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    传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!英语122 王攀攀Teaching plan for G8 U5 P1 Im going to study computer science. By Panpan WangAnalysis of teaching materialThe topic of this unit is about life goals, especially ideal jobs, which Ss have a lot of things to talk about. Also, this topic will help them to express their plans, future jobs and other future intentions.Analysis of studentsSs have already known some words of jobs and some expressions to talk about future(like:will, plan), which will help them to understand and master this lesson. Meanwhile, Ss are excited to talk about future jobs, which will help them to learn this lesson. Teaching objectives1. Language knowledge(1) vocabulary about jobs and master the rule of”-er,-or,-ist,-ian” (2) expressions: grow up, move to, take lessons(3) target language:-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be-How are you going to do that?-Im going to2. Language skills: (1) Ss will use the target language to talk about future intentions(2) Ss will improve their listening and speaking skills3. Affects: Ss will have a better career value to achieve their dreams4. Strategies: Ss will learn to use other words to express the same meaning when the meet difficulty to expressTeaching focus(1) target language:-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be-How are you going to do that?-Im going to(2) function: learn to talk about future intentionsTeaching difficultiesSs will dream a lot about their future jobs. However, their limited vocabulary will influence them to talk freely, so T may prepare some expressions for them. Teaching ProcedureTeaching procedures Learning procedureIntention Step 1Warming up1. Play a song “Whatever will be” for Ss and let them guess what the little girl said to her mother.Listen and guessArouse Ss interest and lead to the topic& Lead in(3)2. The little girl dreamed to be a rich and pretty person, what about you ? What do you want to be?Step2Words presentation(7)Guessing game1.T show part of the picture and let Ss guess what job it is2.T ask Ss read the job vocabulary in PPT 3.T ask Ss to classify the job vocabulary into” -er,-or,-ist,-ian ”4. What do you think of these jobs: I think its.to be a. T can ask do you want to be a lead to the listening. (S invite S to answer)1. say the job words2.work out the rule3. talk about Ss own opinions of different jobs1.Learn the words first ,and it will help them to make sentences.2. talking about the preference to different jobs helps them to review the descriptive adjectives and improve speaking skills(反思:单词呈现的时候一定要把读音让他们吃透,可以标注出来。)Step 3Presentation13T show his dream and how to realize it and then ask two Ss,then let S invite and ask another S :What do you wangt to be/How are you going to do?1.Ss listen to Ts demonstration2.Some Ss will stand up to cooperate with the teacherDemonstration of the pair work(反思:此处可根据上一环节,如有学生说I think its interesting to be a。可顺势问他们Do you want to be a。如果no的话再问What do you want to be.这样顺势就特别自然顺畅,而不是故意要把目标语句present出来。但这也考验了教学机智。)Step 4Pair work81.pair work: make conversations like 1c2.dream show: Ss show their dreams.( At the same time, T ask listeners: What does he want to be.)Pair work and showFor Ss to practice the target languageStep5Listening(8)Listen and finish ex1b.(check answers in this way: He wants to beand hes going to)listen and do Ex.1bimprove listening skills(反思:听力之前。要让学生书本都翻好了再开始,不要急急忙忙就放了)Step 6Listening(8)1.Listen and finish ex2a2.Fill in the blanks of the dialogue exerciseListen and do exercisesImprove listening skillsStep7Group work(8)Group work: Im a reporter6 Ss in a group. Each group will have a reporter and a writer. The reporter interview other 4 group members. And the writer write down. Finally, the reporter come to the stage to make a report.Do a surveyCommunicative practice(反思:没想到学生在group work中特别活跃,超过我的想象,看来他们还是比较喜欢开放型的活动的。)Step8SummaryWhatever your dream is, try your best! Where there is a wll, there is a way.Homework1. 全品Period12. Memorize new wordsLayout of Blackboard-What do you want to be when you grow up?-I want to be a/an,-How are you going to do that?-Im going to Unit 6 Im going to study computer science.take acting lessonskeep onmove toprogrammer engineerscientist


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