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    传播优秀Word版文档 ,希望对您有帮助,可双击去除! 瑞思学科英语第一次教案 Warm up1. Greeting T: Good afternoon, Christine. Good afternoon, everyone. Ss: Good afternoon, Ben2. Roll-call T: where is Christine? TA: I am here. T: Where is Sarah? S:I am here.3. Class rules T: Which class are you from? Ss: we are from class K2201. T: What is the date? T: What is the weather like today?T: Now, look, What is this animal?TA and Ss: It is a shark.T; Now, you are tiger team, you are monkey team, tiger team and monkey team, Let us have a match, Now you are here, if you win? You can get one step. if you lost. You will drop one step. At last, maybe, shark will eat you, Maybe, you will get one dollar. Are you ready? T: Now, let us review class rules. Ok? Ss: Ok. T: What is class rule No.1? T: What is class rule No.2? T: What is class rule No.3? Ss: The rule No.1 is English only. The rule No.2 is sit well. The rule No.3 is No running. 4: Sing a song Walking, Walking.Introduction T: Look at this picture. A handsome boy. Who is he? Christine. TA; He is Ben. T: Yeah, It is me. They are my friends, What is this animal? What is this animal? Ss: It is a dog, It is a snail, T: Now, we will go to school, one to one, one to one, look, this is me, this is my dog, this is my Oh, no, where is my snail? So. One step. l ook. Is this my snail? What are they? Ss: No, they are letters. T: One step again. where is my snail? Ss: It is here. T: Who can help me touch my snail? Who can try? Ss:Let me try. IMBT; Every one, look. which letters can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see letter S,T: What sound does letter S make?(letter S. letter M)Ss: Letter S makes sound.T: (听第一遍)Every one. What is this?TA: It is a jump rope.T: Yeah, It is a jump rope. We can use it like this. Do you want to have a try.( 请学生上来一起跳)TA: I want to try.T: What is this inside?TA: It is a jump rope rhyme.T: Can you play with jump rope rhyme. If you hear sound . you should jump. Let us have a jump rope rhyme together.(听第二遍所有人一起做)T: What is the letter? What sound does letter A make?Ss: It is letter A. Letter A makes sound .T: How many letters can you find? One, two or three? Now, every team should discuss it in two minutes. Are you ready?Ss: Go.T: How many letters are there? (six or eight). Let us count.T:Wow,tiger team is right. you can get one step.T:What is this letter?Ss: It is letter A.T: Who is it? Do you think it is a snail? I think it is Aimee. Hi, Aimee, How are you?Ss: I am fine, thank you.T:Can you help Aimee to find the shell with the sound?Ss:(touch the shell)(分别有三次点击)T:The snail has found its shell. It is happy to find Ben.T: Everyone, who is he? What is he doing?TA: He is Ben. He is talking.T: Let us listen.T:What letter makes the sound ?(重点句)Ss: Letter A makes the sound.T:What sound does begin with?(重点句)Ss: begins with sound T:Now can you make a new jump rope rhyme?TA: Yes, I can.T:You can drag the word here to make a new sentence. Who can try?Ss: Let me try.T: What sound doesbegin with?Ss: begins with the soundT:Now,I will choose two students of you. Then ,come here, we all jump with the jump rope rhyme.Who can do better, who can get one sticker. (助教示范). CFB T:<you should write down your name here and write down the date here. then finish your homework.>.ClosureT: What is this letter?Ss: It is letter A.T: What sound does letter A make?Ss: Letter A makes the soundT: Can you give me a word begins with soundSs: begins with the sound(请助教示范).Class is over.(放音乐)


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