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    第二单元知识点1. 必背的课文:第24页2. 语法: 人称代词单数复数主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey宾格meyouhimheritusyouthem形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs 人称代词用来代替表示人或事物的名词,如果这个名词在句中做主语,就用人称代词的主格形式;如果做动词或介词的宾语,就用人称代词的宾格形式。3. 重要短语: wake up醒来 wake sb. up = wake up sb.叫醒某人 sth. its time for doing sth. 该到做某事的时间了 sb. to do sth. want to do = would like to do想要做某事 go to sleep = go to bed去睡觉 have fun找乐子,过得开心(have fun doing sth.) do morning exercises做早操 have lessons上课 do after-school activities做课后活动 eat breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早餐/午餐/晚餐/晚餐 in Class 1, Grade 7在7年1班 big and clean又大又干净的 my best friend我最好的朋友 under the trees在树下 in/on the playground在操场上 each other互相,彼此 chat with sb.和某人聊天 play games做游戏 be nice to = be good to = be friendly to对某人好 start at = begin at从几点开始 start with = begin with从某事开始 on sth.spend + time/money + 花费时间/金钱做某事 (in) doing sth.例如:I spend an hour on morning exercises. = I spend an hour (in) doing morning exercises. 我花一个小时做早操。 I spend ¥50 on the book. = I spend ¥50 (in) buying the book. 我花50元买这本书。every Tuesday and Friday = on Tuesdays and Fridays 每周二和周五 play volleyball打排球 a member of 的一员 practice doing sth.练习做某事 the Swimming Club游泳俱乐部 have a good time = have fun过得开心 (后面都+doing sth.) use A to do B 用A来做B send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.给某人寄某物 twice a week每周两次 listen to the radio听广播 play badminton打羽毛球 make model planes做飞机模型 watch TV看电视 read newspapers看报纸 write e-mails写电子邮件 watch too much TV看太多电视watch football matches on TV在电视上看足球比赛listen to sb.听某人的话 shouldnt = should not不应该(后接动词原型) meet up with和某人见面或偶遇 every lunchtime每个午餐时间do their homework together一起做他们的作业know a lot about computers知道很多关于电脑的东西dancing lessons舞蹈课 talk with和某人说话be busy with sth. = be busy doing sth.忙于做某事have some/much/no/a little time to do sth.有一些/许多/没有/一点时间做某事hear sb. well听清某人说话 next Monday下周一get some information about获得一些关于某事的信息have a trip = go on a trip去旅行 each student每个学生the price of sth.某物的价钱 the price for sb.某人应花的价钱形容price要用high或者low,即“价格有高低,物品有贵贱”every day except Monday 除了周一的每天thank sb. for doing sth.感谢某人做某事 would like to do想要做某事the class trip班级旅行 the school trip学校旅行look forward to (doing) sth.期待(做)某事,盼望(做)某事a great day out在外面的美好的一天be good for sb.对某人有好处 (be good to sb.对某人好)get ready for sth.为某事作准备 be ready for sth.为某事做好了准备be hard/difficult for sb.对于某人来说困难learn more about sth.学习/了解更多关于某事a part of 的一部分 some parts of 的一些部分the answer to sth.某物的答案4. 重点句型: Is it time for breakfast? 到吃早餐的时间了吗? What are you going to do today? 你今天要干什么? Some dogs just dont know how to have fun. 有些狗就是不知道怎么找乐子/让自己过得开心。 I like my classroom because it is big and clean.我喜欢我的教室,因为它又大又干净。 At lunchtime, we often sit under the trees in the playground.在午餐时间,我们经常坐在操场上的树下。 We always chat with each other or play games.我们总是互相聊天或者做游戏。 My new classmates are all nice to me.我的新同学对我都很好。 All my friends are really great! 我的朋友们都很棒! The school day starts at eight every morning.学校的一天每天早上八点开始。 My favourite lessons are Chinese and English.我最喜欢的课是语文和英语。 I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.我花大概两小时做作业。 I go to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday and Friday.我每周二和周五的放学后都去参加阅读俱乐部的活动。 Amy is a member of the Swimming Club.艾米是游泳俱乐部的一员。 We have a good time at school.我们在学校过得很开心。 Please e-mail me soon!请尽快给我写邮件。 We should listen to her.我们应该听她的话。 Shes always right! 她总是对的。 Peter and I both love football.彼得和我都喜欢足球。 We sit and talk under the big trees there.我们坐在那边的大树下聊天。 Daniel goes to the Computer Club every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.丹尼尔每周二和周四的下午参加电脑俱乐部的活动。 She doesnt have much time to talk with her friends.她没有太多时间和朋友说话。 I cant hear you well.我听不清你说话。 Each student has a pen.每个学生有一支笔。 The zoo is open from 7.30a.m. to 5.00p.m.动物园从早上7:30到下午5:00开门。 What do you think of? 你觉得怎么样? Maybe you need to practice it more.也许你应该多加练习。


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