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    新外研版八年级下Module8 Time off Unit1.ppt

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    新外研版八年级下Module8 Time off Unit1.ppt

    八年级下册,Module 8 Time off,Unit 1 I can hardly believe were in the city,Look at each picture (symbol building) and say out the name of the city in two seconds.,Lets play a game!,Big Ben,London,Warming up,Eiffel Tower,Paris,Opera House,Sydney,the Statue of Liberty,New York,Fuji Mountain,Japan,Beihai Park,China,Welcome to Beihai Park,Do you know something about Beihai Park?,北海公园(Beihai Park),位于北京市中心区,城内景山西侧,在故宫的西北面,与中海、南海合称三海。属于中国古代皇家园林。全园以北海为中心,面积约71公顷,水面占583市亩,陆地占480市亩。这里原是辽、金、元建离宫,明、清辟为帝王御苑,是中国现存最古老、最完整、最具综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一,1925年开放为公园。是中国保留下来的最悠久最完整的皇家园林,为中国全国重点文物保护单位,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。,Look and describe the pictures.,1. Teaching aims: To get the main ideas of the listening material and the conversation To understand the object clause with that in context To be able to introduce a place of interest in your home town,Teaching aims,2. Main contents: Key vocabulary hardly, take up; point out; at the top of; waste Key structures I can hardly believe were in the city centre. I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake. I hope it will be cooler up here.,/h:dli/ /saIts/,几乎不;几乎没 adv.,hardly,占去(时间或空间),take up,指出;指明,sights,(用复数)风景;名胜 n.,point out,Words and expressions,/:stI/ /weIst/,渴的 adj.,thirsty,在的顶端,at the top of,浪费;滥用 v. 浪费;滥用 n.,waste,Words and expressions,1. Look at the photo and listen. What is the conversation about?,The conversation is about going to Beihai Park.,Tony has/hasnt heard about Beihai Park. Tony guesses that the park is very popular /not very popular. Linging suggests that they spend the day there/ Daming and Betty come too. Linging thinks/ doesnt think the park will be busy.,Listen again and choose the correct answer.,Tony: Ive heard that Beihai Park is very beautiful. Lingling: Yes, it is. Shall we go for a walk there? Tony: Thats a great idea. Maybe Daming and Betty will come too. Lingling: Lets tell them that were going to,Tapescript,spend the day there. Tony: I guess its a very popular place. Will there be lots of people there? Lingling: Well, lots of people go there, but its a big park, so I dont think itll be very busy. Tony: I hope not.,Watch and read,Everyday English, Here we are. Wow! I can hardly believe Thats too bad. Come on!,sights n.用复数 风景; 名胜,thirsty adj. 渴的,Presentation,at the top of 在的顶端,waste v./n. 浪费; 滥用,waste food/time,3. Listen and read.,Lingling: Here we are. Welcome to Beihai Park. Tony: Wow! Its so quiet that I can even hear the birds singing! I can hardly believe were in the city centre. Lingling: This park is famous for its lake, the bridge and the ancient buildings on the hill. The lake takes up over half of the park area. Lets walk along the,lake, cross the bridge and climb up the hill. Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you. Tony: Yes, good idea. Im sure itll be fantastic to see the city from the top. Daming: But Im so tired, and its so hot here. I dont want to climb. The lake looks nice and cool. Why dont we go for a swim? Lingling: I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake. Its dangerous.,Daming: Thats too bad. Then why dont we have our picnic here? Im so hungry and thirsty. Lingling: I think its better to have our picnic at the top of the hill. Tony: Come on! Lets not waste any more time. Daming: All right. I hope it will be cooler up there.,Lingling is taking her friends Tony and Daming to Beihai Park. Listen and answer the questions.,1. Who is introducing Beihai Park? 2. Why are they there?,1. Beihai Park is in the city centre. ( ) 2. The ancient buildings take up over half of the park area. ( ) 3. They dont allow people to swim in the lake because its dangerous. ( ),T,F,T,Read the dialogue and mark T or F.,1. Beihai Park is so _ that you can even hear the birds singing. 2. The park is famous for its _, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill. 3. The lake takes up _ of the park area.,quiet,lake,over half,Complete the sentences about Beihai Park.,4. You can point out the _ of Beijing from the top of the hill. 5. They do not allow people to swim _.,sights,in the lake,4. Read the sentences and answer the questions.,1. “I can hardly believe were in the city centre.” Does Tony know they are in the city centre or not?,hardly sights thirsty waste,Tony doesnt think they are in the city centre.,2. “Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you.” Does Lingling want them to look at something or listen to something? 3. “Im so hungry and thirsty.” Does Daming want something to drink?,Lingling wants them to look at something.,Yes, he does.,4. “Lets not waste any more time.” Does Tony think they arc spending their time well or badly?,Tony thinks they are spending their time badly.,1. time off time off “休假,放假” , 是名词短语。 例如: You work too hard. You should take some time off. 你太辛苦了,应该休息一段时间。 Her boss gave her time off. 她的老板准了她的假。,Language points,(补充),1. Its so quiet here that I can even hear the birds singing! 这里安静得我甚至能听见鸟叫的声音。 sothat 引导结果状语从句, 意为“如此, 以至于”。 e.g. I was so tired that I slept in this chair. 我太累了, 在椅子上睡着了。,2. I can hardly believe were in the city centre. 我几乎不敢相信我们是在市中心。 hardly adv. 几乎不, 几乎没 e.g. I can hardly finish the work in a day. 我不可能一天内完成这项工作。 hard adv. 努力 e.g. You must work hard. 你必须努力工作。,3. The lake takes up over half of the park area. 湖占据了这个公园一半多的面积。 take up 表示“占去(时间或空间)”。 e.g. This desk takes up too much room. 这张桌子太占地方。,4. Then I can point out the sights of Beijing for you. 然后我可以为你们指出北京的景点。 point out 表示“指出,指明”。 e.g. If you see that boy, please point him out for me. 如果你看到那个男孩, 请把他指给 我看。,5. I dont think they allow people to swim in the lake. 我想这里禁止游泳。 allow sb. to do sth. 表示“允许某人去做某事”。 e.g. My parents wont allow me to come back late. 我父母不允许我晚回来。,6. Lets walk along the lake, cross the bridge and climb up the hill. 咱们沿湖散步,过桥去爬山吧。 walk along 沿着走 Walk along the road and turn right at the traffic lights. 沿着这条路走,在交通灯处向右转. climb up 爬上;攀登 If I climb up a tree, I can see farther. 如果我爬到树上的话,我就能看得更远一些了。,7. Im sure itll be fantastic to see the city from the top. 我想从山顶上俯瞰北京一定很棒。 fantastic = wonderful 极好的;极妙的;了不起的 Shes a fantastic dancer. 她的舞跳得非常好。 What a fantastic goal! 这球进得多漂亮!,1. The box _ too much room, please take it out of the room. A. takes up B. take up C. takes off D. take off 2. If there are mistakes, please _ for me. A. point it out B. point them out C. point out it D. point out them,A,B,3. I can _ believe the wind is so strong. A. hard B. hardly C. sometimes D. often 4. They hope to stand _ the top of the mountains one day. A. at B. on C. to D. in,A,B,1. David was so excited at the good news that he could _ say a word. 【2013山东临沂】 A. nearly B. hard C. ever D. hardly,D,中考链接,2. Excuse me, sir, smoking _ in the gas station. Oh, Im really sorry. 【2013福建福州】 A. doesnt allow B. isnt allowed C. arent allowed,B,3. He felt _ curious that he asked _ many questions about it . 【2013 山东盐城】 A. such, such B. so, so C. such, so D. so, such,B,It was raining very _. Whats worse, my car broke down. A. heavy B. hardly C. hard D. heavier 2. China is _for its delicious food. A. good B. famous C. popular D. like,Exercise,一、单项选择题。,C,B,3. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bookstore? Walk along the road and _ the bridge, and you will see it in front of you. A. across B. cross C. through D. over 4. We dont allow people _in the cinema. A. smoke B. smoked C. smoking D. to smoke,B,D,5. I believe _ my dream will come true one day. A. what B. which C. who D. that 6. Look! The boys are trying to climb _ the tree to pick some apples. A. with B. off C. of D. up 7. - Did you find the small village yesterday? - Yes, without any difficulty, for it has _ changed over years. (2010年安徽) A.hardlyB. greatly C. clearly D. nearly,D,D,A,8. The Internet is very useful for us. We can find information_. (2010年河北)A. easy B. easily C. hard D.hardly 9. - Would you like some coffee? - No, thanks. I _ drink coffee. Coffee is bad for my stomach. (2010四川省宜宾市)A. almost B. already C.hardlyD. still,B,C,1. I like the beautiful s_ of this city. 2. He is very t_ and he needs some water now. 3. I can h_ understand what he said because he speaks English too quickly. 4. They walked around the lake and c_ the small bridge.,二、根据句意和首字母提示写单词。,ights,hirsty,ardly,ross,Student A: Youre a visitor from another country. Student B: Youre introducing a place of interest in your home town to Student A.,Work in pairs. Talk about a place of interest in your home town.,You can talk about: where it is how big it is how old it is what is special about it any other information you know about it,Use these expressions: I guess (that) I know (that) I think (that) Im sure (that) I cant believe (that),Finish the dialogue after class.,


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