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    Chapter 3 Transport Layer1. A transport-layer protocol provides for logical communication between _.A Application processesB HostsC RoutersD End systems2. Transport-layer protocols run in _.A ServersB ClientsC RoutersD End systems3. In transport layer, the send side breaks application messages into _, passes to network layer.A FramesB SegmentsC Data-grams D bit streams4. Services provided by transport layer include _.A HTTP and FTPB TCP and IPC TCP and UDPD SMTP5. Which of the following services is not provided by TCP? A Delay guarantees and bandwidth guaranteesB Reliable data transfers and flow controlsC Congestion controlsD In-order data transfers6. These two minimal transport-layer services-_ and _-are the only two services that UDP provides! A process-to-process data delivery, error checkingB congestion control, reliable data transferC flow control, congestion controlD In-order data transfer, error checking7. Port numbers scope is _ to _. A 0, 1023B 0, 65535C 0, 127D 0,2558. The port numbers ranging from _to _ are called well-known port number and are restricted.A 0, 1023B 0, 65535C 0, 127D 0,2559. UDP socket identified by two components, they are _.A source IP addresses and source port numbersB source IP addresses and destination IP addressesC destination IP address and destination port numbersD destination port numbers and source port numbers10. TCP socket identified by a (an) _. A 1-tupleB 2-tupleC 3-tupleD 4-tuple11. Which of the following applications normally uses UDP services? A SMTPB Streaming multimediaC FTPD HTTP12.Reliabledatatransferprotocoloveraperfectlyreliablechannelis_.Ardt1.0Brdt2.0Crdt3.0Drdt2.113.Reliabledatatransferprotocoloverachannelwithbiterrorsandpacketlossesis_.Ardt1.0Brdt2.0Crdt3.0Drdt2.114.Whichofthefollowingaboutreliabledatatransferoverachannelwithbiterrorsisnotcorrect?ARDT2.0:assumingACKandNAKwillnotbecorruptedBRDT2.1:assumingACKandNAKcanbecorruptedCRDT2.2:onlyuseACK-sDRDT2.2:usebothACK-sandNAK-s15.Whichofthefollowingprotocolsisnotpipeliningprotocols?ATCP Brdt3.0CGO-BACK-N Dselectiverepeat16.WhichofthefollowingisnotcorrectaboutGBNprotocol?AOnlyusingACK-sBUsingcumulativeACK-sCReceiverdiscardsallout-of-orderpacketsDItisnotpipelinedprotocol17.WhichofthefollowingisnotcorrectaboutSRprotocol?AreceiverindividuallyacknowledgesallcorrectlyreceivedpacketsBsenderonlyresendspacketsforwhichACKnotreceivedCItlimitssequencenumberofsentbutun-ACK-edpacketsDItisnotapipelinedprotocol18. Which of the following about TCP connection is not correct? A It is a broadcast connectionB It is a point-to-point connectionC It is a pipelined connectionD It is a full duplex connection19. The SYN segment is used for_. A TCP connection setupB TCP flow controlC TCP congestion controlD Closing a TCP connection20. The FIN segment is used for_.A TCP connection setupB TCP flow controlC TCP congestion controlD Closing a TCP connection21. How does TCP sender perceive congestion? A Through a timeout eventB Through a receiving duplicate ACK-s eventC Both A and BD Either A or B22. Extending host-to-host delivery to process-to-process delivery is called transport-layer _ and . A multiplexing and de-multiplexingB storing and forwardingC forwarding and filteringD switching and routing23. UDP is a _ service while TCP is a connection-oriented service. A ConnectionlessB ReliableC Connection-orientedD In-order24. The UDP header has only four fields, they are_. A Source port number, destination port number, length and checksumB Source port number, destination port number, source IP and destination IPC source IP, destination IP, source MAC address and destination MAC addressD source IP, destination IP, sequence number and ACK sequence number25. There are two 16-bit integers: 1110 0110 0110 0110, 1101 0101 0101 0101. Their checksum is_. A 0100010001000011B 1011101110111100C 1111111111111111D 100000000000000026. The maximum amount of data that can be grabbed and placed in a segment is limited by the_.A Maximum segment size (MSS)B MTUC ChecksumD Sequence number27. The MSS is typically set by first determining the length of the largest link-layer frame that can be sent by the local sending host-the so-called_.A Maximum transmission unit (MTU)B MSSC ChecksumD Sequence number28. A File size of 500,000bytes, MSS equals 1000bytes. When we want to transmit this file with TCP, the sequence number of the first segment is 0, and the sequence number of the second segment is _. A 1000B 999C 1001D 50000029. Because TCP only acknowledges bytes up to the first missing byte in the stream, TCP is said to provide_. A Cumulative acknowledgementsB Selective acknowledgementsC 3 duplicate ACKsD positive ACKs30. Provided =0.125, current value of Estimated-RTT is 0.4s, Sample-RTT is 0.8s, then the new value of Estimated-RTT is _s. A 0.45B 0.6C 0.7D 0.831. Provided RcvBuffer=20,LastByteRcvd=20,LastByteRead=15, then RcvWindow=_. A 14B 15C 16D 1032. TCP service does not provide_. A Reliable data transfer B Flow controlC Delay guarantee D Congestion control33. There are two states in TCP congestion control, which are _. A slow start and congestion avoidanceB safe start and congestion avoidanceC slow start and congestion abandonD safe start and congestion abandon34. The transport-layer protocol provides logical communication between _, and the network-layer protocol provides logical communication _. A hosts, processes B processes, hostsC threads, processes D processes, threads35.ToimplementthemulticastservicestheInternetemploysthe_protocol.AFTPBTCPCIGMPDUDP36. If an application developer chooses _ protocol, then the application process is almost directly talking with IP. A HTTPB RIPC CSMA/CDD UDP37. _ maintains connection-state in the end systems. This connection state includes receive and send buffers, congestion-control parameters, and sequence and acknowledgment number parameters. A UDPB TCPC DNSD HTTP38. The host that initiates the session in the Internet is labeled as _.A server B user agentC clientD router39. With TCP there is no _ between sending and receiving transport-layer entities. A flow control B handshakingC. congestion control D VC setup40. The Internets _ service helps prevent the Internet from entering a state of gridlock. A datagramB congestion controlC sliding window D timeout event41. Connection setup at the transport layer involves _. A server B only the two end systemsC client D router42. A _layer protocol provides for logical communication between applications. A transportB applicationC networkingD MAC43. In static congestion window, if it satisfies W*S/R > RTT + S/R, the Latency is _. A W*S/R ( RTT+ S/R) B 2RTT + O/RC 2RTT + O/R + (k-1)W* S/R- (RTT + S/R) D 2RTT + S/R44. The receive side of transport layer reassembles segments into messages, passes to _layer. A ApplicationB NetworkingC PhysicalD MAC45. In the following four options, which one is correct? A The variations in the SampleRTT are smoothed out in the computation of the EstimatedRTTB The timeout should be less than the connections RTTC Suppose that the last SampleRTT in a TCP connection is equal to 1 sec. Then the current value of TimeoutInterval will necessarily be1 secD Suppose that the last SampleRTT in a TCP connection is equal to 1 sec. Then the current value of TimeoutInterval will necessarily be1 sec46. The port number used by HTTP is _. A 80B 25C 110D 5347. The port number used by SMTP is _. A 80B 25C 110D 5348. The port number used by pop3 is _. A 80B 25C 110D 5349. The port number used by DNS is _. A 80B 25C 110D 5350. The port number used by FTP is _. A 20 and 21B 20C 21D 5351. A UDP socket identified by a _ tuple(s). A 2B 4C 1D 352. A TCP socket identified by a _ tuple(s). A 2B 4C 1D 353. A TCP socket does not include_. A Source MAC addressB Source port numberC Destination IP addressD Destination port number54. Which of following about UDP is not correct. A It is a reliable data transfer protocolB It is connectionlessC no handshaking between UDP sender, receiverD it is a best effort service protocol55. DNS uses _ service. A TCPB UDPC Both TCP and UDPD None of above56. Which of following about UDP is correct?A Finer application-level control over what data is sent, and when B No connection establishment (which can add delay), so no delay for establish a connectionC No connection state (so, UDP can typically support many active clients)D Large packet header overhead (16-B)57. Streaming media uses a _ service normally. A TCPB UDPC Both TCP and UDPD None of above58. The UDP header has only _ fields. A 2B 4C 1D 359. Which of the following does not included in UDP header. A Source port numberB Destination port numberC ChecksumD Sequence number60. Which of the following is not a pipelining protocol. A Rdt1.0B Go-Back-NC Selective repeatD TCP61. In the following four descriptions about MSS and MTU, which one is not correct? A The MSS is the maximum amount of application-layer data in the segmentB The MSS is the maximum size of the TCP segment including headersC The MSS is typically set by MTUD The MTU means the largest link-layer frame62. The job of gathering data chunks, encapsulating each data chunk with header information to create segments and passing the segments to the network is called _.A multiplexing B de-multiplexing C forwarding D routing63. In the following four descriptions about the relationship between the transport layer and the network layer, which one is not correct? A The transport-layer protocol provides logical communication between hostsB The transport-layer protocol provides logical communication between processesC The services that a transport-layer protocol can provide are often constrained by the service model of the network-layer protocolD A computer network may make available multiple transport protocols64. Suppose the following three 8-bit bytes: 01010101, 01110000, 01001100. Whats the 1s complement of the sum of these 8-bit bytes? A 00010001 B 11101101 C 00010010 D 1000100065. The following four descriptions about multiplexing and de-multiplexing, which one is correct? A A UDP socket is identified by a two-tuples consisting of a source port number and a destination port number.B If two UDP segment have different source port number, they may be directed to the same destination process.C If two TCP segments with different source port number, they may be directed to the same destination process.D If two TCP segments with same destination IP address and destination port number, they must be the same TCP connection.66. UDP and TCP both have the fields except _.A source port number B destination port numberC checksum D receive window67. If we define N to be the window size, base to be the sequence number of the oldest unacknowledged packet, and next-seq-num to be the smallest unused sequence number, then the interval nextseqnum,base+N-1 corresponds to packet that _.A can be sent immediately B have already been transmitted and acknowledgedC cannot be usedD have been sent but not yet acknowledged68. Which of the following about TCP is not correct? A It is a connectionless protocolB Point-to-point protocolC Reliable, in-order byte steam protocolD Pipelined protocol69. Which of the following about TCP is not correct? A It is a connectionless protocolB full duplex data transfer protocolC connection-oriented protocolD flow controlled protocol70. The maximum amount of data that can be grabbed and placed in a segment is limited by the _. A Maximum segment size (MSS)B MTUC Sequence numberD Check sum71. The MSS is typically set by first determining the length of the largest link-layer frame that can be sent by the local sending host (the so-called_), and then will fit into a single link-layer frame. A Maximum segment size (MSS)B MTUC Sequence numberD Check sum72. The MSS is the maximum amount of _layer data in the segment, not the maximum size of the TCP segment including headers.A ApplicationB TransportC NetworkingD Link73. Which of the following field is not used for connection setup and teardown?A Sequence numberB TSTC SYND FIN 74. _ is the byte stream number of first byte in the segment. A Sequence numberB ACK numberC Checksum D port number75. _ is the byte sequence numbers of next byte expected from other side. A Sequence numberB ACK numberC Checksum D port number76. Because TCP only acknowledges bytes up to the first missing byte in the stream, TCP is said to provide _ acknowledgements. A Cumulative B SelectiveC SingleD Negative77. Fast retransmit means in the case that _ duplicate ACK-s are received, the TCP sender resend segment before timer expires.A 3B 4C 5D 678. TCP_ means sender wont overflow receivers buffer by transmitting too much, too fast. A Flow controlB Congestion controlC Reliable data transferD Connection-oriented service79. TCP provides flow control by having the sender maintain a variable called the _. A Receive windowB Congestion windowC Sliding windowD buffer80. How does TCP sender perceive congestion? A TimeoutB 3 duplicate ACK-sC Both A and BD None of above81. Transport protocols run in _. A Servers B Clients C Routers D End systems82. Which of the following services is not provided by TCP? A Delay guarantees and bandwidth guaranteesB Reliable data transfers and flow controlsC C


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