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    论侵权损害赔偿与责任保险的互动关系 摘要.docx

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    论侵权损害赔偿与责任保险的互动关系 摘要.docx

    论侵权损害赔偿与责任保险的互动关系 摘要温馨提示:该篇为博士论文部分章节,如需阅读全文,请移至本文末尾摘要本文关注的是侵权损害的转移与分散。但本文的视野集中于侵权损害赔偿与责任保险在侵权损害救济中的互动关系,并在总结、审视和评价两者互动关系的基础上探寻优化两者互动的路径设计。为了应对风险社会中大规模侵权的频频发生,各国开始逐渐建立起一种综合性的损害赔偿救济体系,用来转移和分散侵权行为受害人遭受的损失。由于责任保险对侵权责任的寄生性以及侵权责任对责任保险分散损失功能的依赖性,侵权损害赔偿和责任保险两种救济机制如孪生双子星一样,在侵权损害的分散过程中产生互动,并形塑着对方的特性、功能和价值。一方面,侵权损害赔偿会对责任保险产生影响。法律的不确定性,尤其是侵权法内生的诸多不确定性在责任保险长尾的作用下可能导致保险公司在风险判断时产生预测错误,进而使保险人在成本厘定、保险定价、资本安排和展业经营等方面出现偏差,导致责任保险经营在紧缩市场与疲软市场之间摇摆,出现承保周期。另一方面,责任保险也对侵权损害赔偿产生影响。责任保险的盛行和高覆盖率使其逐渐成为侵权纠纷解决中不可或缺的"影子"要素。在处理侵权纠纷时,法官在判定侵权人的义务范围以及赔偿数额的高低时已经把责任保险作为一种重要的社会政策纳入考虑范围。责任保险对侵权损害赔偿过程的渗透使保险公司在侵权纠纷解决过程中获得更大的主导权。此外,保险产业还通过其经济实力渗透立法机构,影响侵权损害赔偿立法。通过对侵权损害赔偿和责任保险相互影响的观察,可以发现,两种侵权损害救济机制在互动中已经形成了特有的互动机理,即两者在满足一定的社会条件和法律条件的基础上,以侵权责任为核心,形成了多主体参与、多种法律关系交错的双向合作共生关系。不过,虽然两种救济机制都以实现互助共济、促进社会福祉为目的,但责任保险对侵权损害救济的参与可能会侵蚀侵权法的损害补偿和威慑预防功能,在侵权损害赔偿关系和责任保险合同关系的各主体中滋生道德风险,助长不诚信行为。对此,应综合运用保险合同设计、保险产业监管以及传统法律的革新等手段来消解各主体的道德风险,培养保险市场的诚信意识,优化侵权损害赔偿与责任保险之间的互动关系,在促进损害赔偿社会化,使受害人能得到及时足额救济的同时,发挥侵权法行为调控、界定行为自由范围的功能。我国是全球责任险市场中的一个新兴经济体,目前,在各种需求环境逐渐完善的背景下,我国的责任保险市场面临着巨大的发展机遇。责任保险也逐渐成为一种重要的法律制度,对侵权损害赔偿制度产生重要的支撑作用。在进一步完善我国侵权责任法律制度和发展我国责任保险市场的过程中,在风险观、保险观以及社会价值理念从矫正正义到分配正义的转变过程中,从道德性义务到公共政策的转变过程中,从个人责任向集体化风险分散的转变过程中,我们应该更好地明确和践行个人、企业、国家的责任和担当,进而对侵权损害赔偿进行更好的救济。关键词:侵权损害赔偿;责任保险;互动关系;侵权责任;不确定性AbstractThis article is on the shifting and spreading of the loss. However, this articleconcentrates on the interactive relationship between tort compensation and liabilityinsurance, and seeks the methods to optimize the interactive relationship.Nowadays, a comprehensive compensation system is being established in manycountries to transfer and spread the loss in the context of the risk society. Because of theliability insurance depending on the tort liability and the tort compensation dependingon the loss spreading function of the liability insurance, the two instruments act as thebinary stars and shape the features, functions and values of each other.On one hand, tort compensation influences the liability insurance. The uncertainty oflaw, especially the uncertainty of tort law combines with the long tail effect of liabilityinsurance to force the insurance companies to make predicting errors while foreseeingthe risks they face. Therefore, the company will probably make the decision concerningthe pricing of the policy, the arranegment of the capital and the development of theinsurance marketing in the atmosphere of ambiguity, which will drive the liabilityinsurance experience the underwrite cycle oscillating between soft markets and hardmarkets.On the other hand,the liability insurance conversely influences the tort compensation.With the prevalence of the liability insurance, it has been a shadow element of the tortcompensation. The judges even consider the existence of the liability insurance todetermine the scope of the obligation and the number of the damages. And with theintervention of the insurance company, the company has more power on the applicationof the tort law rules and controls the settlement procedure. What s more, the insuranceindustry relies on the financial strength to lobby the government and struggles for thelegislation and policies favorable to the industry.From the mutual influence of the two instruments,we can find the interaction of themis gradually developing a mutually interactive mechanism. The two instrumentsderiving from the tort liability have developed a bidirectional, cooperative mutualismrelationship.Although the two compensation instruments seeking the solidarity and social welfare,the prevalence of liability insurance in the tort compensation probably corrodes thefunctions of the tort system: compensation and deterrence. Additionally, it stimulates themoral risk and unfaithful actions during the insurance claims settlement. To cure thisproblem, we should comprehensively use the market means, administrative means andlegal means to develop the good faith awareness among the parties.China is one of the emerging economies in the global liability insurance market. Inthe context of the gradual improvement of the environment, liability insurance market inChina is facing tremendous opportunities for development. Meanwhile, liabilityinsurance is becoming an important legal system and playing an important role insupporting the system of tort compensation system. We should identify and fulfill ourresponsibility and obligation during the transition process of risk view and insuranceconcept from the corrective justice to distributive justice, from moral obligation topublic policy and from individual responsibility to collective risk distribution, to furtherimprove the loss shifting and spreading system.Key words: Tort compensation, Liability insurance, Interactive relationship, TortLiability,Uncertainty返回本篇博士论文目录查看全文下一篇:论侵权损害赔偿与责任保险的互动关系


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