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    China's online shopping credit risk analysis(中国网上购物的信用风险分析).doc

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    China's online shopping credit risk analysis(中国网上购物的信用风险分析).doc

    Chinas online shopping credit risk analysisPapers to write Net: Abstract: The emergence of online banking has changed peoples traditional Cement bank impression, online shopping is integrated into peoples lives, the traditional way of shopping has undergone tremendous change in the article analyzes China development of online shopping and credit risk related to performance status, online shopping credit risk reduction requires a strong credit traders sense to rely on a sound legal regulations, but also need to have credit management professionals, and finally form a complete evaluation of the social credit system , multi-network work together to create a healthy shopping environment. Keywords: online banking, online shopping, credit risk Browse the Web to buy goods, pay bills using online banking, hand delivery, the price cheaper than the mall . This year, online shopping more convenient, consumer attitude towards online shopping was from the suspect, try, and gradually become accepted , habits, online shopping has become the way people shop. net silver heart moving life easier. location online shopping without time constraints, transaction costs low, fast and convenient, has rapidly integrated into peoples lives and brought significant changes. First, the development status of Chinas online shopping Chinas online shopping market in 2010 continued the user double-size and transaction size growth. IResearch statistics show that in 2010 Chinas online shopping market size of nearly 500 billion transactions, up to 498 billion yuan, up 89.4% over 2009, Chinas online shopping market transactions accounted for the proportion of total retail sales of social consumer goods in 2009 from 2.1% to 3.2% in 2010, this proportion is expected in 2012 will exceed 5%, while the end of 2010, online shopping reached 148 million subscribers , an increase of over 39 million in 2009, the penetration rate in Internet users in 30.8%, of which the size of online shopping users grew 48.6% to reach 161 million. However, the online shopping market, rapid development, also will be exposed to a range of issues, including Internet transactions are not honest, phishing and other phenomena occur frequently. As compared with traditional shopping, online shopping is convenient shortcut, but a wide range of cyberspace and virtual, so that the other parties to the transaction can not confirm the authenticity of their credits, so this is just a long-distance trading patterns of consumption, the seller can only shop to hang out the picture as a reference, there are many uncertainties , so that the quality of products and services very difficult to guarantee, more difficult to ensure transaction security. online banking is the inevitable product of the information age, but also a future trend of the financial industry. Credit risk, however, has restricted the online shopping such as online banking in-depth development bottleneck. Second, online shopping and its associated credit risk exist in the performance of (The meaning of a credit risk Credit risk refers to the parties to the transaction on the due date does not fully comply with its obligations arising from the risk of online shopping and traditional shopping patterns are different, online shopping is conducted in the virtual world, until the close of the transaction parties to the transaction are not met, This makes it difficult to confirm the identity of parties to the transaction, credit risk increases once an event of default, the buyer liquidated damages for the way complaints are also difficult than traditional shopping is much more complex. (B online shopping during the credit risk related to performance 1, page pictures show incomplete inaccurate product information, product quality can not guarantee the network in the process of commodity trading mixed, while the transaction is the seller of goods in the form of a web page picture presented to the client, the seller of goods is a basic description detailed and accurate so that customers may not know their own product-related information and to identify genuine and fake pictures. If the page showing the pictures are taken in kind it when, on the contrary that these pictures capture some kind of goods, while some are business process through special , more stolen pictures, after a good shot from the store linked to the Internet or from other pages on the copy shop owner. Most buyers purchase goods from the advertising messages and images to the selection of merchandise, to identify the authenticity, and then make a decision to buy or not. As a customer it is difficult to picture from the site and product introduction, to obtain comprehensive and accurate information, so will buy counterfeit products. 2, the seller does not ship in time and many sellers in the process of communication with customers will brag about their products well, claiming that they sell is authentic, cheap, and vowed to ensure the timely delivery photographed, Even now there is no stock on hand and will not accurately inform the buyer, remains committed to the latest captured the next day after delivery, but the fact that a large number of buyers in the photographed and pay the purchase price, the seller can not ship in time, dragged several days, some even several times to remind buyers to be shipped to respond, while buyers and sellers can be described as the quality of the product line? This is to be the facts. 3, the customers complaint can not be timely and efficient manner. I will not speak before the product is not genuine issue as courier delivery to the buyers hands, the buyer must sign it in order to open the Express after receiving test goods if the seller shipped correctly and in good condition bad enough, but there is always the seller sent the wrong goods or the goods have been damaged, but then buyers have to sign, theres quality and resolve disputes is to determine how the troubled things. If it is a reputable seller will be returned the enthusiasm of, but if not hit the bad attitude of the seller promises will increase a lot of trouble, is the need to solve time-consuming, even if the buyer does not confirm the receipt, the buyer sign within the prescribed period after the delivery system will automatically hit the sellers account will be paid, at a time when buyers money and two empty, express the companys practices and the provisions of automatic payment will increase the buyers risk in online shopping. 4, malicious competitors, buyers or credit risk of some malicious buyer after the order is not the next payment or return of the malicious behavior of the seller also brought a lot of trouble with the loss of a malicious competitor through improper means access to customer data, affecting the implementation of marketing programs and sellers away customers, counterfeiting at the expense of the sellers reputation. Third, the online shopping causes of the credit risk (A serious lack of awareness of credit costs and lower default Many people know of imperfect credit, non-credit aspects of the personnel engaged in the concept of credit is very vague, just have a general understanding of the credit. Our knowledge of the education credit is limited, and only engage in credit management and related professionals only will accept the credit, knowledge of education, others just with their own perception and life in the monasteries, although aware of the importance of credit, but to a specific practice, especially related with their own personal interests, the credit will back so in the interests of online shopping takes place in the virtual world, the information asymmetry between the transaction, after the breach occurred, although the disclosure would breach the seller a certain extent, affect their reputation, but the economic interests of the seller does not constitute the actual loss, even if buyers to his credit rating is negative feedback, the seller is like nothing to fear, even buyers of complaints that should not give negative feedback, in others it seems very unreasonable. (Two of Chinas laws and regulations on Internet transactions imperfect China has introduced a <<State Council on Accelerating the Development of the e-commerce Electronic Signature Law of the PRC >>,<< >>,<< electronic payment guidelines (No. >>,<< Interim Management Internet Banking Measures>> .2005 May 19, the CBRC for the development of Chinas electronic banking business and regulatory needs and risk characteristics of the objective to develop a <<electronic banking management approach (draft>> and <<electronic banking security assessment guidelines (draft>> and the Internet for public comment two draft, but for some of the major provisions of the problem is still not sufficiently specific or have not yet touched, in addition provisions are too abstract empty, operability is poor, there are many in need of improvement place. April 12, 2011, the Commerce Department released <<third-party e-commerce trading platform specification>> of third-party e-commerce trading platform for a comprehensive set of trade dispute mechanisms. A lot of online shopping consumers are impulse buying, often orders soon after regret, for <<Specification>> recommend third-party e-commerce trading platform set up a cooling off period, cooling-off period to allow consumers have no reason to cancel the order. also recommended third-party e-commerce trading platform should be built off-site backup system, a disaster recovery system and contingency plans, change the website platform rules to 30 days in advance publicity, online and in-kind match can not be described, the seller deposits for Xianxingpeifu. cooling-off period setting is necessary, But in the time setting to be more reasonable, and not soft on enforcement, because a good number of online shopping to the provisions of both the wind and rain, general and difficult to implement, such as cooling-off period to cancel the order unconditionally, how to regulate, and how the burden of cost, long cooling-off period in the end, and many issues need to refine. Links to free download http:/eng.hi138.com(three of Chinas leading credit risk management personnel lack the regulatory system is imperfect A comprehensive online shopping service on the supervisory staff of more demanding. Credit management in China at the initial stage of development, has not yet formed an independent sound system, credit management is very high demand for knowledge, economics, management, law and other disciplines of knowledge of the mutual penetration, highly professional and technical, need to combine theory and practice, but the current domestic credit management knowledge just stop at is the income receivable credit management level, the credit management has not been respected, has not yet formed a professional credit management professionals team. online shopping online banking supervision of the main regulatory authorities is not clear, what mode of regulation is a serious problem. Fourth, solve online shopping and other online transactions related to measures of credit risk (A) improve the network of traders risk prevention awareness, promote consumer awareness of credit, the word consciousness There are many online virtual community forums, consumers can transfer their own this product and the seller of the relevant information and advice evaluation, share trading experience for other consumer information in the net before buying the product and we can check stores the evaluation process of online shopping to reduce the credit risk with online certificate check store credit discipline, and check the price and evaluation of the previous order to avoid credit risk. (B to establish and improve laws and regulations, network transactions, credit management gradually standardized order We must first sharpen his tools. Increase the online shopping such as online banking business, legislative efforts to clarify the rights and obligations of all relevant subjects was, first, to meet the existing legal practice of online shopping and other online transactions part of the revised supplement, and secondly, to the future of online shopping to predict the development, analysis of possible problems, the first legislation to protect, again in conjunction with the characteristics of online shopping services, improve the existing financial regulatory measures, and gradually form the legal protection and legal constraints of a good institutional environment. (C to promote the professional team of credit management training Current social credit management talent gap is large, we must accelerate the credit management professional talent, focus on the future, thinking about the training channel, training methods, establish training goals, we should have the flexibility of credit management knowledge and practice of combining ability to establish credit management personnel reserve system for Chinas online shopping as the representative of the development of Internet banking and regulation continue to gather strength, to strengthen the credit risk monitoring system of human resource base. (D) establish a sound credit evaluation and monitoring system Evaluation of the credibility of online stores is how to conduct, we are not very clear, is also not formed a system of credit evaluation system and many shop employs a large number of network navy irrigation, by buying the virtual currency transactions and the purchase of ultra low-cost The method to be successful commodity trading, fraud platform, to obtain message status, and such messages usually blindly applauded, there is no specific shopping experience that consumers get a store credit is purchased from the customer evaluation or presented on the web information to determine. Credit Evaluation System to help consumers clear their credit evaluation process, the shops credit rating is relatively objective and fair, consumers have a criterion. to establish a government-led, multi-joint regulatory system, including banking, industrial and commercial departments, tax departments and other cross-industry collaboration of credit monitoring system. References: 1, Yang Li. Online banking risk management M. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006. 2, Lei Zheng commercial bank credit management M. Tsinghua University Press, 2006. 3, Yoshitaka Kitao Electronic financial challenges M. Commercial Press, 2000. 4, Wang Yuan are. Network management system and banking supervision system construction of D. Southwest University of Finance, 2007. 5, Xiao Kaifeng, Wang Mingmi


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