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    儿童声乐注意点(Attention points for children's vocal music).doc

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    儿童声乐注意点(Attention points for children's vocal music).doc

    儿童声乐注意点(Attention points for childrens vocal music)At present, more and more children learn vocal music, and childrens vocal music teaching has become an important part of vocal music teaching. However, due to the characteristics of childrens physical development, cultural knowledge, comprehension and perception, the teaching methods of vocal music for children should be different from those of adults. According to the physiological characteristics of children, the level of knowledge, in the imagination, imitation ability and understanding of the lack of ability in analysis, combined with my teaching experience, summed up the following points in the childrens vocal music teaching should pay attention to the problem, for reference.Use simple, easy to understand, simple teaching terminology.First of all, childrens knowledge and comprehension ability is far from understanding the theory of vocal music, therefore, to explain the theory of vocal music, not only to help children to learn vocal approach, on the contrary, will bring confusion to them, creating obstacles to the vocal music practice. Therefore, in the selection of teaching terms, we should adopt bold imagination, image metaphor and description, and abstract the method, position and feeling, and express it in very concise language. It is best to be specific to an object, expressed in words or words, and even with gestures and actions. If you use "smell flowers" to express the atmosphere before singing; prepare the status; use "second buttons" to indicate the imaginary position of the throat when singing; use "close" to indicate the closing of singing. This kind of image and concise terms are easy to understand and master by children, and can help children to grasp the feeling and locate the feeling quickly. Using simple words instead of complicated theories, giving full play to childrens advantages and avoiding childrens weaknesses, the teaching of complicated abstract vocal music becomes simple and relaxed. Therefore, the concise, vivid and accurate teaching terminology is the golden key to open the door of childrens vocal music thinking". Starting from the breathing exercises, teaching is carried out step by step and in layers.Breath training refers to abdominal breathing exercises and breathing exercises during singing. From the beginning of breathing training, refers to the formal vocal training before the children should be necessary for the preparation of the singing atmosphere training, so that they first understand the position of breath, forming a certain concept of air and practical experience. In this way, in the future vocal training, children can consciously use the breath, or under the guidance of teachers, and soon with the breath and other methods of integration, in vocal music learning to play twice the result with half the effort. Step hierarchical teaching is defined according to the characteristics of childrens thinking, teachers should consider the position of larynx and vocal breath, feeling and head cavity resonance method according to the degree of childrens learning and understanding, in accordance with the order of the total from easy to difficult, first, the levels and stages of training. For each of the specific methods of learning, training should do independently, and then combined with other methods, but not all of the methods hold together, to avoid children because they can not control a variety of ideas, and care for this and lose that can not find the feeling. Such as learning throat position and vocal cords relax, temporarily do not resonate, and do not ask for breath. Without any other requirement, children will be able to concentrate on the larynx and the vocal cords before they can quickly feel and grasp the feeling. In the sense of mastery, and then under the guidance of teachers, this feeling with the previous method of learning to unify, it is much simpler and easier. In fact, even if the teacher does not make a request, the children will unconsciously put their previous methods into the practice of vocal music. In this case, as long as the premise of the teachers in the training content of the current is not influenced. To be sure, you can receive "have both fish and bears paw" effect.Appropriately grasp the time and intensity of vocal music training and the degree of difficulty of songsCompared with adults, the vocal cords of children are short, thin, tough and very immature. In the vocal music teaching of children, it is important to pay attention to the protection of the vocal cords of children. Protection of childrens immature vocal cords, not only to the correct pronunciation methods, clever and proper teaching methods, as well as timely correction of the wrong voice to complete,It is also required to grasp the time, intensity and difficulty of vocal music training. Because, even if the sounding method is correct, long time training will make the vocal fatigue, damage to the mucous membrane; even if the sounding method is correct, loud or loud sound of heavy function will increase the flow of the vocal cords impact force, increase the tension of the vocal cords. For childrens immature vocal cords, such a long period of training is unbearable, can lead to congestion of vocal cord mucosa, local thickening of vocal cords, nodules of vocal cords and other lesions. Therefore, to properly grasp the training pitch intensity and training time according to the specific situation of children. Generally speaking, childrens vocal training should be to learn and master the correct method of voice for the purpose, to the natural sound area based on their own, the range is not more than one octave, moderate intensity, try to use light to sing the treble, each training time in about half an hour, and halfway to rest two times, let the vocal cords have a rest, restore elasticity. In addition, according to the specific circumstances of children, choose the appropriate songs. According to the childrens vocal range and learning conditions and singing ability, select the songs that have no obstacles in singing and fully display their vocal skills. Because the child has just learned or mastered some vocal methods, the concept has not yet been formed and the position has not been consolidated, and the extra vocal difficulty can lead to a loss of sensation and loss of voice in children. For the beginner vocal children generally choose tone moderate, melodic and catchy, no sound, closed accent is not many songs. Because such songs not only do not add extra difficulty to childrens vocal performance, but also play a role in consolidating vocal methods while not hurting the vocal cords of children.Correct understanding of childrens tone, establish correct learning objectivesThe boys are the natural vibration of the vocal cords thin two short a pure pitch, the formation of oral resonance plus the bright and crisp personality timbre, lovable, very charming. But this is a natural tone, the lack of scientific methods of voice support, the head cavity resonance is less, so singing when the treble does not go, shouting more ingredients. Learn the sound method of science, join the breath and head cavity resonance, the tone will change, become rounded and vigorous, but will lose some bright brightness and childishness. However, to solve the treble, and resonance can produce a full and smooth feeling, therefore, in the vocal music teaching of children, not because of fear of change bright lovely natural tone and in the event of childrens method of reservations. To learn vocal music is the sound scientific method, if because of natural treble tone, do not learn a resonance, for children, will eventually The loss outweighs the gain. Because, with the development of children body, natural children will eventually lose, but the scientific method will benefit from his life, he is forever. Therefore, not the blind pursuit of pitch or timbre, sharp bright transparent, childrens pursuit of artistic beauty, the voice of Science in the first place, is the correct guiding ideology of childrens vocal music teaching.Seasonable praiseEvery child will feel excited and happy when he hears the praises, especially when singing, praise and affirmation will cheer up the spirits and spirits of the children, which is a very ideal singing state. At the same time, timely praise and affirmation can also give correct voice information timely feedback to children, not only play a role in encouraging, but also to stabilize their vocal methods, and enhance their understanding of vocal music.Finally, the review shows that children have a strong desire to explore the unknown world and have a strong pursuit of beauty. In the study of vocal music, childrens imagination and perception are almost stronger than adults. In addition, childrens thinking is simple, heart free mind, technical knowledge is relatively strong. Therefore, as long as the proper method, the terminology is clever, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, children learn vocal music is no more difficult than adults, and sometimes even faster than adults learn.Ability is far from enough to understand the degree of vocal music theory, therefore, the interpretation of vocal music theory not only can not help children learn vocal methods, on the contrary, it will also bring confusion to them,Create obstacles to vocal practice. Therefore, in the selection of teaching terms, we should adopt bold imagination, image metaphor and description, and abstract the method, position and feeling, and express it in very concise language. It is best to be specific to an object, expressed in words or words, and even with gestures and actions. If you use "smell flowers" to express the atmosphere before singing; prepare the status; use "second buttons" to indicate the imaginary position of the throat when singing; use "close" to indicate the closing of singing. This kind of image and concise terms are easy to understand and master by children, and can help children to grasp the feeling and locate the feeling quickly. Using simple words instead of complicated theories, giving full play to childrens advantages and avoiding childrens weaknesses, the teaching of complicated abstract vocal music becomes simple and relaxed. Therefore, the concise, vivid and accurate teaching terminology is the golden key to open the door of childrens vocal music thinking". Starting from the breathing exercises, teaching is carried out step by step and in layers.Breath training refers to abdominal breathing exercises and breathing exercises during singing. From the beginning of breathing training, refers to the formal vocal training before the children should be necessary for the preparation of the singing atmosphere training, so that they first understand the position of breath, forming a certain concept of air and practical experience. In this way, in the future vocal training, children can consciously use the breath, or under the guidance of teachers, and soon with the breath and other methods of integration, in vocal music learning to play twice the result with half the effort. Step hierarchical teaching is defined according to the characteristics of childrens thinking, teachers should consider the position of larynx and vocal breath, feeling and head cavity resonance method according to the degree of childrens learning and understanding, in accordance with the order of the total from easy to difficult, first, the levels and stages of training. For each of the specific methods of learning, training should do independently, and then combined with other methods, but not all of the methods hold together, to avoid children because they can not control a variety of ideas, and care for this and lose that can not find the feeling. Such as learning throat position and vocal cords relax, temporarily do not resonate, and do not ask for breath. Without any other requirement, children will be able to concentrate on the larynx and the vocal cords before they can quickly feel and grasp the feeling. In the sense of mastery, and then under the guidance of teachers, this feeling with the previous method of learning to unify, it is much simpler and easier. In fact, even if the teacher does not make a request, the children will unconsciously put their previous methods into the practice of vocal music. In this case, as long as the premise of the teachers in the training content of the current is not influenced. To be sure, you can receive "have both fish and bears paw" effect.Appropriately grasp the time and intensity of vocal music training and the degree of difficulty of songsCompared with adults, the vocal cords of children are short, thin, tough and very immature. In the vocal music teaching of children, it is important to pay attention to the protection of the vocal cords of children. The protection of the innocent children in the vocal cords, teaching methods not only to the correct method of voice, clever properly and timely to correct the errors of sound to complete, also required to grasp the degree of difficulty in the vocal training time, intensity and the songs. Because, even if the sounding method is correct, long time training will make the vocal fatigue, damage to the mucous membrane; even if the sounding method is correct, loud or loud sound of heavy function will increase the flow of the vocal cords impact force, increase the tension of the vocal cords. For childrens immature vocal cords, such a long period of training is unbearable, can lead to congestion of vocal cord mucosa, local thickening of vocal cords, nodules of vocal cords and other lesions. Therefore, to properly grasp the training pitch intensity and training time according to the specific situation of children. Generally speaking, childrens vocal training should be to learn and master the correct method of voice for the purpose, to the natural sound area based on their own, the range is not more than one octave, moderate intensity, try to use light to sing the treble, each training time in about half an hour, and halfway to rest two times, let the vocal cords have a rest, restore elasticity.In addition, according to the specific circumstances of children, choose the appropriate songs. According to the childrens vocal range and learning conditions and singing ability, select the songs that have no obstacles in singing and fully display their vocal skills. Because the child has just learned or mastered some vocal methods, the concept has not yet been formed and the position has not been consolidated, and the extra vocal difficulty can lead to a loss of sensation and loss of voice in children. For the beginner vocal children generally choose tone moderate, melodic and catchy, no sound, closed accent is not many songs. Because such songs not only do not add extra difficulty to childrens


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