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    大学英语三分钟朗诵材料【篇一】大学英语三分钟朗诵材料女人全都为爱而生A little boy asked his mother: “Why are you crying?”“Because I am a woman.” She told him.“I dont understand” he said.His mum just hugged him and said: “And you never will.”Later the little boy asked his father: “ Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?”“All woman cry for no reason.” Was all his dad could say.The little boy grow up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.Finally he put in a call to God, when God got on the phone, he asked, “God, why do women cry so easily?”God said: “ When I made the women, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world; yet, gentle enough to give comfort.I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth, and the rejections many times comes from her children.I gave her hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complains.“I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even her children has hurt her very badly.“I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.”“I gave her the wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strength and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.”“And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. That is her exclusively to use whenever it is needed.”“You see the beauty of a women is not the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.”“The beauty of a women must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where the love resides.一个男孩问他的妈妈:“ 你为什么要哭呢?”妈妈说:“因为我是女人啊。”男孩说:“我不懂."他妈妈抱起他说:“你永远不会懂的。后来小男孩就问他爸爸:“妈妈为什么毫无理由的哭呢?”他爸爸只能说:“所有女人都这样”.小男孩长大了,成为一个男人,但他仍就不懂女人为什么哭泣最后,他打电话给上帝;在上帝拿起电话时,他问道:“上帝,女人为什么那么容易哭泣呢?”上帝回答说:“当我创造女人时,就让她很特别。我使她的肩膀能挑起整个世界;同时却柔情似水能给人安慰。“我让她的内心很坚强,能够承受分娩的痛苦,并能多次忍受来自自己孩子的拒绝。”“我赋予她耐心使她能在别人选择放弃的时候继续坚持着,并且无怨无悔的照顾自己的家人度过疾病与疲劳.“我赋予她在任何情况下都会爱孩子的感情,即使她的孩子伤害了她。”“我赋予她包容她丈夫过错的坚强,并用他的勒骨塑成她来保护他的心。”“我赋予她智慧让她知道一个好丈夫是绝不会伤害他的妻子的,但有时我也会考验她支持自已丈夫的坚持与决心.“最后,我让她能够流泪。只要她愿意,这是她所独有的。”“你看,女人的漂亮不是因为她穿的衣服,她保持的体型或者她梳的发型。”“女人的美丽只能在她的眼睛里找到,因为那是她心灵的窗口,爱居住的地方。”【篇二】大学英语三分钟朗诵材料端午佳节与白蛇传的故事There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White Snake and Green Snake. These snakes, being magical, turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian. White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married. A Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wifes deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan.On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival White Snake wished to stay home so as to avoid the Ay Tsao, used for protection from spirits, hanging on the doors of peoples houses. Her husband prepared, according to Fa Hais instruction, some realgar wine, as this was a tradition during the Dragon boat festival. White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup. After she drank the wine she became very ill and was barely able to get to her bed.When her husband came to her side, he found not his wife but a huge white snake. So great was Xu Xians shock that he fell to the floor dead.After recovering from the realgar wine and regaining her human form, White Snake was grief-stricken to find her husband dead. She set off on a journey to obtain a potent medicinal herb, which could revive her husband. After returning and reviving her husband with the medicine, she explained to Xu Xian that the white snake he saw was actually a dragon and that this vision was indeed a very good omen. Xu Xains fears were put to rest for the moment by his wifes fanciful story一个与端午节息息相关的中国传统故事是“白蛇传”。从前,在峨嵋山上有两只蛇精,白蛇与青蛇。这两只蛇精使用法力将自己变成美丽的女子,并到杭州西湖游玩。当她们在西湖游玩时,遇到一位名叫许仙的男子,白蛇与许仙很快的相恋并且随即结婚。当时一位名叫法海的和尚,以前警告许仙注意他妻子惑人的外表,并建议他一个知道真相的计划。端午节当天,白蛇待加家里以避开人们挂在门上驱邪的艾草,而许仙则依照法海的建议准备了大家在端午节时都会喝的雄黄酒。白蛇自认魔力能够抵挡雄黄酒对她的影响,所以喝了一杯。但是在她喝下那杯酒之後,她却变得精疲力竭,几乎走不到床上。当许仙回到白蛇身边,看到的不是自己美丽的妻子,而是一只巨大的白蛇,许仙震惊不已,从楼梯上摔死了。当白蛇恢复精力及人形时,她才发现自己丈夫已经身亡,所以白蛇外出寻找能使许仙起死回生的强效药草。许仙在服用药草,并起死回生之後,白蛇告诉许仙他看到的那条白蛇,其实是一只代表吉相的龙。而在那时,许仙也在白蛇引人入胜的故事中将恐惧抛诸脑后。【篇三】大学英语三分钟朗诵材料月亮和井One cold night the king called Nasreddin to him and said, "If youre able to spend this night in the courtyard with only your shirt on, I will give you one hundred gold coins!"In the courtyard Nasreddin saw a stone mill. He began to push it around, faster and faster. When dawn came, he was sweating all over himself.The king got up and was surprised to see Nasreddin in high sprits. The king hated to lose one hundred gold coins, so he asked, "Was there a moon last night?""Yes.""Then our bargain is off," said the king. "If there was a moon, it was warm. In that case even I could have spent the night outside!"A few months later, the king and his men went hunting. It was hot summer and at the edge of the desert it was like a furnace. The king and his men were dying of thirst.They turned toward Nasreddins house in the hope of getting some water. Nasreddin was sitting in the edge of his well when he heard the voice of the king, "Nasreddin, bring some fresh water! Be quick and serve us!""Please make yourself at home," said Nasreddin."Where is the water?" cried the king."Right here, Your Majesty, you see?" Nasreddin pointed to the well."You only show me the water but dont give me a drink!" fumed the king."Your Majesty, if the rays of the moon can warm a person, the sight of water can satisfy his thirst.国王把纳斯雷丁叫到他的身边说:“要是你能只穿一件衬衣在院子里度过这个夜,我就送给你一百枚金币!”纳斯雷丁在院子里看到一盘石磨,便开始推着石磨转,越转越快。当黎明来临时,他汗流浃背。国王起床后,看到纳斯雷丁精神抖擞,就吃了一惊。国王不愿意失去一百枚金币,就问:“昨晚有月亮吗?”“有。”“那我们的交易无效,”国王说。“要是有月亮,天就很暖和。在那种情况下,就是我也能在外面过夜!”几个月后,国王和他的随从们去打猎。那是一个炎热的夏天,在沙漠的边缘,天热得像火炉一样。国王和随从们渴得要死。他们转身向纳斯雷丁家走去,希望搞点水喝。纳斯雷丁正坐在井沿上,突然听到国王的声音:“纳斯雷丁,端些干净水!快来伺候我们!”“请不要拘束,”纳斯雷丁说。“水在哪里?”国王叫道。“陛下,就在这里,你看到了吧?”纳斯雷丁指着井说。“你仅仅让我看了水,却没有让我喝!”国王发怒说。“陛下,要是月亮的光线能给人温暖,那看看水也能解渴。


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