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    Unit3 Travel Journal,I am fond of travelling and Ive been to many places ever since I graduated from university. It was Lhasa that I had been dreaming of visiting, so I could hardly wait to visit it on this summer vacation. Though stubborn, my friend finally was persuaded into having a journey with me. We cycled from Lijiang to Lhasa, and during the journey I felt so tired that I once wanted to give up but my friend encouraged me to insist. Along the way we enjoyed many beautiful views of lakes ,valleys and so on. We both benefited a lot from the journey.,晨背佳品,【词汇运用】 1.persuaded 2.beneath 3.determined 4.stubborn 5.attitude 6.relied 7.graduation 8.organized 9.disadvantages 10.transport,自我校对,二1.sb be familiar with sth 2.dream of/about doing sth 3.care about 4.persuade sb to do sth 5.change ones mind 6.a determined look 7ever since 8.sb be determined to do sth 9.insist on doing,【短语在线 】,1.prefer v. _ 与相比更喜欢;宁愿不愿 _ 宁可干也不愿干 prefer that从句 从句中常用_ 更喜欢,更愿意,prefer sth./doing.to sth./doing.,prefer to do.rather than do.,(should)do,拓展,preference n. _ in preference to _ would rather do- than do_,偏爱;优惠;优先,优先于;而不是,宁可干也不愿干,知识梳理,一句多译 周末我更喜欢旅游而不是呆在家里。 1.I prefer traveling to staying at home at weekend. 2.I prefer to travel rather than stay at home at weekend. 3.I would rather travel than stay at home at weekend. 4.I prefer to travel in preference to staying at home at weekend.,说服某人 不做某事,说服某人 做某事,persuade sb. to do,persuade sb. into doing,talk sb. into doing,argue sb. into doing,reason sb. into doing,persuade sb. not to do sth,persuade (talk) sb. out of doing sth.,自我归纳,2.persuade v., persuade sb. of sth._ try to persuade sb. to do sth. _,使某人相信某事,尽力劝说某人做某事(但未劝服),活学活用,The other day, my husband (1)_buy a coat as he thought it was too long. However, the assistant tried hard to (2)_ me (3)_ the good quality and fashionable style of it. Therefore, I couldnt help (4)_ buying it. So you can see how easy it is (5)_ a woman (6)_things that arent suitable for her.,persuaded me not to,persuade,of,being persuaded into,to persuade,to buy/into buying,determine v.,语境辩义 Attitude determines everything. _ We determined to go to the railway station at once. _ I wonder what determined her to marry him in the end. _ A.决定(vi.)B. (使)下定决心C .决定(vt.),C,A,B,归纳, _决定干某事 _使某人下决心做某事,determine to do sth.,determine sb. to do sth.,拓展,adj.有决心的,意志坚定的 _ 决心做某事_ n. 决心 _,determined,be determined to do sth.,determination,即时训练,1. _ (determined/determining) never to come back before he could make a big fortune,Mike left home without saying a word.,2.The_(determined/determining) expression on the boys face made us believe that he could do it well.,determined,Determined,view,巧辩词义 His view of life has changed a lot since the experience he had in Africa three years ago. _ He climbed up to the top of the church tower to get a better view of the entire city. _,景色,风景,观点,见解,view 巧辩词义, When the old man opened the window, a stranger with a high hat came into view. _ I got an opportunity to view the movie before it was released. _ (牛津在线) How do you view your position within the company?_,视野,看,观看,考虑,看待,教材知识 整合及处理,idea,opinion,point,viewpoint,sight,scene,scenery,词汇链,view,Do you know the phrases? come into view _ in ones view _ in view of _,进入视野,看得见,依某人看,鉴于;考虑到,由于,view,【即时应用】, (牛津在线) _ , it was a waste of time. 依我看来,那是浪费时间。 _, we will cancel the outing. 因天气关系,我们要取消此次郊游。,In my view,In view of the weather,view,【体验高考】 (2012山东卷阅读理解D) Strange though it may seem “my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees (参加者)viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week ._,看,观看,give in,语境辩义 You were supposed to give this work in four days ago. _ They always give in to each other whatever they do. _,上交 ;呈交,屈服 ; 让步,教材知识 整合及处理,上交,呈交,屈服,让步,hand in,submit,give way,surrender,yield,词汇链,give in,放出;散发 (热、光等),give,赠送;泄漏,的相关短语,分发; 用完,放弃,戒掉,give,give away,give off,give out,give up,活学活用, He said he hadnt told her,but his face gave him _. Once he is determined to do something,no one is able to persuade him to give _. The boss has shown no sign of giving _to the workers demands for raising their wages.,away,up,in,句型点拨,When I told her the air would be hard to breathe and it would be very cold,she said it would be an interesting experience. 划线句型自主归纳 _,be+ adj.+ to do sth.,精讲精析,在此结构中,不定式与主语在意义上是_关系,但要用_形式表被动意义; 此句式还可以拓展为 “find / feel / think / believe + it + adj. + to do sth”。,动宾,主动,我觉得他很容易相处。 _ _ 高考链接 (2010高考四川卷)In many peoples opinion,that company,though relatively small,is pleasant_. (deal with ),I find it easy to get along with him.,I find he is easy to get along with.,to deal with,佳句仿写,1 Although she didnt know the best way of getting to places,she insisted that she organize the trip properly. (课文原句) The doctor insisted that_. 医生坚持让他好好休息。,he (should) take a good rest,佳句仿写,2 It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along MeKong River from where it begins to where it ends. (课文原句) _came up with the good idea. 就是他们想出了这个好主意.,It was they who/ that,佳句仿写,3 We can hardly wait to see them. (课文原句) I _my father, whom I havent seen for ten years. 我迫不及待地要见到父亲,我已经有十年的时 间没有见他了。,can hardly wait to see,佳句仿写,4 A determined person always tries to finish the job, no matter how hard it is. (课文原句) _, she still didnt understand. 无论我解释得多么仔细,她还是没弄懂。,No matter how carefully I explained,佳句仿写,高考链接 1 (2010北京) they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures. A. As B. While C. UntilD. Once 2 (2010上海)you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge. A. However a serious problem B. What a serious problem C. However serious a problem D. What serious a problem,.is hard to get along with 2. can hardly wait to see 3.It was not until early the next morning 4.He insisted on cycling to work/ He insisted that he cycle to work 5.Though we dont have much to write 6.get a very beautiful view,完成句子,1-5. BBACB 6-8.AA,巧思妙解,Thanks for your listening!,课时作业三,.1.transport 2. cycling 3.schedule 4.stubborn 5.attitude 6.fare 7.Graduates 8.forecast 9.Insurerance 10.reliable,CBBCD AABCC DDBCD ACCCD CBDAC,


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