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    political advocates, and struggle target, and organization principles, and excellent style and on members of basic requirements, further clear do qualified members of standard, upgrade respected, and fear and comply with Constitution Party rules of thought consciously, lane clear the do what, and shouldnt do what, can do what, and cannot do what, keep live Communist is work of benchmark and bottom line. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to local party committees for further study work and party work, selecting and appointing party and Government leading cadres work rules and other regulations in the party, Required for the efforts to improve the leadership level of political literacy and policy. XI series important speech, General Secretary, the latest achievement is the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen party ideological theory, the most important is the spiritual unity, armed with a series of important speech. Party members to thoroughly understand the XI series of the basic spirit of the important speech by General Secretary, learn to understand new ideas new ideas and new central governance the basic elements of the strategy, understanding enhance party spirit, fulfills the purpose concepts, self-restraint and moral character, and other basic requirements. Party members and leading cadres above the county level to learn the original, read, enlightenment principles, understand speech of rich content and core essence, master Marxist positions the method through which, knowing that good talk show a strong belief in pursuit, history as spirit, sincere feelings for the people, pragmatic style of thinking, better guide and promote career development. Meanwhile, in accordance with provincial requirements, continuous learning, XI Jinping, the important speech of General Secretary of Henan work research guide, in preparation for the Party Committee in the general process of cadres with the important speeches and instructions to lead practice, planning development; XI Jinping, in accordance with the spirit of the important instructions, General Secretary, Comrade Mao Zedong, the Party Committees working methods into learning content and improve the scientific level of party committees at all levels. Two innovative learning method. Focused learning and self-study combined combined, learning to read and discuss, organize the vast numbers of party members plan, in thematic studies. Full use of the resources, primary contact point, education in party spirit and the warning education bases, revolutionary tradition and warning education, experiential education. Powerful hand give a Party lecture as enhancing the effectiveness of learning, "71" before and after each branch set to arrange a party lecture, leading cadres must give a Party lecture as an important responsibility, leading in the branch give a Party lecture, to the rural, communities, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party branch give a Party lecture. Give full play to the theorists, practitioners, outstanding party members, members of grass-roots party英语专业本科毕业论文格式规范西安科技大学人文与外语学院英语系2015organizations, Secretary General of their respective advantages and q/a-release puzzle, interactive communication. Third, learning effectiveness. Close contact itself thought, and work, and life actual, in-depth reflection adhere to ideal faith, and comply with discipline rules, and strict to slim sets, and practice behavior people purposes, aspects situation, real hit thought soul, and into spirit blood, constantly unlock thought buttons, and corrected awareness deviation, learning thought practice Wu in the remember party rules discipline, firm right political direction, habit discipline consciously, firm China features Socialist road confidence, and theory confidence, and system confidence. Second, in "doing" work for example, always try to do something. "Learning" is "" basis, "do" is "learning" purposes. The unity of knowledge, be qualified party members, the most fundamental is to enhance political par core, situation awareness, awareness, awareness. This "four consciousness", embodies the fundamental political orientation, Political positions, political demands, is the touchstone of testing political quality of party members. To strengthen "four consciousness" as a basic requirement, and guide the broad masses of party members and cadres par determined to learn from the CPC Central Committee, and General Secretary to XI Jinping, the partys theory, line, principles and policies in line, to the decisions of the Central Committee line, flag of the firm with the CPC Central Committee, ideologically, politically and in action with comrade XI Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee was very consistent. This "two learn a do" learning education, looks at party and national career new development on members of new requirements, clear proposed Communist to do "four told four has", this and good cadres 20 Word standard, and "three strict three real", and "four a iron General", and loyalty clean play, requirements is consistent of, is current history conditions Xia qualified Communist standard of materialized. Learning education, each of the party members and cadres should be the "four spoke four" as ruler, often measure, view and transform themselves, truly do combine, do something. A talk about politics, faith, be politically qualified. When a Communist Party member must first be qualified politically. To do politically wise, keep the political nature of the Communists, stand tall and ideal and belief "backbone" firm belief in Marxism, firm belief in socialism and communism with Chinese characteristics, absolutely loyal to the party, party, party, party, party, party to party, party party. Second, we must show good manners and discipline, do discipline fail. Well-organized and disciplined is the partys power. To abide by party discipline, party rules in particular political discipline and rules, enhance the concept of organization, subordinate to the Organization to decide, knowing fear, bright line, abide by the rules. Three talk about morality, character, character qualified. Communist Party members should make a moral model. Should pass论文格式范例1. 论文封面:由教务处统一发放,包括毕业生姓名、所属院(系)、所学专业、指导教师和成绩等;2. 英文首页:每篇论文要求都有英文首页(不加页码);3. 论文摘要页:要求提供150-200词的中英文摘要各一份,提供英文关键词3至5个;4. 目录页;5. 正文结构与格式;6. 参考文献页(Bibliography);7. 致谢页(Acknowledgments)。具体范例如下:小四、加粗、Times New Roman、1.5倍行距、空四行此页是英文题名页的标准格式。本部分的论文题目、论文作者的姓名和指导教师的职称与姓名按实际情况填写。其余的按本格式复制。A Study on the Mechanism of Metaphor论文标题:二号、Times New Roman、加粗、居中小四、加粗、Times New Roman、1.5倍行距、空二行By Sun Xiaodi小四、加粗、Times New Roman、1.5倍行距、空一行 小四、加粗、Times New Roman、居中。A ThesisPresented to College of Humanities and Foreign Languages,Xian University of Science and TechnologyIn Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementsFor the Degree ofBachelor of Arts 小四、加粗、Times New Roman、1.5倍行距、空二行 Thesis Supervisor: Zhi XinJune 2013Times New Roman、小三、加粗Times New Roman、小四、2倍行距AbstractThe mechanism of metaphor is actually the nucleus of the study of metaphor. For more than two thousand years, metaphor was viewed as a device of rhetoric, an attachment to language. In accordance with this perspective, metaphor was a comparison between two things that do not belong to the same category or was regarded as one word used to substitute another because there were preexisting similarities between them. As a result of this perspective, two theories took shape: one was the Comparison Theory, the other was the Theory of Substitution. But modern scholars discard the perspective, holding that metaphor is not only a device of rhetoric, to be more important, it is a leading way for human beings to know this world, a way of thinking. (中文摘要的对应译文)Times New Roman、小四、加粗Key words: metaphor; collocation; terms(注意:关键词3-5个,字体要加粗,词与词之间用分号分开,除专有名词外,其他单词首字母不大写)小三、宋体、加粗、两汉字之间空一个汉字、居中小四、宋体、空一行小四、宋体、2倍行距摘 要隐喻研究归根到底是隐喻机制的研究,它是隐喻研究的核心。两千多年来,隐喻一直被仅仅看作一种修辞手段,一种语言的陪衬,被看作是两种不同事物事先存在的相似性的比较或一个词对另一词的替代,进而形成对隐喻阐述的比较论和替代论。现代学者通过大量研究表明,隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,更重要的是,它是人类的主要认知方式。隐喻这一认知方式,给人们一种新的视角,创造一种相似。因此,现代学者着重于阐述相似是如何被创造出来的。在众多的隐喻理论中,影响较大的有布莱克和莱科夫的隐喻理论。 (大约200字左右)小四、宋体、加粗关键词:隐喻;搭配;术语(中文摘要的内容和关键词应与英文摘要相对应,关键词3-5个,词与词之间用分号分开) 一级标题、小四、Times New Roman、加粗一级标题、小四、Times New Roman、加粗ContentsTimes New Roman、小三、加粗、居中空一行、Times New Roman、小四Abstract .i从contents至Introduction之前,页码设置为罗马数字,从Introduction开始至文末为罗马数字。可通过分节来设置页码。摘 要.iiI. Introduction.1II. A Historical Retrospection of Metaphor.2二级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进一个字母2.1 Aristotelian School: MetaphorA Device of Rhetoric.22.2 The Platonic SchoolLanguage is Metaphorical. 52.3 The Study of Metaphor from the 20th Century to the Present.6III. On Similarity73.1 Similarity: A Fundamental Criterion for the Classification of Metaphor.73.2 Similarity and Culture.93.3 Similarity and Category.103.4 The Relationship Between Similarity and Knowledge.13三级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进约3个字母IV. On the Mechanism of Metaphor.154.1 Blacks Interaction Theory.154.1.1 Introduction to the Interaction Theory.154.1.2 Some Defects of the Interaction Theory164.2 Lakoffian Conceptual Metaphor Theory.19目录右侧的页码要对齐,可用自动生成的格式。4.2.1 The Philosophical Basis of Lakoffian Theory.194.2.2 Lakoffian Theory on the Mechanism of Metaphor21四级标题、小四、Times New Roman、不加粗、缩进约6个字母4.2.3 The Deficiencies of Lakoffian Theory in Expounding the Creation of Similarity.264.3 Conceptual Integration Theory.294.3.1 An Introduction to the Conceptual Integration Theory. Four Mental Spaces. Three Processes of BT.334.3.1.3 Optimality Principles of BT.344.3.2 The Advantages of BT in Solving the Paradox of the Two Former Theories.344.3.2.1 The Generic Mental Space.344.3.2.2 The Blending Space and Emergent Structure.354.3.2.3 The Other Advantages of BT.40V. Conclusion.42Bibliography.45Acknowledgements46iii一级标题标题上面小三Times New Roman空三行,单倍行距一级标题单独起页、Times New Roman三号、顶格加粗、下空小四一行I. Introduction 书名用斜体正文小四、Times New Roman、 1.5倍行距The study of metaphor has long been with us and the focus of the study is the mechanism of metaphor. It is the most significant and indispensable part of the study. For more than two thousand years, the study is carried on mainly from the perspective of rhetoric, viewing metaphor as a device of rhetoric, an embellishment of language. The representative of the theories in this long period is Aristotles Comparison Theory and Quintilians Theory of Substitution. Because metaphor is not only a rhetorical phenomenon, but also one of cognition, the interpretation force of these theories is very limited. In 1936, I.A. Richards put forward Interaction Theory. Later Max Black made an elaboration of the work of his. Interaction Theory claims that metaphor is a cognitively irreducible phenomenon that works not at the level of word combination, but much deeper, arising out of the interaction between the conceptual structures underlying the words. But the ones who really turn the study of metaphor to a new page are George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. The mark of this change is the publication of the book named Metaphors We Live By. The theory of Lakoff and Johnsons is Conceptual Metaphor Theory. As these scholars regard metaphor as the creation of similarity, their theories concentrate on how the similarity is created and how the new meaning is produced though their interpretations are not perfect. Recently, another theory appearedConceptual Integration Theory or Blending Theory. Comparatively speaking, it is more convincing on the mechanism of metaphor than the other two.(以下省略,此部分字数最少不少于300字)一级标题单独起页、Times New Roman三号、顶格加粗、下空小四一行一级标题标题上面小三Times New Roman空三行,单倍行距二级标题、Times New Roman四号、顶格加粗、下不空行II. A Historical Retrospection of Metaphor少于三行的引语,放在引号内,插入段落中;2.1 Aristotelian School: Metaphor-A Device of Rhetoric Andrew Ortony, one of the most influential writers on metaphor, has pointed out, and there are few who would disagree with him, that it is still the case that “Any serious study of metaphor is almost obliged to start with the works of Aristotle” (Ortony 3).(此处指引文来源:作者 页码)In Poetics, Aristotle expounds the essence, function and the way of explanation of metaphor as three nuclei. He defines metaphor as “the application of an alien name by transference either from genus to species, or from species to genus, or from species to species, or by analogy, that is, proportion”(Aristotle 71). Then he gives four kinds of metaphor:引文超过3行:前缩进10个字母、后不缩进、上下各空1行,左右对齐,行距不变,不用引号;Since lying at anchor is a species of the genus lying, one can say there lies my ship (genus-to-species metaphor), since ten thousand is a species of a large number, one can say verily ten thousand noble deeds hath Odysseus wrought (species-to-genus metaphor). Since to draw away and to cleave are each a species of the genus taking away, one can say with blade of bronze drew away the life (species-to-species metaphor). And since old age is to life as evening to the day, one can say that old age is the evening of life (ibid.). (此符号ibid.意为同上,引文出处与上相同。本例为整段引用,即block quotation, 上下空五号字一行 )All metaphors, Aristotle believes, fall into at least one of these four categories, although analogy metaphors are the most pleasing. Aristotle also holds that metaphor can make the prosaic style charming, and stresses that it can only be confined to poetry (ibid. 72). This perspective leads to the later theorists making distinction between poetic language and everyday language. Especially in Chapter 21 and 22 of Poetics, Aristotle states that every word “is either current, or strange, or metaphor, or ornamental, or newly coined, or lengthened, or contracted, or altered”(ibid.70). It is obvious that Aristotle classifies metaphors as lying outside normal language use. They are deviant or aberrant forms of discourse. He also holds that metaphor has no cognitive value and is merely an embellishment of language (Kittay 1). Also in this ch


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