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    经贸英语、广告英语的翻译,Example,A joint venture is a form of business organization undertaken by two or more parties. It is Chinas policy to enter into joint ventures with foreign enterprises in order to expand international economic cooperation and technological exchange. According to the Joint Venture Law of China, a joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company and the profits and losses of a joint venture shall be shared by the parties to the venture in proportion to their contributions to the registered capital.,参考译文,合资企业是由两家或多家出资方组成的企业组织形式。与外商兴办合资企业以扩大国际经济合作与技术交流是中国的一项政策。根据中国合资企业法,合资企业须采取股份有限公司的形式。合资企业的盈亏须按合资各方在注册资金中的出资比例来分摊。,经贸文体翻译练习,According to the survey report enclosed in your letter, the case was found renailed upon inspection. As it is proved by the clean B/L that the case was received and shipped in apparent good condition, the shortage was evidently caused by pilferage in transit. We would advise you to seek remedy from your insurer if the goods were insured against T.P.N.D.,参考译文,你方寄来之检验报告说明,当检查时发现箱子已重新钉过。查此货发运时外表情况良好,有清洁提单为证。因此很清楚,短少系货物运输中被窃所致。如果你方已保偷窃提货不着险,建议你方向承运公司要求赔偿。,学生翻译练习,All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiations, the case shall then be submitted to the arbitration organization of (a third country), in accordance with its arbitral rules of procedure. The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.,参考译文,凡因执行本合同所发生的或与本合同有关的一切争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。如果协商不能解决,应提交XX(某第三国某地)的仲裁机构,根据该仲裁组织的仲裁程序规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方具有约束力。,学生课后翻译练习,The Buyers shall have the right to reinspect the quality and quantity (weight) of the cargo. The reinspection fee shall be borne by the Buyers. Should the quality and or quantity (weight) be found not in conformity with that of the contract, the Buyers are entitled to lodge with the Sellers a claim which should be supported by survey report issued by a recognized surveyor approved by the Sellers. The claim, if any, shall be lodged within 30 days after arrival of the cargo at the port of destination.,All parties of a joint venture shall submit their agreements and contract, and articles of association to the state department concerned with foreign economic relations and trade. The examining and approving authorities shall decide whether to approve or disapprove the joint venture within three months. Once approved, the joint venture shall register with the concerned department of the General Administration for Industry and Commerce, and open business after receiving its business Licence.,广告英语的翻译,一、广告的目的及功能 目的:传递情报,改变人们对于广告商品的态度,并诱发其行动而使广告主得到利益。 功能:信息功能、美感功能、表情功能、呼唤功能,二、广告的翻译原则:不能一味强调高度忠实于原文,而应灵活巧妙地变通,加以创造,使英译广告符合英语广告的文体特点。实现功能对等。 三、广告组成:商标、口号、正文,商标的翻译 直译:皇冠 Crown 自由鸟 free Bird 好日子 good days 音译:红塔 Hongta 安踏 Anta 李宁 Lining 适当改变以符合英语发音规则,如: 康佳konka 格力 Gree 美的 Midea 新科 Shinco 音意结合:(既可保留原商标的大致发音,又能克服音译法缺乏具体意义的弱点,可谓形神兼备。)如: 方太 Fountain 海信 Hisense 乐凯 Lucky 乐百氏 Robust Solid 索牌(绳索) Goodyear 固特异 转译:(舍弃原商标的意义和发音,重新设计一个在译语语言和文化中具有良好传播效果的商标。)如: 联想:Lenovo 洁婷:Ladycare,广告口号的翻译,广告口号:简洁生动、富有美感。奇巧的构思、强烈的感召力。 如:临武鸭广告口号:临武山水鸭天下 李宁:一切皆有可能(Anything is possible) 阿迪达:没有什么不可能( nothing is impossible),翻译方法,直译: 给我一个机会,还你一个惊喜。(嘉亨印务) Give me a Chance, and youll have a big surprise。 转译:(摘取口号原文中最具表情功能和呼唤功能的部分,加以引申、发挥后用地道的英文表达出来。) 国酒茅台,相伴辉煌。(茅台酒) Good and vigorous spirit . 鹤舞白沙,我心飞扬。(白沙集团) Fly higher 仿译:(套用英语中与产品所宣扬的理念相近的名言警句、俗语、谚语。仿译法让西方消费者倍感亲切,具有独特的修辞美。)如: 爱您一辈子(绿世界化妆品) Love me tender,love me true。 中原之行哪里去?郑州亚细亚。(亚细亚商场) While in Zhenzhou, do as the Zhengzhounese doGo shopping in the Asian Supermarket. (仿:While in Rome, do as the romans do.),四、翻译练习,1. Pepsi-Cola hits the spot, Twelve full ounces, that s a lot, Twice as much for a nickel, too, Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. (百事可乐广告诗) 百事可乐味道好,足足12盎量不少, 五元钞票买24盎,百事可乐供您享。,2. 买电视就要买金星,买金星就是买放心!(金星彩电) Of all TV brands we choose to buy Jinxing, To buy Jinxing means to buy satisfaction. 3. 经历了一年的风风雨雨,极限不断成熟,不断完善,创造出了卓越的业绩(极限喷绘机) Having experienced one year of difficulties and hardships, INFINITI has grown mature and undergone constant improvement, thus creating outstanding achievements “风风雨雨”显然是个隐喻,比喻艰难困苦,译为“difficulties and hardships,切合喻意,明确易懂。,4. 输人千言万语,奏出一片深情(文字处理机) This word processor plays a tune of deep feeling whenever you are typing. 此句是蕴含隐喻、对仗工整的广告标语。相应的译句虽不是对仗工整,但因其主句为隐晦形象的隐喻,加上feeling”与“typing”压韵,读来生动流畅,既“信” 又顺。此外,typing”后面的宾语给省略了,整个译句颇为简练。,5.皮张之厚无以复加;利润之薄无以复减。(上海鹤鸣皮鞋厂广告) The leather shoes made here are thick enough; the profit that s obtained is slight enough. 一“厚”一“薄”对照鲜明,一“加”一“减”相映成趣。这则对联广告词很风趣,商品的特色,企业形象,通过比照跃然纸上。相应的译句虽然未能保留原句的对照辞格和对联形式,但忠于原文意义,且由于句末重复了enough,压了尾韵,读来流畅,给人深刻印象,其功能不亚于原文。,6. 世界看中国,中国有先科。(VCD广告标语) As she boasts Advanced Science, China attracts global eyes。 此句系工整的对偶,节奏感强,并含有顶针修辞手段,突出了产品的先进性和巨大魅力。相应的译句是个表因果关系的复杂句,虽然失去了原句的辞格,但因为用作主语的“中国”在原因状语从句中给拟人化了,谓语动词生动形象,加上Science”与“eyes”有点压韵,整个译句充分传达了原句的逻辑意义,与原句功能对等,可与原句媲美。,7. To the ends of the earth and to the top of the world. Only two of us have made it. It s the only thing that s been on all the trips with me and it s never once let me down( Rolex手表广告词) 只有我们俩一起走过天涯海角。 惟有我们俩共同登上过世界屋脊。 劳力士表是与我一起经历过所有这些旅程的唯一侣 伴,从来没有让我失望 该标题本是一个完整句子,可是,为了引人瞩目,为了意义的强调,作者把两个状语并列起来,并用句点将其与主谓部分隔开。这种活泼奔放的语言风格被视为富有独特的联想价值,在英语广告中俯拾即是。广告设计者别具匠心地用句号把句子切成片段,即切成更多的信息单位,因为每个信息单位的末尾都带核心重音,核心重音增多,注目成分便自然增多,广告的感染力便大大加强了。在例句中,标题的主语“two of us”指说话者(顾客)和劳力士手表,显然,该表给拟人化了。从正文可知,the top of the world”指珠穆朗玛峰(Everest)。译者通过重复主谓部分通过巧妙地翻译辞格,将该标题译成重点突出、意境鲜明、易读易记的排比句。广告正文中的拟人辞格也译得很活,”it”给译成“侣伴”,译出了原文的含义,与其后面的“从来没有让我失望”搭配得非常贴切,且压了点韵。,8.Bask in the warmth fo the philippines Bask indulge luxuriate In beautiful whitesand beaches. Breathtaking scenic wonders World-class facilities and efficient service. But, best of all, bask in the special warmth and comfort that is uniquely, wonderfully Filipino。 沐浴在菲律宾群岛的阳光里 美丽的白色沙滩上,沐浴在金色的阳光里,恣情嬉戏,尽情享受。美妙的风景,激动人心的奇观。世界一流的设施,高效的服务。不仅这些,最令人难忘的是,你可以享受到菲律宾群岛带给你的独有的温暖、热情与舒适。,10.老老实实做人,认认真真做事。(广告公司) Be honest in all of our personal behaviors, Be scrupulous in all our business dealings. 11 要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝” Applying Dabao morning and night: It makes your skincare a real delight. 12 你不理财,财不理你(理财杂志) If you leave Managing Money alone, Money will manage to leave you alone.,


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