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    名校名 推荐第 3 讲代词和介词一、用适当的代词填空,使其意思和结构完整1We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of us hadany money on us.2I dont like this book.Id like a more interesting _.3Although he is wealthy, he spends _ on clothes.4Can you come on Monday or Tuesday? Im afraid_ day is possible.5If you want to change for a double room youll have to pay_ 15 dollars.6Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other end? If you keep still, you can sit at_ end.7These plants are watered _ other day.8Some people thought it practical, but _ feared it wouldbe too political.9There are a lot of trees on _ side of the square.10You will not see_ the animals in winter.二、用适当的介词填空1(1)_ the night of May 4th, my good friend left forCanada.(2)_ night you can see the stars twinkle in the sky.(3)_ a cold morning Marie was woken up by a loud noise.(4)_ the morning she often has milk and some bread forbreakfast.(5)_ the 1970s we had a hard time.2(1)Kate is writing_ a friend of hers.(2)Kate is writing_ a piece of paper.(3)Kate is writing_ blue ink.(4)Kate is writing_ a piece of chalk on the blackboard.(5)Kate is writing a letter_ an old man who cant write.3(1)We all passed the exam _ the end.(2)We had finished learning five books_ the end of lastterm.(3)We will hold a party _ the end of this term.4(1)The apples_ the tree are ripe.(2)The birds_ the tree are singing merrily.(3)There is a map of China_ the back wall.(4)There is a small hole _ the wall.5(1)China lies_ the west of Japan.1名校名 推荐(2)Canada lies_ the north of the USA.(3)Canada lies_ the north of North America.6(1)He can do everything_ cooking.(2)He can speak two other languages _ English.(3)He did nothing_ watched TV all day.(4)The road was empty_ several cars at that time.7(1)The man tried to walk_ the big rock.(2)The man walked_ the road and got on a bus.(3)The man saw some beautiful birds when walking_ thewoods.8(1)There is no secret _ you and me.(2)You are the tallest _ my friends.(3)There is a break _ classes.9(1)_ time passed, things seemed to get worse.(2)_ time going by, he knows more and more.10(1)He will leave for Korea_ three days.(2)He went to Beijing and returned _ three days.(3)He will be back _ 3 pm.(4)He has lived in Paris_ three years ago.(5)Itkeptrainingheavily_Monday_Wednesday.三、语篇填空用适当的介词填空。It was so nice an afternoon that I decided to go for awalk(1)_ mynew bootsthe ones Idseen advertised on TV(2)_ “ theworlds best boots ”Well, (3)_ theory, yes,they were very comfortable boots but I soon found that in fact they gave me blisters.In general I do enjoy walking, but at that moment what I wanted was rest and refreshment, in other words, I needed to sit down, have a drink and go home (4)_ the bus.The last bus home was inhalf an hour and I was far (5)_ the bus stop so I would have toget there (6)_ a hurry.At last I got to the bus stop just in time(7)_ a drink at the pub before the bus came.I limped to the busstop in the hope (8)_ getting on.But I was out of luck because thebus was full upnot even standing room! I knew Id never make it home on foot and I was (9)_ the point of returning to the pub to drownmy sorrows when another bus came round the corner, completely empty.I got on, sat by myself at the back and started to feel (10)_ peacewith the world again as I took off my boots!2名校名 推荐第 3 讲代词和介词一、 1.none/neither2.one3.little4.neither5another 6.either7.every 8.others9each/every 10.all二、 1.On; At; On; In; In 2.to; on; in; with; for3in; by; at4.on; in; on; in5.to; on; in6except; besides; but; except for7over; across; through/in8between; among; between 9.As; With10in; after; at; since; from, to三、 1.in 2.as 3.in4.on5.from6.in 7.for8of9.on10.at3


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