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    基础英语听力实验教学大纲课程名称:基础英语听力 总学时/总学分:120/5适用对象: 英语专业/商务英语专业学生先修课程:无一、课程简介基础英语听力是英语专业的一门学科基础必修课程,安排在第一,第二学期,每周四学时。该实验课程是为了训练学生的听力理解技能而开设的,属于语言输入方面的技能熟练课程,使用教材为听力入门3000,该教材更加着力于追求听力实验教学中“知识”与“技能”的平衡性,试图将两者之间的关系处理得更加自然合理。二、教学目的和要求1.让学生掌握一定的听力技巧和方法,将学生辨听易混淆的音素、单词、结构、选择关键词句、归纳大意、推测内容、释义复述、短时记忆和听写技能等作为我们教学的侧重点。在教学过程坚持精听与泛听相结合,课内听与课外听相结合,循序渐进。力争在教师的指导下,使学生的听,说技能有一个质的飞跃。2.课程的教学方法直接关系到学生各方面能力的培养与提高。课堂教学应以学生为主体、教师为主导,改变过去以教师为中心的教学模式,注重培养学生的学习能力和研究能力。在教学中要多开展以任务为中心的、形式多样的教学活动。3.该实验课程须在数字语言实验室开设,须充分利用实验室里的现代话教学设施和网络资源,采取新颖、多样化的教学手段。三、实验/课程设计/实习/实训教学内容及学时安排序号实验名称计划学时内容教学目标实验类别1Education81. Certain educational facility2. Educational systems3. University life4. A brief history of education5. More events about educationIdentifying easy numbers Recognizing names of subjectsMastering certain education-related words Recognizing key informationDeveloping the ability of gap filling2Travel81. Different means of transportation2. Public transportation3. The most famous tourist attractions around the world4. Restaurant and hotel reservation5. Checking in at the airport5. More events about travelIdentifying some confusing numbers, time, placesIdentifying key words, phrases and major points without being interrupted by the background noiseAppreciating and remembering useful words, phrases and expressions of travel.Enlarging students knowledge of travelingMaking students adapt to more question types such as short answers, matching, especially gap filling3Culture81. Cultures and customs of countries2. Cultural facilities3. Progress of cultures4. Life in different places1.Understanding different cultures of countries worldwide2. Drawing inferences about customs of different cultures 3.Understanding some important festivals of different countries4. Identifying some key information and major points5. Developing the ability of gap filling, matching, multiple choice, answering true or false questions and short answers4Geography and Data81. World population2. Features of the earth3. Geographical statistics4. Environment around people1. Identifying some long numbers in statistics2. Understanding features of the earth3.Understanding the population of some countries4. Identifying key words, phrases and major points5. Appreciating and remembering more typical set phrases and expressions5Sport81. The history of Olympic Games2. The most popular sports3. The sporting spirits4. Sports for disabled1. Understanding something about Olympic history2. Understanding various sports and the popular ones3. Recognizing and memorize some sports vocabulary4. Identifying key words, phrases and major points5. Developing the ability of gap filling and matching6Internet81. The development of the internet2. The function of the internet3. The internet in the future1. Understanding the development of network2. Understanding the main use of the internet3. Imagining what the internet will be like in the future4. Identifying key words, phrases and major points5. Developing the ability of gap filling and notes taking7Science and Technology81. Breakthroughs in science and technology2. Scientists of the millennium3. What does science and technology bring us?1. Understanding some common-used vocabulary in science and technology area2. Learning something about the greatest scientists in history3. Listening to year numbers4. Developing the ability of gap filling, matching, and answering true or false questions5. Identifying key words, phrases and major points8Future81. Life in the future2. The time capsule3. New ways to communicate in the future4. Predictions on tomorrow1. Imaginingwhat peoples life might be like in the future2. Making a prospection of the future with your own words3. Recognizinglong numbers4. Developing the ability of gap filling, matching, and answering true or false questions5. Identifying key words, phrases and major points6. Learning listening skills by using signals and fillers9Health and Environment81. Environment protecting campaign2. Everyone can help the environment3. Recyclable and unrecyclable4. Eating good for good health5. Medication6. Diseases and treatment6. Keeping the country healthy1. Understanding what may pollute our environment2. Understanding how to protect our environment and recycle products3. How to maintain good health4. Recognizing relevant vocabulary of health and environment5. Developing the ability of gap filling, sorting questions, and answering short answers6. Identifying key words, phrases and major points10Peace and Economy81. Peace the premise of economic development2. World economic events3. The development of some major corporations 4. The trend of economic development worldwide5. Business jargon6. Keeping the country healthy1. Recognizing some abbreviations of worldwide organizations 2. Recognizing names of some countries3. Learning something about important world events4. Understanding business jargon and relevant vocabulary of economy5. Developing the ability of shorthand, gap filling, answering true or false questionsand short answers5. Identifying key words, phrases and major points11Personality81. Constellations and personality2. Personality management3. Mediation skills4. Scientific reports on personality1. Learning relationships between constellations and personality2. Understanding how to manage personality 3. Understanding how to keep healthy and positive life attitude 4. Learning skills to resolve conflicts between or among people5. Developing the ability of shorthand, gap filling and matching5. Identifying key words, phrases and major points12Entertainment81. Entertainment advertisement 2. Entertainment from time to time3. Radio and TV, music and film4. Hollywood1. Learning something about media2. Recognizing famous stars and classic works3. Understanding different ways of entertainment4. Understanding different kinds of music 5.Developing the ability of paraphrasing, answering short answers and gap filling6. Identifying key words, phrases and major points13Space81. Human and space2. Recent achievements on space3. Discovery of galaxies1. Learning names of different stars in space2. Learning relevant vocabulary, phrases and expressions about space 3. Understanding major events about space and human beings4. Mastering methods to express long numbers5. Developing the ability of answering true or false questions, short answersand gap filling 5. Identifying key words, phrases and major points14News81. Disasters2. Lifestyle3. Accidents4. Environment of the earth 5. International relations6. World politics and economy1. Selecting specific details2. Identifying the basic elements in a news lead3.Familiarizing the full spelling form of organizations4. Drawing inferences: feelings and attitudes in news reporting5. Familiarizing common news topics 6. Learning relevant and frequently-used vocabulary of news7. Paraphrasing and restatement15Dictation8Dictation materials of various topics will be used for practicing students listening skills and cultivating their listening and shorthand techniques in order to get students prepared for their TEM4.1. Understanding main ideas 2. Identifying kinds of numbers, time, date, person, etc.3. Recognizing tenses4. Understanding adverbial clauses5. Learning certain listening skill like speeding in reading6. Checking sentence structures, punctuations and words spelling correct7. Distinguishing tones and attitude of speakers8. Developing the ability of shorthand and techniques of dictation四、教材、参考文献教材:【1】张民伦.英语听力入门3000(14)(学生用书). 上海:华东师范大学出版社【2】张民伦.英语听力入门3000(14)(教师用书). 上海. 华东师范大学出版社参考书:【1】张民伦等. 英语听力教程. 北京. 高等教育出版社.1998【2】唐佳梅,程瑞勇. 轻松听懂VOA特别英语. 北京. 世界图书出版公司. 2007【3】唐佳梅,周肖儿. 轻松听懂VOA标准英语. 北京. 世界图书出版公司.2007【4】黄次栋,谷仙春,陈润宁. VOA/BBC英语新闻解听(英语专业四、八级考试技能训练丛书). 上海. 上海外语教育出版社. 2007【5】雷天放,肖兴政. VOA标准英语新闻. 厦门. 厦门大学出版社. 2005【6】常骏跃.英语专业四级听写50篇. 大连. 大连理工大学出版社. 2006【7】单小明,叶常青. 英语专四预测和真题. 广州. 世界图书出版公司. 2014五、考核方式本课程考核形式为闭卷考试,考试时间为120分钟。满分为100分。学生的课程总评成绩由平时成绩(占 50%)和期末考试成绩(占 50 %)两部分构成;其中平时成绩主要参考学生的出勤、平时表现、实验笔记等。执笔人: 审核人: 制(修)订时间:


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