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    最新 完形填空和阅读理解易错大盘点(word)一、完形填空1完形填空When I had something difficult to do, I liked to ask my mother for1. But she alwayssaid, "Do ityourself, dear." I was nothappy about this atall. I thoughtshe was the2mother I had ever seen!For example, one day, I decided to3some friends to my home. My bedroom was not inorder. Books were4, and I didnt make the bed. I asked my mother to help me clean it,but she5said, "Do it yourself."Because of my "lazy mother", I had to6my clothes and clean my room. I had to help myparents do7. I even had to go to the doctor by myself. It was really difficult for me to do agood job, but I have8a lot.As time goes by, I start to understand my mother. She made9clever and hard-working.A10mother is worth 100 teachers! Do you think so?1.A. moneyB. helpC. time2.A. tallestB. happiestC. laziest3.A. leaveB. inviteC. visit4.A. everywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere5.A. neverB. sometimesC. still6.A. washB. moveC. buy7.A. jobB. homeworkC. housework8.A. learnedB. toldC. shown9.A. IB. mineC. me10. A. youngB. goodC. happy【答案】( 1)B;( 2)C;( 3) B;( 4) A;( 5)C;( 6) A;( 7) C;( 8) A;( 9)C;( 10)B;【解析】 【分析】大意:儿时认为最懒散的妈妈,随着时间的流逝,作者开始明白了自己的妈妈是最好的妈妈,是妈妈让自己变得聪明和勤劳。( 1)句意:我喜欢向我妈妈寻求帮助。寻求帮助, ask for help,寻求帮助,故选A.钱; B.帮助;B。C.时间。由于遇到难事,应想妈妈( 2)句意:我认为她是我曾经见到过的最懒的妈妈! A.最高的;根据 my "lazy mother", 可知,作者认为自己的妈妈懒,故选 C。B.最高兴的;C.最懒的。( 3)句意:例如,有一天,我决定邀请一些朋友来我家。A.离开; B.邀请;C.参观。 invitesb to sp,邀请某人去某地,固定搭配,故选B。( 4)句意:书到处都是。可知书应该是到处都是,用A.处处,到处;B.某地; C.无处,没有地方。由于卧室很杂乱,everywhere ,符合题意,故选A。( 5)句意:我叫我妈妈帮助我打扫,但是它仍然说,“你自己做。 ”A.从不;B.有时候;C.仍然。又一次让他自己做,用still,仍然,符合题意,故选C。( 6)句意:因为我的“懒 ”妈妈,我必须洗衣服打扫自己房间。A.洗; B.移动; C.买。根据my clothes and clean my room. 可知,得自己洗衣服,用wash 符合 意,故 A。( 7)句意:我必 帮助父母做家 。A.工作; B.作 ; C.家 。根据常 可知,帮助父母的所做的事 是家 ,故 C。( 8)句意: 我而言,做好一份工作真的很 ,但是我学会了很多。A.学 ; B.告 ; C. 示。由于很多事情都自己做,可知 从中学会了很多 西,故 A。( 9)句意:她使我 得 明勤 。A.我,主格; B.我的; C.我, 格。 make sb+形容 ,使怎么, make 后接人称代 格,故 C。( 10)句意:一个好 100 个老 。 A.年 的; B.好的; C.高 的。 里是表 ,可知用 good ,符合 意,故 B。【点 】考 完型填空,考 在篇章中的运用能力,答 首先跳 空格通 全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考 句型、 法、搭配、 境等因素,最后通 一遍 答案。2根据短文理解,从A、 B、 C、 D 四个 中 正确答案。Its natural that young people are often uncomfortable when theyre with their parents. Theysay that their parents dont1them. They often think that their parents are out of touchwith modern ways; that theyre strict with their children; and they2give their children afree hand. Its true that parents often find it3to get on well with their children. In fact,they seem to forget4they themselves felt when they were young. For example, youngpeople like to act on the spot(当 ) without5thinking. Its one of their ways to showthat theyve6and they can face any difficulties. Old people worry more easily. Most ofthem plan things ahead, at least in the back of their minds, and dont like their7to bebroken (打断) by something unexpected. Young people often8their parents angry attheir choices in clothes, in hobbies and in music. But they dont mean to cause any trouble. Theyjust dont want to be like anyone9. For many years, you will be completely under yourparents control. If you plan to10your life, youd better win your parents and try to getthem to understand you.11your parents see that you have a high sense ofresponsibility ( 任感) , they will certainly believe you, and you can do12you want todo.1.A. lieB. understandC. look afterD. love2.A. alwaysB. seldomC. oftenD. usually3.A. easyB. possibleC. interestingD. difficult4.A. howB. whatC. whoD. where5.A. a littleB. manyC. a bitD. much6.A. growing up B. grown upC. growing oldD. grown old7.A. healthB. plansC. childrenD. work8.A. causeB. makeC. thinkD. keep9.A. importantB. famousC. elseD. others10.A. controlB. saveC. improveD. kill11.A. IfB. AsC. AfterD. While12.A. allB. whichC. thatD. what【答案】( 1)B;( 2) B;( 3) D;( 4) A;( 5)D;( 6)B;( 7) B;( 8) B;( 9)C;( 10)A;( 11) A;( 12) D;【解析】 【分析】句意:他们说他们的父母不理解他们。lie vi 说谎; understand 理解,明白; look after 照顾; love 爱。根据上下文可知谈代沟问题,故选B。 句意:他们经常觉得父母跟不上现代的方式了,他们对孩子们要求太严,他们很少让孩子们自由行动。 always 总是; seldom很少,不常; often 经常; usually 通常,根据句意可知选 B。 句意:真的,父母经常发现很难与他们的孩子们相处融洽。easy 容易的; possible 可能的; interesting 有趣的; difficult 困难的。根据句意可知选D。 句意:实际上,他们好像忘记了他们年轻时候的感受。feel+adj构成系表结构,对形容词提问用 how,故选 A。 句意:例如,年轻人喜欢不加思考当场行动。a little一点; many 许多; a bit 一点;much 很多。 thinking 是抽象名词,为不可数,故选D。句意:这是一种表现他们已经长大可以面对任何困难的一种方式。have+过去分词,构成现在完成时态,故选 B。 句意:大部分(老人)事先计划事情,至少在心中计划。不喜欢他们的计划被意想不到的事情打断。health健康;plan计划;children孩子;work工作。根据前文可知选B。句意:年轻人经常在衣服的选择上让父母生气。cause 造成; make使,让;think认为;keep 保持。此处考查make+sb+形容词 结构。故选B。句意:他们不想像别人那样。anyone else 别人;故选C。句意:如果你打算控制你的生活,你最好赢得父母的心,尽量让他们理解你。control控制; save 救; improve 提高; kill 杀死。根据前一句可知选A。句意:如果你的父母看到你有高度责任感,他们当然会相信你。表示条件,故选A。句意:你可以做你想做的事情。宾语从句用what 引导, what 在从句中作宾语。all 虽然可知作先行词构成定语从句,但是此处用all 不符合逻辑。故选D。【点评】完型填空考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3根据短文理解, 从 A、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Many years ago there lived two brothers in London. They were both very rich. They had1ideas about money. They were quarrelling about what would happen if a poor fellow could2a million pound note (钞票) . One thought that anyone with such a note would have whateverhe wanted; the other thought that it would be3for him to get anything with the note.They couldnt agree with each other. So they4to make a bet (打赌) .It happened that a young man named Henry was wandering through the street that day, whohad come to Britain only by chance. Without home and job, he looked5and hungry.Suddenly he saw an apple6away by a child. The man was so hungry that he was thinkingof7it up to eat. Just as he was reaching out his hand, he heard a8calling him.He looked up and saw the two9. They gave him an envelope. They told him not to openit until tw o oclock. They said. Nothing10butin it.” Then they left.1.A. similarB. goodC. different2.A. getB. makeC. find3.A. ableB. impossibleC. easy4.A. decidedB. failedC. wished5.A. happyB. paleC. rich6.A. thrownB. leftC. picked7.A. eatingB. pickingC. looking8.A. noiseB. soundC. voice9.A. applesB. lettersC. gentlemen10. A. postcards B. moneyC. letters【答案】 ( 1)C;( 2) A;( 3) B;( 4) A;( 5) B;( 6) A;( 7) B;( 8) C;( 9)C;( 10)B;【解析】 【分析】本文是百万英镑的钞票的节选片段。句意:他们对钱有不同的看法。根据下文 quarrelling about what would happen 可知观点不同,故填 C。 句意:他们争论如果一个穷人能得到一张百万英镑的钞票会发生什么事。get 得到;make 制作; find 发现。故选A。 句意:另一个认为对他来说用那张钞票不可能买到任何东西。根据上文观点不同可知选B。句意:所以他们决定打赌。decide to do sth 决定做某事。fail todo 未能做到; wish 希望。故选A。句意:没有家和工作,他看起来苍白饥饿。与hungry 并列,故选B。句意:突然他看见一个男孩扔掉的苹果。throw away 扔掉;故选A。句意:那个人如此饿以至于他正考虑捡起来吃。pick up 捡起; eat up 吃光; look up 查找,故选B。 句意:正当他伸出手的时候,他听见一个声音叫他。noise 噪音; sound (泛指)声音;voice 嗓音。人说话的声音,故选C。句意:他抬头看见两个绅士.。根据前文可知此处指的是前文的兄弟二人,故选C。句意:没什么,里面就是点钱。postcard 明信片; money 钱; letter 信。故选B。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,做完型填空首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。4完形填空Language is humans greatest inventions. The ability to read and write is1to expressones feelings. Most humans can speak very well2they are about three years old. Buthow can we become a better reader? Here are some ways.Firsttake it slow. Many readers feel that they read tooslowly, especially compared3others. But the truth is that the faster you read,4you are to understand what yourereading. The best readers can slow down when needed. If you get to the5of a passageand realize you cant understand, please read it again. Learning to read6will help youbecome faster without missing anything.The second way is to read aloud. When humans first began7written words8was unusual to read in silence. Reading aloud is one of the best ways to improve your readingability. You may feel it9to read to your cat or to no one at all. But once you get into therhythm (节奏) of the authors voice, you will begin to read more accurately(精确地) andwith better vocal (有声的) expression.Feeling it is also a good way. Can you rememberthe first piece of writingthattake you to10world? Learning to enter into the lives of imagined stories is important to you. As you read,allow different ideas to11. Youll appreciate novels like fine wine.The12way is to write. Writing and reading go hand-in-hand: how and what you readinfluence how and what you write. And the best readers often make the best13. Thereare many pleasures to language14can only be experienced through the practice ofwriting.The last way is to tell your friends. There is15magical about sharing books with friendsor a book club. Its a good way to see theworldfromsomeoneelses eyes. Andyou canunderstand the story that youre reading better.1.A. importantB. difficultC. similarD. willing2.A. beforeB. whenC. sinceD. unless3.A. inB. onC. withD. of4.A. the betterB. the lessC. the moreD. the fewer5.A. firstB. beginningC. lastD. end6.A. quicklyB. loudlyC. easilyD. slowly7.A. copyingB. readingC. writingD. speaking8.A. itB. thatC. thisD. he9.A. sadB. sorryC. happyD. silly10. A. otherB. anotherC. the otherD. others11. A. come inB. come trueC. come onD. come out12. A. secondB. thirdC. fourthD. fifth13. A. writersB. teachersC. studentsD. artists14. A. whatB. whoC. thatD. where15. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing【答案】 ( 1) A;( 2)B;( 3) C;( 4) B;( 5) D;( 6) D;( 7) B;( 8)A;( 9)D;( 10) B;( 11)D;( 12)C;( 13) A;( 14) C;( 15) B;【解析】 【分析】本文介绍了读书的方法和乐趣。( 1)句意: 读写能力对于表达一个人的感情很重要。 A 重要的, B 困难的, C 相似的, D 乐意的,根据 Language is humans greatest inventions 语言是人类最大的发明可知是重要的,故选A。( 2)句意:大多数人三岁左右就能说得很好根据。根据they are about three years old可知是时间关系,表示同时,A 在 .之前,引导时间状语从句,B 当 .的时候,引导时间状语从句时态,C 自从,是现在完成时的标志,D 除非,引导条件状语从句,故选B。( 3)句意:许多读者觉得他们读得太慢,特别是与其他人相比。compare with ,固定搭配, .相比,故选C。( 4)句意:但事实是,你读得越快,你越不明白你在读什么。修饰understand不能用few ,根据The best readers can slow down when needed可知里理解的少,less是little的比较级,故选B。( 5)句意:如果你读到了一篇文章的结尾,意识到你不懂,请再读一遍。根据realizeyou cant understand, please read it again可知是读到尽头,the end of,固定搭配,.的尽头,故选D。( 6)句意:学着慢慢读会帮助你在不会遗漏任何东西的情况下更快。根据The bestreaders can slow down when needed考查强调慢,slowly ,故选D。( 7)句意:当人类第一次开始阅读书面文字时,默读是不寻常的。根据The second way isto read aloud.可知此处强调读,read,故选B。( 8)句意:当人类第一次开始阅读书面文字时,默读是不寻常的。it is+形容词 +to do,固定搭配,做某事很.,it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语,故选A。( 9)句意:你可能觉得给你的猫读书或是愚蠢的。A 难过的,B 遗憾的,C 开心的,D 愚蠢的,根据to read to your cat可知是愚蠢的,故选D。( 10)句意:你还记得第一篇带你去另一个世界的文章吗?A 其他的,B 另一个的,接名词单数,C 另一个,用于one.theother 句型, D 其他的,是复数,不接名词,根据world是名词单数,故选B。( 11)句意:当你阅读时,允许不同的想法出现。A 进来, B 实现,C 快的, D出现,根据 Learning to enter into the lives of imagined stories is important to you学习进入想象故事的生活对你很重要。可知是头脑中出现某种景象,故选D。( 12)句意:第四种方法是写作。根据顺序前三个方法分别是read slowly, read aloud ,Feeling it ,故这是第四个方法,fourth ,第四,故选( 13)句意:最好的读者往往是最好的作家。根据C。Writingand reading go hand-in-hand:how and what you read influence how and what you write 可知此处强调写的作业,故是作家, writers ,故选 A。( 14)句意:语言有许多只有通过写作才能体验到的乐趣。定语从句中缺少主语,先行词是 pleasures,故用 that 指代物,故选 C。( 15)句意: 与朋友或书友会分享书籍是很神奇的。肯定句用something ,故选 B。【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。5完形填空We usually choose clothes in fashion.Sometimes what we wear also1on our moodsand personalities(性格) .Some people show their feelings in the way they dress and2the colors they choose. Generally speaking, we like to dress in3colors when we are in agood mood.On the other hand,we dress inblack when someonethatis importantto us is4. Dressing in black is a way to show our sadness.But there are also some other reasons whysome people choose to wear black clothes.For5, some fat people think that wearingblack clothes can make them look thinner.Its the6that color can also show a personspersonality.7people usually like wearing light-colored clothes.Silent people like dressingin8colors. And we can choose black when we want to look elegant(优雅的) , becausethe black color gives people the impression that you are powerful, rich and9.In a word,color shows peoples moods, personalities, likes and10.So it is very important for us tofind out which color suits us fine.1.A. considersB. drivesC. pullsD. depends2.A. offB. byC. ofD. on3.A. heavyB. crazyC. lightD. dark4.A. deadB. aliveC. happyD. healthy5.A. faultB. wealthC. powerD. instance6.


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