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    1,Good Afternoon!,莫娇莹 吕柳燕 陈天阳,2,Nathaniel Hawthorne,3,life,Hawthorne studied at Bowdoin college in Maine(18211825) Pot Longfellow and Franklin pierce,4,Literary Career,Fanshawe failure The Token 1830 Seven tales of my native land burnt twice-told tales(first collection of short stories) little money,5,Hawthorne did three thing: first, as a surveyor second, Grandfathers Chair ; Famous Old People; the Liberty Tree third, he invested his savings at Brook Farm,6,Mosses form an old manse(second collection of short stories) The scarlet letter(most famous novel) First American romancer,7,Significance,Hawthorne was imbued with an inquiring imagination, an intensely meditative, and an unceasing interest in the ambiguity of mans being. At his best, Hawthorne was a master of psychological insight. Hawthornes novels were perhaps the deepest and most psychological in the 19 century.,8,Three aspects,Showed great concern about the American past His themes:,9,Brief introduction of The Scarlet Letter,a love tragedy taking place in North American colonial period.,H- Hester Prynne 海斯特白兰 C- Roger Chillingworth罗杰奇林渥斯 D-Dimmesdale 代尔,10,Heroine H married to C, who was old and ugly and devoted his whole life to studying. There was no love between the couple. But H and minister D loved each other. And H gave birth to a daughter called Pearl. According to Puritanism, they committed adultery. H was punished in public and had to wear the scarlet letter-A standing for adultery in her life as a lifelong sign of her sin. But she had a strong will and refused to say who the childs father was. Hs long separated husband C came back from Britain and discovered her relationship with minister D. Also he knew what had happened with the scaffold, so he decided to find the childs father to revenge. He disguised as a doctor. D suffered from his beliefs and conscience in long time and became thin and pallid. People asked D and C to live together to treat his illness. Living together provided the opportunity for C to revenge. So C tormented the poor minister unceasingly in vicious and clever method. At last, D cant endure Cs humiliation and inner torment any longer, he committed his sin in public and died in Hs arms. H sustains all humiliation and proved to be a strong-minded and capable woman. As she is ready to offer help and advice to other women in trouble, she was loved and respected by people in the town. She continued her life of penance and became a model of endurance, goodness, courage, and victory over sin.,11,The heroine-Hester Prynne from her horrendous trials, she gains strength, courage, and her lost love. Shes the embodiment of deep contradictions: bad and beautiful, holy and sinful, conventional and radical. Shes also a mirror, revealing the rue feelings of the reader about the role of women in society. All the contradictions of Hester make her an enduring heroine of American literature. She is flawed, complex, and above all fertile.,12,Hawthorne is significant for his style,Hawthorne wrote romance because he thought it the predestined form of American narrative. (he presented material on the alienation between fact and fancy. He wanted to reveal reality and satirize it but not to offend the puritan conventions.),B. Hawthorne used symbols and setting to reveal the psychology of characters. ( take symbols for example: A symbol is, like a metaphor, something that stands for, or represents, something else: an object, a person, even an idea. The Scarlet Letter is rich with symbols; in fact, it is largely regarded as the first symbolic novel in America.),13,C. He wrote stories with narrative interest, case in transition, coherence, and complexity.,D. His style is soft, flowing, and almost feminine. (his touch is light, but his observation is somber),E. He used ambiguity to keep the reader in a word of uncertainty. ( Hawthorne renders this beautiful passage to remind the reader, seemingly at every turn, that meaning, or truth, will be profoundly difficult to uncover),14,Salem Witchcraft Trial in 1692,15,The map of Salem (塞勒姆): Salem was settled in 1629,Massachusetts,16,In 1688 Goody Glover : a laundress Martha Goodwin: a 13-year-old girl,Strange behavior,brother and two sisters,17,Goody Glover,was arrested and accused of bewitching the children.,Reverend Cotton Mather,Glover was hanged,met twice with Glover after her arrest to persuade her to repent her witchcraft,18,In 1692,January 20,Abigail Williams(11) Elizabeth Parris (9),Strange behavior,Other girls in Salem,19,Mid-February, 1692: Doctor Griggs, who attended to the “afflicted” girls, suggested that witchcraft was the cause of their strange behavior.,trials,20,Procedure Used In The Salem Witchcraft Trials,1. The afflicted person makes a complaint to the Magistrate about a suspected witch. The complaint is sometimes made through a third person. 2.The Magistrate issues a warrant for the arrest of the accused person. 3. The accused person is taken into custody and examined by two or more Magistrates. If, after listening to testimony, the Magistrate believes that the accused person is probably guilty, the accused is sent to jail for possible reexamination and to await trial. 4. The case is presented to the Grand Jury. Depositions relating to the guilt or innocence of the accused are entered into evidence. 5. If the accused is indicted by the Grand Jury, he or she is tried before the Court of Oyer and Terminer. A jury, instructed by the Court, decides the defendants guilt. 6. The convicted defendant receives his or her sentence from the Court. In each case at Salem, the convicted defendant was sentenced to be hanged on a specified date. 7. The Sheriff and his deputies carry out the sentence of death on the specified date.,21,The Dead June 10 :Bridget Bishop July 19 :Rebecca Nurse Sarah Good Susannah Martin Elizabeth Howe Sarah Wildes August 19 George Burroughs Martha Carrier John Willard George Jacobs, Sr. John Proctor September 22 Martha Corey Mary Eastey Ann Pudeator Alice Parker Mary Parker Wilmott Redd Margaret Scott Samuel Wardwell,Nineteen accused witches were hanged on Gallows Hill in 1692:,22,Thank You!,


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