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    传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除!大学英语四作业一单选1.-Youve been busy, havent you?- _.A. I was busy last weekB. Yes, Ive been working hard on my paperC. I will get busy with my English studies D. Id like to get busy like our teachers. 参考答案:B.Yes, Ive been working hard on my paper 2.-Would you please hold these bags for me? - _ A. Thats very kind of you indeed.B. What are these bags?C. Yes, with pleasure.D. Are these bags very important to you?参考答案:C. Yes, with pleasure. 3.请点击此链接查看题目30A. for B. at C. in D. with参考答案:B.at 4.请点击此链接查看题目29A. work as B. to go C. to have been D. become参考答案:C. to have been 5.请点击此链接查看题目28A. about B. after C. at D. for参考答案:B.after 6.-Is it all right that I go home early tonight? - _ A. Theres no worry.B. Yes, go ahead.C. No, not at all. D. Is that so?参考答案:B.Yes, go ahead. 7.-Whats after the play? - _A. Is it very interesting?B. I dont mind watching this play.C. Thats all right.D. Im not sure. May be its a football match.参考答案:D. Im not sure. May be its a football match. 8.-Heres my car. Do you want a ride?- _ .A. Thats possible B. Not at allC. Thats very kind of you. Thanks D. I think so参考答案:C. Thats very kind of you. Thanks 9.Passage 1How would you treat temporary loneliness according to the passage? A. Talk to friends. B. Just ignore it.C. Go to see a doctor. D. Ask your teachers for guidance. 参考答案:B.Just ignore it. 10.Passage 1"It" in the last sentence of the second paragraph refers to _ . A. temporary loneliness B. situational lonelinessC. a family problem D. sleeplessness 参考答案:B.situational loneliness 11.Passage 1The topic of the fourth paragraph is that _ . A. one problem of loneliness is a persons social contacts. B. we depend on various people for different reasons C. lonely people dont have many social problemsD. lonely people dont have many friends 参考答案:A.one problem of loneliness is a persons social contacts. 12.Passage 1Why do psychologists want to help chronically lonely people? A. Chronic loneliness can cause family problems. B. Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness. C. Chronic loneliness can not be overcome.D. Chronic loneliness is a harmful to society. 参考答案:B.Chronic loneliness can cause serious illness. 13.Passage 1What is the best tile for the passage? A. Three Kinds of Loneliness. B. Loneliness and Disease. C. Loneliness and Social Contacts. D. Chronic Loneliness.参考答案:A.Three Kinds of Loneliness. 14.Passage 2The main purpose of announcing the above events is to give information about _ .A. visiting teams B. famous playersC. things to do for the weekend D. prices to pay for the sports events参考答案:C.things to do for the weekend 15.Passage 2If you take part in the bike tour, you will ride for _.A. 35 kilometers B. 55 kilometers C. 75 kilometers D. 110 kilometers参考答案:D.110 kilometers 16.Passage 2The underlined word "leg" in "Bicycle tour and race" probably means_.A. race B. practice C. part of the training D. part of the tour参考答案:D.part of the tour 17.Passage 2What is special about the rock climbing competition?A. A foreign team takes part in it.B. You can watch it without paying.C. You dont have to be a sportsman to take part.D. The bus trip to the place of the competition is free.参考答案:B.You can watch it without paying. 18.Passage 2If you want to find something to do for Saturday afternoon, which telephone number will you call?A. 4675027B. 7143177C. 50l2372D. 7144850参考答案:C.50l2372 19.You can hardly imagine Jane _ the housework all by herself. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did 参考答案:B.doing 20. You _ out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught cold. A. shouldnt have gone B. mustnt have goneC. couldnt have gone D. neednt have gone 参考答案:A.shouldnt have gone 21. Its a beautiful dress, but I dont think it _ the price you paid for.A. worthwhile B. worthy C. worth D. cost 参考答案:C. worth 22. _ youve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to. A. Whichever B. No matter how C. However D. Whatever 参考答案:D. Whatever 23. Shocked at what he had just been told, Julian put his phone down as if he _ a ghost.A. just saw B. has just seen C. had just seen D. were just seeing 参考答案:C.had just seen 24.请点击此链接查看题目21A. have I B. do I C. I have D. I do参考答案:A.have I 25.请点击此链接查看题目22A. does it seem B. it does seem C. it seems D. is it seem参考答案:A.does it seem 26.请点击此链接查看题目23A. hinted B. suggested C. asked D. mentioned 参考答案:B.suggested 27.请点击此链接查看题目24A. dog B. collar C. caller D. dollar参考答案:B.collar 28.请点击此链接查看题目25A. will he B. he will C. has he D. he has参考答案:C. has he 29.请点击此链接查看题目26A. than B. as C. and D. when参考答案:A.than 30.请点击此链接查看题目27A. in week-ends B. in week-end C. by week-ends D. at week-ends参考答案:D. at week-ends 简答1. People always hate mice, but one mouse won the peoples heart of the whole world.参考答案:人们总是痛恨老鼠,但是有一只老鼠却赢得了全世界人民的心。 2. If you travel by ship across the Pacific Ocean, you cross the International line.参考答案:如果你坐船穿过太平洋,那你就穿过了国际日期变更线。 3. We admire him although he makes a lot of mistakes; after all he is a great man.参考答案:尽管他犯了很多错误我们还是很敬佩他,毕竟他是一个伟人。 论述1.请根据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。My Views on the Internet参考答案:My Views on the InternetInternet plays an important role in our life. First, The world gets smaller and communication becomes easier and faster, because through the Internet we can get to know people from all over the world. Besides, we can work at home by sending email and accessing online information. Finally, online shopping makes our life more convenient.But as many other modern inventions, Internet has its problems. For instance, there is too much junk information on the net, and it wastes our time. Even worse, some evil persons commit crimes using the Internet technology. Thousands of people have fallen in love with the Internet. Its necessary to adopt stricter administration measures so that it will serve us better. 大学英语四作业二单选1.- Could you turn the radio down a little?- _A. Yes, of course B. Id be delighted to. Which word?C. Yes. Ive already put the radio downD. I dont want to turn it off参考答案:A.Yes, of course 2.- Is there anything I can do for you? - _. A. I feel it is unnecessary B. No, thank you just the sameC. Its impossible D. Theres no need参考答案:B.No, thank you just the same 3.请点击此链接查看题目30A. feedsB. livesC. keepsD. depends参考答案:D. depends 4.请点击此链接查看题目29A. AlreadyB. YetC. StillD. Often参考答案:A.Already 5.请点击此链接查看题目28A. problem B. power C. plan D. idea参考答案:A.problem 6.-Have a good day!- _A. Me, too.B. I hope so.C. You, too.D. Its a wonderful day, isnt it?参考答案:C. You, too. 7.-Im sorry. I gave you the wrong message. - _A. Oh, I m sorry that you did.B. How foolish of you to do so.C. The wrong message? Oh, yes, you did!D. Oh, thats all right. Please be careful next time, though. 参考答案:D. Oh, thats all right. Please be careful next time, though. 8.-It seems that youre very careless in your spelling.- _. A. Oh, thatll be OKB. Im not sureC. Oh, no, thats terrible D. yes, Im always very careful参考答案:C. Oh, no, thats terrible 9.Passage 1The passage recommends setting aside _ for reading practice.A. two hours a dayB. one hour a dayC. 15 minutes or half an hour a dayD. three minutes a day before meal参考答案:C. 15 minutes or half an hour a day 10.Passage 1One famous surgeon always made it a rule to read _ .A. 15 minutes at 10 pm each nightB. for at least 15 minutes at bedtimeC. no matter it was early or lateD. whenever he had a spare moment参考答案:B.for at least 15 minutes at bedtime 11.Passage 1It is a good idea always to carry in your packet _ .A. a book you will never forgetB. a serious bookC. several books of various kindsD. an easy and interesting English book参考答案:D. an easy and interesting English book 12.Passage 1According to the passage, a "pacing" device _ .A. measures a students reading speedB. is not included in most speed reading coursesC. is an aid to vocabulary learningD. should be used whenever we read alone参考答案:A.measures a students reading speed 13.Passage 1Looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes _ .A. avoids the need for reading fasterB. is not the same as pacingC. is not easy at firstD. helps you to remember the page number you were at last time参考答案:D. helps you to remember the page number you were at last time 14.Passage 2Old couples in Japan hire family members_.A. to ask for help when they are illB. to realize their big-family dreamsC. to seek love and comfortD. to strengthen parent-children relations参考答案:C. to seek love and comfort 15.Passage 2In the sentence "what is common about these senior citizens is that they are thirsty for human love", "senior citizens" could best be replaced by _.A. high-ranking officials in citiesB. rich old couples living in citiesC. respectable ladies and gentlemenD. old people参考答案:D. old people 16.Passage 2Which of the following is not the reason that Japanese grown-ups seldom visit their parents?A. They are too busy.B. They work in distant cities.C. They cant afford expensive visits to their parents.D. Their relations are not very tight.参考答案:C. They cant afford expensive visits to their parents. 17.Passage 2"Loneliness is not a one-way street" means that _ .A. both the old and the young will feel lonelyB. living alone is not a one-way streetC. young mother with a little child will feel lonelyD. one young mother will hire "grandparents" for their child参考答案:A.both the old and the young will feel lonely 18.Passage 2When a Japanese young man hires a "lover", _ .A. she will be his loverB. she will offer him valuable advice on love affairsC. she will bring him a girlfriendD. she will tell him her own love story 参考答案:B.she will offer him valuable advice on love affairs 19.As a public relations officer, he is said _ some very influential people.A. to have been knowing B. to have known C. to be knowing D. to know 参考答案:B.to have known 20. I was not satisfied with my school performance. _ . A. Neither my parents were. B. Neither were my parents. C. Nor did my parents. D. Nor my parents were 参考答案:B.Neither were my parents. 21.The committee suggested that the new construction project _ . A. will be canceled B. be canceled C. should cancel D. was canceled 参考答案:B.be canceled 22. We all thought _ important that you should obey the company rules. A. this B. that C. it D. which 参考答案:C. it 23. John regretted _ to the meeting last week.A. not going B. not to go C. not having been going D. not to be going 参考答案:A.not going 24.请点击此链接查看题目21A. needs B. supplies C. service D. supports参考答案:A.needs 25.请点击此链接查看题目22A. stops B. continues C. slows down D. adds to参考答案:B.continues 26.请点击此链接查看题目23A. increase B. reduce C. country D. improvement参考答案:A.increase 27.请点击此链接查看题目24A. peopleB. situation C. population D. land参考答案:C. population 28.请点击此链接查看题目25A. now B. in the past C. in the future D. then参考答案:A.now 29.请点击此链接查看题目26A. place B. time C. rate D. result参考答案:C. rate 30.请点击此链接查看题目27A. oal B. oil C. mines D. resources参考答案:D. resources 简答1. He wanted to help all the wounded people no matter which side they were fighting for.参考答案:他想帮助所有的伤员,无论他们是为哪一方而战。 2. Inside, this large plane looks more like a high building than a plane.参考答案:从里面看,这架大飞机更像一幢高楼而不像一架飞机。 3. The farmer didnt spend much time working on his farm.参考答案:这位农民没有花很多的时间在他的农场工作。 论述1.请根据下面所给的题目和情景,用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。某天下午,由于你说了一些无礼的话,惹怒了你的同学/同事,事后你有所悔悟。请你给他/她写封信,表示歉意。Letter of Apology参考答案:Dear friend, Please accept my apologies for offending you yesterday afternoon. I know I was being very rude at the moment, but I really didnt mean to hurt you. But you know, I am short-tempered by nature, and sometimes I just cant control myself. Now I understand I was wrong. And Im very sorry for the unpleasant words I said to you in a hot temper. Will you forgive me and accept my apology? If you are free tonight, will you come to dinner at my house?Ive cooked something nice, and maybe we can have a nice talk over the meal and forget about the whole thing. Yours sincerely, _ 大学英语四作业三单选1.-Hello, my name is Angus.- _A. Nice to meet you. B. How are you?C. Im glad to hear that. D. Hello, Jim. How are things with you?参考答案:A.Nice to meet you. 2. -Whats the fare to the museum?- _.A. Two hours B. Two oclockC. Two seats D. Two dollars 参考答案:D.Two dollars 3.请点击此链接查看题目30A. determinedB. expectedC. impressedD. worried参考答案:A.determined 4.请点击此链接查看题目29A. informB. informedC. informsD. informing参考答案:D. informing 5.请点击此链接查看题目28A. beforeB. afterC. agoD. since参考答案:B.after 6. -Could you give me a hand with the box?- _.A. Yes, pleaseB. Sure, here you areC. Sure, its my pleasureD. No, of course not参考答案:C.Sure, its my pleasure 7. - That radios pretty loud. Could you turn it down, please?-_A. Sorry. Was I disturbing you?B. Yes, Id love to.C. I dont think so.D. Im glad to.参考答案:A.Sorry. Was I disturbing you? 8. -What do you think of his suggestion?- _.A. No, I dont think soB. Its hard to say, reallyC. Sorry, Ive forgotD. I never think of him参考答案:B.Its hard


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