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    李丰黄金k线理论(Li Feng gold K theory).doc

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    李丰黄金k线理论(Li Feng gold K theory).doc

    李丰黄金k线理论(Li Feng gold K theory)Gold K-line theoryBattle ground theoryGold K line battle ground theory, in the final analysis, the core of which is judged from the K line, must fight straddle angle of cognition, or just from the surface to the surface, is unable to grasp the essence of the k-line. Specifically, in the K and empty party, is expressed in the line and the line. The line represents the power of multi line, on behalf of the air force, when multi win, stock prices rise, when the air is dominant, the stock price fell, the long-term decline in the stock price, when multiple power comes into play, it will form the bottom. In the long-term stock price rise, kongfangliliang big fled, the formation of the head. Therefore, the rise and fall of the stock price, see the top and bottom, not because of the indicators of good or bad, the impact of the news, and even the size of the volume, but depends on the contrast between the long and short strength. And K line is reflected in the strength of long and thin. Through the observation and analysis of the K line, will be able to analyze the long and short of power, in order to study the stock price run up or down, even to realize in the operation of hunters escape.Relative position theoryThe theory of relative position is the second major theory of gold K line theory. As the saying goes, orange is born in the south, called orange, sweet and sweet. In the north, it is bitter and astringent. It is called orange tree. The same seed, born in different environments, has a very wide range of consequences. Similarly, the same K line, if in different relative positions, its meaning for the future guidance of the role will be entirely different.K line location, for judging K-line is extremely important. The theory of relative position of gold K line includes the following twofold meanings:First, the relative position of the level. There is no absolute highs and lows usually line position, so we can only use the relative location, depending on the individual judgment of the market is high, need a certain understanding, we must make a simple distinction but. Generally divided into relatively high, relatively low and half of the mountain three positions.Because the highs and lows are not absolute, there is no need to make excessive demands for accurate positioning, just to give a general distinction.Two is the relative position of the K-line trend, generally divided into the rise, decline and consolidation trend in three, or call the rising channel, channel and fell sideways.Signature signal theoryAccording to many years of actual combat experience, the specific flag K line and signal meaning, there are two main types: one is the confirmation of the mark K line; the other is the warning mark K line.Confirm the iconic K-lineAs the name suggests, the confirmation of the hallmark of K-line signals, that is, once it appears, often means the main approach and departure, or head and bottom established. Its credibility is very high, we should pay enough attention to, but also an important objective basis for ordinary operations.Confirm the landmark in common K line, only two kinds: one is the big line and large line; two is with a long shadow on the K line and with a long lower shadow K line.1. grand lineThis is a common kind of K-line for investors. But really can pay attention to it, understand its meaning, and can thoroughly understand its connotation, and can according to its intention to operate, but not much. In fact, the candle represents more strength, relatively low grand line means the main approach. This line, it marks the arrival of the bottom, and the main whereabouts have been from the K-line was exposed. This is a confirmation of the signal, we can in the same day or in the line after the callback in batches approach, followed by the main step, buy at relatively low levels, waiting for the main body of the pulled up.2. big lineThe line represents the short of power. The big line represents short powerful. The relatively high big line means a lot of money fled, namely the main body in the shipment. Now that the organization has gone out, what else do we have to miss?Of course, due to the main body of the approach, Jiancang and shipped out, will take quite a long time,Sometimes we see relatively low line out, stock prices will decline, and the relatively high price after the big line, will be finished, the mechanism that is Youkong Jiancang and luring more shipping way.As in the weak market, institutions play a candle to play, but then the market environment is not good, not according to the plan the main prop up share prices, and again to lighten up, it will cause investors think the market rebound, but even so, we have enough time to ensure that the principles of implementation and operation of departure.But in a strong market, institutions will play a big line to whipsaws, then investors are difficult to judge, but even the dishes, usually will have a period of adjustment, can temporarily quit. A departure can avoid this adjustment, and two, when the stock price is restarted, we can definitely follow it again.3. big and big line line changesA large candle and relatively high and relatively low in the big line, there is a k k line belongs to the transaction, it is different from the general line and the big line. This is the trader often said "rat" K line.(1) lower grand line (gift line)This is a special K line form. Sometimes, a stock in a day running, suddenly to the daily limit opening, then quickly pulled up, the day rose, and even will be pulled from the limit limit. This is called K line, opened a large candle, also called the gift line. It often means the arrival of the lower part or is about to start moving quickly.(2) opened the big lineSometimes, a stocks to significantly upward at a relatively high level, the opening is high, then the stock price fell sharply, closing out a big line opened. Such K line, called tombstone line, also called "hero monument"". The monument buried countless "strong bone zhonghun". After the emergence of such K-line, common, many investors are unaware, I do not know the decline has begun, still holding the stock, stand guard until dark". In fact, if you know this iconic K line, it will not easily be on the top of the mountain faithful "sentinel.".4. long shadowIn a sign of the confirmation of K-line, except the grand line and opened a large candle, and big line and opened the big line relatively high, there is a special form of K-line, investors are most likely to make a sign of K-line error, i.e. with a long upper shadow and long under the shadow of the K-line k-line.(1) long lineWith a long shadow on the line, the general investors believe that the long line means selling disc is very heavy, upside resistance. Therefore, to see the long line of thought is not good. In fact, this should be treated differently. We have to see the relative position of this k line. According to the relative position of the theory of gold K line, we put a long shadow on the iconic line is divided into two types: one is relatively low in the long line, known as the "compass" the other is relatively high and the long shadow, we called "lightning rod".A. compassRelatively low long line often has to guide. Is usually the main pulled up, try a disc K file selling weight caused by. This K line usually means that the stock price will rise substantially, and it is an affirmative buy signal, so it is called "compass"".B. lightning rodThe relatively high long line is often the main mechanism substantially higher shipments. That day fell sharply, so that blind entrants into the high hold up. This is a typical organization big ship traces, like a towering lightning. This K line signal usually means the arrival of the head, is a kind of confirmed selling signal, so it is commonly called "lightning rod"".(2) under the long shadowWith a long under the shadow of the K-line, investors tend to think that the support. In fact, for this line must also be different, as mentioned earlier with a long shadow on the line, only the relative position of the k-line,And then you can judge.According to the gold K line theory, we put in the relatively low under the long shadow, called "Dinghaishenzhen", is the confirmation signal out at a relatively high level; and the long shadow line, known as the "air test", is to confirm the signal of stock prices will fall sharply.A. Neptune needleRelatively low under the long shadow, is often caused by large-scale market forces to do more. This means that the main agencies enter the market, the stock price will move into the process. Such K-line is a confirmation buy signal.B. air testThe relatively high under the long shadow, are often unable to support the force performance, rather than investors think of strong support. Such a K line, often has a downward guidance role, is short power flight caused by, but also a confirmation of the selling signal. For example, Xinjiang Delong three awkwardness, in the continuous limit before, without exception, often closed out long under the shadow of the k-line.Warning K-line signalWarning K-line signal is another important part of the iconic k-line. Usually, its signal will give us an unexpected result in the practice of judging and operating. This is a very important measure in advance, before that occurs in the stock market or see the confirmation signal top and bottom, can be a keen insight into the opportunities or risks, Superman in the former, quick step. This is the majority of investors who dream realm. But the warning signal is only a hint. The trend since then is very variable and cannot be used as a confirmation signal. Of course, if we can combine the gold line relative position theory and the specific market environment, it can be one step ahead of hunters and escape. But at least there is a warning signal that we are about to change the disk, can give such a hint, in the ever-changing stock market, has been very commendable.In general, the warning signal of K-line is mainly divided into three groups: the first group is a warning and the top of the inverted hammer bottom and ceiling; the second group is the Cross stars and continuous Cross stars; the third group is the pregnancy line. These three sets of K-line appear, usually means that the change is about to happen, is more than confirmed K-line more lead a K line signal.1. reverse hammer - warning bottoming signalThis is the characteristic of K line, a line is longer, smaller entities, and the line line can be. But some of the more intense signal line and the signal line, some relatively subtle. Its prerequisite must be the relative low after the stock price has been adjusted for some time. This K line meaning is the main mechanism exploratory approach Jiancang, but the scale is not large. Therefore, after the K-line left hatched certain, and the entity is not, once the main funds that the time is ripe, then will further increase efforts to lead a Jiancang, large candle, the bottom is confirmed. Therefore, the signal issued by this K-line can only be alert, and once the confirmation signal appears, then the hunters will be leisurely.Thus, the inverted hammer this K line signal is very keen, but also more accurate. But because of its deceptive strong, almost closed at the lowest price on line and longer, and this kind of signal, investors tend to think also fell sharply, did not realize the bottom of arrival.2. - wire warning peaked signalThe so-called hanging on, is at a relatively high level, especially pulled up sharply, pulled out with a smaller entity under the shadow of the candle, candle can be, can also be a line. Usually, the candle is more terrible than the line. Because this is the main mechanism of K-line induced pulled by the formation of the left hand side have the opportunity to stay under the shadow said, on the other hand, smaller entities indicated the increasing power failure. Therefore, the hanging K line appears to warn of the risk of seeing the top of the stage. If the next day received a line or a big line, you can confirm. Thus, K line of wire like lore, showing that the main mechanism is how cruel ruthless,And the small and medium investors who are puzzled, however, turn a blind eye to it and are often deceived. Then many people fled when moving average Sicha, too late.3. Cross starsCross star k line meaning is long and short, both sides of the power to balance. If you are on the way down or on the rise, this K line is only a short stay and rest, there is no way to speak, warning peaked and bottoming signal. But when it comes to a relative high or relative low, it often means that it is about to change, and must be highly vigilant. And then once a big line or a large candle, then the head or bottom is confirmed.Start with a positive cross star and end with a negative cross star. Seemingly coincidental, in fact, is by no means accidental. Understand the gold K-line K-line, a glance and the bottom; cannot read, blankly as a blind man on a blind horse, midnight a deep pool of extremely dangerous unaware.4. continuous Cross starsThis is a cross star k line of a special form, but also a more intense warning variable disk signal.Since a cross star shows that both sides of the balance between the long and short, then the continuous cross star means that the long and short sides have been deadlocked for a long time, and the taut string will break. The balance is about to be broken, and the rapid change is right in front of us.5. pregnancy lineAs the name suggests, the line is the day before the K line wrapped the next K line. Usually, there are two sets of pregnancy lines which are very important warning signals.High pregnancy line - top signal, low pregnancy line - bottom signalIn the picture, usually a set of K lines on the left, if it appears at a relatively high level, is a warning signal. To understand the meaning of its K line, we must combine the importance of the opening price mentioned in the gold K line theory.As the big candle to close, the next day due to the normal trend tiaokonggaokai, the results of the opening day was tiaokongdikai, and in yinxian. According to the gold K-line theory, the rise does not go up, should be bearish, this is a warning signal, it is likely that the previous day, the main body in the process of pulling up has been shipped. The next day, a lower opening, so that investors chasing the high approach without a chance to get out of the game, but still lucky to think that adjustment is normal, will continue to rise. If the next a big line, that is the head of the establishment, began to fall.This is the meaning of K extremely clear


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