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    人教版七年级英语UnitHow much are these socks导学案.doc

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    人教版七年级英语UnitHow much are these socks导学案.doc

    人教版七年级英语Unit 7 How much are these socks导学案一预习目标:1.初步理解对话大意。2.理解掌握表示服装颜色的单词和短语。3.感知新语法:询问价格二预习过程:(一)。阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇,并注出音标和词义。试着朗读几遍,把不会的圈起来。1. sock2.shirt3.T-shirt4. sweater5.shoe6.skirt7.sale8. dollar9.trousers10.color11.black12.white13. red14. green15.blue16.yellow17.big18.small19.short20. long21.need22. want23.welcome24 shorts25. sell(二)。阅读对话,在文中划出下列短语,朗读并默写。1多少(价钱)2.七美元3.这件红色的毛衣4.这条蓝色的裙子5.这条黑色的裤子6.那双蓝色的袜子,(三)。再读对话,在文中找出下列句子,并翻译成汉语。1.-How much is that white bag?-Its nine dollars.2. Can I help you ?3. What color do you want ?4. Here you are .5.Ill take it.(四)。语言点导学导练:1How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?(1)how much常用来询问价格,其答语为Its+价格或Theyre+价格。It代单数名词或不可数名词,they代替复数名词。例如:-How much is the black coat?-Its eight dollars. -How much are these bananas?-Theyre three dollars.(2)询问价格还可以用Whats the price of?该句中的price意为“价格”是名词即“多少钱?”例如:Whats the price of the bike?这辆自行车多少钱?(3)how much还可对不可数名词的数量进行提问,意为”多少”,例如:How much milk do you want?你想要多少牛奶?运用:句型转换1)These apples are3 dollars.(对画线部分提问)_ _are these apples?2) How much are these socks?(同义句)_these socks?2.-Can I help you?-Yes, please. I want a sweater.(1) Can I help you?是商店、饭店等服务行业常用的服务用语,还可以说What can I do for you? (2) want意思是“想要”,其用法有:want sth想要什么东西、want to do sth想去做某事。want sb to do sth想要某人去做某事。1)- _- Yes, please. I want a shirt for my son.A. Can you help me?B. Do you want something?C. Can I help you?2) He wants _ a shirt.A. buyB. to buyC. buying3. Illtake it.(1) Ill是I will的缩写,will是助动词,用来表示一般将来时。(2)此句是选好商品并决定购买时的常用语。句中的take意思是买,相当于buy.另外Ill have it也可表示同样的意思。例: -How muchis this T-shirt?Its ten dollars. -OK. Illtake it.Unit 7 How much are these socks?导学案The First Period(SectionA1a-2d)学习目标:1.会用本课所学重点单词和短语(表示服装和颜色)2.理解背诵对话,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。3.通过学习购物对话,懂得礼貌用语,学会如何感谢人。课堂学习过程:一交流检查交流检查课前预习情况,生生、师生互动互问探讨解决预习中存在的问题1.默写重点单词和短语(3分钟)2.看图说话(购物图)3.由购物图引入操练重点句型:1)-How much is this T-shirt?-Its seven dollars.-How much are these socks?-Theyre two dollars.2)How much is that white bag?-Its nine dollars.-How much are these black pants?-Theyre ten dollars.二自主学习1. Listen twice and complete 1b.2.Listen again and complete the dialogue.A:_ is the hat?B: The hat issix _ .A:And how much are the _ ?B: Oh, theyre _ dollars.A:And the _? How much is it?B:Lets see. It is _ dollars.3. Ss listen and repeat the dialogue.4. Ss read aloud , and practise 1c in pairs.5. Ss listen and reapeat.6. Ss listen twice and complete 2b and 2c.7. Ss listen to 2a and 2b again and complete 6 groups of dialogues:(1) A: How much is the _?B: It is_.(2) A: How much is the _?B: It is_.(3)A: How much is the _?B: They are _.(4) A: I like this _. How much is it ?B: It is _.(5) A: I like big blue _. Do you have one ?B: Yes, I have this one here.A: How much is it?B: Its _.(6) A: I like those long, blue and yellow _. How much are they?B: They are only _.8. Ss read aloud the 6 dialogues,9. Practise 2d freely in pairs.三交流展示-解疑答惑同学们通过自主学习你遇到了那些难题,请提出来吧1.小组内讨论解决。2.班内交流解决。3。教师解释。四巩固练习1.Ask and answer (师生问答)-How much is?-Its-How much are?-Theyre2.。单项选择1)-_ is this skirt?-Its 6 dollars.A .How many B.How much C. What money2).How much are _?A. this pantsB. that bagC. those socks3) How much is the red sweater-Fifteen_.A. pound B. yuans C. dollars3.翻译句子(汉译英)1)这条裙子多少钱?2)这个书包仅售50元。3)那双蓝色的袜子多少钱?4)-这条蓝色的裤子多少钱?- 12美元。5) -你那个黑色手提包?-9元。五拓展延伸:课下归纳表示颜色和服装类的单词(查字典)作业:同步学习练习Unit 7 How much are these socks?导学案The second period (Section A2e-3c)课堂学习过程:一复习检查:1.听写单词和短语2.复习重点句型(师生问答)3.引入重点句型和对话(2e)二自主学习:1.补全对话(2e)2. Listen and repeat (2e)3. Recite the dialogue (2e)4. Practise the conversation (2e)三交流展示: Discuss language difficulties in group to help each other.1.小组内讨论解决2.班内交流解决3.教师解释四训练巩固1. Recite the dialogue (2e) together.2.将下列单词排列,组成正确的句子。1)fifteen , hats , for ,black ,we ,dollars ,have .。2)color, do, want, what, you_?3)much, her, jacket, is. how,_?4)you, do, a., sweater, want, green_ ?5)have, in, and, red, yellow, shorts,_.3.从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A:1_B;Yes, please. I want a shirt for my son.A:We have shirts in red , yellow and white. 2_B:Yellow.A:3_B:Oh, this one is too small. 4_A:Yes. What about this one?B:Its very nice. 5_A:Its ten dollars.B:OK. 6 _. Thank you.A:Youre welcome.4.完成句子1)我就买这条黄裙子,谢谢。Ill _ _ _ _, thank you.2)那双红鞋多少钱?_ _ _ the red _?3)那些黑色的裤子太长了。The _ _ _too _.五拓展延伸:模仿课文中2e部分,写一个购物对话。Unit 7 How much are these socks?导学案Section B课前预习一、预习目标:1.初步理解对话、短文大意。2.理解记忆新词和短语。3.感知理解新语法。二、预习过程:(一)阅读对话和短文,在文中划出下列新词汇,并注出音标和词义。试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈起来。1. ten2.eleven3.twelve4.thirteen5.fourteen6. fifteen7.sixteen.8. seventeen9. eighteen10. nineteen11. twenty12. clothes13. store14.thirty15. buy16. sell17.Mr. 18 all 19 price 20 very(二)阅读对话、短文,在文中划出下列短语,朗读并默写。1,多少钱2.以合理的价钱3.有只卖12元的很好的包4.看一看5.廉价出售6.在-服装店7红颜色的裙子8.三双只卖2美元(三)阅读短文2b,判断句子正误(T or F)1. () The sweaters are only 12 dollars.2. () They have socks for boys.3. () The girls can buy T-shirts in white in this store.4. () We can buy great bags for only 12 yuan.(四)主要语言点导学导练1.twenty-five , thirty-one二十五,三十一在英语中,表示二十以上的两位数时应用“几十加个位的基数词”,在十位数和个位数之间写上连词符号“-”,但不发音。2.(1)buy表示“买、购买”“给某人买某物”可以说成buy sb.Sth.或buy sth. for sb.例如:Myparents want to buy me a new computer.=Myparents want to buy a new computer for me.我父母想给我买台新电脑。(2)sell表示“卖、销售”是buy的反义词。sell sb. sth.=sell sth. to sb.,表示把某物卖给某人。例如:They want to sell us the car. =They want to sell the car to us.他们想把汽车卖给我们。运用:从方框中选词,并用其适当形式填空。sellbuy1) I want _ a new pen.2), I have two rules and I want to_ one.3. We have Tshirts in red, green and white for only¥18!本句中in是介词,in后接表示颜色的词,表示“穿颜色的“例如:The woman in black is my aunt.运用选择:1)We all know the girl_a red skirt.A. withB. inC.wear2) My English teacher is always_blackA.wearB.ofC . inUnit 7 How much are these socks?导学案Section B The First Period (1a-2a)学习目标:1.会用本课所学重点单词和短语。2.阅读理解短文并能复述,能用所学词汇、句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。3.情感策略目标:懂得礼貌地感谢人。课堂学习过程:一交流检查:交流检查课前预习情况,生生、师生讨论解决预习中存在的问题。1.大卡片检查单词短语记忆情况。2.单词与数字匹配(1a, 1b)3.引入操练句型:A: How much are the red socks ?B: Theyre 8 dollars.二自主学习:1. Read 1a, 1b aloud2. Listen 1c twice and complete 1c.3.Listen again and complete 1d.4. Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the following dialogue:Mom: Oh, look. I like that blue _ . How much is it?Kate:_dolars. Oh, look. I like these _.Mom: Oh, no. I dont like _.Kate:Do you like this?Mom: Mmm, yes, I do. But its _dollars.Kate :Oh. How much is the _ sweater?Mom: Its _ dollars. But you have a _ sweater.Kate:Mmm.Mom: Oh, look at these _.Kate:Oh, yes. I like _. How much are they?Mom: Only _ dollars.Kate:OK. Ill _ those.4.Ss read aloud the filled dialoge for about 4 minutes in pairs or alone.5.Ss pratice1e freely in pairs with more things.三交流展示:1.小组内讨论解决学习疑难。2.班内交流解决3.教师解释四训练巩固1.单项选择。1)-_ is the bike ? -Just 150 dollars.A.How much B.How many C.How long2) I want a pair of pants.-_A. Here you are B. Here are youC. Give you3) Its the best _ ofyear to visit Beijing.A.dayB.timeC.cheap4) Whats the _ of the house ?A.dollarsB.priceC. money5) _ shoes do you want ?A,What priceB.WhichC.How much3.补全对话。将方框中的选项填在每个空白处,使对话意思完整。A. Ill take itB. Can I help youC. What about this one ?D How much is it ? E. Here you areA: Good morning。_1_B: Good morning . Im looking for a pen .Would you please show me that hero pen?A: Certainly . 2 _ Its of very good qualityB: Hm, it looks nice .3 _A: Its 15 yuan.B: But thats too expensive. Do you have any cheaper ones ?A: 4 _ Its a Hero pen , too. But its only 10 yuan.B: Let me have a look . Oh, its of good quality, too. 5 _五.拓展延伸用适当的基数词完成下面的等式(数字用英语写出)。1.six +_ = twenty-nine2.thirty-one fourteen =_3._ + thirteen = twenty-five4.three six = _5.thirty two =_作业:同步学习Unit 7 How much are these socks?导学案The Second Period ( Section B 2a-3b)课堂学习过程一复习检查:1.默写单词2.复习上节课所学句型及语法(基数词)3.导入新课重点短语和句型:1. at -clothes store2. at a very good price3. We have great bags for only¥124. We have T-shirts in red.二自主学习1. Match each clothing item with a price.(2a)2. Read carefully an fill in the price tags (2b)2. Listen and repeat loudly.3. Read the passage aloud alone.三交流展示1小组内讨论解决学习疑难2班内交流解决3教师解释四1. Retell the passage(2b)2.完成练习2c-3b五:训练巩固1.单项选择1) _, where is the clothes store ?A. Excuse meB. Im sorryC. HiD. Hello2) You can _ socks in all colors _ that shop.Abuy , fromB. sell , toC. buy , toD. sell , from3) Can I help you ?-_.A.No, notB. Donthelp meC Yes , pleaseD. Yes , help me4)They always sell their clothes_ a very good price.A. inB. forC.onD.at2.汉译英:1)我们有各种颜色的帽子。_2)这件毛衣价格便宜。_3)那件白衬衫仅卖三十元。_4)她的新毛衣是蓝白相间的。_5)我们以便宜的价格卖出全部衣服。_3.写作: Write an advertisement for your own clothes store.(3b)五拓展延伸:Self check课后反思:http:/www.leyimall.cn/qqlhswz/http:/www.cqrfkj.cn/qsezz/http:/www.nixchina.cn/omsnllxl/http:/www.jiediankaiguan.cn/sqysxyx/http:/www.yknorthsteel.com.cn/qxkbllp/http:/www.ngk-nagaki.com.cn/qygkybhpdyypd/http:/www.china-lrys.cn/wjhdyxynx/http:/www.jsghtz.com.cn/kbllprbwaf/http:/www.adlqcy.com.cn/bdyylldy/http:/www.cndongqi.cn/thysjsp/http:/www.33jixie.cn/pchp/http:/www.ideatuan.cn/yjsqtp/http:/www.smtechnology.com.cn/pmnsqsp/http:/www.yxlp.com.cn/xblt/http:/www.gcbz.com.cn/phwytsqxs/http:/www.jiediankaiguan.cn/zxsqyypd/http:/www.leyimall.cn/xhsdp/http:/www.83jixie.cn/nrszqtpdd/http:/www.2amd.com.cn/xayp2yyqvod/http:/www.inzinz.com.cn/mnllxzdy/上海航丰国际货运代理有限公司 www.hangfengglobal.com.cn_更多内容访问 http:/www.karva.net.cn上海开宝工程机械有限公司 www.smtechnology.com.cn_更多内容访问 http:/www.art2010.net.cn


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