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    Contents摘要AbstractIntroduction1Part One. The Classifications of Body Language2. Bodys Expressing Part and Ways2. The Categories of Body Language21. Conductive language22. Emotional language23. Demonstrative language34. Evaluating language35. Explaining language36. Implying language47. Inspiring language e4Part Two. The necessity and importance of body language in English teaching4. Necessary and Important for Teaching Young Learners English5. Necessary and Important for Classroom English Teaching in School6Part Three. The Application of Body Language in Teaching English8. Body language helps to improve listening8. Body language helps to improve speaking9. Body language helps to improve reading9. Body language helps to improve writing.10. Body language helps to improve the Eyesight11. Body language helps to improve the Countenance12. Body language helps to improve the Gesture13. Body language helps to improve the Manner13Part Four. The principles of using body language14. Use body language in proper sequence to advance it step by step14. Use English as much as possible, use Chinese as little as possible and use body language properly15. Pay attention to the differences of language and culture background when using body language15. Combine personal body language and common body language15Conclusion16Notes17Bibliography18Acknowledge19身体语言在英语教学中的作用摘要身体语言是一个重要的媒介,使人们彼此沟通无碍。在教学过程中,教师将信息传送到学生应该透过适当的表情,手势,动作和视力。它可以达到良好的效果一样,鼓励,建议与交流,使学生有深厚的印象和强大的影响力。学生学习英语主要是在课堂上,因此,教师应创造一个好的学习氛围并且在课堂上相对应地不断改革和变化英语的教学方法。教师应运用简单的英语和高度表现力的身体语言,从而使他们很容易理解。学生将得到更深的理解和感受英语,因此,目标,提高效率,在英语教学中,将能够实现.这是在英语教学领域的创新,这种积极的教学方法,在现代中国学生英语教学中是很受欢迎的. 关键词:身体语言 英语教学 重要媒介The Functions of Body Language in English Teaching PracticeAbstract Body language is an important medium through which people communicate with each other. In the teaching process, teachers transmit information to students through proper expressions, gestures, movements and eyesight. It can achieve good results like encouragement, suggestion and exchange so that students will have deep impressions and strong influence. Students learn English mostly in classroom, so teachers should create a good study atmosphere in class corresponding to the continuous reform and changes of English teaching methods. Teachers should use simple English and highly-expressive body language so as to make them easily understood. Then students will get a deeper understanding and feeling of English, and thus the goal of raising efficiency in English teaching will be achieved. It is innovation in English teaching field and this advanced method of teaching is very popular in Chinese students English teaching nowadays.Keywords: Body Language English Teaching Important MediumIIntroductionWhat is body language? Body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other. It refers to the patterns of facial expressions, body movements and gestures that people use to express their meanings and feelings in communication. Body language, which has been used frequently and widely in all kinds of areas of education, is the movements, gestures and expressions that teachers often use in teaching activities. It directly affects a teachers teaching efficiency and level, as it is known that what or how the teachers say or do will be possibly imitated by the students, sometimes subconsciously. A teachers proper body language in teaching not only helps to improve the students artistic appreciation and moral character but also to motivate them to study the subject the teacher teaches, and to form an active and optimistic learning desire. The affection of teachers body language on the students can shorten the teacher-student estrangement, by which a more harmonious studying atmosphere is created. As a matter of fact, teachers friendly appearance of body language can greatly encourage the students studying enthusiasm,especially for the young learners. Furthermore, the characteristics of theory and abstraction of knowledge also requires the vivid, dramatic and accessible gesture to make it specific and figurative. As a result, the students interest is motivated and the effect of teaching is greatly improved. The direct teaching method in foreign language teaching system particularly emphasizes that we should avoid using mother tongue and translationInstead, we should use such direct ways as movements,expression setting,and substances to replace the function of using mother language and translation. By doing that we can establish a "direct" bridge between meaning and language form itself.Part One. The Classifications of Body LanguageThere are various forms in body language and much content is in it. So teachers are required to analyze and classify it, to put its various forms in order and to master it skillfully and scientifically. Thus we can make it more systematic, standard and operational. . Bodys Expressing Part and WaysFirst, by bodys expressing parts and ways the body language can be divided into: l. Facial expression:that is to express emotions, feelings, attitudes, etc. by facial expressing. 2. Limb movements:that is to describe things,or to express thoughts, ideas and feelings through the movements of limbs. 3. Body postures: that is setting moving body posture to express feelings or to explain things . The Categories of Body LanguageThen, as to the functions, we can roughly classify body language into: 1. Conductive language It means an order or a command, e.g.: to put the index finger between two lips is to say:"Be quiet,please!", one hands index finger in the center of the other hand to say:“Stop!” and the tip of one index on the temple to say:“Use your head!”, etc. 2. Emotional language Facial expressions, which can be used to express emotions like happiness,anger, sadness, or such phrases as:look at,glare at,stare at,gaze at in the English language, may show emotions more vividly and efficiently than words. 3. Demonstrative language During the change in movements and expressions and the development in demonstration, the teacher will lead students to express in English more effectively. For example,in the process of planting trees, the teacher can ape the movements to help the students to describe: dig a holeput the young tree into itfill the hole with some earthpress the earth slightlygive the tree some water, etc. . Also we can demonstrate object,conception and so on through gestures, actions and postures in order to make it clear and audio-visual. Take the movements of hands for example: shake hands transversely means friendship;close hands up means pray;clap hands means welcome,congratulate and encourage;take hands in means "come here", etc. 4. Evaluating language We can show our agreement or disagreement, encouragement, disappointment,enjoyment and complaint toward students actions by body language. For example,nod head means consent,encourage and praise, while shake head means discontent or disappointment 5. Explaining language We can use body language to explain the pronunciation,the grammar and the words of English in order to make it simple and clear. Lets take teaching some prepositions as an example, we can, in:put something inside one hand; on: put one hand on the other palm; around: move one hand around the other arm; along: move one forefinger of one hand along the other arm; to: move one hand toward the other hand; under: put one hand under the other hand ;over: put one hand over the other hand, etc. 6. Implying language Use body language to imply teaching intention: give the students some hints by asking some indirect questions to help them get the point by themselves. Teachers can imply the teaching intension by imitating actions, example as in teaching the lesson Charlie Chaplin, the teacher only imitates some typical actions or expression of Chaplin in the class, then the students will understand the teaching intention, and also it can increase the interest of students and make the class lively. 7. Inspiring language The most important feature of body language is to inspire and motivate students to learn. Teachers can imply, demonstrate, evaluate or explain by using body language;moreover, all of above contain the feature of inspiring and motivation, and because of this feature,every feature of body language can infiltrate to form a whole system.Part Two. The necessity and importance of body language in English teachingEnglish teaching is a key part of the school education. Generally traditional English teaching considers teachers as the center, book learning as the standard an examination handing as the only goal. With the English teaching methods reform, more and more English teachers organize the teaching process in English so that they may realize the Communicated English. The Communicated English means that teachers instruct the students and explain questions basically in English, and the students are also required to use English in class. Contemporarily, however, the students in the middle school cant speak very well; neither can they understand why they should use different tones in different time or situation; their vocabulary and expressive ability are limited too. These limitations made it difficult to realize the Communicated English in the classes. According to the students present level and practical situation, body language is required. For example, when a teacher gives an instruction: “You two, please come to the blackboard.” The students can easily understand it if the teacher looks at some two students. Then, the teacher points to the blackboard. The students will carry out the order without obstacle even if they dont hear the key words “blackboard” clearly. Furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they have to differentiate the classroom expressions and the examples. This action will usually give the students a deep impression. From the above we can learn body language is an important way in teaching. Necessary and Important for Teaching Young Learners English Now more and more young learners start to learn English. It is popular for them to learn English when they are still very young. They have no or little vocabulary. So if a teacher wants to teach them well,body language will play an important and necessary part in the teaching Obviously, if the teacher can use body language well in teaching, it will be likely to lead the children to success in language learning and it will make the lessons a pleasant experience for them. For instance, when we are teaching the children how to say hello when they meet their friends,we can teach them to say "Hello" directly. Meanwhile,with the words we may shake their hands and smile to them. By observing these gestures, they will soon know how to greet when they meet their friends. Then when we teach "good morning and good evening" we can also make gestures as below: Then the children will understand that whats the meaning of “morning” and “evening”. Also they can practice these words with their classmates. Another example when we are teaching words about the parts of our body, we can make it like this: We can make some gestures by using body movement to teach some actions to the children, too: We may sit down and stand up to explain “sit” and “stand”, and point out our fingers to explain “up” and “down”. So we can also use the gesture like a picture to show the action to the children. Because the children are very young,they all like playing games. If teachers make some activities for the children and use body language as much as possible, for sure, the children will get a deep impression,and they can also remember what is taught to them very well. . Necessary and Important for Classroom English Teaching in School Body language in teaching is an effective way in terms of language teaching method, which can be proved either in language teaching or language theory or in practice. So by enforcing the study of body language and making it scientific and systematic, the body language will play a more important role in real classroom teaching and in teaching method research. English teaching is a key part of school education. With the reform of the English teaching methods, more and more English teachers organize their teaching process in English, so that they may realize the communicative English in class. The communicative English also means that teachers instruct and explain basically in English, and the students are also required to use English in class contemporarily. However, the students in schools cant speak English very well; neither can they understand why they should use different tones in different time or situations. Besides, their vocabulary and expressive ability are limited, too. These limitations have made it difficult to realize the communicative English in classes. According to the students present level and practical situation, body language should be required to develop classes to be more communicative, for example, when a teacher gives an instruction: “You two please come to the blackboard." The students can easily understand it if the teacher looks at or points to some two students and then points to the blackboard. Furthermore, teachers usually have to explain some language points, and at this time, they can also carry out their teaching task easily with the help of body language in the teaching process. In order to evaluate the true role of English in the school system, it is important for the teachers who are not native speakers to evaluate their knowledge of and ability to use English. English teaching is really a key part of the school education. In school education, body language plays a positive role in cultivating the students characters. Body language is also an important media through which people communicate with each other. Briefly speaking, Body Language is expressing a certain meaning of a kind of silent language by gesture, manner and countenance, which includes eyesight language, facial language, hand language, body language and so on. According to experts, our nonverbal language communicates about 50% of what we really mean (voice tonality contributes 38%) while words themselves contribute a mere 7%. Our bodies send out messages constantly and often we dont recognize that were communicating a lot more than we realize. The behavioral scientists tell us that almost the whole body language can be used as the manners for human communication and be served for the teaching. The foreign language teacher should be able to perform and dance for joy, make a vivid gesture, movement and countenance as an actor, should not always be gentl


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