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    计算机技术在农业管理中的应用构想(Application of computer technology in agricultural management).doc

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    计算机技术在农业管理中的应用构想(Application of computer technology in agricultural management).doc

    计算机技术在农业管理中的应用构想(Application of computer technology in agricultural management)Ten thousand the dataTen thousand the dataTen thousand the dataApplication of computer technology in agricultural managementAuthor: CHEN Yu, CHEN YuAuthor: Harbin institute of telecommunication, Harbin, 150000Name: agricultural technology and equipmentAGRICULTURAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENTYear, volume (period) : 2009, "" (2)Number of references: 0 timesReferences (7)1. Theory and practice of the computer vision of li digu in 19992. Caos satellite. Li cundong. The combination of expert system prediction and decision-making function based on crop model, 1998 (02)3. Acquisition, expression and application of basic farmland information of sun jingrong dissertation 20024. Xu shao-quan. Zhang hua hai. Yang zhiqiang GPS measurement principle and application of 20085. The present situation of the practice of red computer technology in agriculture in China, 1999 (03)6. Li degren. Li qingquan on the formation of geospatial information science journal paper - earth science progress 1998 (04)7. Principles and methods of wu xinhe geographic information system 2006Similar literature (10)1. Genetic optimization and combination algorithm of li qtqing remote sensing data processing of dissertationContemporary series of remote sensing earth observation satellite program provides beyond knowledge platform for human being. The modern computer technology provides us with powerful computing and data processing ability, remote sensing data processing method,Of model and the prediction technology for information and knowledge mining provides an indispensable tool. At present, there are many scientists from different angles and in different ways to explore new mathematical algorithms, and hopeThese algorithms with automatic understanding, recognition and self learning and adaptive capacity. Contains spectral remote sensing data, structure and Angle information, such as reasonable and make full use of a variety of information to analyze the target data is remote sensingA development trend of the data processing method. The paper focuses on the genetic algorithm, bayesian network and other intelligent tool and method applied in the field of remote sensing data processing because of the genetic algorithm from the perspective of the evolution of human beingsThe principle and method of understanding the objective world, provides a kind of data and information processing optimization framework and have the advantage of global search, and easy to parallel, has the very good application in many fields. The bayesian network is in the leaves, statistics based on new pattern classification method, it can provide a sample at the same time the use of prior knowledge and information for classification and discrimination causation of remote sensing data processing tool. The genetic algorithmAnd bayesian networks is applied to the field of remote sensing image data processing has gradually become a hot research topic. This paper takes genetic algorithm as the main line, combined with bayesian network tools, mainly discussed from the point of view of classification and matching, etcSome new treatments.2. The design and implementation of the real-time data analysis system for the thesis of the dissertation of the dissertationIn the rapid development and highly competitive market, it is difficult to continue the lasting competitive advantage by relying solely on marketing and product advertisement, and stable product quality is the root of the product. A number of companies are making steady productionQuality is considered a strategic objective and actively cultivates, develops and improves quality management and quality management talents.The quality control of silk thread in tobacco industry mainly refers to the production process of silk thread through the collection of cigaretteData in this paper, using the method of data detection and analysis to calculate the index of the index, to realize the control and guarantee of the quality control of the production process of the cigarette, is to control the result and control index. Computer skillsIn the rapid development of the control application of production process, the quality of the silk thread can only rely on the backward means of manual inspection, which can not control the quality effectively.In this paper, how to design, build the real-time data acquisition, analysis, and on the IT platform management system, implementation of jiangsu huaiyin cigarette factories silk ZhongYan industry company effective quality monitoring and management of production processThe study. Making silk real-time data analysis system "by using modern computer technology and the theory of statistical process control system of cigarette silk production, the control process of the real-time data acquisition, using statistical modelsCalculate and analyze the quality of cigarette production line. The main work of this paper is to analyze the main problems and needs of the product quality control of cigarette industry enterprisesSum characteristic, proposed the cigarette silk production lines in China in the process of real-time data acquisition, analysis and management system of the goal, task and conceptual model - how to use data analysis affecting cigaretteThe main cigarette technology parameters of the official quality; 2. Design and build the overall structure model of the real-time data analysis system of the silk thread. The system is mainly divided into real-time collection, data processing and collection, real-time analysis and automatic detection and alarmIn the four parts, the system is introduced to collect real-time data from the wire control system. After certain data processing, data calculation and analysis are carried out, and the abnormal problems are automatically alerted. Apply statistical process controlThe technology is used to process, calculate and analyze the quality data collected in real time, and use the result of analysis to control the production in real time. The evaluation and research on the quality of cigarette and the judgment of the control chartThen the data model is established to study the quality of cigarette perception, and how to apply the control diagram to the system.This system USES the Windows operating platform, VB6.0 as the development tool, and the C/S architecture is adopted to realize the functions of the system. The results show that the system can collect, eliminate, calculate and divide accuratelyAnalyze the quality data, find out the quality problems in real time, classify the quality problems, and automatically alarm the system when the quality runs abnormal, so that the quality problems can be detected and controlled in time. The system not only raises the silk threadThe quality control level is also provided to provide a strong guarantee for the quality of the products.3. Research on the key technology of reverse engineering in the rapid prototyping of the thesisRapid prototyping technology (RPM) is the frontier of modern technology, and the introduction of reverse engineering (RE) in RPM is of great significance to realize the information integration between RE/RPM, thus forming a set design.Manufacture, testing in one of the quick feedback design system. So, with the development of the modern computer technology and testing technology, the use of CAD/CAM technology, advanced manufacturing technology to realize the reverse engineering of physical products, has becomeA research hot spot in CAD/CAM field, and the main content of the application of anti-engineering technology.This paper by scanning point cloud data as the research object, emphatically in the point cloud data processing, integration of reverse engineering and rapid prototyping manufacturing, the key technology and surface reconstruction and carried on the thorough researchThe main tasks of this thesis are as follows:(1) point cloud data processing, mainly from the point cloud data acquisition, the classification of the point cloud data, as well as the pretreatment of the point cloud data were studied. The set minimum distance data to streamline algorithm is proposedWith median filtering and the weighted median filter combining the hybrid filter data smoothing algorithm. And through the example is given to illustrate the algorithm principle of the whole process of data preprocessing and data processing, and its effectiveness was verified.(2) the reverse engineering (RE) and rapid prototyping manufacturing (RPM) integration: in view of the present CAD model and rapid prototyping technology the interface file of the defects in the STL format, this paper proposes a direct from point cloud dataThe method of adaptive stratification is realized. Not only can you avoid the error caused by surface meshing, but you can improve the efficiency and accuracy of RPM without the use of a mediating file conversion format.(3) the surface reconstruction: NURBS surface reconstruction, accurately said second rule curve surface, thus can use unified rules of the form of a mathematical surface and free surface, and other non rational method cant do this. The international organization for standardization (ISO) issued in 1991, industrial product data exchange STEP international standard, the method of NURBS as the geometry of the definition of industrial products only mathematical description methods. MakingNURBS method is the most important basis for the development trend of surface modeling technology.(4) software implementation and instance verification: first, the basic requirements of software development on computers; Then the overall design of the software and the functions of each module are outlined. The example shows that the adaptive layering is fastEffectiveness in prototyping.4. Research on the ultrasonic flaw detection system based on single chip processorThis paper compares the intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector of further research and exploration, has realized the traditional ultrasonic technology and modern computer technology to match the digital, intelligent, miniaturized ultrasonic flaw detectionInstrument. This paper introduced the ultrasonic flaw detector adopted based on STD bus (industrial control bus) of double CPU architecture, can not only improve the instrument information processing services, to improve the efficiency of the digital instrument, thanks againThe advantages of STD bus greatly enhance the practicability and anti-interference performance of the instrument, and make the instrument open and expandable.5. Dissertation zhang xiaodong molecular structure calculation and computer technology in nuclear magnetic resonance application 1997The paper using the molecular force field and the quantum chemical calculation method, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technology and modern computer technology, the molecular structure characteristics analysis and NMR spectrometer and its data network for offline processingSome discussion and research. This work attempts to establish a more perfect theory of molecular mechanics and quantum chemistry calculation and NMR experiment study the molecular structure of the combined conditions, in order to enhance NMR experimental methods on the research of the structureAbility.The work also took advantage of the current computer local area network technology and C and ForTran programming processing capacity, improve the computer network environment of the NMR spectrometer and offline NMR experimental data processing system, implement the experimentThe Shared and NMR experimental data of the room equipment resources are processed by the dump and programming between different computers to enhance the analysis and processing ability of NMR data.6. The data collection and processing of data collection and processing in the experimental target physical diagnosis system of su chunxiaoWork of the paper is trying to ICCS ICF physical experiments at home and abroad for reference, reasonable structure, using the modern computer technology, data acquisition technology, electronics technology and object-oriented technology to form a development achievementsICF target physical diagnosis system, a practical physical experiment data acquisition and processing system. The first briefly introduces the background of ICF physical experiments, introduces the current situation of ICF physical experiment data acquisition and processing system, saidThe essential raw and urgent need of the data acquisition and processing system of near-real-time data processing is established, and the ICF target physical diagnosis system is briefly introducedData acquisition and processing system development process and the latest development status of ICCS system. Then, this paper introduces the characteristics and application of the object-oriented technology. Through comparing several kinds of common data processing platform, which is based onROOT as an ICF physical experiment data processing platform based on object-oriented technology, and briefly introduced the main classes in ROOT system and its libraries.7. Journal paper li weihong. Gong wei guo. Yao hong. Li liang error theory and data processing teaching reform and the establishment of experimental class - experimental technology and management2003, 20 (2)This paper puts forward the error theory and data processing > < the necessity of teaching reform and the establishment of corresponding experimental scheme. The purpose in order to improve the students learning interest, ability and level of computer programming. The sameAlso put forward the use of Matlab language for error when data processing, and its results and graphics intuitive display interface in Visual Basic. Reform practice indicates that this will let students experience to the modern computer technologyThe new changes in the field of traditional error data processing will also greatly facilitate the development of this subject.The research and development of the database of sports characteristics of womens rowing athletes in the womens rowing team of the university of ChinaIn the practical training, coaches usually hope to get targeted strong, direct Suggestions and measures of the nature of the problem of the complexity of the competitive sports determines the coaches in their observation and experience to guide training oftenIts going to be biased. Athletes have a great deal of training information daily during their daily exercise training. How to remove the various books that truly reflect the training objects from these complex training messagesQual


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