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    名校名 推荐精编优选练 (八 )“语法填空短文改错”组合练8(限时: 30 分钟 )题组一 .语法填空American cartoonist Walt Disneys vision (洞察力 ) and creativity established a cartoondynasty, 1._(begin)in the early to middle part of the 20th century.This dynastyculminated (到达顶峰 ) in the 2._(develop)of Disneyland, Americasfirst themepark, in Anaheim, California.Disney opened the park in 1955, and it became 3._immediatesuccess. He wasnot 4._(satisfy), however, and decided todevelopanother theme park, much 5._ (large) and far more ambitious. Whilethe basicdifferencebetween Disney World 6._ Disneyland is the location Disneylandislocated inAnaheim, California, while Disney World is located outside Orlando, Florida,thegreater differences between the two parks lie in their creative vision and day-to-day operations.The two parks are based on similar 7._ (idea):providing thegeneral publicwith an escape from reality, and a place 8._ imagination is the most important thing.It was with this vision 9._ Walt Disney came up with the idea of Disneyland. Afterthe theme park 10._ (build) , however, he realized a fundamental problem in theparks design. It ruined the fantasy for Disney, and so he decided to build another park, one thatsolved the problems of the original.语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Disneyland和 Disney World这两个主题公园的来历和区别。1 解析 :考查非谓语动词。设空处作后置定语,修饰dynasty,且和 dynasty 存在逻辑上的主谓关系,故填beginning 。答案 :beginning2解析 :考查名词。 设空处前有定冠词the 修饰,作介词 in 的宾语, 故填 development。答案 :development3解析 :考查冠词。此处的success抽象名词具体化,意为“ 成功的人或事物” ,故用不定冠词修饰,且其前的形容词immediate 以元音音素开头,故填an。答案 :an4 解析 :考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,且主语是人(He) ,故填 satisfied 。答案 : satisfied5 解析 :考查形容词比较级。由and 后的 far more ambitious 可知,此处用形容词比较级修饰 another theme park,故填 larger。答案 : larger6 解析 :考查连词。difference between A and B 意为 “ A 与 B 的不同点 ” ,故填 and。答案 :and1名校名 推荐7解析 :考查名词复数。idea 为可数名词, 意为 “ 构想 ” ,且表复数意义,故填 ideas。答案 : ideas8解析 :考查关系副词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词place,且在从句中作地点状语,故填where。答案 : where9解析 :考查强调句型。设空处所在句为强调句,with this vision 是被强调部分,故填that。答案 : that10解析 :考查动词的时态和语态。build 和 the theme park 为动宾关系, 故用被动语态;主语 the theme park 为单数名词,主题公园又是在过去修建的,故填was built 。答案 : was built .短文改错A big storm destroyed two villages in South Africa on last Friday,causing 4 death.Over200 people became homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer said the storm began early in the morning and last one hour. He said, “ I was in the kitchen with my wife and children while we heard a loud noise. A few minutes late, our house fell down. I managed to climb out, but much to my shocking, one of my boys were missing. I quickly went back inside and found them safe but frightened. Soldiers” came to rescue those burying under the ruins, and the government providedfood, clothes, and shelters for homeless.答案 :A big storm destroyed two villages in South Africalast Friday,causing 4death.deathsOver 200 people became homeless as a result of the storm. A farmer said the storm began early inthe morning andlast one hour. He said, “ I was in the kitchen with my wife and childrenlastedwhile we heard a loud noise. A few minuteslate , our house fell down. I managed to climb out,whenlaterbut much to myshocking , one of my boysweremissing. I quickly went back inside and foundshockwasthem safe but frightened. ” Soldiers came to rescue those buryingunder the ruins,and thehimburiedgovernment provided food, clothes, and shelters for homeless.the 题组二 .语法填空Yesterday I went to a photo studio 1._ (get) my 3.5 cm 3.5 cm sizephoto.The shop owner listened to my requirements and shouted them aloud facing towards the studioroom. I went inside, and what I saw 2._ (make) me veryskeptical yet surprised.2名校名 推荐A middle- aged and disabled man,3._ hands were twisted, was holding a camerain a very professional manner.I told him my requirements and he repliedin 4._ very confident voice whichdidnt at all match his physical appearance.“ You just sit 5._ (comfortable).Iwill handle everything.”I did what he said, and withinseveral6._(minute),heclickedmyphotograph, edited it thoroughly, cut the prints into the 7._ (require) pieces andhanded them over to me.I was really 8._ (amaze) to seehis perfect and confident behavior. He knowshow to overlook the problems, focus 9._ what he actually needs, and works for it.Beinga differently- abled personhe could lead his lifedepending on othersmercy andsympathy. However, he chooses to depend on 10._(him) Have faith in yourself and nobody can stop you. 篇解 本文是一篇 叙文。作者 述了自己在照相 遇到身残志 的 影 的 。1 解析 :考 不定式作目的状 的用法。“ 去一家照相 ”的目的是 “ 拍照片 ” ,故填 to get。答案 : to get2 解析 :考 一般 去 。 空 在and 后的分句中作 ,由and 前的分句的 可知用一般 去 ,故填made。答案 : made3 解析 :考 关系 。 空 引 非限制性定 从句,修 先行 man,并且在从句中作定 限定hands,故填 whose。答案 : whose4.解析:考 不定冠 。in a(n).voice 是固定搭配,表示“ 用 的声音 ”,very 以 音音素开 ,故填a。答案 :a5 解析 :考 副 。 空 修 sit, 用副 形式,故填comfortably 。答案 :comfortably6解析 :考 名 复数。 minute 是可数名 , 由 several 可知,此 用名 的复数形式,故填 minutes。答案 : minutes7 解析 :考 去分 作定 的用法。 空 作定 ,且与所修 pieces 存在 上的 关系,故填required 。答案 : required3名校名 推荐8 解析 :考 形容 作表 的用法。根据句中的主 I 可知, 空 的形容 是表示“I”的状 ,故填amazed“ 感到惊奇的 ” 。答案 :amazed9 解析 :考 介 。focus on/upon 是固定搭配,意 “ 集中于 ” 。答案 :on/upon10解析 :考 代 。 根据上文 “作 残疾人, 他本可以靠 人的怜 和同情生活” 以及 However 的 折,可知 “ 他 了依靠他自己 ” ,故填 himself 。答案 :himself .短文改 Hi Sandra,Youll never guess over Im writing this email from a cave! Were on holiday in Spain now. We spent a few days in Barcelona first. Its a great place but we had a good time though I didnt feel well one day. Anyway, after we left Barcelona, we come to spend several days in Granada.And guess what? We couldnt find a hotel because there were quite a lot of tourist. Then someone said, “Why not trying the cave dwellings ( 住宅 ) here?” We thought he was joking, but here we were really in a cave dwelling and its wonderfully. Tomorrow were going to visit a palace in Granada. Were enjoying it very much that we dont want to leave this amazed place. Were never going to have enough time explore everything!Takecare!Ben答案 :Hi Sandra,Youll never guess overIm writing this email from a cave! Were on holiday in Spain now.We spent a few days in Barcelona first. Its a great placebut we had a good time though I didntandfeel well one day. Anyway, after we left Barcelona, wecome to spend several days in Granada.cameAnd guess what? We couldntfinda hotel because there were quite a lot oftourist . Thentouristssomeone said,“Why nottryingthe cave dwellings ( 住宅 ) here?” We thought he was joking,trybut here we were really in a cave dwelling and itswonderfully . Tomorrow were going to visit aarewonderfulpalace in Granada. Were enjoying itvery much that we dont want to leave thisamazed place.soamazingWere never going to have enough time explore everything!toTakecare!Ben4名校名 推荐5


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