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    2020高考加油的英语语录大全高考来到,诚恳祝愿你最少难题遇到,最大努力尽到,最佳放松做到,最好运气碰到,最优成绩得到!下面WTT整理2020高考加油的英语语录大全,欢迎阅读。2020高考加油的英语语录大全1、如果有山的话,就有条越过它的路。If there is a mountain, there is a way across it.2、一次失误,多出一年辛苦。辛苦一年,迎来精彩一生。One mistake, more than a year of hard work. Hard year, ushered in a wonderful life.3、人之所以能,是相信能。The reason why people can is to believe in it.4、入班即静,入座即学;决战高考志在必赢。Entry into class is quiet, seating is learning; the final battle of college entrance examination aspirations is bound to win.5、胜人者智,胜之者强。不是成功离我们太远,而是我们坚持的太少。The winner is wise, the winner is strong. Its not that success is too far away from us, but that we insist too little.6、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。Instead of justifying failure, find ways to succeed.7、闻鸡起舞成就拼搏劲旅师;天道酬勤再现辉煌王者风。Smell the chicken and dance to achieve a strong brigade teacher; Heaven rewards diligence to reproduce the brilliant kings style.8、放飞你的心灵,播撒你的希望。Fly your heart and spread your hope.9、路,是自己走出来的;机会是自己创造出来的。The road is ones own; the opportunity is ones own creation.10、相信自己,一定能成功。Believe in yourself and you will succeed.11、千里之行,始于足下;两年风雨,一生彩虹。A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; two years of storms, a rainbow in ones life.12、事在人为,人定胜天。Man makes man, man conquers nature.13、青春无畏,逐梦扬威,自强不息,永不言弃。Youth is fearless, dream-driven, self-improvement, never give up.14、接受失败,但不选择放弃。Accept failure, but dont give up.15、成绩,要靠技巧与方法;成功,要靠辛勤与汗水。Achievements depend on skills and methods; success depends on hard work and sweat.16、高考得高分的秘诀就是少丢分!The secret of getting high marks in college entrance examination is to lose less points.17、好咖啡要和朋友一起品尝,好机会也要和朋友一起分享。Good coffee should be tasted with friends, and good opportunities should be shared with friends.18、要成功,先发疯,下定决心往前冲。To succeed, go crazy first and make up your mind to go ahead.19、沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。The footprints in the desert soon faded away. The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time.20、只有正视自己的无知,才能扩大自己的知识。Only when we face up to our ignorance can we expand our knowledge.21、流血流汗不流泪,掉皮掉肉不掉队。No blood, sweat, no tears, no skin, no flesh.22、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination will continue to nourish fear.23、争争就能赢,试试就能行。You can win if you fight, you can do it if you try.24、努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光哪儿来影?Effort is light, success is shadow. Where is the shadow without light?25、三年苦读磨一剑,气定神闲战犹酣。势如破竹捣黄龙,千帆竞发齐凯旋。After three years of hard study, he grinds a sword and remains calm and idle. The situation is like breaking bamboo to smash Huanglong, thousands of sails race to triumph.26、不为失败找借口,要为成功创条件。If you dont make excuses for failure, you must create conditions for success.27、高考是比知识比能力比心理比信心比体力的一场综合考试。College Entrance Examination is a prehensive examination that pares knowledge to ability to confidence to physical strength.28、笑到最后的人才是笑的最好的人。He who laughs last laughs best.29、即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。Even if you climb the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.30、精神成就事业,态度决定一切。Spirit makes a career. Attitude decides everything.31、流眼泪并不是最好的答案,拼搏才是我们最好的选择。Tears are not the best answer, struggle is our best choice.32、仔细审题,答题规范,书写工整。Examine questions carefully, answer questions regularly and write neatly.33、励志是船,拼搏是桨,通力合作才能乘风破浪,到达彼岸。Motivation is a ship, struggle is an oar, and only by working together can we break the wind and waves and reach the other shore.34、把汗水变成珍珠,把梦想变成现实!Turn sweat into pearls and dreams into reality!35、面临大考,心态要好;摆正身心,价值千金;只要努力,总有天地!Facing the college entrance examination, we should have a good mentality; correct our mind and body, which is worth thousands of gold; as long as we work hard, there will always be a world!36、你必须非常努力,才能看起来毫不费力。You have to work very hard to look effortless.37、日月之行,若出其中。If the sun and the moon travel, if out of it.38、懒惰等于将自己淘汰,勤劳的蜜蜂没有时间悲哀。Laziness is like weeding out oneself. The industrious bee has no time to mourn.39、战胜自我不服输,高考场上显身手。Conquer yourself and refuse to lose, and show your skills in the college entrance examination.40、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情况。Just as mags attract iron powder around them, enthusiasm can also attract people around them and change the situation around them.41、拼搏让过程更加完美;奋斗使结局不留遗憾。Strive to make the process more perfect; Strive to make the end without regret.42、精神成人,知识成才,态度成全。Spiritual adults, knowledge and attitude.43、拼搏,以有限时间挑战内在的潜能;奋斗,以不懈努力铸就无悔的青春!Struggle to challenge the inner potential with limited time; Struggle to forge regretless youth with unremitting efforts!第 7 页 共 7 页


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