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    Lecture Two,Objective,Evaluation on Your Note-taking Skills: Listening development can take place only if the learner is able to evaluate the quality of response. As long as the listener can compare current responses to a language event with more favorable responses, listening development can occur.,Warming Up One,To reduce the language by shortening the words and sentences that we hear. 1. put down the key words and informative words 2. Use some abbreviations and signs,Reduce the sentences,In this section you will hear some sentences only once, reduce them to their key words. Use as few words as possible without causing confusion or changing their original meaning.,Sample,1. this weekend, library open or not, you, finish, term paper 2. collective action: people work together, obey laws, maintain order 3. 1st problem, speaking, foreign langu, pronuncia 4. L1 exam L2 L3 5. people worldwidemany same necesy things, diffely 6. foreign compsstress long-term benefits, investment in China 7. inflation, fall upon poor, defenseless against price 8. club, require, comply rules by-laws regulations members, graduates, students 9. avalanche: ice snow earth rock-sliding mountain or cliff 10. Sat. conflict. Btw gurl 2. chewing gum; 3. making noise; 4. running in the halls; 5. cutting in line; 6. dress code violations; 7. littering Problems now: 1. drug abuse; 2. alcohol abuse; 3. teen pregnancy; 4. suicide; 5. rape; 6. robbery; 7. assault,Part I:lets watch a TV program called Family Album U.S.A. and take notes.,ACT I ACT II Could you repeat the story by yourself?,Career Choice,Key words of act one: Go back to work or not Torn Fashion design Full-time mother Arrange my schedule around your Boss; find someone else Not just the job. Its also my career as Maxs mother Two career opportunities A decision to make,Career Choice,Key words of act two: Checkup; injection; cry? Feel terrible; being a mother is not easy; work; you have us; hired a woman to watch; I did; Robbie; full-time mother; continue to teach piano lessons; needed the money; getting the house; relax; wound up; enjoying; do both, work at home, solve your problem, lucky to have you all,Part II: Anti-AIDS campaign,Vocabulary: Epidemic: 流行的,传染的 Plague:瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸 Relentlessly:无情地, 残酷地 Microbe:微生物,细菌 Lethal:致命的 Malaria:疟疾, 瘴气 Prevalence:流行 Magnitude:大小, 数量, 巨大, 广大, 量级 Pandemic:全国流行的 Fester: N.脓疮 V.溃烂, 化脓 Inconceivable:不能想像的, 难以相信的 Therapeutic:治疗的, 治疗学的 Vaccine:疫苗的,牛痘的 Avert:转移 Unparalleled:无比的, 无双的, 空前的 Concerted:商议定的, 协定的, 乐协调的,Keys,1. January 2000, 15 million, 4o million, viral infection, immune system 2. 3 million, deadliest microbe, 3. 34 developing countries, 2% or greater 4. gloom and doom, two years, 14 AIDS drugs, U.S. and Western Europe 5. 2025, major killer, 40 years, public health gains, 50 6. huge population, biggest impact, from 100 million to 1 billion, India and China 7. fester, 0.5%, 8. inconceivable, AIDS vaccine, political will, who need it most,Part III: How the Downturn Affects Students,Students are traditionally low on funds, but how will the recession affect their immediate futures? A report out last week suggests badly, with a fall in graduate vacancies. David Bowden meets the next generation reconsidering their career options.,How the Downturn Affects Students,1. Does the downturn have animpact on students that have just graduated from high school ? 2. As the recession deepen, what is some students dilemma? 3. Skillsperformance in the graduate job market is being good so far, the latest figures available show _of students leaving do get a job, but that was before the economy felloff the cliff. 4. I think the important things for us is actually to give them _ and the _ to build respond to the environment, I think our students are awarding enough , aware of the extend_.,How the Downturn Affects Students,1. Yes 2. continue their studies or get a job right now. 3. 95% 4. tools, abilitytask, circumstances,HOMEWORK,1. VOA News 2. Model Test 1,


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