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    名校名 推荐课时:班级:使用时间2012.9I. 单词拼写1.His _( 残废 )prevents him from holding a job.2.Nothing would stop me from achieving my _.(抱负 )3.The 100-mile run left Bill out of _.(呼吸 )4.He didn t come yesterday and the next daymadehe up a story to explain his _.( 缺席 )5.We may give advice, but we cannot _( 指挥 )6.You shouldn t wear such笨拙( )shoes.7.If you _( 惹恼 )the cat, she will scratch you.8.That was the first _( 鼓励 )I had ever received from him.9.He _( 辞去 ) his position as chairman.10.Sunshine and fresh air are _(有益的 )to your recovery from illness.11.Tom is studying _( 政治 ) at a university.12.The Tale of Two Cities is one the great works of English _.(文学 )13.He finds it hard to hunt for jobs after _(毕业 ).14.He s good at心(理学 )15.The slavery was _( 废除 )in the end.16.When you are in trouble, you may ask for his _.( 援助 )17.Hurry! Your_( 同伴 ) are waiting for you .18.His fellow workers surrounded him, _(祝贺) him on being elected chairman of the committee.19.A doctor should have a telephone _( 可得到的 )at all times.20.There are four emergency _ ( 出口 ) in the teaching building.21. _ (改编 ) as a film, his book sells well.22.The boy is praised for his good _ ( 行为 ).23.Our bodies need_(充足的 ) nutrition.24.The real _( 尊严 )of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.25.The students are playing in the basement _( 吵闹的 ).II. 重点短语1.cut _ 切去;停止2. out _ breath 气喘吁吁3. all _ all总而言之4. make fun _ 取笑5. as well _ 也;还6. _ many ways在许多方面7. adapt _ 适应8. _ other words 换句话说9. _ a time 每次10. sit _ 闲坐着11. _ earth 究竟;到底12. go _ 挨饿13. _pain 处于痛苦中14. never _ 不要紧;别担心 15. learn sth. _ heart 记住16. all the _ 一切顺利17. _ than 而不是18. _ particular尤其19. make _ 成功做到20. meet _ 经历;遭遇会晤21. feel sorry _ 同情22. gain/have/obtain_ to. 得以接近 /进入 /会见;使用III 单项选择1.The local government has passed _ new employment preferential policy (优惠政策 ) for_disabled.A. the; /B. a; theC. the; theD. a; /2.When I reached the finishing line, I was _A. out of placeB. out of orderC. out of breath D. out of date3.The journey was pleasant; the meal was delicious. _ it s a successful trip.A. All in allB. In allC. At allD. After all4.He likes to _ funny stories from newspapers.A. cut inB. cut outC. cut offD. cut across5.Your performance in the exam isn t that satisfactory, _, you failed.1名校名 推荐A. in a wordB. what s more C. in other wordsD. what a pity6. She doesn t speak _ her friends, but her written work is excellent.A. as good asB. as well asC. as much asD. as often as7. When you go to a foreign country, you must _ yourself _ new manners and customs.A. fit; forB. adapt; toC. adapt; fromD. suit; for8. You should take the proper amount of exercise _A. at a timeB. at one timeC. in timeD. on time9. It was quite wrong that John spoke ill of me _, which I was told ten minutes later.A. in my companion B. in my disability C. in my absenceD. in many ways.10.My mother always gave me _ while I was in low spirits.A. encouragementB. disappointmentC. independenceD. development11.The failure in the driving test made me _A. annoyingB. annoyedC. outgoingD. delighted12.I like fresh fruit, apples _.A. in advanceB. in particularC. in needD. inorder13.I used to have a _to that vase, but I broke it.A. companyB. accompanyC. companionD. community14.You should learn these words _ A. by accidentB. in mindC. by chanceD. byheart15.I m wishing you _ in the coming year!A. at bestB. at your bestC. for the bestD. all the best16.The building _ by the building team from Anhui Province next month is a new school.A. to buildB. to be builtC. builtD. being built17.The jacket you bought me last week _ me well, and the color also _ me, I will buy anew tie to _ itA. suits; fits; matchB. costs; fits; suitsC. fits; suits; matchD. fits;suits; suits18.They don t care about whom they sell weapons to. What they re interested in is _.A. benefitB. profit C. advantageD. priority19.Four years later, she received her bachelor s degree in English and her teaching _A. certificateB. assignmentC. experienceD. license20.The three sisters decided to hold a family party to _ their parents silver wedA. welcomeB. congratulateC. memorizeD. celebrate21. My daughter has got 729 in the entrance exam and been accepted by a top university.- _ !A. Wish you successB. All the bestC. CongratulationsD. Good luckto you22 Liu Xiang achieved his _to become the first man to cover 110-meter hurdles in 12.91seconds.A. ambitionB. graduationC. assistanceD. encouragement23. We must make sure that public buildings, like the cinema, library, meeting room, waiting room, restroom and the lift, are _ to the disabled.A. annoyedB. independentC. beneficialD. accessible24. - He is said _ from his position.- Yes. He is traveling abroad now.A. to resignB. resignsC. to have resignedD. resigning25. As a girl, she should take courage instead of _A. feel sadB. feeling excitedC. feeling sorry for herselfD. to feel bad26. Last Saturday evening we went to a concert performed by some disabled children, which was _ by an old music professor.A. conductedB. abolishedC. resignedD. dictated27. Since you have made _ preparations, you will have no difficulty winning the game.A. adequateB. handyC. beneficialD. eventualI. 1. disability2. ambition (s)3. breath4. absence5. conduct6. clumsy7. annoy2名校名 推荐8. encouragement9. resigned10. beneficial11. politics12. literature 13. graduation14.psychology15. abolished16.assistance 17.companion18. congratulating19.accessible 20. exits 21. Adapted22. conduct23. adequate24. dignity 25. noisilyII. 1. out2. of3. in4. of5. as 6. in7. to8. in9. at 10. around11. on12.hungry13. in14. mind15. by16. best17. rather18. in19. it20. with21.for22. accessIII 1-5 BCABC6-10 BBACA11-15 BBCDD 16-20 BCBAD21-25 CADCC 26-27AA3名校名 推荐4


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