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    企业如何承担社会责任(How do enterprises undertake social responsibility).doc

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    企业如何承担社会责任(How do enterprises undertake social responsibility).doc

    企业如何承担社会责任(How do enterprises undertake social responsibility)Todays society is eager for heroes to emerge, while young peoples ideas reflect the pulse of the times. As long as we learn to change the angle of view, we can find the heroes around us.Heroes can be seen everywhere in todays society, but those who can penetrate the future in all mortal beings, and make every effort to change the future. The heroes of this age have broken through the walls of their own organizations,Making a contribution to building a better world. In todays harsh reality, this behavior gives people another possibility of seeing the world. The hero puts the vision of the world before us,Show us how to improve and improve ourselves to the people we want to be.Generally speaking, in the face of the new concept of "value oriented leadership", young people must try to find the positive side because they have seen many powerful people as self centred,Only concerned about the companys finances, but indifferent to the community. "Why cant I be cynical when a young man says in his mind?"" In this kind of problem, we can not let them try to answer their doubts only through a few negative examples.Our responsibility is to tell them the true examples of principled leaders in order to dispel the doubts of young people. At the same time, as leaders, we must also be clear about our principles and values, and carry them out into our daily lives.What is corporate social responsibility? Corporate social responsibility (CSR: Corporatesocialresponsibility) refers to the responsibility of an enterprise to its stakeholders in its business operation.The concept of corporate social responsibility of the commercial operation must comply with sustainable development based on the idea of enterprise, in addition to considering its own financial and operating conditions, but also to add its impact on the social and natural environment considerations.The famous business expert Tan Xiaofang teachers believe that the current China some enterprises the most prominent problem in performance in eight aspects:First, ignore their role in social security, and try to avoid tax and social security contributions, two is less considered social employment issues, the burden thrown to society, three is less considered environmental protection,The profit is based on the destruction and pollution of the environment, four is the number of corporate greed, egoistic, substandard service products or provide false information, and consumers compete or deceive consumers, rich and cruel,The five is to rely on the press enterprise employees income and welfare to seek profits for the owners, business owners fall into capital slave machine of making money, the six is the lack of public products provided by the consciousness of public welfare, no, seven is the lack of awareness of fair competition,Some continued in the planned economy period of monopoly, a lot of misappropriation of monopoly profits, and to exclude competition in the market, the eight is a general lack of integrity, lack of integrity of the state owned enterprises, engage in false bankruptcy to evade debts,Private enterprises through fake packaging to the market quanqian. For example, some time ago purple sand pot event.China had no choice after "let some people get rich first" pure, cheerful melody, Chinese society will enter new wealth movement, to comply with the minimum rules (law-abiding business, pay taxes),The pursuit of higher standards (social responsibility, noble enterprise) will increasingly become a new era of sound. China has no choice, history will increasingly bid farewell to the "problem rich" era, toward the "sunshine rich" era!Chinas rich also have no choice, only consciously bid farewell to the "problem rich" era, towards the "sunshine rich" era, in order to move towards a promising tomorrow!In the slowly unfolding Chinese "sunshine rich" stage, people will be happy to see more and more wealthy people like Liu Yonghang and Liu Yonghao brothers coming forward and coming to the front desk to withstand the test of sunshine.People will be happy to see that a generation of "sunshine rich" will truly shape the healthy and sustained growth of Chinas economy. In the process of the great transformation, besides the behavior of Liu Yonghao and other scholars, the Chinese private entrepreneurs should really read it"The Bible: the New Testament gospel of Luke thirteenth" section of the 24 chapter in this sentence is worth Chinese private entrepreneurs Alert: "you should strive to enter through the narrow gate. I tell you, many people will want to go in, but they will not."Chinese believed that the "intrinsic position etiquette", but from the perspective of history, often the opposite is not economically developed talent better, but to have a bunch of rules, honest man, and then have a developed economy,"Propriety and intrinsic position". From the history of the development of British and American culture and the history of economic development, it is the capitalist spirit bred by Max Webbs Puritan Ethics and the emergence of capitalist market economy.In fact,Western Puritan entrepreneurs embarked on the road of Commerce from "abstinence", and our entrepreneurs embarked on the path of greed. The famous management expert Tan Xiaofang teacher said,Most entrepreneurs for their own business purposes is not clear, the mentality, "quack" mentality serious, ostensibly private entrepreneurs, is in essence an arena Hawker ", few people thought to create wealth and wealth,Not to mention the social responsibility of the enterprise.The famous psychologist Victor Frankel (VictorFrankl) once said: "the ultimate meaning of life is to take responsibility, to find many of the answers to lifes questions, so as to complete the task of each individual set."Responsibility is an attitude to life and a pursuit of value. It is necessary to admit that, in China, the lack of social responsibility culture is a universal social phenomenon.One day in 2005, the Guangzhou municipal department received a letter from 50 years ago to provide British companies to build steel products from the Haizhu bridge in Guangzhou. The letter said: "the construction of Haizhu bridge steel has been 100 years of history, close to the service life, it is recommended to detect.",And according to the test results for reinforcement. It turned out that the Haizhu bridge was rebuilt by the Guangzhou municipal government in 1950, and the steel used was removed from an old steel bridge in England at that time, so the calculation of its life expectancy is almost 100 years old.In this letter from far away, let us weigh the weight of the two words "responsibility". This is actually a manifestation of the corporate culture of responsibility in britain. Have to say is that Chinas enterprises and individuals are generally lack of such a culture of responsibility:From a survey by the Social Survey Institute Chinese, 90% Chinese companies are making "HeiXinQian tube" many food companies will expire after the re packaging of food recycling back into the market; mother education children do not talk to strangers.Tam also learned that in January 6, 2010, the "2009 social responsibility of enterprises ten malignant incidents" selected by the corporate social responsibility network organization announced the final results. The list is: 1, Rio Tinto engaged in espionage activities in china;2, Unilever, Wuliangye through malicious smuggling; 3 insider trading profits; 4, WAL-MART employees group consumers to death; 5, Disney sweatshops; 6, Shell 7, exceed the standard of sewage; Shenzhen development bank employee social security fee deduction;8 years, Haier accounts in arrears; 9, China Mobile mobile phone communication content supervision is ineffective; 10, garden villa quality accident.List of listed companies, domestic enterprises and foreign enterprises 5. It can be seen that international enterprises are not very strict with corporate social responsibility. For example, people often see such a phenomenon: some enterprises after the release of stress, does well bound social responsibility report,The layoffs are still layoffs, the unfair competition is still unfair competition, the illegal business is still illegal. SIEMENS and Intel, for example, have released packaged social responsibility reports.And McDonalds has repeatedly issued illegal employment events. Nestle, Panasonic also under the cover of social responsibility reports, has boarded the list of Chinas Environmental Protection Agency water pollution violations list."Society is the basis of enterprises, and enterprises are the cells of society."". Only when the development of enterprises, the introduction of practical measures conducive to social progress and development, be recognized and accepted by society, in order to have enough room for development.Tan Xiaofang teacher said, in the period of well-off society construction, corporate social responsibility has become an important factor in adjusting the economic development and social progress, but also an important index to measure the sustainable development of enterprises.In my class, there are entrepreneurs, students will ask: "Mr. Tan, our domestic small and medium-sized enterprises should also abide by corporate social responsibility?"Personally, I think its necessary! Because in China, SMEs accounted for more than 99% of all enterprises, in the economy plays a very important role, and play a positive role. After joining WTO, Chinas small and medium-sized enterprises should not only be in product and technology,And services in line with international standards, in dealing with corporate social responsibility should also be in line with international standards. In mainland China, the violation of intellectual property rights and the threat of labor rights has been common among some enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises.The infringement of intellectual property rights in Chinese enterprises has become a serious problem in the United States and European Union governments and enterprises in recent years, and the European Union has also set up a dialogue mechanism on intellectual property rights with china.The EU government also pays special attention to product safety in china. In 2005, the European Union issued 701 warnings on non food products, of which 346 were aimed at products originating in China, mainly in electronic products and toys.From April 24th to 27th this year,Robert Madeline, director general of the European Commission for health and consumer protection, visited china. The safety of Chinas toy products exported to the EU has become the most concern of Madelins visit to china,In April 25th, on behalf of the European Union and China AQSIQ, signed the draft guidelines on Strengthening China EU toy safety cooperation action.As well as labor rights, some non governmental labor protection organizations in Germany issued a proposal in 2005 to buy "no sweatshop products from China" in some major German cities.These labour groups say the low price of some small Chinese commodities is behind the sweat and toil of the workers. Buying these products amounts to sucking blood from Chinese workers. Tan Xiaofang teacher said that the market economy and enterprise development is not enough maturityA major cause of the lack of corporate social responsibility.The enhancement of corporate social responsibility is a gradual process, not the enterprise wake up suddenly find themselves need more negative social responsibility. Looked from the world scope, after World War II, only then appeared in succession for the safeguard social welfare,The law enacted by the public interest, the government began to use the system to regulate the behavior of enterprises. In the following twentieth Century, six and 70s, the emergence of resources and environmental problems gave the public a new idea about the social responsibility that enterprises should take,One after another in some economically developed countries have laws regulations and industry standards such as ISO9000, ISO14000, SA8000 etc.The developed countries in the development of the enterprise after death began to focus on social responsibility, compared with the China in the field of corporate social responsibility awareness is a advanced behavior. In China, 10 years ago, I am afraid few people have heard of "corporate social responsibility""This word; 5 years ago, Im afraid no one would regard corporate social responsibility as an indicator of a business. However, today, our domestic enterprises have begun to awaken, and have realized the necessity and urgency of corporate social responsibility.At present, corporate social responsibility has become a hot topic in China, in fact, this is a good opportunity for Chinese enterprises to develop. Through the case of plum blossom monosodium glutamate environmental protection gate, we can definitely come to the next conclusion:Without corporate social responsibility, there will be no quality consciousness. Without quality consciousness, there will be no quality. Without quality, there will be no everything. Teacher Tan Xiaofang believes that quality awareness can reflect a persons quality, is a potential and potential of enterprises.At the same time, it is also the crystallization of national pride and social responsibility.From the long-term development point of view, enterprises pay attention to their social responsibility will only play a role in promoting the development of enterprises, "Chinas enterprises in the bigger and stronger process, if there are government policies and regulations guide.",Plus the participation of all sectors of society, can help enterprises to quickly cross on a higher level, the western society after a long time has almost revolutionary transformation, through the relatively flat, relatively flat and complete way!


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