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    ABBEY GATES PRIMARY SCHOOLPSHE POLICY Last reviewed Summer 2011Abbey Gates Primary SchoolPSHE/Citizenship PolicyWorking together at Abbey GatesCARECOURTESYCONSIDERATION CO-OPERATIONCOMPASSIONReviewed and revised Summer 2011OCTOBER 2008Policy for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) School Context:Details of the school context may be found in the School Development Plan, available in school. Process:This policy has been developed in the context of the schools statement of purpose and aims, which make clear the values underpinning the work of the school. PSHE/Citizenship comprises all aspects of Abbey Gates planned provision to promote our childrens personal and social development, including health and well-being.School aims specifically related to PSHCE are: We value every member of the school community. We believe we all have a right to experience success and we have high expectations of everyone - we want all children to achieve their best. We will provide a rich, exciting environment with a belief in making learning fun whilst working towards clear learning goals. We believe that exercise and the development of physical skills are as important as other areas of learning. We will give as many opportunities for children to develop their physical skills as we can. We are committed to educating and encouraging children to be healthy, This means giving them the knowledge and skills to make healthy choices as they grow and develop to exercise, to eat and drink healthily, to learn to avoid drugs and smoking and to take responsibility for their bodies as they mature. We emphasise and encourage positive attitudes and co-operation. We always challenge negative, anti-social, racist, sexist or unfair behaviour. We actively reward good behaviour. We work in close partnership with our community and with parents and carers who are always welcome in our school. We encourage children to take responsibility and show personal initiative. All staff will ensure their own training and development is undertaken to support school improvement and contribute to the continuing success of Abbey Gates Primary School. We will provide a safe, happy and caring environment for all people in our school. This includes keeping the building, playground and other areas in a good and safe condition.All stakeholders (children, staff governors and community) were consulted in the creation of this policy. Views were sought and suggestions taken into consideration. Governors formally review and approve the policy on a three yearly basis. PSHCE is acknowledged as being an essential part of the school curriculum. There is a greater emphasis than ever before on schools responsibilities in promoting the personal and social development of young people and the recognition of the link between this and achievement.Curriculum 2000 identified two aims and purposes designed to meet the changing needs of young people. They were:v To provide opportunities for all pupils to learn and achieve.v To promote pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.It is important that this policy reflects the principles of the “Every Child Matters” document that underlines everything we do in school. PSHCE can positively contribute to the 5 core entitlements of being healthy, staying safe, making a positive contribution, enjoying and achieving and achieving economic well-being. In determining the PSHCE provision at Abbey Gates Primary School, we acknowledge that PSHCE pervades all aspects of school life. At the end of this policy are listed all other related policies which contribute to PSHCE.Aims: We aim to promote high standards of progress and achievement and for our pupils to; Develop enquiring minds and enthusiasm for learning. Become responsible, independent and active citizens. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Be able to work and play co-operatively. Respect themselves, others and the environment. Be happy and confident. Embrace the challenges of technology in the modern world. Know their own worth and that of others. Develop a willingness to engage in learning. Become increasingly responsible for their own learning. Approach changes with confidence. Make good choices about their lifestyle and behaviour. Have the confidence to make appropriate choices regarding personal safety and well-being. Know how to seek help and support from appropriate bodies. Recognise right and wrong. Accept responsibility for their actions and the consequences of such actions. Develop empathy and tolerance towards others. Develop a respect for opinions, rights and cultures of themselves and others. Learn to cooperate with others and work together for the common good. Take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum. Contribute fully to the life of the school and develop an awareness of how to contribute to the wider community. Provide opportunities to learn about the role and responsibilities of local and national government and social institutions. Lay the foundations for developing social awareness and responsibility.At Abbey Gates we place emphasis on the development of social and moral responsibility, community involvement and some of the basic aspects of political literacy (e.g. knowing what democracy is and about the basic institutions that supports it locally and nationally.) When covering political type work in school there is no political bias brought into the lessons.Organisation How we promote and teach PSHE/Citizenship at Abbey GatesA whole school approach is effective because pupils personal and social development is influenced by many aspects of school life.Although PSHE/Citizenship should permeate everything that happens in school, there are certain times that allow for a more structured focus:- The whole school follow the SEAL programme (Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.) This programme covers a wide range of issues concerning children and their lives and experiences. It is a structured programme that allows for progression over the years.- Collective Worship Abbey Gates has a Collective Worship Policy which is in accordance with the local Agreed Syllabus and requirements. Collective Worship is held at 10.15am Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. These assemblies are used to raise and consider topical, political, spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues, reflecting on personal and religious ideals, values, experiences and feelings.- Special assemblies are held on Fridays between 2.55pm-3.30pm. (Special Mentions and Achievement Awards, SEAL, Shine (child led) and the School Council Assembly.) - Collective worship provides an opportunity to enhance pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It identifies, promotes and celebrates the schools values. Equal Opportunities and Inclusion:The schools Equal Opportunities Policy and Inclusion statement ensures children have equal access to PSHCE teaching and provision. Teaching will be delivered in a manner and at a level appropriate to childrens understanding, maturity and needs.Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Access in School:All children will be entitled to PSHCE teaching and learning at Abbey Gates. The school will ensure that children with SEN will have the PSHCE curriculum modified appropriate to their needs. Children and/or adults who need differentiated access to the physical space and learning opportunities will have this taken into consideration and acted upon.Assessment and Reporting:PSHCE is assessed as a subject through Classroom Monitor and the children are given opportunities to reflect on their progress, successes and, sometimes, failure to meet accepted social standards. Teachers complete profiles of each child on a regular basis. In the Foundation Stage Unit, Personal, Social and Health Education is assessed within the Foundation Stage Profile. Parents and/or carers will be given a written end of year report that will comment on the childs attitudes, behaviour and progress in PSHCE. Throughout the year, a member of staff may discuss a childs progress in these areas with the parent/carer at any appropriate time. Parents often wish to talk to teachers about a PSHCE related issue or teachers may need to see a parent to check on their understanding of the child. Parents will be informed of issues which cause concern, e.g. anti-social behaviour, bullying, and will be encouraged to visit school and support all steps being taken by the school to change inappropriate actions.At Parents Evenings, staff will also highlight to parents childrens strengths and development needs in their personal and social education.Curriculum delivery:Timetabled provision and organisation:A minimum of half an hour each week is timetabled for PSHE/Citizenship teaching. Activities planned for include:- Circle time activities, SEAL based activities, Class Council discussions and Class debates/discussions based on various relevant issues. Cross-curricular links have been identified. Approaches to teaching will be varied and may include drama, role-play, discussion, video and group presentations with children working independently, in pairs, in small groups or whole class.Provision through teaching and learning in other subjectsEnglish-Focus on stories that illustrate personal and social development.Mathematics-Aspects of financial capability, counting and sharing.Science-Drugs, sex, health and safety, environmentD&T-Healthy EatingICT-Communicating with others/researchHistory-Reasons for historical events, ideas and experiences of people from the past. Diversities within societiesGeography-Land use, the environment, study of places in different parts of the world.Art & Design-Different cultures, ideas, experiences.Music- Playing, singing, cultural diversityDance & DramaMoral debateP.E.-Health and safety, personal and social skills throughteam and individual activities.R.E-Religious and moral beliefs, values and practices. We currently do the delivery of the non-statutory citizenship curriculum through assemblies. This does not constitute the exclusive teaching of the subject but compliments work carried out in the classroom.PSHCE issues may also be addressed in different settings, e.g. whole school or year groups, or by alternative arrangements for special events.Provision through PSHE/Citizenship activities and school eventsAdditional activities to support PSHCE:At Abbey Gates Primary School, residential experiences, visits and special days or weeks in school provide opportunities to plan and work together, and develop and maintain relationships under different circumstances. For example: Residential visits for Year 6 pupils Trips to support the curriculum School Council meetings/feedback 1 Special days/weeks on Healthy Eating Termly target setting and reviews Fundraising events for charities Events such as fundraising to promote thinking of others Taking part in assemblies Class/community projects Certificates fro appropriate behaviour/attitudes given in Special Mentions assemblies Discussing documents such as Human Rights Policy, Commission for Racial Equality, Equal Opportunities issues and other government Links with parents such as the PTA financed initiatives/fundraising1 The personal and social development of children can be enhanced by a school environment that allows them to feel safe and for which they have some responsibility. The School Council provide the opportunity for pupils to become involved in developing proposals for improving the school environment.Teaching and LearningAlthough a range of teaching strategies are needed to provide the breadth of effective learning opportunities, an emphasis on discussion and participation in citizenship activities will be evident.PSHE/Citizenship provides many opportunities for visitors to come into schools to offer their skills and expertise. For example: Visitors to bring children wider knowledge and understanding (e.g. C.A.S.E (Child and Safety Education), Life Education, Theatre workshops) Special events to provide experiences which the school cannot provide (e.g Fire Engine) External agency involvement to provide expertise and specialist knowledge (e.g. school nurse) Healthy schools initiative to highlight good Healthy Eating, Emotional Health and Well-Being, PSHCE and Physical Health. Workshops to give children varied experiences (e.g. History workshops) Music events to provide opportunities children may not otherwise have and to develop talents (e.g. singing days, drumming, recorders, choir) Performance opportunities to promote self confidence and celebrate talents (e.g. concerts) Sports coaches to extend range of opportunities and provide expert tuition DARE police officer (law, drugs including alcohol and tobacco)Also: Clean safe grounds with opportunities for privacy Good clean working conditions/display of achievement Clear first aid room Induction for new pupils Duties/monitoring at break and lunchtimes PSHE/Citizenship is part of the home/school agreementEmotional Health and Well-BeingAbbey Gates promotes the importance of emotional health and well being for both pupils and staff. For children we offer many opportunities for them to express their thoughts and feelings. For example:- Drop in sessions with the school nurse- Confidential School Council Box- Lunchtime chats with the senior MSA- Circle time/grins and grumbles- Self-assessments- SEAL activities to do in school and at homeAs a school we have taken part in the Well-Being Project to ensure that the needs of our staff team are being catered for and met. We also have regular evenings out together to build a strong staff bond.Links to other policies:The PSHCE programme has its basis in the ethos and values of the school. It is, therefore, supported by much of the work done in school and by the role models we provide. Many links are incidental, but nevertheless important to the complete picture. Planned opportunities to deliver PSHCE within other curriculum areas will be identified within the curriculum and schemes of work.Related policies:Policy:Links:Teaching and Learning Ethos of our approach to T and LSex and Relationship EducationPreparing children for maturity by learn


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