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    名校名 推荐一核心词汇根据句子意思写出括号内所给中文的正确形式。1 He lets his daughter_(挑选 )her own birthday present in the shop.2 On arriving at the hotel, I approached the _(接待 ) desk to check in.3 He proved himself innocent by providing a lot of _(证据) .4. Three children were _(开除) from the school for their bad behaviors.5 It was a terrible accident. Very few passengers_(幸存 )it.6The two of them have_(装饰 )their new house romantically to celebratetheir new life together.7 The gloves were_(设计 )for extremely cold climates.8 Our boss_( 爆发 )with anger when he saw the sales report.9The island is deserted,and the chance of_of the five _ofthe shipwreck is slim.(survive)10 It was_ that all the _we collected proved him to beguilty.(evident)11 All of us were _at his really _talent for music.(amaze)12. The official ordered the murderer be _(sentence) to death rightaway. 来源 :Z_xx_k.Com1名校名 推荐13. In the past, women had no right to _(vote) in many countries.14. We _(reward) the boy with a lovely present for bringing back our lostdog.15. Many people devoted themselves to _(design) a torch for the game.16 He _(remove) his trousers and I found the wound.18. My parents have always _(accept) me just as I am.19 All US citizens in the area have been _(advise) to return home.20. Who can _(prove) that China has more people than any other country in the world?21. Only women and children _(remain) in the village when the men went out to work.22 He _(pretend) to be doing his homework when he saw his mothercome in.二 ABCD四 个 选 项 中 选 出 可 以 填 入 空 白 处 的 最 佳1.There is no doubt-technological advance enables people to live more comfortably and happily.A. WhichB. WhereC. WhatD. that2.English words are not always spelt-they are pronounced.A. on the wayB. in whichC. the wayD. that3.We drove round the town-a good hotel.A. In need ofB. in search ofC. in memory ofD. in place of4. They _ Mark to take part in the conference the other day.A. SelectedB. chooseC. pickD. was chosen5. This dictionary _ Mary?s mother.A. is belonged toB. belongs to C. owns D. belong6.-What do you think of the sudden news ?2名校名 推荐-Well,it.s quite _ and I am quiteat it.A. amazed; amazed B. amazed; amazing C. amazing; amazingD. amaz ing; amazed8. He is always helping others without expecting anything _.A. in needB. in factC. in trouble D. in return9. I , d like to go to the cinema with you, Dad. 来源 学科 网 Z.X.X.K Sorry ,my darling ,but the film is _for adults only.A. designedB. devotedC. prepared D. promised10. You?d better notthe toy car, or you?ll not be able to put it together again.A.take part B. take on C. take outD. take off11. The novel Dream of Red Mansions红楼梦 _ reading again and again.A. is worthB. is worthyC. worthsDworth of12. _ is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two counties are making progress.A. It B. As C. ThatD. Which13. Recently I bought a computer, _ was very reasonable.A. its priceB. which priceC. the price of whichD. the price of whose14. I have two pets, _ are friendly to people.A. both of them B. both of whichC. each of whomD. neither of whom15. He was very rude to the customs officer, _ of course, made things evenworse. A. whoB. whom C. which D. what五 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分30 分)ALanguages are always changing. _1_ Englishoftoday isverydifferentfromthat of 500 years ago . In time , some languages become more _2_ and _3_less important . _4_ even die out completely . About 1000 years ago Englishwas a little _5_ language .If a language has a large _6_ of speakers , or _7_ it is very old , theremay be difference _8_ the way it is spoken in different areas . _9_ , thelanguage may have_10_dialects .Chinese isa goodexampleofdialectdifferences. Chinese _11_forthousands of years by many millionsof _12_ .The differences between the dialects of Chinese are _13_ great that speakersof Chinese from some parts of China cannot understand each other.Thereareotherkindsofdialects .Insome languageswe findwordsor3名校名 推荐expressions and even grammatical forms , which are , used _14_ by men andothersused by women. Whatsmore , each generation_15_ itsown expressionsandgrandparentsandgrandchildrenmaysometimeshavedifficultyinunderstanding each other ._ 1. A. An B. The C. / D. A_2. A. important B. simple C. easy D. impossible_3. A. other B. some others C. the others D. others_4. A. Anyone B. None C. Any D. Some_5. A. known B. to know C. knowing D. knew_6. A. amount B. deal C. number D. numbers_7. A. if B. as C. as if D. even if_8. A. on B. in C. at D. by_9. A. However B. That is C. But D. So_10. A. few B. several C. no D. little_11. A. has been spoken B. has spoken C. is spoken D. have been spoken_12. A. speakers B. talkers C. tellers D. writers_13. A. very B. too C. such D. so_14. A. till B. only C. neither D. either_15. A. studies B. uses C. produces D. makes1-15 AACBA DCCDA BBBAA4


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