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    训诂学复习参考资料(Review of references in exegesis).doc

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    训诂学复习参考资料(Review of references in exegesis).doc

    训诂学复习参考资料(Review of references in exegesis)Exegesis review references.Txt love, say it out loud, because youll never know, tomorrow and accident, which will come first! The stone tells us that all the beloved ones are scattered at last, and all the others are reunited. You never see my loneliest time, because when I cant see you, I am most lonely! First, the noun explanation1., Exegesis: that is the meaning of interpretation, that is, to explain difficult language with easy to understand language, to explain the ancient language in modern language, and to explain dialects in mandarin.2.: Interpretation of exegesis a knowledge as the main research object to its meaning, through the analysis of exegetical practice summary and the existing exegetical data summary of exegesis theory and common style, methods, regulations, semantic interpretation system for word roots, explore the internal rules of the semantic development, to guide the practice of exegesis the.3., exegesis style: that is, the system and form of exegesis. Including the Prince Consort subcommentary, literature text interpretation and explanation of semantic monographs and test the exegetical book. Among them, the commentaries and monographs.4., sparse: take both clear and sparse meaning. It is relative to "note", which is called "sparse" on the basis of annotation". "Sparse" is the explanation of the note.5. meaning: Bianyin book called sound, the interpretation of the book is called righteousness, together called the pronunciation. The sound to release the interpretation, but also often engage in collation.6. chapters: Chapters of the name is from the chapter on the sentence said, is the analysis of the meaning of those chapters of ancient books. As a note, unlike the commentary class notes that chapters to explain the meaning, and focus on the sentence by chapter construe, analysis the effect.Two, others1. commentary content (P4460)(a section of ancient exegesis text, which are asked to say or what article)(1.) explain the meaning of words(2.) the meaning of Chuanjiang(3.) analysis of punctuation(4.) the text collation(5.) elaboration of grammar(6.) explaining rhetorical devices(7.) interpretation of Idioms(8.) the ancient meaning of ancient textual research(9.) narrative history(10.) description of mountains and rivers(11.) exemplary(12.) interpretation and narrative2. remember with the interpretation of the text annotation of each one of the most famous works (P3443)For example: a biography, "biography of Mao it" "solution, Gong Yang Jie Gu" He Lin, "spring and autumn Guliang annals": "Chankuotse fanning; school school note" song Bao Biao; meaning: "the annotation of classics" Lu Deming (the meaning)3., the monograph of semantic interpretation is divided into several categories according to the objects of interpretation Combine the later knowledge and memorize the author of the related works.Divided into 5 categories.(1.) the total amount of books of semantics: "Yi" (between the Qin and Han Dynasties were made), "Yi" (without writing anonymous), "release" Liu Xi, Liu Zhen Khan + "442" , "Zhang Wei Yi GuangYaShuZheng" Wang Niansun, "Shi Qing Ya" , "Weitang Xia Qing Qing hongliangji briar", "Gu" clear compilation by ruanyuan, "Gu Xun Zuan" (Zong Fubang Chen Hui. Shinao. Xiao Haibo), "Zhuanyu" ", Dai Zhen Qing Wen Shi" (Zhang Binglin), "reading magazine" Qing Wang Niansun, "Jing Yi Shu Wen" ", the Qing Wang cited qunjing Pingyi" + "review" Yu Yue Qing Zhuzi(2.) only release a Book: "Maos semantic meaning" , "said Chen Huan Qing Qing Zhu Ya" Junsheng, "Ya" Cheng Qing selected Xianjia(3.)解释部分词语的:通俗文、训俗文字略【北齐】颜之推、恒言录【清】钱大昕、通俗编【清】瞿灏、常用字训【晋】殷仲堪、难字+错误字【魏】张揖、杂字解故【魏】周氏、异字【梁】朱育、雅【宋】陆佃、尔雅翼【宋】罗愿、毛诗草木鸟兽虫鱼疏【三国吴】陆玑、石药尔雅【唐】梅彪、本草尔雅【北宋】、骈雅【明】朱谋玮、叠雅【清】史梦兰、别雅【清】吴玉搢、辞通(近人 朱起凤)、果裸转语记【清】程瑶田、释大【清】王念孙、语助【元】卢以纬、 Xuzi Yuan Renlin, "Qing" Zhuzibianlue "Liu Qi," Qing jingzhuan Shici "," Yinzhi Wang Qing CI Quan "(Yang Shuda)," ancient books "(Pei Xuehai), a set of" classical Chinese function words "(Lv Shuxiang)," word duration dictionary "(He Jinsong)(4.) explain Dialect: dialect (Han), Yang Xiong, dialect, Hang Shijun, new dialect, Zhang Binglin, Shu dialect, Wu dialect examination (Qing Dynasty), Hu Wenying(5.) explain the minority language or foreign language: "Qiang Yi" + "Fan Yi" (lost), "Ya" Zhou Chun Qing BuddhaFour"Yi", "dialect", "post", "Shuowen Jiezi" the four book of the basic situation"Yi" (1.)The legend for the Duke of Zhou or Confucius and his works, after the research, is a person between the Qin and Han dynasties. Is the first dictionary in our country, is a classified dictionary, is divided into nineteen.It has been valued by scholars of past dynasties and praised as "the examination of seven classics and the ladder of learning"". Its value lies in: first, it has laid a good foundation for our exegesis, it will all of them, and all the vulgar Shu language study, systematic collation, Huicheng interpretation semantics, coarse structured classification of Chinese dictionary, the exegesis of a solid foundation; secondly, save the Chinese words so many training, so these training is used to explain other works in the pre Qin period, so the "Yi" has become an important tool in our study of ancient literature, inheriting cultural heritage.However, there are also many disadvantages of Er ". First, the received words and their meanings are not complete enough; second, there are some unscientific faults in classification; third, in explaining methods, they often use polysemous words to explain certain words and expressions, and the meaning is not clear enough.(2.) DialectKnown as the "You Xuan Marie language dialect" and other messengers released by Yang Xiong, han. It records the spoken language of the living.In the method of exegesis, each of them first lists some synonyms, and then uses a common word to explain them. However, these synonyms do not belong to the same vocabulary, but belong to different dialects, which form the translation of the dialects. Therefore, the following must also show that a word belongs to a certain dialect.Dialect is not only a common phenomenon in dialect translation, but also a common language to explain dialects. "Van" is a common language, also known as "Tong language"". In addition, for the dialect of Chinese at that time, the dialect not only made a horizontal description, but also made a longitudinal analysis.(3.) "release"The old Chinese questions written by Liu Xi that Liu Zhen is the first "release", and Liu Xi added."Release of" a total of eight volumes of twenty-seven articles, the book exegesis is almost the whole of shengxun, namely seeking righteousness, explore the etymology from the speech.The disadvantage is that it only by voice this clue, the lack of reliable basis, just play with some sound the same, sound, sound words, guessing, idealism morass.Although there are a lot of idealism, but also not to be denied "release". It has preserved many ancient words, meaning, records many relevant institutions, laws, customs and habits, the knowledge system, provides many clues; explore the etymology, in addition, it provides the voice of the Eastern Han Dynasty, can according to the research on the evolution of speech at the time.(4.) "Shuowen Jiezi"Han Xu Shen essays, fourteen article describes the volume, a total of fifteen volumes, is my first dictionary.It is not only for each word form, sound and meaning are explained, and according to the principles of compiling Fenbiebuju, mixed toilet ", established his new book editing style, the collected 10516 words (including text of 1163 words), according to its shape is divided into 540 parts, each part of the building a radical. The 540 part, "according to the form", and the natural order of rank; within the listed words order, the meaning is."Shuowen Jiezi" from the analysis glyph, with the "six" theory, the content and form of text together, explain the meaning of words, form a set of annotation system, the training, training, training, sound meaning, the ultimate aim is to explain the meaning, semantic information mining and dissemination in the text. Laid the basic theories and methods for exegesis. In the history of Chinese exegesis, it has been used as a source of exploration in the history of Chinese language. To this day, it still has many uses.Of course, seen from todays perspective, "Shuowen Jiezi" also has a lot of shortcomings and mistakes. First, due to historical limitations, the book has some far fetched that solution; second, said solutions have errors; third, the style is not strict.5. "GuangYaShuZheng" contribution in the history of LinguisticsIt has carried on the system reorganization of "Ya", in the words of Shu not only examples, and then use ancient research, "ancient to the ancient, Yinshenchulei, not limited to the form". Many pioneering work has been done for the study of ancient chinese. First, to explore a number of language materials; second, the previous generation to correct some wrong interpretation; third, made some interesting exploration on the etymological meaning of words; fourth, reveals some style of "Ya" fifth, the "Ya" error correction. What is particularly important is that through the proof of the meaning of words, the principles and methods of exegesis are pointed out, and the problems that have not been solved by predecessors have been solved.6., read the book on the two paragraph to read (P103)7., to the money to make the "after the interpretation of the word," the postscript to read (P118)EightWhat is the "Shuowen Jiezi" radical order arrangement principle? According to the shape linked"9. "to say" what is the order of the principle for each word in Chinese? Be connected by righteousness"10. "elephant" from a "pictograph" from a "from a" from XX "from a certain sound," said that a solution respectively characters?"Pictographic" + "from a pictographic" (pictographic); "from one from a" + "from XX" (understand); "from one, a sound" (phonetic)


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