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    企业冲突管理亟需培训企业培训!(Enterprise conflict management needs training of enterprise training!).doc

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    企业冲突管理亟需培训企业培训!(Enterprise conflict management needs training of enterprise training!).doc

    企业冲突管理亟需培训企业培训!(Enterprise conflict management needs training of enterprise training!)In Chinese habitual thinking, harmony is the ultimate pursuit of perfection, the conflict is great scourges - people often conflict with each other, the internal split arguments, each one sticks to his own viewpoint together, even conflict as enterprise management failure or signs of imminent collapse. So the managers try to eliminate conflicts, emphasis on "harmony", advocated "a middle course", "stability", "harmony". In fact, in order to achieve the harmonious ideal, it is the only way to face the conflict, understand the conflict and manage the conflict. For enterprises, moderate conflict can make enterprises full of vitality.When many leaders clash with each other, an invisible flow of competition flows around. Therefore, the size of leadership determines the size of competition. However, the reality is not be ignored, in this increasingly competitive enterprises at all levels of leaders have excellent leadership, will directly affect the development of enterprises, the companys growth and personal future. Any company, enterprise leaders are always facing conflict problems, and between customers, and subordinate departments, and the level of departments and superiors, including leaders themselves, there are still conflicts. However, the problem of excessive conflict will bring serious harm to the company, the problem of conflict is small, and it can not motivate companies to constantly improve themselves.The famous business expert Tan Xiaofang teachers (official website www.tanxiaofang.com) believes that with the overall development of society and the enterprise survival environment gradually improved, many enterprise scale increases gradually, in order to pursue the maximization of enterprise value and maximize the ability of employees, cooperation and communication within and outside the enterprise gradually increased, but the number of enterprises in the development of at the same time, they found all kinds of conflicts within and outside the enterprise more, such as leaders and middle-level managers, the conflict between middle managers and middle managers, the conflict between middle managers and employees, the conflict between the departments and staff conflicts between departments, the conflict between the internal and external enterprise, Chinese and Western culture the conflict, the conflict is a problem plagued many leaders, many enterprises consider:How to manage conflict?How to establish internal and external communication mechanism?How to make the conflict do not affect the efficiency and normal operation of the enterprise?How to use effective communication to deal with conflicts inside and outside an enterprise?There is a Zen story about a person who finds a disturbing bump on the carpet. She tries to comb the lines of the carpet, but the bumps appear again after they have been combed. In a great depression, she lifted the carpet up and, surprisingly, the carpet slid out of an angry snake. Reading the story in the context of the organization, we can see that it contains a metaphor: when dealing with disturbing factors (such as conflict), we just deal with the image. Although we try to eliminate or cover up the problem, the snake hidden under the carpet (the main cause of the conflict) still inevitably continues to create hazards. Unless we pull out the snake and deal with it, it will frustrate our efforts to improve the efficiency of the organization!Like the carpet and raised the struggle of women, too many management scholars in the workplace with a mechanical view of life, they pay more attention to the surface (raised carpet) instead of deep structure. Similarly, business practitioners and scholars of the collective unconscious, often problems are attributed to a myth: "the only important problem is what we see and know" but famous business expert Tan Xiaofang teachers (scheduled team conflict management training, please contact) that the conflict in the organization, sometimes not so.Recently, Tam organized several enterprise team training, and after the training, the students asked a question - "how to solve team conflict?"" To facilitate student review of conflict management courses, I summarize a small section of lecture notes on techniques for solving team conflict management! In China habitual thinking, people tend to conflict with each other, the internal split arguments, each one sticks to his own viewpoint together, even conflict as enterprise management failure or signs of imminent collapse. So the managers try to eliminate conflicts, emphasis on "harmony", advocated "a middle course", "stability", "harmony". Especially in a seemingly united leadership, the team must have at least one to two dare to express different views, see the "harmony" is not the real unity.Generally speaking, the conflict between team members, the conflict between the team and the team often will have a huge impact on the development of enterprises, many enterprises are due to solve this conflict leads to disadvantage, fight the enemy separately, the last part company each going his own way. So, is team conflict necessarily harmful? Dialectical view,Surely not, then, first of all, we should find out where the advantages of the conflict lie.The famous management expert Tan Xiaofang teacher also said that in the middle of the team, team members due to differences between experience and personality, inevitably lead to divergence of interests or viewpoints, such differences may lead to conflict. Differences lead to differences, and differences lead to conflicts. Generally speaking, the development of conflict should go through five stages. They are the latent stage, the cognitive stage, the sensory stage, the processing stage and the conclusion stage.1, latent stageThe latent stage is the embryonic stage of the conflict, at this time the conflict is also a minor contradiction, and the existence of the conflict has not yet awakened. At this stage, the hotbed of conflict has existed, and as the environment changes, the latent conflict may disappear or be intensified.2, by the cognitive stageAt this stage, there has been a sense of conflict, but at this time the importance of the conflict has not been realized, and the conflict has not done practical harm to the employees. If the measures are taken in time, the conflict that may erupt in the future will be eased.3, felt stageAt this stage, the conflict has caused emotional impact. You may be angry with unfair treatment or you may be confused by the choices you need. Different individuals feel different about the conflict, which is related to the personality, values and other factors of the individual.4, processing stageThere is a variety of ways to deal with conflicts. Such as avoidance, compromise, cooperation and so on. Different ways of dealing with different conflicts, even in the same conflict, are taken by different individuals. The handling of conflicts embodies the individuals way of life and the ability to do so. It also reflects the value system of individuals and their understanding of themselves.5, the final stageThe handling of conflicts always has consequences. Different ways of processing result in different results. The results may be beneficial to the parties, or may be detrimental to the parties. When the conflict is completely resolved, the effect will continue. But in many cases, the conflict has not been completely resolved, and the result is only a phased result. Sometimes even dealing with a conflict brings several other conflicts. Tam launched the conflict management course series:Communication skills and conflict management courseTeam management and conflict management courseOrganizational behavior and conflict management courseSyllabus for conflict management and internal consultationLeadership Enhancement and conflict management training programModern management communication art and team conflict management outlineFor example, in Ge, Welch often participate in employee face-to-face communication, debate and staff, through direct communication with the staff sincerely induced benign conflict, so as to constantly find problems, improve the management, so that the general electric enterprises become the highest market value, has made him one of the most charismatic entrepreneurs. Robbins, a famous American organizational behavior expert, said: "conflict is a process that begins with one side and feels that the other side has a negative impact on or something that concerns itself". Simon, a representative of the school of management decision-making, defined the conflict as "the standard decision-making mechanism of the organization was undermined, causing individuals and groups to fall into difficult choices."". Professor Jo Sward served as president of the International Association for conflict management course: "conflict is refers to the individual or organization because of incompatible goals of cognitive or emotional interaction caused by a nervous state", he believes that a persons behavior to others caused obstacles and interference will produce conflict, conflict and violence, quarrel two different things.With the development of management, peoples understanding of conflicts has also changed, and foreign scholars have divided the evolution of the concept of conflict into three stages, that is, the traditional view, interpersonal relationship view and interaction view of the three stages. The conventional view of conflict is that conflict is both negative and negative, and is often synonymous with violence, destruction, and irrationality. Therefore, conflicts should be avoided. The interpersonal view holds that conflicts are innate and unavoidable, and that conflicts should be taken into account to rationalize their existence. Conflict can not be completely eliminated, and sometimes it will be beneficial to the performance of the group work. The view of interaction suggests that conflict should be encouraged and maintained at a low level, which enables the community to remain vigorous.The western theory of the top management team (TMT) research originated from Hambrick and Mason (1984), the purpose of the study is to explore the development of the companys growth, is a single leader (CEO) in play, or play a role in the senior management team. Extensive research and enterprise practice show that,As the senior managers in formulating development strategy, performance management, stakeholder management and senior personnel assessment of a series of problems such as management class, standing in the position of team operation look far ahead from a high plane, plays an important role in performance improvement.So in the end what is the top management team? At present the theory of top management team has a definition of multiple perspectives, mainly include: senior management team is composed of the founder of the collective; the senior management team is a collection of at least 10% ordinary shares of the company have a group of people; the senior management team is composed of CEO, the general manager and the functional manager team; top management team is actively involved in the discussion and decision making management. In our country, the top management team usually refers to the leading team which is responsible for the daily production and management decisions of the enterprise, including the general manager, chairman and deputy general manager.Let leaders at all levels learn to understand conflicts and implement scientific and effective management of conflicts. To overcome communication barriers, reduce organizational conflicts, so as to give full play to the teams best benefits, and then prevent conflicts in advance, and create the best working environment. Tan also suggested that you do a thorough physical examination of your leadership, find out the gaps, identify gaps, learn from other peoples experiences and find ways to improve and improve them. To enhance the leadership of senior and middle level cadres and departments, make them strive to become the focus of enterprises, companies and even business leaders.In short, the management of conflicts is a very urgent task for the leaders of organizations, especially for personnel managers. The management of the conflict is a policy, operation, art strong work, Tan Xiaofang teachers want leaders to pay attention to, do it well!Performance (Performance)What is performance?The word "performance" comes from management, and different people have different understanding of performance. Some people think that performance refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of work; some people think that the performance is that after work behavior, assessment methods and results; more people think the performance refers to the employees work results is reached with benefit, with contribution of corporate goals in the management of the enterprise is often in the evaluation of human resources.Performance is the effective output of organizations at different levels in order to achieve their goals.To sum up: performance is the combination of achievement and effectiveness, and is the objective behavior of work behavior, mode, result and the objective effect in a certain period. In an enterprise, employees performance is embodied in quantity, quality, cost, and other contribution to the enterprise.Characteristics of performanceIt has many factors, such as multi dimension, multi dimension and dynamic.1, multifactorialBecause of the impact of that is a persons performance depends on many factors, including the external environment, opportunities, personal IQ, EQ and it has the skills and knowledge structure, and enterprise incentive factors.2, multidimensionalMultidimensional is to say that a persons performance should be analyzed from several aspects and perspectives. In order to obtain more reasonable, objective and easy to accept results.3, dynamicDynamic, that is, the performance of a person varies with time and position.


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