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    in 26 cases, long-term measures to implement the rate is 77% deployed 40 couples free pre-pregnancy health checks. -Balanced development of education. I attach great importance to control fits and starts work, to ensure that school-age children to school on time, "hope dream" poor students go to school to help poor students, help students complete nine years of compulsory education. Township school-age children enrollment rate up to 100%. -Home to poverty alleviation work in order. Complete the rural minimum living standard security system and the effective connection between pro-poor development policies, establish the Township poor electronic records and paper file documentation work, and cooperate with the superior unit holders, such as the statistical work of the poor masses. As of now, I enjoy the low 94 families, a total of 305, 44310 rural minimum living standard security issued organization 7 operational training full-time staff with disabilities participated in the County Federation organized 15 disabled people to participate in free training in farming skills; organization of 14 patients with cataract receiving free checks, participate in the examination will now undergo surgery had been successful. -Waste management policy in place. Seriously implement the subsidy policies such as direct subsidies for grain, returning farmland to forests this year agriculture agricultural policy subsidies total 554940, of which: farmers direct subsidies for grain 389880; reforestation subsidies 165060. -Comprehensive management of public security work steadily. Full implementation of the measures for comprehensive management of social security, increasing crackdown on all illegal and criminal activities. As of now, my alarm 30 received, 7 all kinds of disputes, mediation successfully 6; State criminal case 3, case 7, has been investigating the 7. -Stabilisation work of letters and calls for further strengthening. Received mass petitions from 10 successful mediation, 8, investigation 1, collective skipping appeal event does not occur. Meanwhile, further strengthen publicity and mobilization work, carried out in schools, kindergartens and surrounding environment group woven fire safety and food safety 6 times, 1 traffic safety publicity and education, legal literacy, drug pictures and materials via issuing 600 and guard against cult of special publicity activities 2 attended by 300 people, mixture of anti-evil propaganda 70. Advancing the "law of six" thematic activities, through the easy way, with the film projectionist the village broadcast education 44, 3600 people returning to watch. -Further development of spiritual civilization construction work. Evening leisure time, organizations in the elderly in the rural culture of Hui Xiang Hui fitness dance square, greatly enriched the lives of the masses. Use of Arbor Day, "51" labor day, "May Fourth" youth day festivals, organize the education campaign for the festive, educational guide people to foster patriotism, socialism, collectivism and strengthen love and loyalty to the party, firmly follow the party go . Implementation of the "one gang double responsibility" established number one responsibility, team member management works. Five are team building. Open-minded, innovative ways to meet the actual needs of target, combining education and political education in party lecture, unified planning, unified plan, take active measures to enhance cadres quality and ability. (B) a solid foundation steadily promoting the construction of工艺过程微机控制课程设计指导书班级 :材热09 有机09 无机09 材化09地点 : 山东大学南新区计算机中心时间 : (2011-2012一学期 16.17周)山东大学2011.12.10<<工艺过程微机控制>>课程设计指导书一、 课程设计的目的 本课程设计的目的是培养学生应用计算机知识解决实际问题的能力.通过课程设计,使学生能巩固加深课堂所学的工艺过程微机控制的原理知识,熟练掌握汇编语言编程技巧.本课程设计是对学生基本微机开发应用技能的训练. 1.学习掌握工业生产中温度采集的方法,标度变换的方式以及采用微机实施温度控制的原理和方法,学习掌握微机用于数据采集和分析处理方面的知识.2.学习掌握相关课程内容,了解A/D转换的原理及微机接口,综合运用微机原理及应用,计算机算法语言,测温仪表及热处理设备等方面的知识,是对同学们综合掌握各门课程并灵活用运用能力的一次提高.二、 课程设计的要求 1.独立完成设计任务 本课程设计是对已经学习过的有关课程的综合运用,要求独立完成,以达到培养同学们分析问题,解决问题和独立思考能力的目的.因此,要求不得有任何抄袭行为. 2.认真对待,按时完成 在课程设计过程中,学生必须认真细致地进行工作,考虑问题要全面周到,尽量在程序检查正确后再上机调试,以减少时间浪费,提高上及效率. 3.严格遵守各项规章制度 设计期间,学生必须严格遵守纪律,执行正式上课的作息制度,不得迟到,早退.有事需按照请假制度办理请假手续,不得无故缺席.遵守实验室的规章制度,听从实验室老师的安排,不得随意乱动非设计需要的各类仪器和设备,如有损坏应按规定赔偿.保持实验室整洁卫生.三、 课程设计的内容 1.设计题目 选用工业生产中应用最多,最有代表性的微机控制系统-微机温度控制系统软件设计作为本次课程设计的题目. 微机控温系统由工业炉,输入通道,微型计算机,输出通道和执行机构五部分组成的闭环系统.对电炉来讲,作为被控量的温度信号首先由热电偶转变为毫伏电信号,经放大后再由A/D转换器变成数字量进入计算机.而后,计算机对所测温度按某一控制算法进行运算,比较,分析,然后直接经过接口去控制接触器或可控硅调功器,也可经D/A转换后去控制可控硅调压器,来改变控制量电压或功率的大小,以达到控制温度的目的。被控量(温度)和控制量(电压或功率)之间的定量关系,即是该系统的数学模型。由于时间、实验条件等各方面的关系,在本次课程设计中我们只进行控制软件的设计。2.设计原理控温系统控制软件编制在586微型计算机上完成。采用汇编语言编制源程序。根据A/D转换器的工作原理,用00FF范围之间的八位二进制代表热电偶提供并经放大的0+5伏热电势信号,从键盘输入。依据不同的热电偶分度表,将输入计算机的数字信号进行标度变换,转换为与温度热电势对应的温度值显示在计算机屏幕上,并根据设定温度分别给出加热、保温及超温报警信息。系统掌握如何利用计算机实现对工业炉炉温的采集和控制输出。3.设计内容所设计的温度控制软件就包括以下的内容:1) 程序开头,包括标度变换常量表的设置及各段的设置、各预置温度及运算结果的存放单元分配。2) 设定温度、报警温度的输入及存放。3) 系统初始化。4) 模拟热电势数字信号输入。5) 标度变换,将热电势信号转换为相应的十进制温度值。6) 温度显示。7) 预设定温度比较,并根据比较结果分别显示加热、保温或报警。4.设计说明1) 温度线性插值标度变换在实际工程中,温度与热电势的关系不是线性的,应用时要对其进行线性化插值处理,即将温度与热电势之间的关系曲线进行分段处理,用分段直线代替整条曲线。分段方法如下:a. 将热电势非线性特性曲线进行等温度(或等热电势)分段,分别用T0、T1 、T2 Ti、Ti+1表示,对应的热电势用V0、V1、V2、Vi、Vi+1表示,其中Vi是模拟量热电势Vx经A/D转换后的数字量(可根据A/D转换器的精度和热电偶测控温度的范围确定)。b. 分段后,对每一段用直线代替曲线,写出每段的直线方程。Tx=AiVx+Bic. 经分段处理后,Ai、Bi均为常数,编程时,先把Vx、Ai、Bi制成表格形式放入数据段中。程序执行标度变换时,Vx与Vi依次比较,找到所在区间,再找到相应的Ai、Bi,算出温度值。d. 标度变换数据表的存放各式(热电势原始数据见附表)V0A0(小数)A0(整数)B0(低8位)B0(高8位)V1A1(小数)A1(整数)B1(低8位)B2(高8位)ViAi(小数)Ai(整数)Bi(低8位)Bi(高8位)VmaxAmax(小数)Amax(整数)Bmax(低8位)Bmax(高8位)5.调试程序源程序编程完成后,仔细检查,在全屏幕编辑程序PE状态下输入,利用MASM汇编程序及DEBUG动态调试工具调试程序,完成后运行,给出结果。四、 课程设计成绩考察课程设计成绩评定依据以下方面:1 程序完成,调试顺利通过,可正常进行,能达到设计功能要求。2 写出微机原理及应用课程说明书。课程设计说明书要求采用统一稿纸,可手写,有条件亦可上机打印,认真、清晰、不得潦草。说明书应包括以下内容和项目:1) 封面;2) 对设计题目的分析;3) 整体方案说明;4) 标度变换数据表的计算结果;5) 程序清单及注释;6) 程序编制及调试过程出现的问题及解决方案。3 面试成绩课程设计最后一天安排面试。面试范围以本次课程设计内容为主,根据个人的课程设计说明书及设计完成情况分别考察。4 学生完成课程设计的实际情况,包括是否独立完成,认真态度、考勤,遵守纪律等方面.若有两组程序出现雷同,则同判为最低成绩。5 本课程设计按优秀,良好,中等,及格和不及格五级评定成绩.五、 课程设计的时间安排时间,16周: 周五:1-12时间,17周: 周二:1-12地点:兴隆山校区 8号 机房内容: (1) 熟悉课程设计内容,进行相关计算 (2)进驻机房,熟悉机器和软件,设计,编程,调试 (3)撰写课程设计说明书, (4)交课程设计说明书(纸质一份)2011-12-31日24:00前 (5)测试-2011-12-27日24:00前 将课程设计内容打包发送至邮箱:zhugong20062000yahoo.com.cn 打包文件名称组成: 姓名+学号 打包文件中包括:(1)源程序代码文件 (2)功能修改及补充说明文件 (3)设计说明书文件(若有电子版)附表标度变换数值表(K分度号热电偶)No.温度T()热电势V(mv)AiBi未转换A/D转换DHDH000011004.102122008.1341330012.2162440016.4084550020.65105660024.90127770029.13149880033.29170990037.3319010100041.2721011110045.1023012120048.8124913123049.89255grass-roots party organizations is focus of new party members. Further strengthening the party education campaign, party organization to more excellent talents absorbed, constantly enhance the partys vitality and vigor, a solid job discovery, training activists. The initiative to broaden the scope of training, at the village level organization of young cadres, wealth experts and other personnel in the discovery, selection, training, and guide them to move closer to the party and injected fresh vitality to the building of rural grass-roots party organizations. Second is to further improve the site present situation of grass-roots party branches. With an emphasis on construction of village-level activities, comprehensive corrosion activities of grass-roots party organization construction in various fields, with village-level party organization function setting, achieving more efficient use of venues, activities for grass-roots party organizations and party members, and create good conditions for serving the masses, by using village-level activities. Third is to conscientiously implement the village group living subsidy distribution work. In strict accordance with the parent document, fully according to the actual situation, further improve the village cadres of the group registration through the "one card" uniform forms, living subsidies timely payment on time each month to the hands of village cadres of the group, to ensure, without delay, not in arrears, and to ensure that earmarks. Four village election preparations are made. Organization survey and the Xiang village cadres, a comprehensive understanding of the village Committee. Using visited members, and masses representative and village group cadres of form, understand masses by wants to, and by needed, and by hope; through held members will, and masses will and village group cadres will, understand village level organization status, and exists highlight problem and future development direction; visited understand complex back soldiers, and workers returned young personnel and masses recommended of rich capable, full reserve cadres team, for village "two Board" general election lay solid based. (C) to speed up the pace of the adjustment of industrial structure and increase farmers income through various channels. One is to strengthen its efforts to readjust the industrial structure. At the same time accelerate the process of industrialization in rural areas, and actively promote the development of industries with local industry and quality, reasonable and effective solution to my single issues of the industrial structure, for example: turtle and introduced sheep farming project, strengthening the educational plant support. Second, broaden the channels of sales of agricultural products. Actively carry out famous brand construction of agricultural products, to create brand agriculture, expand marketing channels, enhance brand awareness and market competitiveness of farm products. Third, strengthening agro-technical training. Through training, to improve the scientific quality of peasants, farmers quality of life, promote the surplus labor force transfer output, really be my shortcut to rural farmers for agricultural development. Four is the comprehensive strengthening of the construction of ecological environmental protection, further establishing ecological compensation mechanism construction of ecological construction and industry, development of local characteristic, strongly supports the ecological transition Industrial construction, focus on the development of附录:参考程序清单NAME sheji ;*定义数据段*DATA SEGMENT PARA DATAV DB 00H,00H,05H,00H,00HDB 15H,0C3H,04H,00H,00HDB 29H,00H,05H,0FBH,0FFHDB 3EH,0C3H,04H,05H,00HDB 54H,8BH,04H,12H,000HDB 69H,0C3H,04H,00H,00HDB 7FH,8BH,04H,16H,00HDB 95H,8BH,04H,16H,00HDB "自己计算输入" DB "自己计算输入"DB "自己计算输入"DB "自己计算输入"DB "自己计算输入"DB "自己计算输入" TH DB INPUT THE HOLD TEMP:, 0AH, 0DH,$TA DB INPUT THE ALARM TEMP:,0AH,0DH,$V1 DBINPUT THE VOLT:, 0AH, 0DH,$BY DB THANK FOR YOU USED, 0AH,0DH,$TE DB THE TEMP IS:,0AH,0DH,$C1 DB STOP HEATING.,0AH, 0DH,$C2 DB HEATING, 0AH, 0DH,$C3 DB danger ran away, 0AH, 0DH,$C4 DB , 0AH,0DH,$RE DB 0,0,0,0V2 DB 0,0TH2 DB 0,0,0,0TA2 DB 0,0,0,0DATA ENDS*定义堆栈段*STACK SEGMENT PARA STACK STACK STA1 DB 100 DUP (?)TOP EQU LENGTH STA1STACK ENDS*程序初始化*CODE SEGMENT PARA CODE ASSUME CS: CODE, DS: DATAASSUME SS: STACK, ES: DATA STAR PROC FARPUSH DS XOR AX, AXMOV AX, DATAMOV DS, AX MOV ES, AX MOV AX, STACKMOV SS, AXMOV AX, TOPMOV SI, AX;*显示TH 字符串*MOV DX, OFFSET THMOV AH, 09HINT 21H ;*输入保持温度*CALL INDAPUSH BX;MOV DX, OFFSET C4MOV AH, 09HINT 21H; *输出TA字符串*MOV DX, OFFSET TAMOV AH, 09HINT 21H; *输入报警温度*CALL INDAMOV DX, BXPUSH DX;LEA DX, C4MOV AH, 09HINT 21H;*输入电压值*MOV DX, OFFSET V1 MOV AH,09HINT 21H ;LEA SI, V2 XOR CX, CXMOV CX, 2INV1.: MOV AH, 1INT 21H MOV SI, ALINC SILOOP INV1XOR AH, AH LEA SI, V2MOV BX, 2;COM1: MOV CL, SICMP CL, 40HJC COM2SUB CL, 37HMOV SI, CLINC SIDEC BX CMP BX, 00HJZ COM3JMP COM1;*ASCII码转数字*COM2: SUB CL, 30HMOV SI, CLINC SIDEC BX CMP BX, 00HJZ COM3JMP COM1COM3: LEA SI, V2MOV AL, SIMOV CL, 4SHL AL, CLMOV BL, SI+1ADD AL, BL;*标度转换表读入*MOV SI, OFFSET VCOM4: MOV BL, SICMP AL, BLJBE CON1ADD SI, 5JMP COM4;*乘法运算*CON1: MOV BH, SI-3MOV BL, SI-4MUL BXMOV CL, 8SHR AX, CLSHL DX, CLADD AX, DX;*加法运算*CON2: MOV BX, SI-2ADC AX, BX;*十六进制转换十进制*MOV BL, 10DIV BLLEA SI, TH2MOV SI+3, AHXOR AH, AHDIV BL MOV SI+2, AHXOR AH, AHDIV BLMOV SI+1, AHMOV SI, ALMOV CL, 4MOV AH, SISHL AH, CLADD AH, SI+1MOV AL, SI+2SHL AL, CLADD AL, SI+3PUSH AX ;MOV DX, OFFSET C4MOV AH, 9INT 21H;*实际温度输出*MOV DX, OFFSET TE MOV AH, 9INT 21HMOV CX, 4LEA SI, TH2TN1: MOV AL, SIADD AL, 30H MOV SI, ALINC SI LOOP TN1LEA SI, TH2MOV CX, 4TN2: MOV DL, SIMOV AH, 2INT 21HINC SI LOOP TN2 LEA DX, C4MOV AH, 9INT 21H;*数据比较*POP AX POP DX POP BXCMP AX, DXJB HOLD;*报警*MOV DX,OFFSET C3MOV AH,09HINT 21HJMP EXIT;* 继续加热*HOLD: CMP BX, AXJB STOPMOV DX, OFFSET C2MOV AH, 9INT 21HJMP EXIT ;*停止加热*stop:MOV DX, OFFSET C1MOV AH, 9INT 21H;*程序结束* EXIT: MOV DX, OFFSET BYMOV AH, 9 INT 21HPOP DSMOV AH, 4CHINT 21HRET;*数据读入子程序*INDA PROCMOV CX, 4LEA SI, TA2;*数据的键盘输入*IN1: MOV AH, 1INT 21HMOV SI, ALINC SILOOP IN1XOR AX, AX MOV CX, 4LEA SI, TA2IN2: MOV AL, SICMP AL, 40HJAE IN1MOV AL, SI+1CMP AL, 40HJAE IN1MOV AL, SI+2CMP AL, 40HJAE IN1MOV AL, SI+3CMP AL, 40HJAE IN1;*数据的码转数字*SUB AL, 30HMOV SI, ALINC SILOOP IN2XOR AX, AXXOR BX, BX MOV CL, 4LEA SI, TA2MOV AH, SISHL AH, CLMOV BH, SI+1ADD AH, BHMOV AL, SI+2SHL AL, CLMOV BL, SI+3ADD AL, BLMOV BX, AXRET INDA ENDPSTAR ENDPCODE ENDSEND STAR


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