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    句型操练,主谓结构,I live with my family in a house close to some mountains.,2. the, want, make, with, people, all, from, over, I, to ,young, friends, world (.),I want to make friends with young people from all over the world.,1. I ,with, family, house, to, close, mountains, in, live, my, a, some (.),live with, close to, in a house,找(动词)短语:,找代词:,人称代词做主语和宾语,冠词、物主代词放在名词前,找(动词)短语:,make friends with , from all over the world,看搭配:,want to do,I enjoy learning about different places in the world.,I always go to school on foot.,6. music, great, make, we, together(.),3. always, on, school, I, to ,foot, go(.),We both like collecting toys.,5. the, enjoy, about, different, in, learning, I ,world,places.,we make great music together.,4. toys, collecting,like, both, we(.),We burn things to make energy.,All plants need light and water.,7. need, all, and,light ,plants,water(.),8. things,burn, make ,to, energy,we (.),9. the , gently, blows,wind(.),The wind blows gently.,The Sun shines brightly.,10. Sun, the , brightly, shines(.),11. usually , people , time, spent, with relatives,the, during , Festival,their , Spring(.),People usually spent time with their relatives during the Spring Festival.,12. wear ,have, I, to, spacesuit, a, help, me,to, breathe,will (.),I will have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe.,13. in,night , tall, these ,sky, buildings, light the, at, every, up, direction(,)(.),At night, these tall buildings light up the sky in every direction.,14. can, also ,snacks,different,you, just, outside, the, buy,garden.,You can also buy different snacks just outside the garden.,16. go,it, all, will ,space,way,the ,into(?),17. it, she, remote a,to, drive, all ,the,used, around ,playground,control(.),It uses power from the Sun.,I want to join all the clubs.,Will it go all the way into space?,She used a remote control to drive it all around the playground.,18. the,uses, from,it , power, Sun(.),19. to, join, want, the,all clubs,I(.),The children followed her into the living room.,20. her, the, into ,living , the, followed, room, children.,主系表结构,1. is, close, my, to, home,school ,my(.),My school is close to my home.,找出be(am,is ,are,was ,were)动词 找短语 找搭配,2. subject, is, favourite, math,my(.),My favourite subject is math.,My dream is to be an engineer.,3. an, dream, to, my, engineer, be, is(.),4. at, swimming, and, I, basketball, playing, am, good.,I am good at swimming and playing basketball.,My school is far away from our home.,5. home ,away, is, school, my, far, from our(.),特殊句型,例1:Collecting stamp is really educational.,V-ing形式做主语,1. really, health, basketball, is, for, playing, good, our.,Playing basketball is really good for our health.,2.body, is, for, smoking, bad, our(.),Smoking is bad for our body.,例2: Daniel was the first student to speak.,句型: sb. is/was the first to do. 某人是第一个干的人。,1. last, he, was, student , to, leave, yesterday(.),He was the last student to leave yesterday.,例3: There was hardly any space for the children to sit down.,句型: There was hardly anyfor sb. to do. 对某人来说干几乎没有.,2. me, hardly, to, for, money, there, any, is, spend(.),There is hardly any money for me to spend.,句型: sb. is/was so+ adj. that. 某人是如此以至于.,例4:I was so excited that I could not sleep.,3. lovely, she ,so ,that, is , all, we, her, like(.),She is so lovely that we all like her.,例4:The Bund is where old Shanghai meets new Shanghai.,句型:is where 。是。的地方,4. time, is ,the where ,park, we , for, the, met , first(.),The park is where we met for the first time.,例5:It is a large public area with green grass, fountains and birds.,句型:with 表伴随“有着;带着”,5.for, look, interesting, started, more, stamps, with, I ,to, pictures, soon.,Soon I started to look for more stamps with interesting pictures.,例6:Im going to take as many photos as I can.,句型: be going to do asas sb.can 某人将尽可能的做.,6. to, I ,run, as, going, am, fast, as, I, can(.),I am going to run as fast as I can.,例7:Tomorrow Ill be one of the first students to travel into space.,句型: be one of the first 是之一,7. she, one, is of ,most, the, writers, famous, world, the, in(.),She is one of the most famous writers in the world.,例8:It is exciting to take a trip.,句型: It is + adj. + (for sb.)+ to do 对某人来说做是.的,8. in, ice, cream, nice, it, the, park, eat, is, to(.),It is nice to eat ice cream in the park.,例9. If you walk along the bund, you will see many old buildings.,9. will, what, I, see, I, if, to ,their, house, go(?),If I go to their house, what will I see?,10. us, takes, about, five, to, get, days, there,it(.),It takes us about five days to get there.,11. you, a, school, attend, did, club(?),Did you attend a school club?,I am seldom late for school. 2. We have our English class at nine oclock. 3. Breakfast time is from seven to eight. 4. I enjoy playing basketball at weekends. 5. Weather is different in the south and north of China. 6. She is one of the most famous writers in the world. 7. If you teach him to learn Chinese, you will get some money. 8. If I go to their house, what will I see? 9. The girl spends her free time writing novels. 10. He was the first man to get to the top of the mountain.,11. This movie makes him more interested in playing baseball. 12. There are hardly any vegetables for children to eat in the fridge. 13. I hope to take as many photos as I can. 14. It is exciting to take a trip in autumn. 15. It is nice to eat ice cream in the park. 16. Did you attend a school club? 17. It takes us about five days to get there. 18. A trip to Germany will cost much money. 19. I am going to go camping this weekend. 20. I was so surprised to meet him here.,V. 写作。 假如,你校为了丰富同学们的校园生活,成立了各种学生社团。请根据下表所给提示,写一篇短文介绍两三个学生社团,并简要谈谈你对学生社团的看法。,1. 词数:70词左右;开头已给出,不计入词数; 2. 参考词汇: 模型制作社 Model Making Club There are many different kinds of clubs in our school._ _,There are many different kinds of clubs in our school. And they are so popular. The Basketball Team is a good choice. Playing basketball can make you strong, and you can learn more about teamwork. There is a wonderful Model Making Club. It will help you learn more about science, and youll become more interested in science.,(续上)If you are good at English, you can join the English Drama Club to improve your spoken English. I think the clubs are helpful, and that students can enjoy a colorful school life!,V. 写作。 旅游不仅可以开拓视野,还可以丰富生活,因此很多人都喜欢旅游。请根据下面提示,写一篇70词左右的短文。 内容提示: 1. 你喜欢旅游,也参观过很多景点; 2. 列举旅游的好处(至少三点); 3. 在旅游过程中的注意事项。,I like travelling very much, and I have visited many places of interest. Travelling is amazing. You can get relaxed when travelling. Sometimes, you may meet people from different places and make friends with them, which makes your trip a more pleasant one. Also, you may have many interesting things to share with your friends when you are back. All the pleasure of your,trip will be kept in your memory. Travelling brings us a lot. Remember to be a good tourist and dont throw rubbish everywhere.,


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