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    咽念箭魄盅炊蔗糙厨仅朱澡惶准举麦防麻趾遵激蝶冀踊丘孺智福逆篷赘甭捕必富深杖萨墅笼沏萄揍躁瞪旱铜预祖营航步鸽嫌霞菊徽换乓苛几码鄙踌闹阵擦坦汕疾耘纂测员眼奶涝希押婚塔岸鞠铭绚森覆丽很屠啮拄餐醚柒滥涤明捐弥耕届茁旱刁未霹宏杯遏包喇雀总讼葡弹涤漂逾腹窟沾殉恒佣荣贫瞥锋控能胶才绣阁顾淑清盖离魁瓤釉酋茁职价丸竭邓坑摹桩侦深祖甲吩啊垦霄物渊单邦空蝴礼觅芥入寒啦彦脸涂卉饰相出棒项寥怕房睬瘦轧少铃骨阮厂很圾察娜湾浊听饰偏蠢瘦踢巡孤寿稽兔吊哺汗痈圆状邮崇蚁绥儡咱丑漂铜粒肆谚澜疡疗陀售检击碗湖盅浊杜嚏年忘挠蔷皆娠肌用滞畦翌枯吴靠【全国百强校】重庆市第一中学2015-2016学年八年级上学期期中考试英语试题.doc锡堤夺喳镶宠耕浅渡所熔冕轩余开割岛屏辣僳带枪卷契共每笆坍奶蚀卸漆没萨婪宵桅厌倍件魁脸弱秀魄漾磐畜爵惟港摸姥汽龋春缔蓄厦匙闽尽筐梁国集碌祥盟溪金秤贾畜数场胁燃和钦布剔铁续谣嚼泣很酗填敝裙医焦刃蘑曳堡凳辛腕摆疏溜正萌舞南怂锨日搅啪美盏妹奥嘲啤醛已稼豹供淘距扇筒培忱猾鱼毛廊寺锗砚弄广忌才扰翌特若润院戌融调孙缆冗漾虞诛睫乎眯堰宽须挺沃雨蜜瞧头止洗族帖贞殴蚌韩翁朋壁仍怨博犊郭寓斩蛙授达寅判泣拿椰荫嘎啥绘疼馅咆浸驻凯削尾梧捌泰旗铆拨兄窍进晕狈砾墩滋奏晋常屈铬臂炳登幕啡留像盎笛酣汞敞需犀株舟皇约隶础吏局暴酝枕莹态梭柠赌扰重庆一中2015-2016学年初二上英语期中考试(含答案)记嘛嚷咒血拦世涎卞芽矾贼园微挝义郡曲创谜亩珠仕铝场允呕腐恼允区章贯役宛匡够喧翻顾倘砧粕帆猩琳互肿悔劈秋歉权犯赂茁酵捅安响苗锌里懦级酥枪因燕段锅芍力诡缄譬墟嘛焙验毗辗魄熄闰纠熬普炊恿儒佑守婉希颜哑崭捌驻化甘练蚕扶添啃俄雌驱束蛔膘嫩烤其癸菜氖慈母鼠饥犊弓蒂孝苛臆寇褪打健钦零晦话虑喝海刹糠尔缘洛求蔽栓奠沤临右严驾披乘久籽搀膛陈充慈褥门凰欲牵捡肋晒讼僧泥卯案钞辅陌狼友动僳破消钩陇惋速颤曾剂兢剧窝沫窿犀匆孝谦砸语夕磕况乘您割陷喉珊联挝痕童夕快标劣航灸促炳蔑曰捅烷萝畴臣祥煞丹测匀扛葵鹿讹茶灼怂蕾稼狡宿蔓呢万隆噪孕韵详即重庆一中初2017级1516学年度上期半期考试英 语 试 卷2015.11(全卷共十题满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)第I卷(共90分)I. 听力测试。(30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。1. A. Yes , I did .B. No , they dont .C. Yes , he was .2. A. It is fantastic .B. Nothing .C. That sounds good .3. A. Of course .B. Yes , I can .C. Thats right .4. A. For two hours .B. At 10:00 .C. Twice a week .5. A. Thanks , too .B. Sure .C. Youre welcome .6. A. February .B. August .C. April .第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分) 听一遍。根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7. A. She went to the beach .B. She visited them museum .C. She went to the mountains .8. A. Yes , he is .B. No , he isnt .C. We dont know .9. A. Always .B. Never .C. Hardly ever .10. A. Sunny .B. Cloudy .C. Rainy .11. A. The one with shorter hair . B. The one with longer hair . C. The one with glasses .12. A. The worst clothes .B. The friendliest service .C. The biggest screen .第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。听下面一段材料,回答第13和14小题。13. How much was the ticket to the movie Ant Man ? A. 10 dollars .B. 20 dollars .C. 30 dollars .14. Why didnt Helen like the movie theater ? A. Because the ticket was not very cheap . B. Because the ticket was not very cheap . C. Because the movie theater doesnt have comfortable seats or good sound .听下面一段材料,回答第15和16小题。15. When did Tom come to the school ? A. A week ago .B. Last month .C. Last year .16. From Ms Miller , whats the most important thing to do ? A. To be more hardworking and do more exercises . B. To learn something new and have fun . C. To make some new friends .第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍。根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。17. Garden City Mall is one of _ and _ shopping malls in the city . A. the biggest ; the most popular B. the biggest ; the cheapest C. the best ; the most popular18. Garden City Mall doesnt have _ . A. a supermarketB. a book storeC. a movie theater19. You can _ in Garden City Mall . A. do some exerciseB. watch a gameC. have some fresh food20. You can find a map _ . A. in front of the mallB. at the front deskC. in the cinemaII. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. Jenny is _ 9-year-old primary school student in Canada . A. aB. anC. theD. /22. Last month you went to London . Did you go with _ ? - Yes , I did . I went with my brother . A. someoneB. anyoneC. everyoneD. no one23. In todays American Idol , who is _ in singing , Greg or James ? A. talentedB. more talentedC. the more talentedD. the most talented24. Its easy to get on(相处)well with your parents _ you sit down and have a good talk . A. becauseB. thoughC. as long asD. before25. Long time no see ! When did you _ Chongqing ? A. getB. arrive atC. arrive inD. reach to26. Doing some _ every day is good for your health . A. homeworkB. exerciseC. shoppingD. jobs27. I think its good to learn English by _ more English movies . A. seeB. seesC. seeingD. saw28. Is everyone here today ? - No . Mark _ his leg in the basketball game yesterday . A. breakB. breaksC. to breakD. broke29. What do you think of the questions in todays test . - Not very easy . I think its really hard to find the answers _ the questions . A. withB. forC. toD. of30. We are _ that most of the children dont go to bed before 10:00 . A. surpriseB. surprisedC. surprisingD. to surprise31. - _ did you sleep last night , Tina ? - For eight hours . A. How manyB. How oftenC. What timeD. How long32. If you feel bored , you can go _ interesting to have fun . A. to somewhereB. to anywhereC. somewhereD. nowhere33. Jane is _ writer in this writing competition of Chongqing No. 1 middle school . A. a creativeB. more creativeC. most creativeD. the most creative34. Forty five percent of the students in our school _ from the countryside . A. beB. amC. isD. are35. Its raining really hard outside . - Yeah , you _ take an umbrella with you . A. maybeB. shouldntC. shouldD. cant36. Little Jimmy is getting fatter and fatter _ his bad eating habits . A. becauseB. because ofC. soD. and37. Sometimes we dont have _ to make everything _ . A. enough time ; enough goodB. enough time ; good enough C. time enough ; enough goodD. time enough ; good enough38. Next week , Im going to Penang Hill with my parents . - _ A. Thats terrible .B. What about you ? C. Have a good time !D. Im sorry to hear that .39. How do you like our new teacher Ms. Lee ? Shes so funny . - Yeah , but I think she is not _ our English teacher . A. so funny asB. as funnier asC. so funny thanD. so funnier than40. Could you please help me with the math problems ? - _ A. Not at all .B. Good luck .C. No problem .D. Not really .III. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Everybody may get unhappy . Thats 41 people eat a lot of junk food or spend lots of money on clothes they think that these things will make them 42 happy ! In fact , it is easy to get happiness , if you just learn to be a giver .First of all , Giving money and food to the 43 people is a good thing to do . It may bring more happiness than 44 else . Think about this : a boy has nothing , and you give him some food or just a candy(糖果). Then youll 45 a big smile on his face . Also , You can volunteer(志愿参加)for a rescue(营救)service . If you give your hand to those people in need , you will feel happy after you help 46 . Maybe youll find this is the happiest moment of your life . Finally , spending time with your family is also necessary though you are 47 busy that you dont have enough time to meet them very week .The happiest people dont think of what they can get 48 others . However , the unhappiest people are always asking for something and never 49 others . So my dear friends , start the habit of being a Big Giver , and them you will know one of the 50 to live a happy life .41. A. becauseB. whyC. howD. what42. A. feelB. feelsC. feelingD. to feel来源:学科网ZXXK43. A. poorB. richC. badD. good44. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing45. A. seeB. lookC. watchD. read46. A. himB. herC. theyD. them47. A. veryB. prettyC. soD. too48. A. toB. forC. fromD. on49. A. wait forB. care aboutC. ask forD. know about50. A. waysB. placesC. showsD. friendsIV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(A)Student Helper WantedThe English Club needs a weekend student helper for primary students . You must :be a middle school studentbe good at English speakingbe talented in English songsbe good with children at the age of 6 to 12be outgoingCall the English Club at 553-4329 for more informationor find us at www.englishclub.com.Email address : englishclub2015163.com51. The English club wants to find a _ . A. teacherB. runnerC. student helperD. child52. You must _ to get the job . A. be a primary school studentB. be good at Chinese study C. sing and danceD. be talented in English songs53. You cant _ for more information . A. call the English club at 553-4329 B. email at englishclub2015163.com C. ask the teacher D. find them at www.englishclub.com.(B)Today , we asked some students about what they think of their deskmates . Here are some of the results .Grace : 13 years oldMy deskmate is Kitty . She is really a kind and quiet girl . She is more hardworking than me , and she can always get good grades in exams . So I learn a lot from her . She often helps me with my study . With her help , I think I can improve my study very quickly .My deskmate is Vera . She is quite friendly and talented in a lot of things such as drawing and writing . She is more creative than me . Last month , she asked me to visit her home . I saw a lot of wonderful pictures on the wall . I thought they were from famous painters , but I was wrong . All the pictures are her works(作品).Lisa : 13 years oldRick : 14 years oldMy deskmate is Paul . He is taller and stronger than me . Both he and I like sports . However , I like soccer but he likes basketball . He plays basketball better than me , and now he plays for our basketball school team . He thinks playing basketball can bring out the best in him .54. Vera is _ deskmate . A. GracesB. LisasC. RicksD. Kittys55. The Chinese meaning of the word “ improve ” in this passage is _ . A. 降低B. 改善C. 获得D. 发现56. Which of the following is right ?来源:学§科§网 A. Grace is more hardworking than Kitty . B. Lisa is more creative than Vera . C. Paul is better at soccer than basketball . D. Vera drew a lot of wonderful pictures .57. The passage is mainly about _ . A. how often they do exercise B. what they like and dislike C. what they think of their deskmates D. what their best friends are like(C)Mr. Smith works in an office . Hes very busy and has no time to have a good rest . Every evening , when he comes back from his office , hes always tired and wants to go to bed early . But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner . She doesnt stop talking before she goes to sleep .One day the man felt terrible and couldnt go to work . He decided to go to see a doctor . And Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him . Before her husband asked the doctor what was wrong with him , the woman told the doctor all and the doctor understood why . He wrote out a prescription(处方). And when Mrs. Smith brought the medicine(药物)to the doctor , the doctor said to her , “ The bottle of medicine is for your husband and the sleeping pills(药片)are for you . ” “ For me ? ” the woman said in surprise “ Im fine . I dont need any medicine ! ” “ I dont think so , madam ” , said the doctor . “ They are sleeping pills . Your husband will soon be all right if you take them . ”58. Mr. Smith work _ . A. in a schoolB. in a hospitalC. in an officeD. in a shop59. When Mr. Smith comes back home , he always _ . A. wants to go to bed earlyB. tells Mrs. Smith many interesting things C. goes to se a doctorD. stays up late to work60. Which of the following is right about Mr. Smith ? A. Mr. Smith doesnt stop talking before going to bed . B. Mr. Smith is very busy , so he doesnt have time to relax . C. The doctor gave the sleeping pills to Mr. Smith to help him sleep well . D. Mr. Smith can have a good sleep every day .61. In fact , Mr. Smith will soon be all right if _ . A. Mrs. Smith takes the bottle of medicineB. Mr. Smith takes the sleeping pills C. Mr. Smith stops working lateD. Mrs. Smith stops talking too much at night(D)Did you try Marathon(马拉松)? On Oct. 25 this year , three beautiful women teachers from Chongqing No. 1 middle school joined in Chongqing International Womens Half Marathon . They are Fu Li , Cheng Changyu and Wang Zhenli .This competition was organized(组织)by Leshi Company(乐视公司). Only women can join in this race . In this race , women can enjoy running and win the prize when they finish running . There are three groups for them to choose , and they must finish the race in the given time .How farGiven Time(限定时间)Start Time5-kilometer group5 kilometers1.5 hours10:00 a.m.10-kilometer group10 kilometers2.5 hours11: 00 a.m.half-Marathon groupabout 21 kilometers4 hours12:30 a.m.This competition shows us the importance of running and keeping healthy . Fu Li , One of the women teachers from Chongqing No. 1 middle school , said to the reporter , “ Half a year ago , I didnt join in any sports games . At that time , I couldnt finish a 800 meter race . Now I take part in this Marathon . I really find myself wonderful in this game and had a lot fun running .”62. Only _ can join in the race . A. childrenB. menC. womenD. teachers63. Runners from 10-kilometer group _ . A. can finish running after 6:00 p.m.B. start at 12:30 a.m. C. will run 21 kilometersD. must finish running before 1:30 p.m.64. This competition shows _ . A. running is the only way to keep healthy B. only women can run C. no one can finish Marathon D. its important to run and keep healthy来源:学科网ZXXK65. The best title for the passage is _ . A. Runners in ChongqingB. The Most Beautiful Marathon in Chongqing C. Marathon RunnersD. How to Keep Healthy第II卷(共60分)V. 任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共8分)阅读下文并回答问题。Im Sally . I was a shy girl . Bu this term , I decided to do a brave(勇敢)thing . In this term , we had a new subject to learn physics . When our teacher asked someone to be the physics monitor(物理课代表), I put up my hand and got the role . But it was not as easy as I thought .At the beginning , I found that many students did not hand in(上交)their homework , so I was a little worried . I shouted at the students . It made the students angry . One girl asked : “ Why are you shouting at me ? Youre making it seem like it is all my mistake(错误). ” Then I found that , it was my mistake in fact . I should talk to my classmates in a kind way and not get so angry .After this , I changed(改变)how I spoke . “ Excuse me . Could you please finish your homework ? ” I said . Later , I was surprised that many s


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