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    七年级下册U2 Reading France is calling .doc

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    七年级下册U2 Reading France is calling .doc

    教学设计方案模版课程七年级下册U2 Reading France is calling 2011课程标准对这个节课的要求是 “能读懂简单的故事和短文并抓住大意”,当然这也是我认为的本节课的重点理解文章的内容,学习核心单词和短语。教学内容分析This article is a typical travel guide. The reading material is closely connected to grammar, writing and speaking in the following lessons. It also paves the way for the grammar lesson, as the proper nouns and conjunctions “and” “but” “so” are used. This travel guide is divided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion, which is the feature of this article. Therefore, I will arrange different reading tasks for students. (沪教2011版教材)教学目标1. Language aims:a. Understand the meaning of new words and phrases: coast, Europe, excellent, flag, France, French, lie, perfect, possible, prefer, ski, south, store, tick, wine, department store, (be) famous for, prefer to; b. Know the new word: vineyard, the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre Museum.2. Strategy aims:a. Know the basic writing method of a travel guideb. Understand the passage by prediction with picture and title, scanning, skimming3. Emotion and attitude aims:Know more about France and become interested in France.学习目标1. 学生能认读和理解coast, Europe, excellent, flag, France, French, lie, perfect, possible, prefer, ski, south, store, tick, wine以及department store, (be) famous for, prefer to; 认识vineyard, 了解the Eiffel Tower, the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre Museum等地名;2. 学生能够根据标题、图片理解文章的主要内容并知道旅游指南的写作特点和写作方法3. 学生了解法国的风土人情,激发对法国的兴趣。学情分析Students in Grade Seven tend to be active and are willing to explore the unknown knowledge and share their own ideas with their partners. However, they may not be used to working in groups and completing tasks in English, so I will organize the lesson into a competition of group work and guide them to fulfill the tasks step by step. And students know little about France, therefore I will show a video clip for the cartoon talk to lead in background knowledge and broaden their thoughts by showing pictures. And I will adopt one more short article from P18 on workbook B to extend Ss knowledge about France.重点、难点How to get information from the passage.教与学的媒体选择PPT and blackboard课程实施类型偏教师课堂讲授类偏自主、合作、探究学习类备注教学活动步骤序号名称课堂教学环节/学习活动环节长度1Warming-upWatch a video5mins2Before readingPredict2 mins3While-readingSkim and scan21 mins4Post-reading Consolidate10 mins5Conclusion and assessment Reflect2 mins教学活动详情教学活动1:Warming-up活动目标Stimulate Ss interest and lead in the topic.解决问题Present the new words: France, French, flag, wine, be famous for技术资源A video about France常规资源A quiz活动概述1. Play the video of France and ask questions.2.Show a quiz of France and teach new words(France, French, flag, wine, be famous for )教与学的策略创设情境,活化知识反馈评价Teachers assessment to the students教学活动2:Before reading活动目标Predict the main idea of the article and review the features of a travel guide解决问题What type of the passage and what it is about 技术资源pictures常规资源The reading material on the book 活动概述1. Ask Ss to look at the photos and the title and finish B on P6.2. Highlight the skill of prediction Teach new words (tick, possible).教与学的策略结合生活,发现文体反馈评价Teachers assessment to the students教学活动3:While reading活动目标1.Improve the reading skill: scanning2.To enable students to skim for structure of a travel guide解决问题Understand the passage技术资源The outline on the ppt and the recording of the reading 常规资源Handouts and the book活动概述1.Ask Ss to skim the passage and find out the main idea of each paragraph2. Guide Ss to sum up the structure of this travel guide3. Invite Ss to read and finish the reading task. Explain the new words (excellent, coast, prefer, ski) and guide Ss to finish D1 on P19.4. Ask Ss to finish D2 on P19教与学的策略利用已知信息去解决未知信息反馈评价Teachers assessment to the students教学活动4:Post reading活动目标Output and consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson.解决问题Know more information about France技术资源Useful English material from the Internet常规资源Reading material from the Book B活动概述1.Provide one more reading material from B on P18 workbook 2.Get Ss to work in pairs to discuss their own travel plan.3.Invite Ss to present the plan to the whole class.4.Guide Ss summarize what they have learnt教与学的策略活学活用反馈评价Teachers assessment to the students评价量规Tick the boxes according to your performance in the lesson.1. I know about features of travel guide.2. I can introduce my travel plan to my classmates.3. I can understand the new words listed.4. I can predict(预测) what to read and scan with the key words.其它参考书教学参考备注


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