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    名校名 推荐Unit 2Healthy eating一、语法填空Alloverthe world,peoplemovefromplace toplace.Moreand morepeople(1)_ (leave) towns and farms to move to cities.This (2)_ (move) to cities is calledurbanization.Often, people move to cities (3)_ (find) jobs.Farms do not have enough jobs(4)_ the growingpopulation.Citiesoffer factory and service jobs such as workinginrestaurants.Almost half the worlds people live in cities.Mexico Citys population more than tripled(增至三倍 ) (5)_ 1960 and 2000.Other cities in LatinAmerica,Asia, and Africaaregrowing just (6)_ fast.People also move from country to country.They emigrate, or leave their home country to live in (7)_ country.In their new country, these people are called immigrants.Some arelooking for jobs in (8)_ (rich) nations.Others are running (9)_ from wars, toolittle food, and other problems in their home countries.These people are refugees.(10)_are people who run to another country to get away from danger or disaster.二、阅读理解“ In only six days I lost seven pounds of weight.”“ Two full inches in the first three days !”These are the kinds of statements used in magazine, newspaper, radio and television ads, promising new shapes and new looks to those who buy the medicine or the device.The promoters of such products say they can shape the legs, slim the face, smooth wrinkles, or in some other way add to beauty or desirability.Often such products are nothing more than money-making things for their promoters.The results they produce are questionable, and some are dangerous to health.To understand how these products can be legally promoted to the public, it is necessary to understand something of the laws covering their regulation.If the product is a drug, FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) can require proof ( 证明 ) under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act that itis safe and effective before it is put on the market.But ifthe product is a device ,FDA has noauthority to require pre-marketing proof of safety or effectiveness.If a product already on themarket is a danger to health, FDA can request the producer or distributor to remove it from the market voluntarily, or it can take legal action, including seizure ( 查封 ) of the product.One notable case a few years ago involved an electrical device called the Relaxacisor, which had been sold for reducing the waistline.The Relaxacisor produced electrical shocks to the body through contact pads.FDA took legal action against the distributor to stop the sale of the devices on the grounds that it was dangerous to health and life.Obviously, most of the devices on the market have never been the subject of court proceedings ( 法律诉讼 ), and new devices appear continually.Before buying, it is up to judge the consumer to judge the safety or effectiveness of such items.1 It can be inferred that the ads mentioned in the text are _.A objectiveB costlyCunreliableD.illegal2 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A The court is in charge of removing dangerous products.BNew products are more likely to be questionable.CThe production of a device must be approved by FDA.D The promoters usually just care about profits.3 FDA can ask for the proof of safety and effectiveness of a product _.A if it is a drug1名校名 推荐Bif it is a deviceCif its consumers make complaintsD if its distributors challenge FDAs authority4 The Relaxacisor is mentioned as _.A a product which was designed to produce electricityBa product whose distributor was involved in a legal caseCa successful advertisement of a beauty productD an example of a quality beauty product5 The author intends to _.A make consumers aware of the promoters false promisesBshow the weakness of the law on product safetyCgive advice on how to keep young and beautifulD introduce the organization of FDA三、信息匹配(2014 年广州调研 )首先请阅读关于不同月份天气特征的信息。A February its one of the most pleasant months of the year.Most days have clear, sunny skies and the average temperature is a very cool 14 .With an average monthly rainfall of only 20mm it is also one of the driest months.BApril its a warm spring month with moderate temperatures averaging around 21 , and it is very wet, with 200mm rainfall on average for the month.CJune although it is the start of summer with average temperatures reaching a hot 28 , you will not see much sun as it is usually very cloudy.It is also one of the wettest months of the year with frequent rain and average monthly rainfall of 240mm.D August it is the hottest month of the year with average temperatures of 30 .Generally very sunny during the day, but with frequent heavy rain showers in the evening that make it the wettest month of the year with an average monthly rainfall of 280mm.E October this mid- autumn month is still pleasantly warm with average temperatures of 20 .Days are mostly cloudy and overcast although rainfall levels are relatively low, averaging 70mm for rain for the month.F December it is one of the coldest months of the year with average temperatures of 13 .Night can be very cold.Mostly sunny, with a moderate average monthly rainfall of 60mm.以下是五种蔬菜的种植指引,请把蔬菜与适宜种植的月份匹配起来。1 Corn it requires a warm weather for strong and rapid growth.As it needs very wet soil, choose a time when there will be plenty of rain.High temperatures will cause corn to lose its sweet flavour.2 Tomatoesthese popular plants are easy to grow as they can resist most pests and diseases.They require low temperatures, plenty of direct sunlight and dry conditions for best results.3 Onions these are a cold- season crop, easy to grow in the right conditions.They need a moderate amount of rain to keep the soil damp, but too much will cause them to rot.They should2名校名 推荐be planted during sunny period, as they grow best with plenty of direct sunlight.4 Eggplants these are tropical or subtropical, hot- season vegetables that need lots of direct sunlight.They grow best when the weather is very hot and there is plenty of water in the soil.5Potatoes the taste of home-grown potatoes is far superior to store bought ones.They need a mild to warm conditions and relatively dry soil for best growth.They also require cloudy, overcast conditions for most of the time to prevent sunburn.3名校名 推荐能力 Unit 2Healthy eating一、所 文段 述的是移民 。 世界上不同地域之 人口迁移 象日益 ,原因也各不相同。1 are leaving因此句 的是当今的一种 ,所以用 行 ,故填are moving 。2movementthis 独出 是作代 ,但在此 作形容 ,其后需接名 。move 的名 形式 movement ,表示 种迁移的行 。3to find人 搬到城市是 了找工作,用 不定式表示目的,作状 。故填 to find 。4for 提供的工作不能 足日益增 的人口。have enough.for. 有足 多的 足5between在 1960 年到 2000 年之 ,墨西哥城的人口就翻了三番。用 “ between.and.”来表示 区 。6 as 上句 例 到: 在 1960 年到 2000 年之 墨西哥城的人口就翻了三番,可 城市人口增 之迅猛。 而拉美、 非其他城市的人口也以同 的速度在增 。也就是 “just asfast (as Mexico City),故填”as。7another从祖国迁居异国他 ,后面的country 是 数形式,泛指“另一个(国家 )”用 another。8 richer 里的 rich 是相比原先居住的国家而言,因此要用比 。9 awayrunning away from wars逃离 乱, away from 固定搭配。10 They空格 的主 是指 these people,也就是那些refugees, 避免重复用 they指代。二、一些所 的塑身、健美、美容的商品广告,商家和促 商 是 了 ,而 的 果令人 疑, 有些 有害于健康。事 明, 多投放在市 上的医 并不受法律 束,在 前消 者要自己判断它 的安全和效果。1 C推理判断 。由第四段可知,促 商 了 ,而 些 品的效果令人 疑。 unreliable 不可靠的;靠不住的。2 D 理解 。由第四段第一句可知,促 商 了 。故 D。3 A 理解 。由第五段的第二句可知 A 。4 B 理解 。由第六段可知,Relaxacisor 是一种有害于身体的医 ,并因此引 了一个案件。5 A推理判断 。 全文,作者的目的是想 消 者意 到广告的虚假承 。三、 1.B关 信息 “it requires a warm weather ”和 “As it needs very wet soil, choose atime when there will be plenty of rain.与 B 的 “”its a warm spring month和 “”and it is verywet, with 200mm rainfall on average for the month匹配。”2A关 信息 “ They require low temperatures, plenty of direct sunligh t and dry conditionsfor best results.与 A ”的“ Most days have clear, sunny skies and the average temperature is avery cool 14C. ”匹配。3 F关 信息“ these are a cold-season crop”和 “ They need a moderate amount of rain”与 F 的 “it is one of the coldest months of the year 和 “with a”moderate average monthly rainfall of 60mm. ”匹配。4 D关 信息“ hot-season vegetables that need lots of direct sunlight ”和 “ Theygrowbest then.there is plenty of water in the soil 与”D 项 “ itis the hottest month of the year ”和“ Generally very sunny during the day, but with frequent heavy rain showers in the evening匹配。5 E关 信息 “ Theyalso require cloudy, overcast conditions与”E “ Daysare mostlycloudy and overcast 匹配。”4


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