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    名校名 推荐2015 高考英语一轮复习单元检测 Unit 5 Nelson Mandelaa modern hero .单项填空1 (2013 东日照高三山5 月检测 ) Could you write me your new e- mail address? _.A With pleasureB It smy pleasureCCouldn tbe betterD Go ahead2(2014 皖北协作区联考)_Beijing of 2012 saw its first snowfall in the month ofNovember. Oh, it came as _surprise to us.A The; theB The; aC/; aD /; the3 (2013 南通第二次学情调研)They agreed to the plan_but there were severaldetails they didn tlike.A in detailsB in orderCin placeD in principle4 (2014 建名校质量检查福)The tanker, which was full of petrol,_and gave offheavy and dark flames the moment a truck knocked into it.A blew upB put upCturned upD brought up5 (2014 西省六所重点中学模拟山) Believe it or not , my sister and I are twins. Oh, you must have had the case_you were taken for your sister.A whichB whoseCwhereD whom6 (2013 南部分重点中学湖3 月联考 )With the loss of labor ,the old farmers _athome had to choose less labor-intensive crops.A having leftB to leaveCleftD leaving7 (2013 南长沙四校二模湖) Is the letter from your mother? Yes.But she _the letter herself, because shedoesn teven know one word.A needn thave writtenB can thave writtenCmight not have writtenD should not have written8Fully_to looking after three children at home,she no longer has time to enjoy thevarious activities in the club.A attachedB occupiedCcontributedD devoted1名校名 推荐9 (2013 南省部分重点中学湖5 月联考 )What are they up to ?It ssonoisy. Some students_a party.A have hadB are havingChad hadD were having10(2014 陕西咸阳模拟考试二 )The official_I thought would be seriously punishedreceived a raise instead.A whomeverB whoeverCwhoD whom11 (2014 川部分中学高三联考银)Only when you leave school_how much youlove it.A you will findB will you findCyou findD did you find12 (2014 水一中高三检测天)After many years of hard work, the man has finally reachedthe stage_he has gained good fortune and social status.A whereB thatCwhichD why13 The new government made a promise that they wouldsurely improve the_ofpeople slife.A outlineB qualityCinsuranceD attitude14(2014 沈阳高三质检 )I think we should_a good attitude towards failures and tryto deal with them with a calm and cool mind.A send upB give upCset upD put up15(2014 江西红色六校二次联考)_little such material left ,they decided to hold ameeting to discuss what_.A There was; was doneB Being ;to be doneCHaving ; to doD With ; was done .阅读理解(2014 庄高三模拟枣)Microsoft founder Bill Gates has opened up about being a parent, stating that 13 is anappropriate age for a childsfirst cell phone.The 57-year-old,father- of- three,revealed on The Today Show that his children Jennifer and Rory were not allowed phones until their 13th birthday and his youngest daughter Phoebe is still waiting for one.2名校名 推荐“ Weve chosen in our family that it s13where you get a phone,” the self-made billionaireexplained.He said as a result his children often return home from school complaining ,“ All the other kids have one.I mthe only one without one.It sosembarrassing.”Asked if he keeps passwords to his son anddaughters emailand Facebook accounts, MrGates said that he doesn tforJennifer,16 , who he describes as “ independentHe” admitted thatmonitoring online activity is“ a very tricky issue for parents now ”Despite their vast wealth Mr and Mrs Gates, who live in Lake Medina, havesaidtheywantto givetheir childrenasnormal an upbringing as possible.It was previously reported that their youngsters have to complete household chores and aregiven a modest amount of pocket money.And in 2010 Mr Gates said that he intends to give most of his $61 billion fortune away ratherthan hand it down. “ That wouldn tbe good either for my kids or society ,” he said.Also during the Today interview with host Matt Lauer,Mr Gates , who stepped down fromMicrosoftin 2008 to concentrate on philanthropy ,said that helping others gives him the sameexcitement as creating software.“ What you really feel is whatyouve achieved.If a piece of software gets out there and lotsof people love it it lets them get their workdone in better ways that sexciting ,”heexplained.1 Bill Gates will not let his children own a cell phone_.A until they reach the age of 13Bif they don treally need oneCunless they do some houseworkD before they become independent2 Which of the following is true about BillGates children?A All his children now have cell phones.BPhoebe has her own cell phone.CThey are not given any pocket money.D Jennifer can use the Internet freely.3 What does the underlined word “ That refer” to in the text?A Being a parent as a billionaire.BHanding all his money down to his children.CAllowing his children to have their phones.D Giving away all his money to good causes.4 What can we learn about Bill Gates from the text?3名校名 推荐A He is a warm- hearted father to his children.BHe has created a lot of software since 2008.CHe now devotes himself to helping othersD He cares more about money than anything else.5 What is the text mainly about?A How Bill Gates made himself a billionaire.BHow Bill Gates deals with his money.CHow Bill Gates managed his business.D How Bill Gates brings up his children. .阅读表达(2014 西省重点中学盟校高三第一次联考江)1How often does your child automatically pick up a book, a magazine, a newspaper, orother printed materials simply for the pleasure of reading? Experts have begun to realize that ayoungperson sinterestinindependentreadingseems tobeimportanttolong- termsuccess.However, not all children_.Thatwheresyou should do your part as aparent.2First , understand that independent reading is not guided or shared reading.You may bepresent in the room with your son or daughter ,but you will not be engaged in reading the book for your child.Instead ,the child should pick up a book on his or her own ,whether or not he or she can read all the words.3Not onlydoes this kind ofindependent reading increase a child simagination , focus,comprehension and vocabulary, but it also allows him or her to build interest in a subject.Forexample, ifhe or she findsthe Roman Empirefascinating , independentlyreading aboutthat_time_period could broaden his or her understanding of society.4One of the best ways to raise a youngst er sinterest in independent reading is to become an independent reader yourself.Turn off the TV and open the newspaper.Take time at the end of the day as a family to enjoy some free reading moments.The more you do it yourself , the more likelyyour child will be to accept it as a proper , regular thing to do.You can also begin building your child spersonal “ libraryThat” way , he or she will have many choices of books to peruse during independent reading.5Remember that reading achievement is linked to a love of independent reading.So the nexttime your child picks up a book , allow him or her to have some private moments.You neverll regret your decision to embrace independent reading.1 Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words.(no more than 6 words)_4名校名 推荐2 List three of the benefits of independent reading.(no more than 14 words) _ _ _3 What do the underlined words“ that time period in Paragraph” 3 probably refer to? (nomore than 5 words)_4.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4 ? (no more than 8 words)_5.What should a parent do when his /her child picks up a book on his/her own ? (no more than12 words)2015 高考英语一轮复习单元检测Unit 5Nelson Mandelaa modern hero答案 .单项填空1 解析:考查交际用语。“with pleasure ”是在别人请求时,表示欣然接受的客套话,符合语境。答案:A2解析:考查冠词。句意为: 2012 年北京的第一场雪是在11 月下的。 噢,对于我们来说,它是一件令人惊讶的事情。第一空由后面的2012 修饰,表特指,用定冠词the;第二空后的 surprise 是抽象名词具体化,表示 “一件令人惊讶的事 ” ,是泛指,用不定冠词 a。答案:B3 解析:考查介词短语。句意为:他们基本上同意这个计划,但有些细节他们并不喜欢。in principle 大体上,基本上, 符合句意。 in details 详细地; in order 就序,妥当;in place准备就绪。答案:D4 解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:当一辆卡车撞向这个装满油的油罐车时,这辆油罐车爆炸了,冒出了滚滚浓烟和火焰。blow up 炸毁,爆炸,符合句意。答案:A5解析:考查定语从句。 语意表示你肯定有过你被误认为是你姐姐的情况。where youwere taken for your sister 是定语从句,修饰先行词the case,表示的是抽象地点,where 可用in which 替换。答案:C6 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:随着劳动力的减少,留在家里的老龄农民只能选择种植那些不需要太多劳动力的庄稼。leave 与 farmers 是逻辑上的动宾关系,故应用left5名校名 推荐作后置定 。答案:C7 解析:考 情 。句意 : 封信是你母 写来的吧? 是的。但 封信不可能是她自己写的,因 她一个字也不 。根据 because引 的原因状 从句可知,此 用canthave done 表示 去 生的事很有把握的否定推 。答案:B8 解析:句意 :因 完全 注于在家照看三个孩子,她不再有 到俱 部去尽享各种各 的活 。be devoted to 注于,此 去分 短 在句中作状 ;attach to 附属于,依恋于;occupy oneself in 忙于; contribute to 有助于, 做 献。答案:D9 解析:考 的 。根据 人的 内容可知,一些学生正在 行聚会,因此使用 在 行 。答案:B10 解析:考 定 从句。句意 :我 会受到 的那位官 反而加薪了。分析句子 构可知“I thought would be seriously punished ” 定 从句, 先行 Theofficial ,在从句中作主 ,故用who。答案:C11解析:考 和倒装。句意 : 只有当你 ,你才会 你多么喜 学校。当 only 修 状 从句,而且置于句首 ,主句构成部分倒装,要把相 的系 、助 或情 前置到主句的主 之前。再 合 可知,此 B 正确。答案:B12解析:当先行 stage,position 等 , 定 从句常用 where 或 in which 引 。答案:A13解析:考 名 辨析。句意 :新政府做出承 他 将一定提高人 的生活 量。 quality 量;品 ,符合句意。outline 要点;大 ; 廓;insurance 保 ; attitude 度,看法。答案:B14解析:考 短 辨析。句意 :我 我 立一个良好的心 去面 失 , 着用平静和冷静的 度去解决它 。set up 立,符合句意。send up 射; give up放弃; put up 。答案:C15解析:考 非 。句意 : 那种材料所剩不多,他 决定开会 做什么。分析句意和句子 构可知,第一空用 在分 having 作原因状 或用with 复合 构,但第二空 暗含将来意味,表示“ 能用 不多的材料做什么” ,故用 “ 疑 to do ”作 ,6名校名 推荐故答案为 C。答案:C .阅读理解语篇解读本文为一篇说明文。微软公司的创始人比尔盖茨认为: 孩子只有到13 岁以后才能使用手机。本文通过一些类似的例子说明了比尔盖茨教育孩子的办法。1 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,比尔盖茨只允许年满13 岁的孩子使用手机。答案:A2 解析:推理判断题。根据第五段内容可推断出,比尔盖茨不对Jennifer 的邮箱和Facebook 账户设置密码,因为他认为年满16 岁的 Jennifer 已经 “独立 ” 了,即她可以自由地使用网络。答案:D3 解析:指代判断题。画线词所在句子意为:那对我的孩子和整个社会都不好。由于 that 指代上文中提到过的事,所以根据上一句“ 在 2010 年盖茨先生说他打算把他610 亿美元的财产大部分都捐出去而不是留给自己的孩子” 可知,此处 that 指把自己的财产留给孩子。答案:B4 解析:推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“MrGates, who stepped down fromMicrosoft in 2008 to concentrate on philanthropy(慈善事业 )” 可知,比尔 盖茨现在专心于慈善事业,即帮助别人。答案:C5解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章通过介绍比尔盖茨给孩子配手机时有年龄限制让孩子做家务,和他不准备把所有财产都留给孩子的例子,说明了盖茨先生想让自己的孩子像普通家庭的孩子一样成长,这些都是比尔盖茨教育孩子的方法。答案:D .阅读表达1 love/ like reading independently或 are interested in dependent reading 或 will naturallylove reading 等2 increase a childsimagination ; increase a childsfocus ; increase a childscomprehension; increase a childsvocabulary; allowthe childtobuild interestin asubject(以上五条任选三条即可)3 Time of the Roman Empire.4 Ways to increase childreninterests in independent reading.5 Allow the child to have some private moments and read alone.7名校名 推荐8


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