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    山西省普通专升本选拔考试英语阅读理解综合练习题阅读理解 51 篇资料仅供参考山西省普通专升本选拔考试英语阅读理解综合练习题Passage 1Sometimes there are questions in our minds which we would like to ask people,but we are too shy or embarrassed(为难的 ) At other times we feel it is wrong to trouble others with our problems,or are prevented from asking by our fear of being criticised.Often there need be no such fear because other people have undergone( 经历 )the same questionings,do us or worries as ourselves,and many adults or teenage friends are only too pleased to share their knowledge or experience with us.Indeed,in many cases they also learn something,and much unnecessary worry is prevented.You may use this Question Time to ask anything about life that you dont understand,or any question of a personal or general nature that has either troubled you for some time or arisen recently.In order to protect your资料仅供参考feelings,which you may not want exposed,write the question down (in capitals if you wish) on a slip of paper without your name on it.Then fold the paper and hand it to your teacher who will sort the questions out at home before the lesson takes place.He will respect the fact that the questions are asked in confidence(秘密地 );they should,however,be sensible and honest ones.During the lesson the teacher will read outa question,and then call upon one ort wo volunteers from the class to offer their opinions before giving his own.The class should regard both questions and answers and the discussion that arises from them as confidential to avoid breaking the trust the questioner has placed in the lesson,and to make possible further discussion of similar problems on another occasion.It is also helpful to remember that the answers given represent only one or two points of view someone else might answer them quite differently.1.Sometimes we havequestions,but we would资料仅供参考not like to ask people because_A.we are not sure about our questionsB.we are afraid of being criticisedC.we are afraid of being in difficultyD.we only believe in ourselves2.The author suggests that in order not to be known,you should _ A.try to avoid asking questionsB.give the question paper without the name on it to your teacherC.discuss the questions with your groupD.sort the questions out at home and then tell them to your teacher3.The author tells us that _A.in class we should value the speakers questions or answers to show our trustB.in public we may learn something to avoid unnecessary worryC.Its better to write your questions down than to ask them orallyD.only those who ask questions in confidence are sensible and honest资料仅供参考Passage 2Chinese Mainland,Hong Kong,Taiwan Join Hands in SARS ResearchThe World Health Germanization says the number of SARS(非典型性肺炎 )cases worlide has reached 2,960.Though half of the affected patients have recovered,new cases are still being reported and the cause of the disease has stillnot been pinpointed.The Chinese mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan are all among the 23 countries and regions trying to cope with the epidemic( 传染病 ).South Chinas Guangdong Province is one of the areas hardest hit by SARS.Its also where the first case of the disease was reported.Observers say the situation in Guangdong has steadily improved with a sharp downturn in the number of affected patients.So far,over 83 percent of the patients have recovered and been released from hospital.资料仅供参考“ First of all,we need to understand that SARS is an epidemic and the humanimmunity( 免疫性 ) to the disease is therefore weak.But,from what we have experienced and observed,there is no reason to panic.The diseases infectiousness( 传 染 性 )is being weakened as it passes from one group toanother. ” said hong Nanshan,director of Guangdong Team for SARS Prevention and Treatment.The director says the key to fighting the disease now lies in finding the cause and developing a vaccine( 疫 苗 ).This calls for concerted cooperation within the international medical community.So far,the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong have been working well together.The SARS situation in Taiwan offers a more reassuring picture.So far a little over 20 people have been affected,with no deaths reported.Taiwan medical experts say this is in part due to effective quarantine( 隔 离 ) of


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