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    第73108课测试卷Name Marks 一、 根据所给中文意思,写出下列单词(本题共10分,每小题0.5分)失败_错误_青年_标签_描述_站台_返回_飞行员_退休_修理_碰撞_杂乱_几乎_约会_低的_聪明的_困难的_紧急的_突然地_愉快地_二、 单项选择,从四个选项中选出一个最佳答案(本题共30分,每小题1分)( ) 1. I arrived at six oclock.A. homeB. in homeC. at homeD. to home( ) 2. Last week Mrs. Mills went .A. LondonB. in LondonC. to LondonD. for London( ) 3. She does not know London well and she her way.A. loseB. losesC. losedD. lost( ) 4. He may help me, she said herself.A. inB. forC. byD. to( ) 5. I am going to school foot.A. byB. onC. by theD. on the( ) 6. I want pound of sugar.A. halfB. half aC. a halfD. a halvs( ) 7. That hat looks nice. .A. Put on itB. Put it onC. put it onD. put on it( ) 8. Mr. Smith works an office.A. onB. withC. inD. to( ) 9. People build bridges to go the big river.A. throughB. crossC. toD. across( ) 10.A: I havent got much.B: Well, I have little .A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. that( ) 11.We havent seen him .A. yesterdayB. two days agoC. the day after tomorrowD. for many weeks( ) 12.She sick for five days.A. hasB. has alreadyC. has beenD. is going to( ) 13.He got the party ready yet.A. haventB. hasntC. has already beenD. has( ) 14.I the film many times.A. sawB. was seeingC. have seenD. see( ) 15.Did you see such a thing?A. everB. neverC. yetD. already( ) 16.I havent telephoned her for .A. two weeks agoB. two weeksC. last monthD. she left( ) 17.Its three weeks since we him.A. seeB. sawC. have been seenD. have seen( ) 18.The book is worth .A. to readB. readingC. to be readD. to reading( ) 19.You had better to the cinema this afternoon.A. do not goB. not goC. will goD. will not go( ) 20.A: Dont you want to join us?B: .A. Yes, I dontB. Yes, I joinC. Yes, I doD. No, I do.( ) 21.When this morning?A. will the play beginningB. will the play beginC. will be the play beginD. the play will begin( ) 22.We Athens and had a nice holiday.A. will to goB. went toC. are going toD. go to( ) 23.I Yao Ming in the street the other day.A. meetB. meetingC. metD. is going to meet( ) 24.The computer Doctor Smith.A. is belonged toB. belongs toC. belongsD. is belonged( ) 25.Yang Liwei says that he his country.A. lovesB. loveC. lovedD. is loved( ) 26.Let her you the truth.A. toldB. tellsC. tellD. will tell( ) 27.The question is for me.A. easy enoughB. enough easyC. easier enoughD. enough easier( ) 28.The price of that car is .He couldnt buy it.A. expensiveB. cheapC. highD. low( ) 29.He is answer that difficult question.A. so clever toB. so stupid toC. too clever toD. too stupid to( ) 30.He has never said such words, ?A. hasnt heB. have heC. havent heD. has he三、 完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)John has been out of work for a long time. He left home and got 1 the train. It was not crowed on the train and people were quietly reading or 2 . John had 3 and he thought it was not 4 . Then he walked around and caused a lot of trouble to 5 passengers(乘客).At last he got 6 with his two heavy bags. 7 the passengers helped him. When he was very far away, 8 the passengers opened the window and shouted to 9 You left something behind here!. Then he closed the window again.John turned around and hurried back with his two bags. He was very tired when he arrived. He shouted 10 that passenger,What did I leave behind?As the train began to move again, the passenger who had called him back opened the window and said,A very bad impression(印象)!( ) 1.A. offB. onC. toD. at( ) 2.A. sleepB. sleptC. sleepingD. sleeps( ) 3.A. something to doB. anything to doC. nothing doD. nothing to do( ) 4.A. interestingB. interestC. interestedD. interests( ) 5.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others( ) 6.A. onB. toC. offD. in( ) 7.A. None ofB. All ofC. Both ofD. One of( ) 8.A. all ofB. one ofC. both ofD. none of( ) 9.A. sheB. hisC. himD. her( )10.A. inB. atC. acrossD. through四、 阅读理解(本题共30分,每小题2分)AAmerican school begins in September after a long summer holiday. Therere two terms(学期) in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second term is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when theyre five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school(高中).High school students take only five or six subjects(科目) each term. They usually go to the same class every day, and they have homework for every class.After class, they do a lot of interesting things. After high school, many students go to college(大学). They usually have to pay(付款) a lot of money. So, many college students work after class to get money for their studies.( )1.In American, summer holidays begin in .A. JulyB. SeptemberC. MayD. February( )2.Most American children go to school at the age of .A. fiveB. sevenC. eighteenD. seventeen( )3.High school students after class.A. do houseworkB. go to workC. play baseballD. do interesting things( )4.In order to(为了) , many American college students work after class.A. help their parentsB. get money for their studiesC. help othersD. learn some useful things( )5.After high school, many students go to .A. citiesB. workC. collegeD. townsBThe exams come in July. When the exams finish, the summer vacation begins. Boys and girls have two months to rest. The summer vacation is the best part of the year for most children. The weather is usually good. They can swim, go to summer camping(露营) or visit other places with their parents.Of course, the beaches are good places to relax. Some children are lucky to live near the sea. They can enjoy the sea at anytime. But for the children who live far from the sea, they go to the beaches for one or two weeks with their parents.Why do children like spending their summer vacation on the beaches? It is because they like the sand, the sun, the cool wind and the salt water. There are lots of new things to see, nice things to eat, and exciting things to do.( )1.School children usually have examinations .A. in JulyB. before JulyC. after JulyD. by July( )2.How long is the summer vacation?A. Two weeks.B. Three monthsC. Two monthsD. one or two weeks( )3.Why do children like summer vacation?A. Because it is long.B. Because they have lots of activities(活动) and the weather is good.C. Because the weather is good.D. Because they can go to the beaches.( )4.Children who live near the beach can enjoy the sea .A. anytime they wantB. for one or two weeksC. two monthsD. one monthCMr. Williams worked in an office in Paris, but he lived in the country and came to work by train every day. The station was not far from his office, and Mr. Williams always walked from his office to the station in the evening, because he liked walking. And he always went along the same street. Every evening he passed a poor man there. The man sat at the side of the road and sold vegetables, and there was always an old dog near him. There was a piece of paper around the dogs neck, and the words I AM BLIND were on the paper.Mr. Williams was a kind man. He always stopped and said some kind words to the poor man and gave him a little money, but he did not take any of his vegetables.判断下列句子正误,T为正确,F 为错误。( )1. Mr. Williams walked to the station every day because he liked walking.( )2. The station was far from Mr. Williams office.( )3. The old man sat at the side of the street to sold vegetables.( )4. Mr. Williams went along the same street with an old dog every evening.( )5. There was a piece of paper around the dogs neck, and nothing on it.( )6. Mr. Williams always stopped and said some kind words to the poor man and gave him a little money.五、 改错,请将正确的句子写到下面的横线上,每小题均有两处错误。(本题共20分,每小题2分)1. Suddenly, she see a man near a bus station. 2. To tell you truth, I not want any milk in coffee. 3. Children usually like play in the garden in afternoon. 4. Where do you see him in Sep. 11, 2001? 5. We havent see her since five years. 6. His parents hear the bad news in the radio. 7. The pilot will goes to Rome last week. 8. They did go to London three years ago. 9. We have time enough finish the task. 10. I would like ask him come to my birthday party.


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