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    PEP六年级上册 Unit 1 A Let‘s learn 说课稿.doc

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    PEP六年级上册 Unit 1 A Let‘s learn 说课稿.doc

    PEP English Book 7 Unit 1 A Lets learn Good afternoon, everyone. Im very honor to be here sharing my teaching ideas with you. The content of my lesson is PEP English Book 7 Unit 1 A Lets learn, and I am going to say it from 5 parts.Part 1 My understanding of the lesson1、 Analysis of the Teaching MaterialsUnit 1 is the first unit in Book 7. This class is a word lesson and the first period of this unit. In the class, Ss will learn some words about places. During the class, they will learn some useful speaking skills to improve their pronunciation and they can also master some expressions relate to the places. Therefore, this lesson plays a very important role in the teaching and Ss life. And I will employ different ways to lead Ss to understand the material better. Since English is a kind of communicative language, the teacher myself will give Ss chances to speak and talk more, during the class, I will also speak English as much as possible. 2、 Arrangement of this lesson This is a vocabulary lesson, mainly leads Ss to learn words about places. And I will ask Huba to help Ss learn this lesson.三、Teaching aims The Grade 6 students have learned English for 3 years, they have mastered some basic skills in learning English like listening , speaking and spelling, but most of them dont know how to pronounce English words well, so according to my Ss, teaching materials and the English Curriculum Criterion, I decide on my teaching aims as the following.1. Knowledge aimsSs learn some useful words. Ss review the prepositions of locality.2. Ability aims Ss can read the new words loud and correctly . Ss can ask and answer the questions about the places in English fluently.3. Moral aimsSs have competition consciousness and co-operation spirits.4、 Key points and difficult points According to my Ss, the teaching materials and the New English Curriculum Criterion, I decide on my key points and difficult points as the following.1. Key points New words. How to ask and answer the questions about places in English.How to communicate with each other, be able to study in groups, and co-operate skillfully.2. Difficult points How to point out the correct locations. Develop Ss abilities in co-operation and communication.During the lesson, I will : firstly, ask Ss to say the new words after the tape, then teach them the pronunciation by using the word cards; after that present them the questions and lead them to say out the location; then ask them to work in groups to practice the ask-answer game; and then choose 4 pairs of Ss to present their productions to the whole class. Teacher myself will walk around and help them.Part 2 Teaching MethodsTotal Situational Action (TSA) Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT ).According to the modern perception theories and social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the TSA method and TBLT method in my teaching, namely and Task-based Language Teaching.The former is a “scene activity” teaching method .It establishes a real scene and the interaction between the teacher and the Ss .It emphasizes a dynamic information exchange between the teacher and Ss.The latter offers the Ss an opportunity to complete the tasks in which Ss use language to achieve a specific outcome. The activity reflects real life and learners focus on meaning; they are free to use any language they want.I will try to provide a platform for Ss to learn English and master the key and difficult points by working with others in group and let them learn by using and learn for using.Part 3 Teaching aids In this section, I will use a touch screen TV, a blackboard, some word cards, a recorder and so on to help me finish the class efficiently. To use the modern facilities, it can raise Ss interest easily and thus make the class lively and interesting; help Ss reach a better understanding of the teaching aims easily; help T achieve the teaching aims efficiently. Part 4 Teaching proceduresStep 1 Warm-up (2 mins)1. Show a picture of Huba from the film Monster Hunt to the Ss on screen.2. Show a picture of a community and tell Ss Huba is new here.Step 2 Presentation ( 8 mins )1. Huba wants to do sth., then where he can go. 2. Match the places with their functions.Step 3 Consolidation ( 9 mins)1. T asks the questions and Ss answer.2. Chant.3. Pair work. Step 4 Practice (10 mins)1. Ask and answer.2. Review the vocabulary about preposition of locality.3. Group work.Step 5 Summary (4 mins)1. New words about places.2. Prepositions of locality.3. Useful expressions.Step 6 Homework (2mins)1. Read A Lets learn 3 times.2. Finish Exercise book P1-3.3. Preview A Lets talk.Part 5 Design of Blackboard In this lesson, Ill use a touch screen TV, thus the screen will be in the middle of the Bb. So on the Bb, I will only show the new words.


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