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    越是爱的深,越是容易吵架(The deeper the love, the easier it is to quarrel)In life, many young friends find it difficult to reason with people who love each other. This article is for everyone to explain this phenomenon:Self willed is because of emotionWhether or not a person in love is able to communicate better is not always necessary. Sometimes, people who love each other cannot communicate. Lin Daiyu loves Jia Baoyu best. He doesnt love him terribly, but when he meets, he cries. The more you love each other, the easier it is to quarrel. Xue Baochai, why dont you argue with Jia Baoyu? Because she doesnt love him. It is a great reference to men that girls like whom they quarrel with!A person of another persons feelings if very general, very polite, very polite, very respectful of the people tell you something different, there is a tendency to seek common ground; and feeling better, more concern for each other, a tendency to seek more strong, reached a peak, which is the highest point on the near full finding-equal. Knowing each others feelings and feelings strongly, they are less reasonable, demanding, and somewhat autocratic.This situation also exists between mother and child. Mothers love their children best, but communication is the hardest.Feeling good is not reasonable. Love is strong feeling. Love and reason are contradictory, and strong emotion is strong unreasonable, which is also a kind of defect of human nature, but the beauty of human nature is also in this irrational.Respect the logic that is different from yoursThe United States has a talk about the exchange of books, the first chapter from the outset, you must establish a concept of object - you communicate, whether students, colleagues, parents, teachers, relatives, or negotiator, you dont think he is the same as your people. In front of the same scene, you see, they may not see; they see, you may not see. The logic of his thinking is also different from yours. No matter how different he is from you, you should respect him. To learn to communicate is to learn to respect the logic that is different from yours.An article in the American Journal of contemporary psychology speaks about domestic violence in the United states. Although two people love each other, but two people are different: first, the man has a ghost. Men, according to research, have a tendency to love much. Second, a womans mouth is more powerful, endless, men short speech, do not speak, or slip away. Women always want men to admit defeat on the spot, men unbearable, and finally use fists to dialogue. This is called "in our China with fists".Why do women always drag on men, just because they love him?. The opposite of love is not hate, its indifference; you go with someone else - just right, I didnt love you.On the issue of lovers quarrel, there are scientific studies show that young people quarrel a lot of couples (lovers), will be the most love, life is the happiest.Quarrels between couples are very common. I think this should be done in the following ways:1: scientific research shows that when young people quarrel more couples (couples), will be the most love, life is the happiest2: if you are not because of some very strong principles and arguments, such as the other derailed or living habits, character of mutual exclusion. What if not for this, just for the little things, so I think you need a better run. You love each other. (inclusive of in is basically couples need to also must do)3: you often quarrel, shows that you are very concerned about each other, so the expectations are too high, so not satisfied will be noisyI come to 4:, so it is know to cherish your love and love you. So please take inclusive of each other, for their love of the person aggrieved by the point give each other what ah. this is a romantic thing.Dont worry about that. Thats your beloved. Why cant you let him? What a happy thing it is to be together with two people. Why do you always quarrel and disturb your happiness?First, learn to forgive each other;Second, often transposition thinking;Third, think of the purpose of the original marriage is to bring happiness and happiness to each other, living together, for happiness and happiness, not to fight together to live together. So think of this and understand your spouse.There is no quarrel between lovers, even if two people how to get along with each other, but also can not avoid differences.Because they are in the stage of lovers, not completely familiar with each other. But as time goes on, you will slowly find out each others temper, temperament, disagreement, you will find a better solution.Lovers from love and marriage, if not lightning, then there will be a feeling of running in period, after the break in period, you will feel happy with each other. There is no quarrel, hurt the feelings of the shadow.Also, if the fight can not avoid, not too seriously, think oneself is very love him (her), how could he (she) sad.The cause of the quarrel is because you are not the same opinions. Or do something you hate. In fact you want to avoid it from her work, then take their surgery. This is really his temper can understand him. Or you good EQ I know when there are conflicting times very well and he can negotiate. Naturally you will certainly fight less. is reduced. Not one is not noisy. As the saying goes. Appropriate help! Fight feelings warming! if you can do more. You have been very good.It is impossible to live in the world without quarrelingBecause since you want to live, then there must be troubleA proper fight is good for your body, but its bad for a turtleBecause like balloons, none of us knows how much his limit is. Its blowing all the time. Do you think it cant explode?Do not quarrel, it is impossible, more tolerant, considerate, stand in his position, angle of thinking, more for him to think about, do not care about your gains and losses.Its easier said than done, so go for it yourself, in short, its difficult!My husband and I just got married, but now we will fight every day, however, it is a good time. Between husband and wife does not quarrel, that is impossible, quarrel is also a kind of communication!Dont want to fight hard, but dont be a little noisy, noisy noisy. This is the principle of life is always in smooth water will make people lack of passion, sometimes a little twists and turns can also play the role of seasoning, but also can test the two sides is not really suitable forIts not normal not to quarrel. The so-called juanjimei, Xiangjingrubin are beautiful imagination.Lovers are also two people, sometimes they are angry with themselves, not to mention another person. Therefore, quarrel is not terrible, terrible is not learned from the experience, learn to get along with the road.1. dont tolerate unlimited love, tolerance is the most important, but not to indulge, sometimes appropriate small but can increase their feelings of fire.2., pay attention to communication. Many disputes are due to insufficient communication between the two sides have, arguably the couple should understand each other, but in fact, because two people close, but prone to each other are not satisfied with the situation, this communication will play a role.3. to learn to understand, understanding is to describe the girls, but also suitable for boys, and look at issues from the perspective of the other, if you think of yourself if it is on the other side, will be angry, you can understand it.4., to learn to apologize, whenever, Im, sorry is the best solution.He (she) into your back, he (she) back you into, do not quarrel between lovers, only one side of the other party obey in every way, master, this combination may be just perfect, very little, only mutual respect, understanding and tolerance can be coordinated, even if successful one for peace.Its normal to disagree, after all, two individuals,And there are differences, can not discuss ways to find a solution when it will quarrel, it is inevitable. The need to eliminate the said hurtful things quarrel, remember is the discussion, not to the past are led out, also dont say break up, dont say too much hurtful, then quarrel is actually a kind of promote feelings, emotional beneficial way of communication do not need to stop. And how to fight no harm, it is personal accomplishment, and remember to say what should be good, say again, to know that the words are not accepted.The best way to avoid 2 fights is to stop one of them. Lovers need it, you 2 people from different living environment, have different growth experience, have different values, so occasionally noisy quarrel is very good, also very normal, small noise can enhance 2 personal feelings and understanding of each other, so the fight is not entirely a bad thing.But the extent of the quarrel is to pay attention to, in other words, you can not let the quarrel develop to affect 2 people each others feelings can, quarrel is actually art, especially lovers or couples.Before the other did not mention the scandal.Its not easy to break up or divorce.Can not use the other sides shortcomings as a quarrel chip.Persons or their families who cannot attack each other.Quarrel is the thing of 2 of you, cannot pull others, for example: so and so much better than you.Quarrel is against the right, wrong person.Quarrels should be made in a humorous way, rather than with fierce words.I think of that for the time being, but I must pay attention to that.As a man, you should take the initiative when you are in a fight, wait till the limelight is over. Sit down with the other person and talk about your own hair and use the tone of inquiry (do you think it will be better?) Use less or try not to command the tone (we should do it, not that!)As a woman should learn to show weakness in quarrel when (one of the commonly used method, smart woman) flashing your tearful eyes, was feeling wronged and looked at him and said: "why cant we do this?" "Why?"" "Why is that?"". This is Gods natural advantage for women. Learn to use them. Dont overexert quarrel, otherwise it may become a bitch.When he coax you to come, give him a step down, ah, do not deadlocked, in fact, after the argument, you sit aside, nothing to say, 20 minutes later, the gas will be goneBecause the temptation to stimulate gas, the other party is also concerned about their own, quarrel, noisy, vent their feelings, not bad, the premise is not angry, not really angry circumstancesIts normal and common to quarrel among lovers.Oh, as for that between lovers because what quarrel, then take a look at whats happening with the parties, this only between the two sides was clearly why noisy. Ha ha, these, outsiders are unknown.As for the absence of any incentive, but also quarrel, ha ha ha, it is estimated that this situation should belong to a small number of it! How can there be no incentive to quarrel? This is not in line with normal peoples normal thinking. InterestingIn any case, quarrels between lovers are both common and unavoidable. Its better to avoid arguments, because a constant quarrel is bound to affect the feelings of both parties. Why can a dispute be solved peacefully?But still hope that both sides can have fun and cherish every day they have!Love two people sometimes inexplicable quarrel, and noisy very fierce, I have such a lot of examples, in fact, it is because love is too deep.I think we all have a deep feeling about it. Love is sometimes noisy, because two people are too seriously. A very common sentence, if someone says it, is like opening the door and shutting it down, and it doesnt make you care,You will analyze and try to figure out. The results tend to think bad. What does he mean? Dont you like me? Have a liking for others? A change of heart? Why is he so passionate about other women? Is it so cold to me? Love a person deeply, "do not care" can not be done.Both partners and couples always have to learn to give in. One of the most difficult questions women can think of is: "why do I have to give in?"" This is the root of the quarrel between lovers, everyone is at the center of their own, all think that they are absolutely right, neither willing to accommodate each other, that quarrel is inevitable.Why do couples quarrel? Crazy love. Well, thats true, right?.I think everyone makes a step, can be seen as boundless as the sea and sky.


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