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    新世纪大学英语视听说教程(第三版)第2册 unit1 电子教案.ppt

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    新世纪大学英语视听说教程(第三版)第2册 unit1 电子教案.ppt

    main,Unit 1 All About Me Unit 2 Express Yourself! Unit 3 Lets Eat! Unit 4 Todays Trends Unit 5 Unsolved Mysteries Unit 6 The Mind Unit 7 Lets Celebrate! Unit 8 In the Neighborhood,unit1,An English Video Course 2 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 2,Unit 1 All About Me,1. “He is the boss in my office.” 2. “Hes a great guy. We like doing things together.” 3. “Shes my girlfriend.” 4. “Shes my cousin.” 5. “We met once at a party.” 6. “We work in the same office every day.”,In the neighborhood,Vocabulary Link,Read about these people in Marios life. Then match each of Marios statements (1-6) below with a person. Use each statement only once.,Talking about relationships,LA_VL_A1,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,5,6,3,2,4,1,In the neighborhood,Vocabulary Link,Pair work. Interview a partner and ask and answer this question: Who would you talk to if you ? Choose from the situations and people below or use your own ideas.,LA_VL_B1,Talking about relationships,acquaintance colleague parent best friend girlfriend / boyfriend supervisor,1. You break up with your boyfriend / girlfriend. 2. You have problems with a colleague.,3. You have some exciting news. 4. You have a secret to tell.,Who would you talk to if you broke up with _?,Id talk to my _ _. S/he always understands me and gives me support.,Who would you talk to if you had _?,Id tell my parents, because they _ _.,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,Proper names Myles Wes Lydia Katherine Jones Nora Nelson Mrs. Hanson Parkside Apartments New words van n. 小货车 move in 搬进来,迁入 nosy a. 多管闲事的,爱打听的,Language Notes,LA_L_1,Activity 1 Nosy Nora,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,Katherine is moving into an apartment. She is meeting Nora for the first time. Listen to the conversation. Check () the things you know about the people in each apartment.,LA_L1_A1,II,Activity 1 Nosy Nora,1. Nora Nelson,2. Wes and Lydia,3. Two boys,4. Mrs. Hanson,Shes nosy.,She lives in 2A.,Theyre quiet.,They live in 3B.,Theyre classmates.,They live in 2B.,Shes related to Nora.,She lives in 3C.,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,Listen again. What do you think nosy means? What might a nosy person do?,LA_L1_B,II,A nosy person might,Activity 1 Nosy Nora,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L2,Activity 2 Just a few old keepsakes,New words keepsake n. 纪念品 yearbook n. 年鉴,年刊,Language Notes,I think the two most important people in my life are The most important people in my life is The special person in is is a very important person to me. is/are important to me because ,Useful expressions for talking about special people,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,1,Listening,LA_L2_A,Activity 2 Just a few old keepsakes,Listen to a grandmother and her grandson talking about her old keepsakes. Then number the objects from 1 to 3 in the order you hear them.,II,passport diary yearbook,2,3,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L2_B,Listen again. Complete the sentences by circling the right answers or filling in the blanks.,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,II,Activity 2 Just a few old keepsakes,A keepsake brings back of the past. The grandmother wrote about her first keepsake / boyfriend / trip in her diary. She tells the boy not to dig around in her diary because . She traveled to school / America / Europe by ship / car / plane. She graduated from school in the fifties / sixties / seventies.,memories,_,its personal,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,How old was he when he took his first trip? Why did he go to Los Angeles? Did he have a nice time on the plane? Why? How was his stay in Los Angeles?,Listening,LA_L3_A,Activity 3 My first trip alone,Listen to a mans talk about his first trip alone. Then answer the questions.,II,1. 2. 3. 4.,13.,_,He had lots of fun with his grandparents and he saw lots of interesting places. In the end, he didnt even want to go home.,_,To visit his grandparents.,_,Yes. He talked to a nice woman.,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L3_B,II,Activity 3 My first trip alone,Now listen to the talk again and complete the short summary.,The speakers mother told him not to worry because he felt (1) . (2) met him at the airport and took him to (3) where he stayed for (4) weeks.,His grandparents,_,their home,_,two,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L4,Activity 4 Making memories,New words scrapbooking n. 编剪贴簿 journal entry 日记 日志 theme n. 主题 report card 成绩单 newspaper clipping 剪报 felt pen (油墨)毡笔,Language Notes,layout n. 版面编排 decorate v. 装饰 glue v. 用胶水将物体粘合 sticker n. 贴纸 label v. 贴标签于,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L4_A1,Listen to the following talk about scrapbooking. How do you make a scrapbook that you will enjoy for many years? Fill in the blanks in the table with information you hear.,Choose a for your scrapbook pages. Select photos for each page. Find to use with your photos. Design the pages. Glue into place. Label your pages.,II,1 2 3 4 5 6,Activity 4 Making memories,Step What do you do?,theme,_,other paper keepsakes,_,your photos and keepsakes,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Whats the definition of scrapbooking? Please note down some examples of good keepsakes to put in scrapbooks. What are some good themes for a scrapbook? How can you decorate the pages? What are the most important things to remember to write on pages?,Listening,LA_L4_B,Listen again. Take notes and answer the following questions.,II,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,Activity 4 Making memories,“School days”, “Family travel”, “Memories of my grandparents”, “Babys first year.”,_,Scrapbooking is making beautiful books to hold special memories.,_,Old newspapers clippings, postcards, tickets, report cards, and letters.,_,You can use felt pens, paint, and stickers.,_,The “5Ws”: who, what, where, when and why.,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L5,* Activity 5 A book of memories,New words freshman n. 大一新生 sophomore n. 大二学生 junior n. 大三学生 senior n. 大四学生 academic a. 学术的 extracurricular a. 课余的,Language Notes,chess n. 国际象棋 club n. 俱乐部,社团 title n. 头衔 称号 clown n. 小丑 category n. 类别 typically adv. 通常,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Listening,LA_L5_A,Listen to a passage about yearbooks in the United States and answer the following questions.,II,* Activity 5 A book of memories,Who publishes yearbooks in the U.S.? Why do the seniors photos appear first in a yearbook? Do teachers also have photos in a yearbook? When is the yearbook printed? What does the title “best dressed” mean?,1. 2. 3. 4. 5.,It means a student with a good fashion sense.,_,Most high schools in the US.,_,Because they are graduating soon.,_,Yes.,_,At the end of the year.,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,The yearbook comes out , usually in the . Extracurricular activities include the club and Spanish club. In the yearbook, students receive special titles, such as “class clown,” “ ,” and “best dressed.” There are also other awards and . Students write to each other, such as, “We had a lot of fun,” or “ .”,Listening,LA_L5_B,Listen again. Then fill in the blanks with information you get from the passage.,II,* Activity 5 A book of memories,1. 2. 3. 4.,once a year,_,spring,_,chess,_,most likely to succeed,_,categories,_,notes,_,Ill never forget you,_,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,A yearbook is a (1) _ of the school year. You will find each students (2) in a yearbook. Photos of the (3) come first. The yearbook features (4) teams, academic subjects, and extracurricular activities. There are many clubs, and the (5) club makes the yearbook. Seniors vote and give some students (6) such as “class clown.” Students (7) their classmates yearbooks. The yearbook is truly a book of (8) .,Listening,LA_L5_C,Listen once more and complete the following summary.,II,* Activity 5 A book of memories,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,record,photo,_,seniors,_,sports,_,yearbook,_,titles,_,sign,_,memories,_,Pronunciation,LA_P_A,Reduction of present continuous -ing ending,Pair work. Listen to the conversations. Notice how the underlined verbs are pronounced. Then practice with a partner.,Sandy: Joe: Sandy: Joe: Sandy: Joe:,II,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Conversation 1,Hello? Hi, Sandy. Its Joe. Oh hi, Joe. What are you doing? Im sleeping. Oh, sorry.,Josh: Lisa: Josh: Lisa: Josh: Lisa:,Conversation 2,Hello? Hi, Josh, how are you? Im really busy. Why? What are you doing? Im painting my bedroom. O.K. Talk to you later!,Pronunciation,LA_P_B,Pair work. Practice reading the sentences below with a partner. Use the reduced pronunciation of ing. Then listen and check your pronunciation.,1. 2. 3. 4.,Hes dating a really nice girl. Im fixing my car.Shes working in her garden. Were going to the movies.,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Reduction of present continuous -ing ending,II,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,Useful expressions for introducing people,Junko, this is Ricardo. Maria, meet Harry. Im (My name is ),Language Notes,Informal introductions,Id like you to meet Tammy. Let me introduce you to Tammy. Allow me to introduce May I introduce myself? I have great pleasure in introducing .,Formal introductions,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Tips When meeting new people, we usually introduce ourselves to each other. Different expressions are used in formal and informal situations.,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_A1,Listen to the conversations and fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions.,II,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Maria: Junko: Maria: Junko: Maria: Junko: Ricardo:,Conversation 1,Hi, Junko. Hi, Maria. Its good to see you again! How are you? Im fine, thanks. (1) ? Im fine. Junko, (2) Ricardo. Were classmates. Were both taking accounting this semester. Hi, Ricardo. (3) , Junko.,How about you,_,this is,_,Hi,_,Hi. (4) . Im Yong Il. Nice to meet you. My name is Ileana. Its nice to meet you, too, Ileana. (5) Tammy. Nice to meet you, Tammy. (6) , too, Ileana. Were colleagues. We work in the same department.,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_A2,Listen to the conversations and fill in the blanks with appropriate expressions.,II,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Yong Il: Ileana: Yong Il: Ileana: Tammy: Yong Il:,Conversation 2,Nice to meet you,_,Let me introduce myself,_,Id like you to meet,_,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_B,Group work. Work in groups of three. Listen to the conversations again and practice as a group.,II,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Liu Xiang: , Let me introduce you to , one of the and of our time. She is from in Latin America. David: Its very nice to meet you, . Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, . What do you do? David: Im an international and a . Shakira: Oh! In which do you play football? David: Ive won football championships for teams in , and . Shakira: Thats wonderful. Did you know is an too? Liu Xiang: Oh , you are too kind.,Liu Xiang: , Let Shakira, one greatest singers and songwriters of . She Colombia in Latin America. David: Its , Shakira. Shakira: Very , David. What ? David: an international football and a model. Shakira: Oh! In which country do you play football? David: Ive won football championships for teams in England, Spain and America. Shakira: Thats . Liu Xiang is an extremely talented athlete too? Liu Xiang: Oh Shakira, .,Liu Xiang: David, Let me introduce you to Shakira, one of the greatest singers and songwriters of our time. She is from Colombia in Latin America. David: Its very nice to meet you, Shakira. Shakira: Very nice to meet you too, David. What do you do? David: Im an international footballer and a model. Shakira: Oh! In which country do you play football? David: Ive won football championships for teams in England, Spain and America. Shakira: Thats wonderful. Did you know Liu Xiang is an extremely talented athlete too? Liu Xiang: Oh Shakira, you are too kind.,Group work. Work in groups of three. Read the model conversation and practice as a group.,Speaking & Communication,LA_SC1_C,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,II,Model Conversation,LA_SC1_D,Speaking & Communication,Group work. Role play. Work in groups of three. Create a new conversation. Each student role-plays a famous person. The group then introduces each other.,Lesson A The people in my life,Lesson B Special people and memories,Activity 1 Id like you to meet ,LA_SC2_A,Speaking & Communication,* Activity 2 Is it you?,On a sheet of paper, start a list using the simple present. Write down the following:,a routine you never change 2. an unusual habit 3. a general fact about yourself Continue your list using the present continuous. Write down the following: 4. an activity you are doing right now 5. a temporary activity you are doing 6. a project you are doing outside of class,Lesson A The


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