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    名校名 推荐2015 届高考英语一轮复习单元检测:unit 3travel journal人教版必修1 .单项填空1 (2014 陕西西北六校考前模拟) I forgot to bring my pen for the lecture. _. I have got a spare one.A Go aheadB Youre welcomeCNot to worryD Dont mention it2(2013 湖北十堰高三联考)_ your present bad mood, youd better put off the worktill next week, when you may be in higher spirits.A In spite ofB In terms ofCIn view ofD In place of3 (2014 宁模拟济) The car crashed into a big tree and was badly damaged. I suppose the driver _ ata very high speed.A droveB had drivenChas drivenD was driving4 Im afraid well have to work extra hours, for some problems are hard _.A to settleB settledCto be settledD settle5 (2014 淮南高三一模) Maria_ the interviewers with her knowledge andexperience, and as a result she was offered the job.A providedB inspiredCpersuadedD impressed6(2014 岛质量检测青)Online shopping has become popular in China, which is the result ofthe fast _ of our modern life.A actionB styleCpaceD manner7 The situation put us at a serious _ , which made us very worried.A advantageB disadvantageCconditionD situation8 (2014 坊市高三二模潍)We should always bear in mind _ many traffic accidentsarise from drunk driving.A whatB thatCwhichD whether9 As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be_ in a stadium.A put awayB put out1名校名 推荐Cput upD put off10Its time you changed your attitude _ women now, Tom; they hold up half the sky,you know.A towardsB fromCwithD in11 (2014 北重点中学联考湖)Inorder to protect the environment,people are greatlyencouraged to travel by public _.A transportB serviceCmeansD transfer12 (2013 昌三模南 )_, as long as Im with nature, I dont care.A However tough the journey isBWhatever tough the journey isCHowever the journey is toughD Whatever the journey is tough13 (2014 南四校联考苏 )Yu Fang insisted that she _ tired and was willing to staythe night but I insisted that she _ at once.A should be; goB was; must goCwas; wentD was; go14 (2013 徽示范高中二次联考安)Many millionaireshave promised to _ theirwealth after death to help other people in need.A give awayB give upCgive outD give off15 To write a good article, you must first _ your ideas very carefully.A organizeB settleCreportD speak .阅读理解(2014 皖北协作区高三联考)Now many young people are traveling around the worldontheir own , not because they have no one to travel with, but because they prefer to go alone.Kristina Wegscheider from California first traveled alone when she was at college and believes that it is something everyone should do at least once in their life. “opensIt up your mind to new things and pushes you out of your comfort zone. ” Wegscheiderhas visited 46 countries covering all seven continents.In foreign countries, with no one to help you read a map, look after you ifyou get ill, or lend you money if your wallet is stolen, it is challenging. This is what drives young2名校名 推荐people to travel alone. It is seen as character building and a chance to prove that they can make it on their own.Chris Richardson decided to leave his sales job in Australia to go traveling last year. He set up a website, The Aussie Nomad, to document his adventures. He says he wished he had traveled alone earlier. “ The people you meet, the places you visit, or the things you do, everything is up toyou and it forces you to grow as a person ,” said the 30-year-old man.Richardson describes traveling alone like“ a shot in the arm , which” “ makes you a moreconfident person that is ready to deal with anything.He said, “ The ”feeling of having conqueredsomething on my own is a major part of what drives me each day when Im dealing with a difficulttask.”“ I walk around with my head up because I know deep down inside that nothing is impossibleif you try.”The great 19th century explorer John Muir once said,“ Only by going alone in silence canone truly get into the heart of the wilderness.”1 Which of the following will Kristina Wegscheider agree with?A Traveling alone is a necessary experience for everyone.BIt is more meaningful to travel in foreign countries.CIt is comfortable to travel around without a friend.D Traveling abroad helps people to find new things.2 Traveling alone is challenging because _.A you have to make things on your ownBit is hard for you to prove yourself to othersCyou can only depend on yourself whatever happensD it will finally build your character3 What can we infer about Chris Richardson?A He started traveling alone at an early age.BHe was once shot in the arm.CHe used to work as a salesman.D His website inspires others a lot.4 What is the best title for the passage?A Travel AbroadBTravel UnaccompaniedCTravel LightD Travel Wide and Far .书面表达(2014 埠高三第三次质量检测蚌)目前,一些大学开始通过面试自主招收学生。对此, 同3名校名 推荐学 有不同看法。 某英文 社就此 开展了一次征文活 。 你根据下表提供的内容, 用英 写一篇征文稿。支持的 点反 的 点你的 点1.面 有主 性、片面性,可能不公1.面 可以全面地 价一个学生;正;至少两点2鼓励学生 展个性和特 。2并非所有学生都善于在面 中展示自己。注意: 1. 数 120 左右;2文中不能出 与本人相关的信息,如校名、人名等。参考 : subjective 主 的; one-sided 片面的_答案 .1.选 C由答 中的 “I have got a spare one.”可知,答 人 是 方不要担心。故C项 Not to worry “ 没关系 (用于指某事不重要)” 符合 境。2 选 C句意:考 到你 在的情 不好,你最好把工作推 到下周,到 你可能会情 高点。 in view of“ 考 到; 于 ” ,符合句意。in spite of“尽管;不管 ” ; in termsof“ 就 而言 ” ; in place of “ 代替; 替 ” 。3 选 D句意: “ 那 小汽 撞到了大 上, 很 重。”“ 我想司机当 开得速度很快。 ” 根据 境可知,此 指在小汽 撞到大 ,司机开 的速度很快,故 用 去 行 。故答案 D 。4 选 A某些形容 (pleasant, nice, comfortable, difficult, hard, easy等 )后接 不定式 ,常用主 形式表示被 意 。5 选 D句意: 用知 和 面 官 留下了深刻的印象,因此她得到了 份工作。impress sb. with sth. “ 用某物 某人留下深刻的印象” ,符合 意。 provide “ 提供 ” ;inspire“ 鼓励;激励 ” ; persuade“ 服 ” 。4名校名 推荐6 选 C句意:网上 物已 在中国流行起来, 是我 代生活快 奏的 果。pace“ 步伐;速度 ” ,符合句意。7 选 Bput sb. at a disadvantage“ 使某人 于不利地位” 。8 B句意:我 牢 , 很多事故都是由酒后 造成的。此 由 that 引 bear的 从句, that 在从句中不作成分。9 选 C句意:由于地震后大部分房屋 重被 , 多人不得不住在体育 。put up可以表示 “ 供 住宿 ” ,符合句意。 put away“ 把 收好 ” ; put out“ 扑 ” ; put off “拖延;推 ” 。10 选 Aattitude 常与介 to 或 towards 用,意思是“ 对 的 度 ” 。11 A句意: 了保 境, 人 被鼓励乘公交 。transport“ 交通;运 ” ,publictransport“公共交通 ” ,固定搭配。 service“ 服 ” ;means“ 方法;方式 ” ;transfer“ 移;调动 ” 。12 A句意:只要我能身 自然,我就不在乎旅途有多么 辛。空格 步状 成分, how 和 what 修 名 构 :what (形容 )名 主 ,相当于 how形容 (副 )主 ,由此可知答案 A 。13 D考 insist 引 的 从句表示虚 与 述 气的用法。句意:于芳 持 累了并愿意留下住一夜,而我建 她 上走。当insist 表示 “ 持 ” ,后接的 从句用 述 气,表示“ 持要求 ” ,后接的 从句用虚 气。第一个insist 表示 “ 持 ” ,故其后的 从句用 述 气,而第二个insist 表示 “ 持要求 ” ,故 用(should )go。14 A句意:很多百万富翁已 承 死后捐 出他 的 帮助其他需要帮助的人。give away 表示 “ 捐 ; 送 ” ,符合句意。后三 分 表示“ 放弃 ”“ 用尽;分 ”“ 发出( 气味、光等 )”。15 A句意:要想写出好文章, 首先得 真 一下自己的想法。organize“ 组织 ” ;settle“解决;定居 ” ; report“ 告 ”; speak“ 出 ” 。由句意知 A 。 . 篇解 : 文章介 了 独旅行的好 、挑 以及感受。1 选 A 理解 。根据文章第二段中的“it is something everyone should do ”可知答案 A 。2 选 C 理解 。根据文章第三段的第一句 “ 在国外,没有人帮你看地 ,你生病的 候没有人照 你,你 包被 的 候没有人借 你, 些都是有挑 性的”可知应选 C。3 C推理判断 。根据第四段的第一句 可知A ,而 C 正确。根据第五段的第一句 可知B ,文章中用的是比 的修辞手法,并不是胳膊上真的中了一 ;5名校名 推荐D 项文中未涉及。故答案为C。4 选 B标题归纳题。根据文章第一段中的“traveling around the world on their own”以及下文多次出现的alone 一词可知, B 项最适合做文章标题,其中unaccompanied“ 无人陪伴的 ” 与 alone 同义。故答案为B。 .参考范文:Some students support the idea that students can be admittedto universitiesthroughinterviews. They express that interviews can evaluate a student in a more thorough way. It canencourage students to develop their own interests and personalities.On the other hand, other students are against this idea. They argue that first, interviews may be subjective and one- sided, which could lead to unfairness. Second, not all students are good at showing their talents in interviews.As far as Im concerned, with the development of society, a more open and efficient way to test a students abilities is needed. Only in this way can universities receive as many top students as they want and students themselves also realize their dreams.6


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