案】C【解析】句意: 妈妈,我的字典在哪里? 哦,我也没有看到它,恐怕你把它弄丢了。 A. are losing 现在进行时态; B. will lose 一般将来时态; C. have lost 现在完成时态; D. were losing 过去进行时态。 lose 这一动词发生在过去,造成的结果是现在看不见了,属于完成的动作,要用现在完成时态来表达,故答案为C。9 What are you doing now, Kate? Ian email to my friend.A writeB am writingC wroteD have written【答案】 B【解析】句意: 凯特你在做什么? 我正在给我的朋友写电子邮件。考查现在进行时。根据 What are you doing now, Kate? 可知是问正在做什么,现在进行时态,所以回答也应用现在进行时,其构成为be+动词现在分词;主语是I,所以系动词be 用 am,write 的现在分词是 writing ,故答案选 B。10 My grandmadinner when I got home yesterday.A cooksB was cookingC is cookingDwill cook【答案】 B【解析】【详解】句意:昨天当我到家的时候,我的祖母正在做晚饭。根据when I got home yesterday.这里指的是昨天到家时,另一个动作正在发生,表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作,应该用过去进行时。其谓语动词的形式是:was/were doing ,故选 B。可知,11 Eric, can you bring me the scissors? Just a momentthepaper.I-cutting with it.A makeBmadeC am makingD has made【答案】C【解析】句意: Eric,你能给我带来剪刀吗?等一会儿。我正在用它做剪纸。根据Justa moment可知此处表示让对方等一会儿,应是正在使用这个剪刀,故用现在进行时bedoing,故选 C。12 More than one boy _ to play badminton with girls in our class.A choose B is choosing Care choosing D chooses 【答案】 D【解析】句意:不止一个男孩选择和我们班的女生打羽毛球。choose 动词,选择;ischoosing 正选择; are choosing 正选择; chooses 动词三单,选择。根据语义可知,本句使用一般现在时态。 more than one 表示 “不止一个 ”,后接单数名词,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用三单形式。故选: D。点睛 :注意 “主谓一致性 ”原则,判断主语的单复数含义,牢记“more than one+名词单数 ”“ one of 名+词复数 ”等类似短语的单数含义。13 Before OShea hosted the Joy FM program in Beijing. He_in Hongkong for ten years.A worksB has workedC had workedD would work【答案】 C【解析】句意: OShea 在北京主持Joy FM 节目前,他在香港工作了10 年了。根据Before OSheahosted the Joy FM program in Beijing 和 for ten years. 可知主句用过去完成时态;故选C14 _ you _ my watch? Yes, I _ it on the table just now.A Did , see , saw BDid , see , see C Have , seen, saw. DHave , seen, have seen 【答案】 C【解析】句意:你看见我的手表了吗?是的,我刚才在桌子上看到了。第一个空根据答语中的Yes, I _ it on the table just now. 可知事情已经发生了,强调对现在造成的影响,所以问句应用现在完成时,结构为:have/has+动词过去分词,主语是you,所以用have, see 的过去分词是seen;第二个空根据时间状语just now 刚“才 ”,它是表示过去的时间状语,是一般过去时的标志词,可以判断答语应用一般过去时,即谓语动词see 要用其过去式saw;结合选项,可知C 选项符合题意,故答案选C。15 You look unhappy. What s wrong?No one _ me when I was in America. Maybe they all forgot me.A phonedB phonesChas phonedD had phoned【答案】 A【解析】句意:-你看起来不开心,怎么了?-当我在美国的时候没有人给我打电话,可能他们都忘了我吧!题干有过去的时间状语when I was in America ,需要用一般过去时态用来描述过去的一个动作。故选A。16 -Could you tell me_ at the meeting? I didn-Sorry, I don t know, either.A what he saidB what did he sayC what he says t take part in it.D what does he say【答案】 A【解析】句意 “-你能告 我他在会 上 了什么 ?- 不起,我不知道”。根据 tell sb sth 可知,本 考 从句。 从句要用 述句 序,排除B 和 D,且根据I didn t take part in 可it知,用一般 去 ,故 A。17 - Did you have a discussion with him about the matter?- No. When I saw him, he_ his history project busily.A has prepared B prepares C was preparing D prepared 【答案】 C【解析】句意: 你和他关于那个 了 ? 没有。当我看 他 ,他正在忙碌地准 史 目。 When 引 的 状 从句,用一般 去 ,主句用 去 行 was/were doing ,故 C。18 The waterdark and dirty. It s no longer safe to drink.A becameB will becomeC has becomeD was becoming【答案】【解析】【分析】C考点:考 。【 解】 分析:句意:水 得又 又黑,已 不能 安全 用了。根据It s no longer safe todrink. 可知, 在 来的 果是不能 用了,所以用 在完成 ,表示 去的 作 在的影响,故 C。19 Mr Li left our school last month . Hein our school for nine years since heA is ; cameB had been ; cameC was ; had comeD is ; has come【答案】 Bhere in 2000.【解析】 分析:句意:李先生上个月离开了我 学校。从他到 儿2000年到 儿开始,他在我 学校呆了9 年了。根据Mr Li left our school last month可知,本 用 去完成 。故 B。20 I don t know when _tomorrow. I will callyou as soon as he _.A will he come arrives heB will come arrives heC will come will arrive【答案】 B【解析】句意:我不知道他明天什么 候会来。他一来我就会 你打 的。前一个句子是 从句, 序 述句的 序,根据tomorrow判断, 一般将来 ,排除A;第二个句子为 as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,主句为一般将来时,时间状语从句为一般现在时,故选 B 。21 Mum _ the window in the kitchen when I got home.A cleansB will cleanC was cleaningD is cleaning【答案】 C【解析】句意:当我到家时,妈妈正在擦窗户。A. cleans 弄干净,用于一般现在时态,主语单三时;B. will clean 弄干净,用于一般将来时态;C. was cleaning cleans弄干净,用于过去进行时态,主语单三时;D. is cleaning弄干净,用于现在进行时态,主语单三时;根据 when I got home. 当我到家时,过去时态,所以主句用过去进行时态;故选C22 Dear, I have an important meeting tomorrow. It doesn t matter. If you _ go toe thmovie tomorrow, I _ my friend to go with me.A don t; will askBwon t; will askC don t; askD won t; ask【答案】 A【解析】试题分析 : 句意:亲爱的,明天我有个重要的会议。没关系,如果明天你不能去看电影,我就邀请我的朋友和我一起去。此题考查if 引导的条件状语从句,主句一般将来时,从句一般现在时;故选A。考点:考查动词时态。23 Theres little meat in the fridge. I _ some in the supermarket. B bought C will buy D have bought A buy【答案】C【解析】句意:冰箱里几乎没有肉了。我会在超市买一些。A. buy动词,买;B. bought过去式,买;C. will buy一般将来时结构,会买;D. have bought现在完成时态结构,已买。根据前一句可知,“买肉 ”这件事还未发生,所以使用一般将来时态,will+ 动词原形。故选: C。24 Sally _ reading the novel. She will return it in the afternoon. B finishes C has finished A finishD is finishing【答案】 C【解析】【详解】句意:莎莉已读完小说了。她下午还。A. finish动词原形;B. finishes 一般现在时态的第三人称单数形式;C. has finished现在完成时态的第三人称单数形式;D. is finishing现在进行时态的第三人称单数形式。根据下句She will return it in the afternoon.她下午还。可知,她已经读完了,故用现在完成时态,故选C。25 - Do you know _ this afternoon?- Im not sure, but Ill tell you as soon as she_.A how will Betty arrive; startsBhow Betty will arrive; will startC what time will Betty arrive; will startD what time Betty will arrive; starts【答案】 D【解析】试题分析:句意:-你知道贝蒂今天下午几点到吗吗?-我不知道,但她一出发我就尽快告诉你。在宾语从句中只能用陈述句语序,可根据表达需要选用动词时态。但在含有时间状语从句的主从复合句中要遵循主将从现的原则。所以选D。考点:考查从句中的动词时态。26 Someone _ at the door. Can you open it?A knocksBknockedC is knockingD was knocking【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:有人在敲门,你可以去开一下吗?knock敲, knock at the door是一个固定的短语,意思是敲门。根据句意和这个情景可知,现在有人正在敲门,故应该用现在进行时,故选C。 A 是一般现在时第三人称单数形式;B 是一般过去时;D 是过去进行时。考点:考查动词时态。27 Could you tell me _ yesterday?Because my bike was broken on my way here.A why you came lateBwhy do you come lateC why you come lateD why did you come late【答案】 A【解析】【详解】句意: 你能告诉我你昨天为什么迟到吗?因为我的自行车在来的路上坏了。考查宾语从句。英语宾语从句中一般用陈述语序,可知排除B 和 D。根据宾语从句时间状语 yesterday,可知宾语从句时态是一般过去时态。故选A。28 Where are your parents?Oh, they _ Shamei Village to enjoy the beautiful sights.A has gone toB have been toC have gone to【答案】 C【解析】【详解】句意: -你的父母在哪里?-哦,他 去了沙美村去享受美 的 景了。has gone to 去了某地, 没回来;have been to 去 某地,已 回来了;have gone to 去了某地, 没有回来。根据 中Where are ?可知, 里的意思是 “ 没有回来 ”,故排除 B 。句子的主 they 是复数,故 C。29 I didn t see you at the party yesterday. Why?Because I _ for an important person at that time.A was waitingB is waitingC will wait【答案】 A【解析】句意:昨天我在聚会上没有看 你。 什么?重要的人。根据at that time 可知此 用 去 行 ,故 因 在那 我正在等一个 was waiting ,故 A。30 Will Sally come here tomorrow? I don t know if she_ here tomorrow. If she _ here, I will tell you.A comes; comesB will come; comesC comes; will comeD will come; will come【答案】 B【解析】【 解】句意: -Sally 明天会到 儿来 ? -我不知道她明天是否来 儿,如果她来的 ,我会告 你的。 comes 来, 的第三人称 数形式; will come 将会来,一般将来 。根据句意可知,第一句 中 if 意 “是否 ”,引 从句,从句中表示将来的事情, 用一般将来 ;第二句 中 if 意 “如果 ”,引 条件状 从句,从句中用一般 在 ,主句用一般将来 ,故 B。


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