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    初一英语词汇竞赛班级 姓名 得分 一,单词翻译。(25分)1.笔友2.日本 3.世界 4.法国人;法语 5.爱好 6.讨厌;不喜欢 7.办公室;事务所 8.银行 9.清洁的;干净的 10.宁静的 11.肮脏的 12.旅行;游历 13.地方;地点 14.到达;抵达 15.可爱的;聪明的 16.动物 17.丑陋的;难看的 18.害羞的;怕羞的 19其他的;另外的 20.睡;睡觉 21.放松;休息 22.现在;此时 23.危险的 24.报纸 25.辛苦地;努力地 26.新闻;消息27.孩子(复数) 28.多云的;阴天的 29.天气;气候 30.潮湿的;湿润的 31.假期;休假 32.团体;组 33.感到惊讶的 34.卷曲的;卷毛的 35.高度 36.总是;始终 37.队长;首领 38.金黄色的 39.笑话;玩笑 40.决不;从不 41. 打架;争吵42.外表;外貌 43.考试;测验 44. 规则45.流泪;哭泣 46.角落;街角;墙角 47.忍受 47.介意 49.同意;赞成 50.时尚;潮流 二、请根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词拼写。(15分)1. The bank is a_ from the supermarket.2. Shes from New York, a famous city of A_ .3. Joans b_ is March 16th. 4. There are many people on the bus, and its c_ .5. The students are taking photos with a nice c_ .6. I ate a lot, because the food was so d_ .7. Koalas sleep d_ the day, but at night they get up to eat food.8. I dont like math, because it is too d_ .9. Dont play soccer on the street. Its too d _.10. An e_ is the biggest animal on land.11. We Chinese are usually f_ to foreign visitors.12. Here is a photo of my f _. There are five people in it.13. China is a country with a long h_ .14. I am very h_. Can you give me something to eat?15. Jim is not tall or short. He is medium h_ .16. I like p_ music best.17. I like tennis very much. I want to j_ the tennis club.18. J_ is the first month of the year.19. The dolphins in the zoo are k_ of cute20. What l_ does the man speak?21. -Is there anything in the glass? -No, theres n_ in it.22. Id like to o_ some noodles now.23. Is there a pay p_ near here?24. Do you want to be a r_ of a TV station?25. My favorite s_ at school is English.26. The game show is boring. I cant s_ it.27. The students gave the actor a warm w_ .28. The w_ usually shows you the menu when you eat in a restaurant.29. W your hands before a meal. Its good for you.30. Whose w is this? There is lots of money in it.三、请根括号内的汉语,用适当的单词形式完成下列句子。(35分)1. When do you often play (运动)2. We usually (乘坐) the number 6 bus to school.3. Hangzhou is one of the beautiful (城市)in china.4. Write a report about the (学生们的) holidays.5. Hero is a (成功的) action movie.6. His brother eats lots of (健康的) food.7. We can have some (特色菜)in that restaurant.8. Just go ( 穿过) the park, and you will see the bank.9. Dont talk (大声地) in the library.10. Green (叶子)on the trees come out in spring.11. I often go to school by bike, but (有时) I walk to school.12. My sister works in a (医院) . She is a nurse.13. My friend is medium (体形), and she has long hair.14. I am very (感到惊讶的) that the little girl can play the piano.15. Susan (写) a letter to her mother last night.16. The pay phone is (在近旁) the library.17. Do you like to write (故事) ? 18. Do you often go to the (超市)? 19. Mike is my (堂兄). Hes very helpful.20. The market is not (营业中的) . Lets go to another one.21. What kind of (饺子) would you like?22. Do you like playing (排球)?23. Can you lend me some (杂志)?24. What do you think of the (太阳镜)?25. China is a great (国家) .26. He is very (懒惰的) . I dont like him.27. Lets (打扫) the rooms today.28. Its (多风的) day. Just stay home and do some reading.29. My sister is very (受欢迎的) in our town.30What (其他的) do you want to eat?31. Next to the hotel is a small house _ (有) an interesting garden.32. His fathers work is interesting, but kind of _(危险)33. Mr Zhang has a _(中等的)build and has short black hair.34. Did you like your _(假期),Vera?35. I think _(地理)is a kind interesting, do you think so?四短语(25分) 1.绿茶2.一碗3.在饺子馆4.橙汁5.电话号码6.牛肉面7.哪一种8.一点儿9.看起来像10.停止做某事11.喜欢做某事12.去购物13.戴眼镜14.新面貌15.篮球队16.的队长17.中等高度18.不再19.下国际象棋20.中等身材21.讲笑话22.怎么样23. 阅读24. 因而感谢25.访谈节目26.去散步27.开晚会28.为考试而学习29.上个周末30.拜访我朋友31.去沙滩32.打扫教室33.一本关于历史的书34.度周末35.想成为36.店员37.银行职员38.工作得晚39.一项刺激的工作40.与某人谈话41.每一天42.从获得43.在白天44.晚上45.外出46.几分47.弹钢琴48.电视节目49.等候,等待50.读报纸


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