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    凤凰古城英文导游词1000字凤凰古城英文导游词1000字 凤凰古城英文导游词1000字 ladies and gentlemen , welcome to Fenghuang, the place where were arriving is one of the two most beautiful town in China-the old town of fenghuang, its a very important point that connects huaihua hunan and tongren guizhou together.and its the hometown of mr shengcongwen. fenghuang has wonderful natural landscapes,its very hot for travelling since the old time. even a lot of teleplays were produced here.fenghuang is also a dradle for famous people ,shencongwen and xiongxiling are both spent their childhood here.now, lets set out to enjoy these fantastic good views. THE FORMER RESIDENCE OF SHENCONGWEN This is the former residence of shencongwen,a very famous auther, archaeologist and historian in china. lined in the zhongying street in the south part of the fenghuang old town, the residence is a typical spacious ancient countryard with special tectonic style of ming and qing dynasty. walk into the yard, you can find that there is a small patio in the center of the countryard. which is built with red rock. around the patio , there are about 10 rooms which are small but decorated by special carved wooden windows .its so beautiful. 趵突泉公园位于济南市中心繁华地段,是国家AAAAA级旅游景区,南倚千xx,北靠大明湖,东与泉城广场连接,是以泉水、人文景观为主的文化名园。下面是为大家收集的关于山东趵突泉英文导游词,希望大家喜欢! Said three, under on said next two walls. The Great Wall flank tallwall is called 牒 the wall, has the crenel is uses for to defend theenemy. But the ide ufficient meter high is called the daughterwall, also is called the space wall. In most starts the Great Wallide is does not have the daughter wall, but frequently some peoplecan fall down the cliff, therefore has constructed this wall. Each notfar has a small drainage in the Great Wall lower part of wall place,rainy day time by spits the tap to outside to drain water, in order toavoid the water washes out the city wall. But ide Great Walls walluses the stone block to cast, outside builds the brick, again spreadsout the flagstone in above, thus causes the building to be extremelyreliable! Dear,distinguished guests,after this tour of this grassland I believe you must have a general idea of how the Mongolian pelple live here and may een feel reluctant to leave the beautiful hulunbeier Grassland .I belive the grassland and its people enjoyed your visit as much as you did and look forward to your next one . this countryard is built by mr shens grandfather in 1866 on dec.28,1902. shencongwen was born in the old countyard.and spent his childhood here. in 1917,when he was 15 years old, mr shen left family and joined the army. from 1917 to 1922, mr shen had lived with soildiers, farmers, workers and some other common people,and know their tragic lives. this special experience stunned up his enthusiasm of writhing . so in 1919, mr shen went to beijing alone, and began his hard writing . after his series of works WEST OF HUNAN FRINGE TOWN were punished, mr shen became nation -wide well -known.at that time, he was even as famous as luxun, another famous auther in chiese literature area. its said that shencongwen is the one who is the most possible to win the prize. mr shen devoted all his life to writing,his 5-million word works are though as the precious legacy to the world literature.meanwhile, these works are also very veluable date for researching the history of hunan province and even china. 阿牛做事及其认真执着。比如一个大街小巷都有的蒿草粑,阿牛竟然请了我们湘西吉首大学和湖南大学的几个生物系教授研究它的配方。做出来的粑粑真的是秒杀了湘西所有的蒿草粑粑。那种如QQ糖一样的弹劲,还有完全看不到蒿草纤维的糯性。我们只能看到绿油油的粑粑。咬一口真的具有连舌头都吞进去的冲动。 this 100-years-old countyard was renovated in 1989.the 1st room on the right hane is for displaying mr shens photos.and what displayed in the 2nd room are mr shens handwritingarticles.at the left side,you ll find a list of mr shens work of different additions. in the center of the middle room .there is a mr shens line drawing hanging on the wall. the left fringle room is mr shens bedroom and another one on the right is full of marble desks and chairs. 如想查看更多的论文,请转到应届生毕业网-导游词栏目,我们为您准备了更丰富实用的最新,转载请注明出处。 this 100-years-old countyard was renovated in the 1st room on the right hane is for displaying mr shen“s photos.and what displayed in the 2nd room are mr shen”s handwritingarticles.at the left side,you “ll find a list of mr shen”s work of different additions. in the center of the middle room .there is a mr shen“s line drawing hanging on the wall. the left fringle room is mr shen”s bedroom and another one on the right is full of marble desks and chairs. Yueyang Tower was originally built for soldiers to rest on and watch out. In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his troops. Lets get ide and have a look. The Dayan town is famous in China for its old and si-mp-le architectural style and the elegant art for the lay-out of the town. In the town the Yuquan River winds in many streams acrothe town and past all the houses. The roads here are parallel to the streams, and the door of each house is facing a stream. Whatever street and whatever lane you go in ,there is a small stream with small bridges acroit here and there. As a saying indicates : A house beside a stream with a small briage acroit makes a wonderful scene which you can only find here.” Thats why we regard Dayan town to be the “Oriental Venice”. 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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