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    口腔考研试题(大题)(Oral exams for postgraduate studies (big questions)).doc

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    口腔考研试题(大题)(Oral exams for postgraduate studies (big questions)).doc

    口腔考研试题(大题)(Oral exams for postgraduate studies (big questions))Oral test (title).Txt16 life, is a smile to face the reality, is watching over the obstacles in the future; life is to use the heart cut, cut out the green branches in the way of life; life is the face of confusion or darkness, the depths of the soul beans are bright and smiling lights. 17, the past and the future are far away from ourselves, the key is to seize the present and seize the present. Oral exam questions (.Txt): do not stock, the risk is too great, or the most safe to do tofu! Do the hard, it is dried bean curd, do dilute is bean curd brain, do thin is bean curd skin, do not have is soya bean milk, put smelly, it is smelly bean curd! Can not lose!-First, the first solution1. Kens classification2, I type clasp industry3. The root is attached to the body4, porcelain crownTwo, questions and answers1, gold porcelain matching requirements2. The stress analysis of the surface of the fixed bridge3 、 retention principle and influencing factors of complete denture4, Kens II design principles, guidance5. Indications, advantages and disadvantages of precision attachmentsNanjing Medical University 2004 PubMed professional examination paper prosthodontics-Questions and answers1 、 the retention principle and influencing factors of complete denture.2, complete denture balance definition and stability factors.3. The design considerations of the retainer of the fixed denture.4, to enhance the resistance measures of restorations and teeth of full crown restorations.5. Definition and types of fixed removable partial denture.6, the mechanism of combined pad therapy for TMD.7. Definition, physiological basis and indication of overdenture.8, the advantages of precision attachment denture.Nanjing Medical University 2002 PubMed professional examination paper Oral Anatomy-I. explanation and research of nouns1. Wedge like ataxia2, in the middle3, mandibular eminence (convex)4, approach5 、 infratemporal spaceTwo, question and answer lesson1. Mastication process and its physiological and mechanical leverage2. Describe the anatomic features of maxillary second premolar3. The physiological significance of crown shape. Xiyuan, Tongji4. Definitions of medullary cavity and root canal (try first premolar)5 、 the composition and function of temporomandibular joint6 、 the distinction between the external carotid and internal carotid arteryNote: both the mandibular eminence and the mandibular prominence are two importantNanjing Medical University 2003 PubMed professional examination paper Oral Anatomy-First, the noun interpretation industry1, longitudinal curve - Spee curve2, mandibular posture 471 Lane3, wedge gap 471 Lane4. Pterygoid plexus5. The tip of the buccal pad6, in the hospital wingTwo, question and answer counseling1. The physiological meaning of crown shape2. The shape of the pulp cavity of the anterior teeth3. Applied anatomy of the pulp cavity of the permanent teeth4 、 Characteristics and applied anatomy of the pulp cavity of deciduous teeth5, dental cusp features were staggered in the6. The structure of the articular disc7. Classification and function of lingual papilla 123 platform8 、 features of maxillofacial soft tissue9. Features of the main trunk of the facial nerve 6597645510. Buccal spaceOral synthesis - examination questions for Postgraduates of Sichuan University in 2004-Intraoral: (10 * 4) Tongji1. why sugar is the bane of dental caries?;Pathological changes of 2. periodontal disease;3. briefly describe the basic pathological changes of 10 mucosal diseases and illustrate with examples;4. steps and purpose of tooth preparation;Extraoral: Simon1. differences in local anesthetic complications, syncope, and immediate anaphylaxis;2. principles and procedures of debridement; West GateThreeOperative points of inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesiaRestoration:Glossary: creep post elastic limitQ & A: TongjiAdvantages and disadvantages of 1. PFM and porcelain crown;2. the complications of the restoration of the vertical distance of complete dentures; Tongji Xiyuan3. edentulous _ _, _, partition, _.Oral solution: (mainly function, not nerve, blood vessel)1. physiological significance of attrition2. the recent development of the median jawOral synthesis - examination questions for Postgraduates of Sichuan University in 2004-postgraduate entrance examination Sichuan University master enrollment related articles indexpostgraduate entrance examination Master of Sichuan University professional examination questions, order PubMed reference books, professional directoryIntraoral: (10 * 4) Tongji1. why sugar is the bane of dental caries?;Pathological changes of 2. periodontal disease;3. briefly describe the basic pathological changes of 10 mucosal diseases and illustrate with examples;4. steps and purpose of tooth preparation;Extraoral:1. differences in local anesthetic complications, syncope, and immediate anaphylaxis;2. principles and procedures of debridement;The operation points of 3. inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesiaRestoration:Glossary: creep post elastic limitQ & A: TongjiAdvantages and disadvantages of 1. PFM and porcelain crown;2. the complications of the restoration of the vertical distance of complete dentures; Tongji Xiyuan3. edentulous _ _, _, partition, _.Oral solution: (mainly function, not nerve, blood vessel)1. physiological significance of attrition2. the recent development of the median jawOral histopathology - the examination questions of masters entrance examination of Sichuan University in 1999-First, the noun explains Tongji Xiyuan1, Langerhans cells2. Periodontal dentin3. Glaze beads4, apoptosis5 and Albright syndrome6. MucoceleTwo fill in the blanks1, in addition to Behcets disease of oral ulcer, but also have the disease - and -.2, the appearance of hairy leukoplakia of the tongue is closely related to the occurrence of the disease.3, there are three types of invagination, including "-" - "-" and "-". Simon4. Myoepithelial tissue can be divided into - and - type two.5. The process of forming the palatal part in development is - - - -. TongjiThree, questions and answers, Freemasonry1, the formation, structure and caries process of plaque. Jackie2. Compare the development of dentin, enamel and alveolar bone3. The characteristics and correlation of epithelial dysplasia, carcinoma in situ and squamous cell carcinoma were discussed.4. Comparing the 3 aspects of the formation, histopathology and biological behavior of the apical cyst and odontogenic cyst.Oral medicine - the entrance examination for Postgraduates in Sichuan University in 2003-A brief answer:1. step backward method2. tube preparation3. caries activity detection method and its basis research4. for two cases often occur in childrens oral mucosa disease and the clinical featuresTwo 、 noun interpretation: dental pulp complexThree, fill in the blanks: Tongji1. physiological apical foramen and its significance 12. patients with pemphigus treated with epinephrine at four stages and each stage of the drug characteristics was studied3. topical fluoride (8 empty)-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-.4. study subjects of oral preventive medicine5., the number of enlarged samples can be reduced-,-,-,-6. composite resin filling, the hole edge should be prepared - - the purpose is to-,-,-.7. the possible state of the pulp during deep caries-,-,-,-.Oral histopathology - the examination questions of masters entrance examination of Sichuan University in 2000-First, the noun explanation1, mesh degeneration counseling2 myoepithelial cells3, plaque Simon4. (condylar) proliferating zone5 undifferentiated mesenchymal cellsTwo. Fill in the blanks, Simon1. The collagen fiber bundles in the lamina propria of the gingiva can be divided into the circular group, the dental periosteum group, and - - - and - -. Tongji Xiyuan2, cite three types of odontogenic cysts: - - - - - -. Expert3. Name three types of granulomatous lesions that can occur in the oral and maxillofacial regions - - - and -. Tongji4. The pathological features of pleomorphic adenoma are characterized by. study5, besides tetracycline tooth, the tooth structure abnormality can also be seen in - -, - - - - - and other diseases.6, pulp degeneration can be manifested as - - - - - and so on. Jackie7. Dentin caries can be divided into five layers under the microscope. There are no bacteria invading for - -, - - - - -.Three. Compare the structure and function of the pulp and periodontal ligament.Four. Describe the surface structure of enamel and its significance in caries development.Five. The interaction and interaction between epithelium and mesenchyme in the occurrence and development of teeth were discussed.Six. To compare the histopathological features and pathogenesis of ameloblastoma and ameloblastoma.Seven. Combining the pathology and clinical manifestation, the development of periodontitis is discussed. (six or seven choose one question).Oral histopathology - the examination questions of masters entrance examination of Sichuan University in 2003-Questions and answers:1. the change of alveolar bone and its mechanism in chronic periodontitisStratified structure of 2. dentin caries and its clinical significance3., oral white lesions, more than 3 cases of parallel differential diagnosis4. to discuss the pathological method of evaluating the extent of tumor cell proliferation and its significanceTwo. Fill in the blanks:1. chronic hyperplastic pulpitis, predilection site, its condition is, - -.2. - catheter with endocrine function in the salivary glands, the secretion, can promote the formation and mineralization of bone and dentin. Jackie3. recurrent odontogenic tumor, round and round, - -.4. non inflammatory gingival hyperplasia is - and -.Cytokine production of 5. chronic periodontal disease cells -, -, -.Peking University 1998 postgraduate entrance examination orthodontics examination questions (former Beijing Medical University)-Peking University Health Science Center 1998 orthodontics (Master) Tongji1. From the occurrence and development of malocclusion in one side, the effect of malocclusion on the jaw system was explained.2, what kinds of intermaxillary traction are there? To test the causes, purpose, scope of application and points for attention in clinical use of two kinds of intermaxillary traction in clinic.3, try to appeal to the concept of "modern normal harmony". Coach4, class two class malocclusion is the sagittal and vertical skeletal pattern diagnosis.5. X ray findings of carpal bones after completion of growth and development. Simon6, write the international standard edgewise bracket width two.7. Translate and explain overbite, anchorage, Moyer analysis, ideal, normal, Tongji8, the three forms of resistance, Tongji, Xiyuan9, the individual dislocation, including which nine?10. The eruption order of the permanent teeth is the upper jaw - the lower jaw - Tongji and Xiyuan11, why is the maxillary canine more prone to crowding and dislocation than the lower jaw?12. Three cephalometric radiographs of the mandible.13. The relation between the far and the middle surface of the upper two molar teeth is: -, -, -, - - plays an important role. Tongji14, the majority of deciduous teeth will cause early loss of which kinds of malocclusion?15, from three aspects of the combination of hair and hair, we put forward the classification method of malocclusion.16. What are the uses of X - ray cephalometric measurement? Test17. What are the measuring planes for the cephalometric planes in common use?18, beauty line refers to - Masonic19, the correction force is divided into "-" - "-" - "according to the time of action" into "-" - "-" -20, the way teeth move, -, -, - - - - -21, a child fifteen years old (except third molars, the remaining teeth are intact), correct the front teeth crossbite should be in which teeth on the pad?22. Name the three kinds of functional appliances.23 theoretical basis, edgewise appliance.24. The adhesive force of orthodontic adhesion attachments belongs to -25. The order of serial extractions26, the occurrence of cleft lip is due to - and not fusion27. What are the causes of relapse after orthodontic treatment?Peking University 2000 postgraduate entrance examination orthodontics examination questions (former Beijing Medical University)-Peking University Health Science Center 2000 orthodontics (Masters degree)Masonic networkFirst, noun interpretation1 orthopedic forces2 and ANB corner 021-3 and third sequences bend 471 Lane4, Ji Ji Ji5, MOYER, S prediction analysis6, the best corrective force, FreemasonryTwo fill in the blanks and coordinate with each other1. Several kinds of Qu kaoyantj used on bow thread2. Classification of orthodontic force 659764553 、 tooth eruption sequence hospital4 、 series of tooth extraction order5, the rapid development and test6, malocclusion, local hazardous counselingAt 7 and 6 years of age, how many brain capacity adults complete 123 platform?8. The biological mechanism of orthodontic tooth movement9, English translation, 8# mailboxThree 、 selection h


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