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    20XX年中考英语试卷及答案河北20XX中考面对面英语答案英语(English),属于“印欧语系-日耳曼语族-西日耳曼语支”。根据以英语作为母语的人数计算,英语是最多国家使用的官方语言,英语也是世界上最广泛的第一语言,也是欧盟和许多国际组织和英联邦国家的官方语言,拥有世界第三位的母语使用者人数,仅次于汉语和西班牙语母语使用者人数。下面是范文网在线.01hn.WTT整理的河北20XX中考面对面英语答案,供大家参考!河北20XX中考面对面英语答案一、选择题1、I hope my school life of senior high will be _ than that of junior high.A. more exciting B. very excitingC. as exciting as D. the most exciting2、 He has _ arms now and is able to pick the table up with one hand.A. strongest B. weaker C. weakest D. stronger3、My _ sister who works in the bank is two years _ than I.A.older; elder B.elder; older C.elder; elder D.younger; older4、Lesson One is _ than Lesson Two.A. interesting B. much interestingC. more much interesting. D. much more interesting5、I love swimming in summer. Nothing could be_ than that!A. much interesting B. more interestedC. more interesting D. much more interested6、 Why was Mr.Chen angry with Frank?Because he worked _ than the others.A. more carefully B. worse C. better D. more clearly7、 Which is _ , the Yangtze River or the Yellow River?The Yangtze River, of course.A. long B. longer C. the longest8、If we climb up to the top of the mountain, well have _ view.A. the better B. a best C. a better D. the best9、–What heavy traffic! Im late again.–Yes, the traffic is _ than it used to be.A. very good B. very bad C. even better D. even worse10、 Why was your mum angry with you?Because I worked _ than the others.A. better B. worse C. harder D. more carefully11、David is growing fast. He is even_ than his father.A.tall B.taller C.tallest D.the tallest12、 How do you like this film ?I dont like it. Its _ the one I saw last week.A. as interesting as B. less interesting thanC. more interesting than D. so interesting as13、Mom does love Dad and us. _ she does for the family, _ she feels.A. The most; the hap pierB. The more; the happierC. The more; the happiest14、David is a good boy. He always makes mistakes than others.A. little B. less C. few D. fewer15、Traveling by train is _ than by air, but it has its own advantages.A. slower B. easier C. dearer D. more fortable16、Now the air in our city is _ than it used to be.Something must be done to stop it.A.very good B.much better C.rather bad D.even worse17、 Which is _,English or Chinese?I think English is.A.much interesting B.the most interestingC. more interesting D.more interested18、-I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups.-I quite agree. Sometimes its even _ than grades.A.less important B.more importantC.the least important D. the most important19、一“Food Safety” problem is being_ these days.I think so. The government must do something to deal with it.A. smaller and smaller B. worse and worseC. better and better D. nicer and nicer20、I didnt do very well in this exam. Unluckily, he did it .A. worse B. badly C. better D. worst21、 The earlier kids learn to be independent, the _ it is for their future.A. good B. well C. better D. best22、 Who will you ask to help with the work, Lucy or Lily? Lily. She is much _.A.careful B. more careful C. most careful23、Jack thinks math is _ English because its so difficult.A. as interesting as B.more interesting thanC.much interesting D.less interesting than24、 Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is winter in Guangzhou.A. as cold as B. much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than25、-Many students think math is English .-I agree . I am weak in English .A.much boring than B.so boring as C.less difficult than D.less interesting than26、 I dont think the puter is _ than the mobile phone.A. useful B. more useful C. much useful D. the most useful27、-What do you think of our performance on the Nov 11 online shopping carnival party?-Perfect! I dont think I can see a one.A. worse B. good C. better D. bad28、 How was your trip to the park? It couldnt be . We lost our way and it kept raining.A. nicer B. worse C. worst D. Good29、 I think this problem is _ than that one.A. easy B. much easy C. easier D. more easier30、Cathy has been_ than before since she joined the English club last yearA.very outgoing B.more outgoingC.kind of outgoing D.the most outgoing31、 If there are _ people driving cars, there will be _air pollution.Yes, the air will be fresher and cleaner.A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; fewer D. fewer; less32、It is _ today than yesterday.A cold B. colder C. more colder D. many colder33、The question is _ than the last one.A very easy B. much easy C. very easier D. much easier34、 - Which is more dang erous, swimming or rock-climbing?-I think swimming is_ rock-climbing, so Id like to swim.A. more dangerous than B. less dangerous thanC. as dangerous as D. so dangerous as35、 Time is money.But I think it is _ money.A.so important as B.more important thanC.so important than D.the same as36、My best friend, Lin Tao, is _ more outgoing than me.A. very B. quite C. pretty D. much37、Its much_today than yesterday.A. hot B. hoter C. hottest D. hotter38、He is _than his brother.A. tall B. more tall C. tallest D. taller39、The films directed by Stephen Spielberg were _ most of other films, and this has helped him win great respect from all the people in the world.A. very more exciting than B. far more exciting thanC. more much greater than D. even more greater over40、My father caught a big fish this morning, but I caught a _ one. I feel great!A. smaller B. biggest C. bigger D. big参考答案一、选择题1、A 2、D3、B 4、D 5、C6、B7、B8、C9、D10、B11、B12、B13、B14、D15、A16、D17、C18、B19、B20、A21、C22、B23、D24、B25、C26、B 27、C28、B29、C30、B31、D32、B33、D34、B35、B36、D37、D38、D39、B40、C第 8 页 共 8 页


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