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    金属工艺(金属热处理)(Metal process (metal heat treatment)).doc

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    金属工艺(金属热处理)(Metal process (metal heat treatment)).doc

    金属工艺(金属热处理)(Metal process (metal heat treatment))One, radio:1, fine car castings, mainly to improve the surface quality and reduce the tool wear, should be selected without cutting fluid or kerosene.2, high speed precision aluminum alloy tool selection tool materials for K01, W18Cr4V, W6Mo5Cr4V2.3, the minimum cutting force is the back force Fp, the largest is the cutting force Fc4, cutting the workpiece, whether rough machining or finishing processing should be selected large values are: cutting depth AP5. The failure area of welding interface appears in the fusion zone or overheated zone during the welding process of steel structure6, coin manufacturing method: stamping7, commonly used in large and medium batch production and automatic production of forgings heating applicable heating method: induction heating furnace8. The shape of the final forging is suitable for the forging, but what is bigger than the forging: the cooling shrinkage9, when the three directions of the compressive stress increases, the deformation resistance of the forging change: increase10. What is the work hardening phenomenon in metal material processing: with the plastic change increasing, the metal hardness increases, the plasticity and toughness decrease, and the annealing method should be used to eliminate the work hardening11, ordinary gray cast iron grade is increased, the lowest tensile strength of its silent is fine12. How should the guide surface be handled when the ordinary lathe bed is poured: downward?13, the performance of molding materials will directly affect the quality of castings, prone to trachoma related to what: fire resistance14. What happens when the steel and pig iron are cooled from liquid to room temperature: eutectoid15 large diameter gas pipes are mostly made by ball milling cast iron16, the selection of stainless steel cup is based on what considerations: to meet the requirements of the work17. What are the radiators for the classroom: gray iron?18. What is the manufacture of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge: Q345 steel or 16Mn steel, Wuhan, Yangtze River bridge: Q235 Q420: JiujiangTwo and more1. The basic structure of iron carbon alloy: ferrite, austenite, cementite, pearlite and bainite2. Characteristics of grinding wheel: shape, particle size, bond, hardness and microstructure3 efficient grinding methods are: high speed * Powerful * abrasive belt *4. Technical requirements for external round surface: dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy, surface roughness, and other requirements5. Four basic phases of iron carbon alloy: liquid phase L, austenite phase A, ferrite phase F and cementite phase Fe3C6, the main way to refine the grain: increasing undercooling, modification, mechanical vibration, heat treatment or pressure processing7. The factors affecting the impact value of the material: specimen shape, surface roughness, internal structure, environmental temperature during the experiment8 can be measured by what material tensile mechanical properties: strength and plasticity9, according to the national standard, according to the processing materials commonly used in cemented carbide are: P, M, K10. The microstructure of Fe-C alloy can be divided into solid solution, metal compound and mechanical mixtureThree, fill in the blanks1. Metal crystallization2, casting parting surface selection principle: simplified process for economy: A, a small number of as flat as possible, reduce the movable block and the core of B, all of the same box, ensure the accuracy and processing of C, the main part in the box, convenient operation and inspection3. Characteristics of special casting:A, also known as casting lost wax casting: A, casting of high precision, low surface roughness, B can be cast out of shape complex thin-walled castings, alloy type C gradually unrestricted steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metal D, production process complex, long production cycle, e raw material price is expensive, the cost of castings high F, not too big or too long casting wax deformationB, pressure casting: high pressure casting is two a, high production efficiency, easy to realize automatic or semi automatic B, high precision casting, the crystallization of low surface roughness C, casting high speed, so the fine grain casting surface compaction, strength high hardness D, easy to use and inlay inlay casting e, the cost of casting die casting machine high-pressure casting Abrasives manufacturing high cost process long preparation period does not apply to small batch production F, die casting is not easy to heat treatment and avoid cuttingC, metal mold casting is also called permanent casting: A, high productivity, metal mold can be more than one casting,Easy to realize mechanization and automation production B, casting precision and surface quality, high machining allowance is reduced C, the mechanical properties of castings is good because of fast cooling so compact d, good working conditions to reduce dust hazards and environmental pollution e metal poor air permeability without concession casting cooling fast and easy birth defectD, a, the production of hollow rotating centrifugal casting casting can save the core of gating system and riser feeding conditions so that the casting B, good mechanical properties and easy to compact C casting double metal sleeve and the bushing in the casting surface roughness D, size error, poor quality of E is not suitable for large gravity segregation of alloy and aluminum magnesium metal4. Selection principle of processing surface:5, tool angle: A, front angle R, the rake face and the base plane between the angle B, back angle A. Between the main flank and the cutting plane angle c, angle Gamo angle angle for the main cutting plane and it is assumed that the working plane between the D, deputy vice angle cutting plane and assumed working plane between E, the waves are big edge inclination angle between main cutting edge and the surface of the6, wheel billet belongs to disc parts, unnecessary by turning. The tooth surface machining principle for forming and generation twoFour, use the:1, casting structure characteristics and process characteristics:A, the structure should simplify the process: A, simplified shape less type, convex rib design block, flat type anti dig sand B, inner cavity design with less core exhaust and cleaning. Think carefully before the C, the structure of the slope for the mold, the design drawings clear. Look left to draft process design week D, combination of fine casting to simplify the cutting process to simplify the combination of smallThe structure of B, to avoid the defects that the wall thickness a, thick thin is not reasonable, Tim reinforced ribs falling thick wall, refining metal, anti B, reduce the heat section defect casting thickness for uniform, reduce the defects of C should avoid and correct connection of castings, turning in large radian, different thickness too slow the structure, excessive generation of acute D, to avoid a large horizontal surface, appropriate tilt e, easy molding process step of processing F, cast aluminum parts and easy to crack, thin ribs crack g and rib design to strengthen the rational layout of amplitude, and obvious effect2, forging process characteristics: A, compact workpiece structure, mechanical properties of high B, in addition to free forging, the other forging processing productivity is higher, C, saving metal materialsFactors affecting forging: A, temperature B, heating time C, furnace temperature and atmosphere, heating methodThe factors affecting the metal malleability are A, the nature of the metal, the influence of the chemical composition, the influence of B, the B of the metal structure, the processing condition a, the influence of the deformation temperature B, the deformation speed on the C, and the influence of the stress state on the A3, welding characteristics: compared with a, and metal riveting, simple process, good sealing performance, reliable quality assurance B, welding joint of high mechanical properties, high strength, bearing capacity can be achieved with the equal level of workpiece material C, easy control and high efficiency, easy mechanical automation, small pieces by D easy material welding and can be made of different materials are connected into a whole, making double metal structureWelding material selection principle of structure: A, meet the requirements of selected B, easy welding of high strength structural steel as preferred C, an important structure should be chosen, D killed steel dissimilar steel welding with weak mutual cheat e, by forging measures reduce the weld profileThe selection principle of weld a, avoid the maximum stress B, away from the weld processing surface C, symmetrical arrangement of small deformation D, weld layout and easy operation to disperse E F, with high efficiency and thoughtful as far as possible4, pouring position selection principle: quality assurance, a important machining surface should avoid trachoma porosity and slag B, flat disc surface should reduce the radiation and anti cracking slag C, thin wall and large vertical faces down or prevent misrun cold partition D, most in the thick or side riser feeding and consider placing at lower down5, the free forging process: A, according to the quality and technical requirements of the shape and size of size and production conditions of parts drawing forging drawing B, calculation of blank C, determine the deformation process and the selection of tools equipment D, determine the heating and cooling heat treatment specification specification proposed the technical conditions of forging and inspection requirements determine the labor organization and working hours. Finally fill in the process cardFree forging process: A, taper and inclined to consider the operation to avoid plane B, difficult to prevent forming space curve intersecting line C, avoid the boss and the ribs to simplify the process of D, and forging the complex shape is simplified and combinations of E, thread connection and the welding process of simplified benefits6, die forging process: A, B, reasonable parting is the key to consider forging inclination C, at D, intersecting planes with rounded straight symmetry and simple e, high gluten is f, porous thin trouble hole depth to avoid g, forging and welding combined skillfully with7, stamping parts: design principles of A, stamping, blanking and punching: a requirements: simple symmetric suspension fine; effect of plate thickness dimensions; arc transition stress B, anti bending requirements: try to be symmetrical arc; curved straight to keep the position of the hole; the required C, the drawing requirements: simple symmetry is not easy; bending radius limit B, design notes: A, B, simple drawing welding punching process with live C, meet Jane for8, grinding process characteristics: high precision, low roughness; grinding wheel has self sharpening effect, can be strong continuous grinding; back force is larger9, turning process characteristics: easy to ensure the position accuracy; continuous cutting stable and efficient; non-ferrous metal fine; simple tool, low cost; adapt to a wide range of unlimited10, drilling process characteristics: easy to offset; chip difficult; cutting heat is not easy to loose


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