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    最新 料推荐教新版小学英语三年级下册Unit 5 Do you like pears?第一课时一 . 教学目标:1. 知识目标:词汇:能够听说认读水果类单词:apple, pear, orange, banana.句型:能够听懂并会说句型:Do you like .? /Yes, I do./No, I dont.2. 能力目标:能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型 Do you like.?Yes, I do./No, I don t 。询问他人对某物的喜好并回应他人的询问。3. 情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标:1)知道吃水果对健康有益。2)初步了解名词复数的用法。3)能够在自主学习,合作探究中找到学习英语的快乐。二教学重点1. 能够听说认读水果单词的单数。2. 能够初步了解名词复数的用法。3. 能够理解对话大意, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话, 并且能够在图片和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用Do you like.?Yes, I do./No, I don t. 来询问他人对水果的好恶。三教学难点 :能够理解对话大意, 用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并且能够在图片和教师的帮助下,在语境中运用 Do you like.?Yes, I do./No, I don t. 来询问他人对水果的好恶。四教学准备1.Sarah和 Sarah 的妈妈的头饰。2. 四套 apples, pears, bananas,oranges 的图片 ( 学生用 ) 。3. 两套 apple, pear, banana, orange的图片。(教师用)4.apple, pear ,banana ,orange的模型和装这些模型的水果篮和水果盒。5. 字母 A Z 的奖励贴纸。五教学过程步骤一:热身1. 口语交际活动,进而引导学生通过观察幻灯片首页,了解这堂课的主题为Fruits.Suggested classroom language:Hello!/Hi, everyone! Im Miss Li./Good morning!/Nice to meet you! Howare you?Look at the picture, guess what we will learn today.So, what will we learn today?Quite right! Well learn fruits today.2. 开场歌舞:师生共唱共跳“an apple a day”。1最新 料推荐Suggested classroom language:Would like to dance with me? Yes or No? Good!First, Lets do a warmup singing and dancing.Stand up, please.Today we will learn a song "an apple a day".Follow meto say, “一天一苹果,医生远离我。” Suppose there is a big apple tree in front of you.Lets pick apples from the tree.Do it after me, left hand, up, down.Right hand, up, down. Ready?Lets go!An apple a day keeps the doctor away, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, a-p-p-l-e, apple! Wonderful! Wonderful!设计意图:和学生初次沟通, 通过日常会话来了解学生。引导学生通过看课件的首页来了解本堂课的话题。 用英语歌曲营造氛围, 创设情境。使学生的注意力迅速集中到教学活动中来,并轻松自如地进入英语思维状态,形成学生主动思考、自主参与的意识。步骤二:呈现1. 猜字谜学单词, 此为水果单词的引入环节。 后将水果图片贴在黑板上, 并在四线三格内写单词进行书写示范,并教单词的拼写。Suggested classroom language:Do you like to guess riddles? I collected some riddles for you.They are about fruits. Have a try!The first one, who can answer?The second one. Quick answer!The third one. brave boy!It doesnt matter! Try it again.The fourth one, clever!2. 单词的认读。(形式:男生读,女生读,抽查)Suggested classroom language:1)Read after me. I read one time, you read 3 times. Got it?OK, Let s begin!Apple, pear,banana, orange.(teachthe new words to Ssfor several times.)Girls, read! Boys, read!(Choose some Ss to read them)2)What color is the apple?(point to the PPT).Its red . What about the pear and banana?They are yellow. What color is the orange? Its orange.2最新 料推荐3. 用水果模型过渡, 从水果类单词的单数迁移到复数。 依次将第二张水果图片贴在黑板上,并用彩色粉笔标注水果单词的复数要在单词末尾加“s”。Suggested classroom language:Look, I bring many fruits to our classroom.Lets have a look at what they are.Whats this? Apple.How many apples? Oh, there are two apples.Follow me to read, apples!(Then teach Ss the other 3 plural forms of the vocabularies about fruits. )4. 游戏:水果转盘。 (形式:教师示范游戏规则,请每个小组一名学生站在该小组前面转转盘,其他同学说出水果类单词的复数。教师引导小组之间进行竞赛,看哪个小组对水果类单词的复数的掌握情况最好。 )Suggested classroom language:1)I draw many fruits on my turn table.Look! What are they? apples, oranges, pears, bananas. What else, there is a hand. Lets do a game, OK?For example, turning, turning, turning,stop!The purple hand point to Apples. So we say“apples ”.2)Whowants to do the game?You please.Thank you.(One studentwillturnaround the turn table,the other members of the team will guess what they are.)5. 课内新授单词复习:请学生读课件上水果名词的单复数。Suggested classroom language:Can you read the words on my PPT? Read them as I do:apple, apples.Ok. Its your turn! Read them together!6. 演 Sarah 和妈妈选水果,感受目标句型的意义。Suggested classroom language:1) Do you remember Sarah? The cute girl?She wants to eat fruits. She and her mother go to a fruit market to buy some fruits.This is Sarah. Who wants to act Sarah? You please.Say hello to everyone! Hello, Good morning!OK, I m Sarahs mother. She is my daughter.(hand in hand, go to a Fruit market.)2) Honey, Lets buy some fruits. Do you like pears?Yes, I do. Do you like apples? No, I dont.(Teacher will write the target sentences on the blackboard.)3最新 料推荐设计意图:以各种方式中学习新单词, 使学生的求知欲和好奇心得以激发。 滚动式的单词学习, 避免了单调与枯燥, 既活跃了课堂气氛, 又使学生很快进入 英语思维的状态。以小老师,水果模型,水果转盘等多种方式来教单词的单复数。多种教学方式并用, 务必使学生掌握到位。 用游戏激起学生的兴趣。 为学生的学习活动创设情境, 铺路搭桥, 使学生初步感受新知, 并以此激发学生的学习兴趣和求知欲。让学生在真实情景中再次感受目标句型的意义, 加深对目标句型的印象。知识是引导而不是灌输。 教师适时为学生做示范表演, 为学生提供情境创设的范例。步骤三:操练1. 教师利用手中实物和卡片教读句子, 直到学生可以用手中卡片和目标句型来询问老师对水果的好恶。Suggested classroom language:1) Let me teach you to read.Do you like apples? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. No, I dont.Do you like pears? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.Do you like oranges? Yes, I do./ No, I dont .2) OK, I raise my cards, you ask me questions.(Choose some Ss to ask me, using the target sentences)Quite good! Raise the cards in your hand to ask me questions.2.Pairwork:学生利用手中卡片与对桌用进行目标语言会话。Suggested classroom language:Work with your partner, try to use your cards to ask each other. Then exchange.3. 学生展示。Suggested classroom language:Well done! Let me invite some of you to act it out. You two, please.Wonderful!步骤四:巩固与提高1. 开火车游戏。1)每组相对坐的 8 名同学就好像 4 节车厢。一个同学用手中卡片问 Do you like.? ,一个同学答 Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 此为“一节车厢开起来”。其他车厢迅速跟上。直到代表最后一节车厢的两个学生的对话结束意味着四节火车厢开完。2) 让学生先在自己组内操练几遍,然后再统一时间进行比赛,看哪个小组最有默契。3) 先全班四个小组一起练习一次,然后两个小组,两个小组之间比赛。决出胜负。4最新 料推荐2 让学生根据书上49 面水果图片继续操练目标句型。3. 展示。设计意图:运用实物直观教具,吸引学生的注意力,调动学生的积极性,使学生积极主动地参与学习。 英语是一门工具性的学科, 我们学英语的最终目的是能用英语进行表达、交流和交往。我们要利用一切机会,创造英语使用的环境,让学生对英语感兴趣, 体会到学英语的乐趣, 学会用英语交流。 这也是学生学习的自觉性和自主性的体现。让学生在游戏中充分感受到学习英语的快乐。步骤五:小结(小结知识,小结表现好的小组,并提到水果的好处)Suggested classroom language:Thats all for today.Thankyou for listening!So ,think itover. What dowe learn today?设计意图:知识的回顾与总结。六教学反思5


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