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    磨市中心学校备课表课 题Unit 3 How do you go to school?Section B 2班级学科七 (1)班英语课型新授教学目标l To learn to use: bus stop, train station, subway station l To learn to talk about how to get to places further.教学重难点Personalizing Inferring vocabulary学情分析及课前准备How does Li Lei get to school? First, he rides his bicycle to the bus station. Then he takes the early bus to school. Do you know the bus station? Its a place where trains stop here. Today well study some other “stations”教学活动设计3a Reading and writing Now you can say something about how you get to school.Do you want to know how students around the world get to school? Read the article, and then decide if the statements are true or false in your exercise book. Check the answers:T 1. In North America, not all students take the bus to school. T 2. Other parts of the world are different from the United States.F 3. In Japan, the three most popular ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike. (Students take trains, or walk, or ride bikes)F 4. In China, bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. (It depends on where you are)T 5. Students in Hongshanhu and Kaishandao have to take a boat to get to school.Read the article once again, this time, to slash/ the sentences, underline the useful expressions in it and shadow the connectives. After school, you are going to write them down in your notebook.How do students around the world get to school?In North America, most students/ go to school/ on the school bus. Some students/ also walk/ or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students/ take trains to school, although others also walk/ or ride their bikes. In China, it depends on /where you are. In big cities, students usually ride bikes to school/ or take buses. And in places/ where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school/ by boat. That must be a lot more fun/ than taking a bus! 3b Reading and writing Look at the chart. Then read the article and fill in the blanks. You can find the answers in the chart. Please complete the activity individually.Check the answers:How do the students get to Garden High School?At Garden High School, most students ride their bikes to school. Many students walk. Some students drive. Other students take the bus. A small number of students take the subway.3c WritingJust now we filled in an article about how students get to Garden High School. What about you? How do students in our class get to school? Lets make a survey and list your ideas on the board. You can use the words and numbers to write a passage about how students in our class get to school.Sample passage:In my class, most students ride their bikes to school. Many students go to school on foot. Some students live far from school, so they go to school by bus. A few students take their parents car to school.At Taiyuan Wuzhong, most students live at school. They just walk to their classroom. So they dont ride their bikes to school. Many students play on the playground in the early morning. Some students play football. Some read aloud their English texts. But at the same time, other students in other schools have to take the bus, ride the bike, to hurry to their schools. 4 Making a survey Now, please. Look at the chart. Read the heading and the phrases listed below. Please complete the chart in ten minutes. You can go around the class and ask questions to find out the answers. Look at the dialogue in the box next to the chart. You can ask questions like this. The first student to fill all the blanks wins. Lets see who the champion is.Find someone whoNameslives 10 miles away from school.walks to school.takes a bus to school.takes more than an hour to get to school.ride s a bike to school. takes the subway to school.takes less than ten minutes to get to school. Closing up by discussing the main points of this partDo you remember Nina? How does she get to school? How do students around the world get to school? Please tell me in your own words. And I will also ask some of you to say something about themselves. Who will be the first to have a try?SELF CHECK Goals To revise the vocabulary introduced in the unit To practice writing skillProcedures1 Filling the blanks and making sentencesLook at part 1. Fill in the blanks with the words given to you. Change the form of the word if necessary.Check the answers:1. How do you get to school in the morning?2. What do you think of the transportation in your town?3. When it rains I take a taxi.4. How far do you live from the bus station?5. I like to ride my bike on the weekend.Now make your own sentences with the words. Ill ask some students to write the answers on the board. And then we shall correct their mistakes together if they get any.1. When will you get to Beijing?2. I cannot think of any good methods to learn English.3. I take a plane to go to my school in Shanghai.4. My teacher lives close to the school.5. I never ride a bike in life. But I like riding horses sometimes.2 Planning schedulesFinish the schedule.SaturdaySundayMorning: take a bus around the city, go shopping at supermarketsMorning: go to visit Mt. WutaiAfternoon: visit JinciAfternoon: go around Pingyao CityEvening: watch Jinju at a therterEvening: fly home from TaiyuanJust for fun!Lets sing a song in English.Three Blind Mice Three blind mice, see how they run!They all ran after the farmers wife,Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,Did you ever see such a thing in your life,As three blind mice? 板书设计6. When will you get to Beijing?7. I cannot think of any good methods to learn English.8. I take a plane to go to my school in Shanghai.9. My teacher lives close to the school.I never ride a bike in life. But I like riding horses sometimes.备课时间: 年 月 日3


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